Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Oh No! We Have Upset Someone Again


Well, we did it again. 

We upset someone by a post here. 

Whatever shall we do? 

As a sign of repentance should we listen to one of Bob Thiel's sermons or one of Gerald Weston's? 

Did we commit the unpardonable sin by criticizing god's elect?

Shall we get the sackcloth and ashes out?

Will we be allowed into Petra?

Inquiring minds need to know!

Disgraceful and cowardly blog! Until when do you harass the church like this? You are a coward and ungrateful, you must assume it, who bothers you so that you feel the right to do it? These messages are true teachings that can be useful to anyone, they help us to remember how we should act, not because we are acting badly at the moment.


  1. Based on Koke61's comments, he or she sounds like they are on it!

    It thrills me to no end to see so many who have been badly hurt by Armstrongism, at long last have a place to come and vent.

    So Koke61...stop whining and let these poor people have their say. You are more than free to disagree (which is far more than any of these so called ministers would allow you to do) with the opinions here, but don't blame the the blog. Blame the lying, false apostles, prophets and teachers for causing so much pain that this website had to be created in the first place!

    You are welcome to get as much out of Armstrongism as you wish, but you are being deceived and led astray from God, whether you can see it yet or not. Someday, you may need Banned. Don't burn your bridges prematurely. Your anger is aimed at the wrong people. Why did you even check out Banned? I highly doubt your church newsletter would have the courage to print an ex-cog members rant word for word like they did here.

  2. P.S. to Koke61. Those messages help you remember how to act when you're upset? Might want to read them again. It didn't quite take, did it?

  3. ‘These messages are true teachings……..they help us to remember how we should act, not not because we are acting badly at the moment’.
    Well by your own words you agree that the cog movement are ‘acting badly at the moment’. Good for you.
    So what are ‘we’ the church to do?
    The majority of members have walked out the door from the Armstrong cog movement. We can see the disconnect from the gospel of Jesus Christ by these organisations.
    The abuse within is documented and verifiable and it is ongoing to this day.
    The theological underpinnings of Armstrongism are flawed and just will not stand up under the light of critical examination.
    Those of us who have ‘walked’ have not necessarily abandoned faith, but have fled this organisation masquerading as ‘Gods true church’ and found freedom in Christ whose burden is light and load easy,and where we find rest.

  4. Somebody is definitely drinking the Kool Aid!

    Hey, Koke! Do our comments bother a lot of y'all folk in the LCG? Kind of a shame when the big guys like Doug let a little guy such as yourself do their bidding for them, don't ya think? Doug might find it profitable and productive as the late Ian Boyne did if he were to come hang out with us here on the blog for a while. But, then again, Ian was quite unique. He came to us with an attitude of friendship, and was not ever condescending. I hope all his people down there in Jamaica are doing well.

  5. I support freedom of speech and your right to say what you feel or experienced. I also support my right to disagree with your conclusions or your theology or lack of theology. Yes there are quacks out there who think they are ministers or prophets. The scriptures tell us that people among us in the church would rise up and speak perverse things. False prophets. So there is plenty of room for criticism within the church. But amongst us all is a core of people who are true believers, we believe in Gods law his grace his holy days his commandments and his Holy Spirit which leads us into all truth. As a longtime cog member I have seen a lot within the church. But my faith is in Jesus Christ the son of God. I believe in his sabbaths and take delight in them. They are not burdensome at all. Wonderful truths and great pearls. I don’t believe in mainstream Christianity and there false doctrines but I respect the right for people to believe what they will. When I read these posts and comments it increases my faith in God and his wonderful way of life he has called me into. I worship no man but at same time I know God uses men to proclaim his word. I also know there is an evil force out there who hates Gods way of life and he has his ministers as well. God will sort it all out and separate the goats from the true sheep at his appointed time. Meanwhile I guess we have to put up with the crazies among us in the church

    1. Will you respond to a struggling coG member? You seem pretty set.

  6. VERY WELL SPOKEN DW!! I GREATLY appreciate your comment.
