Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, July 3, 2022

What is wrong with this guy????

 Guess who failed his speeches!


  1. So our littlest prophlet of all couldn't even pass speech class at Spokesman's Club? Hah! Shocker!

    Poor Bob. Yet again, always the bridesmaid, never the bride.

    Actually, he is neither the bride, nor the bridesmaid. He's the little flower girl!


  2. i only made it through the first five minutes. He was repeating the same concepts over and over and over again. Doesn't he realize what he is doing?

  3. Thilel does a good job sounding like, and looking like the Basil Wolverton caricatures in the pictured Spokesman Club manual.

  4. Dennis, you should try to look on the positive side. Bob looks like he could be an excellent song leader, though without a little more training he would probably get frustrated leading slower songs and would make people seasick leading faster songs.

  5. Apparently you want me to evaluate this speech:

    Dr. Thiel, you clearly sense the importance of using gestures. You had plenty of them in your speech.

    But your SPS confused me. The sixth commandment simply says, "Thou shalt not kill." Are you saying that means I'm not supposed to love anyone? It was at the end of your list.

    Maybe you should slow your speaking down a little, to make sure we understand your purpose. Thank you.

  6. Why is he always flapping his hands?

  7. There aren't any brides or bridesmaids in Armstrongism! None of the so-called leaders have even risen to that level. And, it must be frustrating to them as they watch everything around us that we once depended upon collapse and aren't able to have any credible or even noticeable part in either warning the world or articulating the reasons why this is all happening.

    We're just a few short months away from watching the crazy fairy tale people who divided up our country and made us secede from our allies and the world make a comeback with a vengeance. The people we voted in to save us from them have unfortunately proven themselves so inept that we are actually on the verge of welcoming back the problem that started it all! Also, global climate change has all but dried up Lake Mead, Lake Powell, and now, even the Great Salt Lake. The Supreme Court foolishly voted for more global warming just last week, Omicron BA.5 is in the rise, signaling a worsening of the pandemic we thought we had under control. The havoc Russia has wrought on Ukraine is about to contribute greatly to the world food situation which has already been exacerbated by climate change. Russia and China have been busy perfecting their hypersonic missiles, while our own program languishes. Global inflation, fuel prices. These things are an apocalyptic cult's wet dream, and a religious movement which collectively believed they were going to be the gatekeepers presiding over it all is silent, impotent, unnoticed. Not that any are even sounding a warning, because what they see doesn't conform specifically to the patented prophecy model of one Herbert W. Armstrong! The special breakout group from the splinters has never materialized, although they all claimed to be exactly that and presented false evidence to support their claim.

    It must be especially aggravating for certain leaders to realize that they are not who or what they imagined themselves to be! Meltdowns ahead! Buckle up for safety!

  8. Anonymous said...
    Dennis, you should try to look on the positive side. Bob looks like he could be an excellent song leader, though without a little more training he would probably get frustrated leading slower songs and would make people seasick leading faster songs.

    You're right. I need to see a pony in the manure pile I suppose. He'd do well leading "climbing through the windows leap..." and "Onward Christian soldiers..." for sure, but maybe not "Beautiful Savior...Son of God and Son of Man..." etc. :) I guess one would have to be Presbyterian to know how slow and deliberate that one is.

    1. Actually Dennis, Beautiful Savior is a Lutheran hymn. You'll need a staid, Missouri Synod type to teach Bobby to take it easy on that one.

  9. @0:36 Getting shot while attending Church Service?!?! As Terry Ratzmann taught us, attending LCG Sabbath Services can get you killed, and I would hardly call that martyrdom. (Foot note: Only "fake Christians" ever get martyred. Never heard of one person martyred in R/WCG or Splinters).

    Rod Meredith is often blamed for setting off Terry Ratzmann. But correct me if I'm wrong. Wasn't Bob Thiel in LCG when this mass shooting occurred? How do we know Thiel wasn't the one who set Ratzmann off?

    Cartoon Bob needs to reappear using what he claims is God's open door of animation to the Continuing Church of God. Perhaps he can make this sermon into a cartoon - constantly waving hand jesters and all.


  10. Why is he always flapping his hands?

    Maybe he wants to fly in the air like Elijah and Simon Magus.. and Jesus?

  11. Bob is a very successful businessman. He is exactly the kind of member that WCG pastors liked to ordain as a local church elder, both to secure the loyalty of the wealthy member and to signal to the congregation that they ought to be successful like the local church elder, and not remain oddballs like the kids who returned unordained after two or four years at AC.

    If Bob had just been a little more deferential, he would probably have already been an elder when he joined Meredith's splinter, and Meredith might have leaned on Bob instead of Don Davis for finances and advice. He could have been an "insider" and influencer, but he blew it because of his inflated ego.

  12. Something good about Bob Thiel is he is the only Cog leader I know of that has a Ph.D.

  13. The Continuing Crappy Curtains Church of God.

  14. This was hard to watch.
    What a mess.
    Jesus said He would draw all men to Himself,Bob is turning all away with his ‘presentation’.
    A far cry from the old World Tomorrow series where the presentation was professional solid and the message clear.

  15. Bob looks like he could be an excellent song leader

    "This is Maestro Bob Thiel..."

    Perhaps he could practice using Tonto's singalong time lyrics.

  16. DW - You made me laugh out loud. Thank you!!!

    Anon July 3 at 9:53am - Because:

    If you're flappy and you know it flap your hands. Flap. Flap.
    If you're flappy and you know it flap your hands. Flap. Flap.
    If you're flappy and you know it 'cause your wrists will surely show it...
    If you're flappy and you know it flap your hands. Flap. Flap!

  17. Something good about Bob Thiel is he is the only Cog leader I know of that has a Ph.D.

    How quickly people have forgotten about David Hulme!

    1. And how quickly people have forgotten David Antion, Ph.D

  18. The members of the Continuing Church of God really need to stop at look at why their leader was never ordained by anyone in the Worldwide Church of God, Global Church of God, or the Living Church of God. Every single group saw through his self-centered personality and refused to ordain him.

  19. I really have to find time to make that supercut. Maybe Ill set it to Yakkety Sax.

  20. Nah! Score the supercut to Lou Reed's "Vicious", the version from "Lou Reed Live."

  21. If you look closely at Bob's eyes when he speaks there is evil dwelling within. These are not the normal eyes a follower of Christ would have. There is evil dwelling in Bob's mind.

  22. It's bad enough having to listen to him, but to watch him is on video is much, much worse.

  23. "...shot when you attend church services..."?

    When Terry Ratzmann shot up an LCG service, Bob was one of those who most quickly jumped up in defense of LCG leadership, going so far as to insult well-meaning neighbors in Wisconsin who put up small crosses in honor and memory of the deceased.

    Do a quick Bible study on the peace Christ promises to His followers, then watch Bob's manic antics. There is nothing of Christ in Bob's presentations, just a manic recitation of some doctrines. Bob seems less like a follower of Christ, and more like a Pharisee with a bad methamphetamine habit.

  24. I, THE TONTO, ...

    have a PHD "street degree", from the "school of hard knocks" , which is far superior to Thiel's phony diploma mill PHD.

  25. Richard said:
    Rod Meredith is often blamed for setting off Terry Ratzmann. But correct me if I'm wrong. Wasn't Bob Thiel in LCG when this mass shooting occurred? How do we know Thiel wasn't the one who set Ratzmann off?

    We know Thiel wasn't the one who set Ratzmann off because Thiel was a nobody in LCG. He never spoke. He was never ordained. He wasn't in any leadership role, informal or otherwise. A few people knew he had a blog, but that blog got more attention from people outside of LCG than inside. When he visited the Los Angeles LCG congregation, few people even knew he was there, or who he was. The fact that he is now somewhat of a "somebody" is probably only due to this blog. He never had a following in the COG (LCG or otherwise) and doesn't today.

  26. Anonymous said...
    Bob is a very successful businessman. He is exactly the kind of member that WCG pastors liked to ordain as a local church elder, both to secure the loyalty of the wealthy member and to signal to the congregation that they ought to be successful like the local church elder, and not remain oddballs like the kids who returned unordained after two or four years at AC.

    If Bob had just been a little more deferential, he would probably have already been an elder when he joined Meredith's splinter, and Meredith might have leaned on Bob instead of Don Davis for finances and advice. He could have been an "insider" and influencer, but he blew it because of his inflated ego.

    While it is true that LCG likes to ordain successful businessmen, regardless of their spiritual qualifications, Thiel was not that. He had his own business. That's all. He had no "cards to play", he had no influence, no leadership attributes. He had no AC credentials, no speaking ability or experience, wasn't a teacher or leader, no influence. Inflated ego, ok, but that's not enough. There was never a possibility of him being in the LCG leadership -- it wasn't even close. He simply likes to pretend that he was a prominent member -- he wasn't.

  27. Some of those gestures border on unnatural and appear nonsensical. Maybe the prophlet does meth.

  28. Why is it that every single time Bob speaks he has to belch? You can see it when he does it.

  29. "Why is it that every single time Bob speaks he has to belch? You can see it when he does it."

    I thought I was the only one who noticed that! He does it every time he starts speaking and then multiple times during his "sermon".

    1. He belches because he has such a surplus of hot air built up inside him!

  30. 11:10 wrote: "If Bob had just been a little more deferential, he would probably have already been an elder when he joined Meredith's splinter, and Meredith might have leaned on Bob instead of Don Davis for finances and advice. He could have been an "insider" and influencer, but he blew it because of his inflated ego."

    Bob's ego and narcissism were too much for most ministers to handle. He really grated on Rod Meredith's nerves at times which was why the LCG refuse to ordain him. Plus, his kooky biblical interpretations were so far off base that even LCG recognized that. Bob seeks to portray himself as some divine type prophet sent to lead LCG to correct their so-called errors in bible interpretation and prophecy. Most of them knew him to be a liar and resorted to some "friendly" back-slapping occasionally to keep him placated. They wanted his money to keep coming in. Bob was used for his money by LCG just like the Africans are using him. He is too big of a narcissist to admit he is being taken for a ride.

  31. Will Bob reveal the "21st Century Elijah?

    Maybe... but he does remind us that restoring of truth is based on the size of his books...

  32. Yeah, and check out the new backdrop to his old curtains!

    Wow, his books are thicker!
