Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, July 7, 2022

RCG's Enabler-in-Chief Bradford Schleifer - Pillow Talk

Enabler-in-Chief (Part 1)

“Pillow Talk”


I wanted to keep the names of other “ministers” out of the articles written here and solely focus on David C. Pack because he is the captain of the Restored Church of God ship.


He is the master architect of the prophetic disaster still tumbling down the hill. He is also the one who trains men to act counter to their conscience by possessing an uncanny knack for wearing a human being down. Dave is like sandpaper for your brain.

Spend enough time with him, not only will you start to see things the way he does, but you will also begin to anticipate how to speak and act the way he would want.


Men lose themselves when in close proximity to David C. Pack. His distorted reality is infectious. Those who left were damaged by this process and are still trying to heal.


But even with all of Dave’s “authority,” he does not operate in a vacuum. There are a group of men at Headquarters who continually surround him with pillows to keep him pacified and reassured. They “enable” him to continue.


The biggest pillow in The Restored Church of God is held by Bradford G. Schleifer. He is the only “evangelist” in the organization and thus, has more power and influence than anyone else there.



Dave is #1. Brad is #2.


Much of what Dave does is filtered through Brad. He will sit in Brad’s office to bounce ideas off of him. He calls Brad late at night to share some new “exciting” discovery. He pulls Brad into the kitchen during Sabbath Services to talk about…whatever. Brad is at Dave’s beck and call.


However, Bradford G. Schleifer is really the one running The Restored Church of God at an organizational level. All at Dave’s behest, of course. Brad handles the day-to-day operations and knows about everything that is going on. He then filters it back to Dave in bite-sized pieces. (Dave has a hard time absorbing details or long sentences.)

However, Bradford G. Schleifer is really the one running The Restored Church of God at an organizational level. All at Dave’s behest, of course. Brad handles the day-to-day operations and knows about everything that is going on. He then filters it back to Dave in bite-sized pieces. (Dave has a hard time absorbing details or long sentences.)



Think of it this way:

·      Dave’s Mouth  Brad  The ministers, the church, everything and everyone else

·      Everything and everyone, the church, the ministers  Brad  Dave’s Ears


Why do I bring up Bradford G. Schleifer by name during this glorious month of Tammuz?

He is in the position that Kevin and Jeff had before they left. He is the one with the most opportunity to do something about the madness, yet does not. Though he knows full well the endless prophetic date-setting is madness. The Bible he reads every night says so.

Unlike Kevin and Jeff, Brad not only lets the RCG ship race towards the rocks, but he has chosen to pick up an oar and help speed it along.

Brad chose the role as Dave’s advocate and apologist years ago. He became The Enabler-in-Chief of The Restored Church of God by perpetuating the propaganda that David C. Pack is both an apostle and a prophet. His support for Dave is sprinkled throughout his messages. Sometimes with a feather. Sometimes with a pick-axe.


He is the one at Dave’s right hand, propping up his arms all day. Every day. I wonder if the poor guy ever really gets a full day off. Maybe a non-Dave day is as rare as a black moon.

He is also the man who is the most capable, due to intelligence and position, to dethrone Dave at the corporate level. He could be the man who rallies the troops on the third floor to topple the oppressive regime currently in power.


The Board of Directors could vote David C. Pack out of the corporation. Legally, it is possible. There are men at Headquarters who have the ability to do this. But will not. Not unless Brad steps up and takes a stand, that is.


Instead, Brad helps sustain the false narrative of how “on track” The Restored Church of God is by giving credibility to the prophetic fraud, despite passing nearly a dozen failed dates just this year.


He is also the first minister I ever witnessed to give a full “damage control” sermon right on the day of a prophetic mishap. A Damage Control Sermon is a message designed to thwart criticism or concern among the brethren when something Dave thundered fails to manifest. Usually, a date that comes and goes. But sometimes, it’s a prodding of brethren to swallow some new whopper of a doctrinal shift that leaves most uncomfortable. (The Father comes before Jesus Christ, for example.)


Brad is really good at this and it seems to come to him naturally.


Sadly, others have followed suit. I heard sermons given by Edward L. Winkfield and F. Jaco Viljoen who both tried to throw shade on any doubts about Dave’s validity as God’s apostle. Those men have also become biblical contortionists who “explain away” prophetic fraud by either reaffirming their surety that God is using Dave, or by regurgitating a false teaching Dave pushes upon the members.


The “ministers” at Headquarters follow Brad’s lead. Monkey see, monkey do.



Here is the RCG Cycle of Life Loop:


Brad Enables Dave  Others Enable Dave  Dave Continues Prophetic Fraud


                      Rinse and repeat.



If it were not for the continuous enabling by the men at Headquarters who are so eager to grasp that pillow and comfort Dave, he might actually close his mouth for a few weeks to reevaluate his prophetic brilliance. Or get excited about re-writing the all the outdated literature. Or clear the dust from the Media Center to do a brand new The World to Come. Or focus on preaching the gospel to the world as Jesus Christ instructed.




Bradford G. Schleifer is the Enabler-in-Chief at The Restored Church of God because he has chosen to seize that roll with both hands. He does it passionately. He does it enthusiastically. He is also the most adept at subtle manipulation.


Just how adept is he? That will be examined in Part 2.

Marc Cebrian

See: Enabler-in-Chief (Part 1) “Pillow Talk”


  1. Brad is a pompous ass. It’s that simple.

  2. Is Schleifer so power-hungry that even he cannot stop and wonder at times if Pack is crazy?

  3. Pompous ass and power-hungry, words that describe brad well. Davie is bat-shit crazy, no doubt about it. But brad is one the weak "men" that davie surrounds himself with. It makes davie feel more powerful to have his weak yes-"men" kow-towing to him, and he in turn gives them total abusive authority over the brethren. Where else would these wimpy, ineffective "men" have such power? In short, brad knows davie is crazy...doesn't really care. The Golden Carrot is dangling in front of him..."Heir Apparent"

  4. I consider Bradford Schleifer the same as I considered Kevin Denee and Jeffery Ambrose - all "unfortunate sons" of Dave Pack. John Fogerty penned an excellent song about the great divide between the fortunate sons and the unfortunate sons - the sons that went and died in Vietnam and the sons that escaped the draft because of parental societal position.

    Ambrose, Denee and Schleifer were all drafted into Dave's ideological "jungle". These men never were and never will be Evangelists. Dave Pack needed ordained figure heads to cement his apostleship position in his own eyes and for the eyes of the other COGs to see.

    These men are/were just caught up in the ceremony of one man's ambition. If it wasn't them, it would have been somebody else showered with a ceremonial ordination.

    It must be hard for these men to sit in Dave Pack's presence day after day and know he doesn't trust any of them. In Dave Pack's eyes all these men are one minute away from walking out the door and possibly doing great harm to his kingdom.

    Bradford Schliefer is doing what he was drafted to do. Dave Pack told him to pick up his computer, aim and shoot and don't miss - for one man's ideology is at stake.

  5. Does Pack still teach that the firstfruits will marry the returned Christ?

    If Dave ever announces that he is in fact the returned Christ, I expect Brad would delight at the prospect of marrying him. Which is still legal in Ohio. Though, just as with plural Mormon marriages, all the others after Brad would have to be married "unofficially" in the eyes of the state.

  6. I can think of something else Brad could do with that pillow...I bet a whole lot of abused members would sleep better.

  7. Behind every despot is a sychophant who attempts to oraganize the madness.

    For example, Hitler had his Goebbels, and Pack has his Brad Schleifer >

    1. Himmler was more the organizer than Geobbels. Goebbels was the minister of propaganda. He would have been responsible for producing the recruiting material. More along the lines of what Marc was paid to do if were going to be comparing them all to Nazis

  8. This raises questions of Satan's setup in his realm. Presumably, he too has his lieutenants.

    Dave's ministers must know that they have flushed their eternal lives down the toilet bowl. When this occurs, people typically try to take others with them.

  9. We know the earthly Sanctuary conforms to the pattern of the heavenly one.
    Just as the Ohio Admin bldg conforms to Pasadena Administration Building.

    An earlier Behind the Work video briefly showed the gilded elevator that can take one to 'The Most Powerful Office in the World'..
    Curiously, it had key-receptacles on its control panel! Presumably, one can't just sail into this elevator and take oneself to the top floor. This may be patterned after the price-no-object security measures 'Apostle' Herb had incorporated in his once glorious, now demolished, palace?

  10. "Monkey see, monkey do"

    More like "Money see, monkey doo-doo"

  11. "Monkey see, monkey do"

    More like "Money see, monkey doo-doo"

  12. It's more expensive than ever to build your own mini-me herbie Admin Bldg.

    Pack idolized the spectacular Herbie original.

    It's said he was a Herb-groupie trying to climb the corporate ladder,
    but it's noted that king herb considered him simply annoying.

  13. How’s the garden coming along..??
