Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Cryptic Sabbath Teaser...


'"Dear brethren,

 Enjoy the Sabbath.
 “A wise man’s heart discerns both time and judgment.” 

ALL is well! 

David C. Pack"'


  1. Personally, I feel Dave is being forced, either within himself, or by others, to change course or else lose the Empire. Most likely by others. I suspect he will prophesy no more and hope the last few years and 380 plus useless speculations, failures and utter waste of the lives of the members is forgotten. He'll try to get back into the studio he abandoned five years ago and go on as if nothing has happened.

    He will go PR with the community to salvage what he can of his secretive reputation.

    I believe the pressure and exposure he has received of late in Wadsworth has forced his hand to change or else. Perhaps his top guys finally confronted him with the damaging reality of the past five years. Perhaps the pressure came from even closer to home.

    We'll see. I think Dave will switch into PR and survival mode. What else can he do if he wants his RCG to survive? He's in "pull big triggers" mode out of necessity.

  2. "Personally, I feel Dave is being forced, either within himself, or by others, to change course or else lose the Empire. Most likely by others. I suspect he will prophesy no more......." DD

    With the recent background proclamations given, I think the second act is getting ready to start very soon. Dave and gang just reinforced the fact that they have bent on no doctrine and continue to hold fast with their lights burning. The recent Brad report given to the membership, highlighted "mass" ordinations and "big percentage" of growth. Add in one of Mr. Pack's final statements of "we are still on track" and the mentality is, God is blessing my forward efforts without fail.

    Dave Pack once said; "Mr Armstrong took fifty years to completely come to the truth", why are you judging me was his following refrain.

    So it is us who have the problem, and it is us who have the sin. This goes hand in hand with Dave's belief that he is Joshua the high priest of Zechariah 3 at the end of days. Poor Joshua has had to endure the filthy garments (our sins according to Dave Pack) for this past how many years.

    So Dave has to be presently caught up in ceremony. Standing before the angel of Lord ready to receive his change of priestly garments and to receive his fair mitre upon his head.

    When Dave reappears, he will now have places to walk and will judge the Lord's house and the Lord's courts.

    We just have to believe and trust the process. If we don't, we just heap our sins upon Dave Pack. Be anxious for nothing, everything is still right on track!

  3. Maybe he'll take a page from "Dallas" where Bobby Ewing was dead and his wife remarried and life went on. Then, a year later, his wife finds Bobby in the shower and it had all been just a dream!

    dave's been living in a dream world since 2013 ...maybe he's being forced to wake up and deal with the nightmare that he's caused for everyone else who is in or has passed through rcg.

    Don't think a shower will ever get the stink off him and his boys though.

    1. And all the stand-up comics say comedy is dead due to wokness. Sorry guys comedy is alive and well on this blog thanks for the analogy of Dallas, laughter is the best medicine.

  4. I just had a meditation for this day. And it was quite calming.

    I saw the Very Stable Genius, like a latter day Moses, hair glorious in the wind, jaw firmly set, leading his people to a promised land in Russia where they can live under autocracy, settle issues by violence, create "facts," and never ever have to interact with a single non-White person. They can all live in little huts and eat potatoes but Very Stable himself would live in a great sprawling dacha and eat steak. And they can all, including Very Stable, do obeisance to Vladimir. And all the Ukrainians will come to the USA to replace Very Stable and his followers. And suddenly the Americans were all in one place and the un-Americans were all in one place. Balance was restored and the Universe was up right again. It seemed like all was well.

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  5. Will this be Dave's long-expected, "Whoops! I'm the Second Coming!" confession that will draw a parallel between Dave's journey and Jesus, who also revealed Himself and started His ministry late in life?

  6. Despite what we all might hope, bad, toxic leaders never voluntarily go away. They continue to hang on, to exert their influence and to do their damage until they are taken out, hopefully with the greater good in mind. So long as they feel that they have support, they continue to believe that they have a mandate. That is all they see, deliberately ignoring opinion against them, or railing against it and inventing descriptive words such as "cancel culture" to diffuse it.

    I don't believe that David Pack is going to go off into the woods with his tail between his legs. He will find justification for himself and his past several years of failed prophecy, and will reinvent himself. You just don't shed an intense obsession that is the entire basis for your existence and your personality and morph into a benign laissez faire existence unless something has caused total capitulation, and I do not believe he is there quite yet. WCG, Herbert W. Armstrong, did not go away in the face of their receivership moment. Donald Trump will not go away as a result of this week's Mar-a-Lago moment. And Dave Pack will not go away because Jesus failed to comply with Dave's "prophecies".

    People of this personality type never do until there is an event which causes their total capitulation. They just keep on coming back worse.

  7. Well Dennis, all empires eventually fall and some crash in spectacular fashion. In the church of God movement, Dave Pack's little empire will crash and burn, and perhaps it may even have other little Herbie wannabe's in the splinters quaking in their boots wondering if their empires are next. Funny thing is, the world will not even take notice of these dying empires, nor will they even care when they're gone. I can eventually see the properties of RCG, PCG, etc. falling into the hands of land developers or someone who could put the buildings and property to good use.

  8. NeoDromos @7:22 AM PDT

    I also had a meditation for this day. It also was calming.

    He that only falls up staircases and his cackling hyaena sidekick were washed out to never never land in November.
    And the high fuel prices and crime and illegal immigrants and half year of negative economic growth became but a fading memory.
    What bliss then descends upon the fair land as the suffering masses wake from their nightmare.

    All that fun aside, perhaps if the same pressure was applied to ‘That prophet’ and his ‘Philadelphia’ followers we may see same change. Just imagine an open day on site with the chosen.

  9. Whoever or whatever this neodromo guy is he needs to see a psychiatrist, overwhelmed by his obsession, he has to have some sort of mental disorder. What in the hell does his mindless drivel have to do with the post? Is anyone moderating comments? Might think about sanity as one screening factor, to save the rest of us some time.

  10. Well, he makes more sense than you just wrote. If you don't like what's on there then don't read it!

  11. Some of the posts here are overtly political, and there are other forums available in which to offer your opinions.
    Perhaps it’s time to remind one and all to keep the comments on subject in hand as much as possible.
    Banned is a great site, primarily focused on Armstrongism and it’s offshoots.
    As such it provides a valuable service to all in exposing the charlatans within the cog movement and their theology.
    I would hate to see the comments/debates here descend into a political point scoring.

  12. NEO suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome. He is obsessed with Trump even though his worst fears never came to fruition during Trump’s first term. Richard

  13. He's not being forced on anything. Remember he's the one that said Christ would come back on Christmas or New Year's day, He's just waiting for the right time to spew more toxic stuff to the church. He will continue to sit dates and will be known as the False prophet.

  14. Yeah, Neo is great when he writes on Biblical topics. His politics is whacked as he is obsessed with Trump. It undermines his other writing.

  15. The Very Stable Genius has a religious gravitas conferred on him by his right-wing evangelical followers and some Armstrongists. (In some circles, Very Stable is supposed to be a kind of latter day Cyrus). For that reason, I have no apologies for including Very Stable in religious discussions. Of course, I defer to the moderator.

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  16. Political comments are not out of place when we are discussing and critiquing a cultic group that very much took the conservative, right-wing, pole of the magnet. I remember HWA lauding Teddy Roosevelt, and mourning the fact that he was not our president during the 1970s. The church was very pro-Reagan/Bush during the 1980s. HWA made politics an integral part of his message ("If we get a Republican president, it means God has given us more time to finish the work!"). The GTA breakaway groups from his adultery era would today fit right in at a MAGA rally.

    It is not out of place to confront HWA's errors and fallacies in this area, or to point out that Trump IS the derangement syndrome, and it's not a mental illness to take umbrage with his policies, thwarting of the checks and balances, or attitudes.

  17. Sunday, August 14, 2022 said "It is not out of place to confront HWA's errors and fallacies in this area, or to point out that Trump IS the derangement syndrome, and it's not a mental illness to take umbrage with his policies, thwarting of the checks and balances, or attitudes."

    MY COMMENT - Then it is equally not out of place to confront the Democrat Communists and their American Marxist mental illness, and folks such as NEO who belong to a government worship religious cult. "Build Back Better" is a slogan borrowed from the World Economic Forum - a group of Globalist elites. They have been very open on their website and their open annual meeting broadcast to the world about their agenda for America. The Biden administration was well in attendance at the last annual meeting. There is YOUR cult. To quote Klaus Schwab, head of the WEF (whose family had ties into Nazi Germany) "You will own nothing, and you will like it".

    If we talk about Dave Pack and his Common Doctrine, then it's not out of place to talk about the American Marxists and the Democrat Communist Party who have wrapped themselves with the Globalist elites of the World Economic Forum and espouse the very same Common Communist Doctrine as Dave Pack.


  18. Richard wrote, "and folks such as NEO who belong to a government worship religious cult"

    The irony in what you write is inordinate. I am a conservative. Morally I am very conservative, economically I am moderately conservative. I really like Liz Cheney. Very Stable is not a conservative - he is an autocratic populist who is trying to cancel the American Constitution. If you cannot understand these reference points, we have no further basis for dialog.

    Note: One thing I can say about Very Stable. He was right in what he said about his Republican opponents in the 2016 Republican primary. Nobody can claim that he is a total liar - as is often done.

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  19. Who said we think the Democrats are any better? I've always voted against whomever appears to be becoming too powerful and dragging the guy wires which hold up the flag pole too far to the left or too far to the right. You want the pole centered so that policy is either equally fair or equally unfair to everyone. Both parties are totally corrupt and really suck. You don't want either one to gain total control, but to counterbalance one another.

    And, by the way, can we please get past the strawmen and cliches??? Not all globalists are communists. There are liberal globalists and conservative globalists. What they do have in common is the realization that a number of existential threats are so severe that they can be dealt with most effectively on a global level. There are great differences between two of the best known globalist groups, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group. Also, not all Democrats are communists. Not all Democrats are even socialists. Not all socialists are communists. When you use the term "communist" it conjures up an image of Stalin, Mao, or Castro. When you use the term "socialist" so many have been trained like Pavlovian dogs to equate that word with the Russian communists, that they never even contemplate Scandinavian socialism, or even European or Canadian socialism. Global cooperation, or "globalism" if you will, is responsible for having kept us out of World War III for nearly 80 years now!

    Even though it's probably already too late, we've got to do what we can to make people think more deeply, to dig for answers that go beyond the demagogues and talking heads' slogans and cliches. It's not only our rivers and reservoirs in the Southwest that are drying up. It's happening in Europe, and other places as well. The Alps, of all places! Snow pack and glaciers melting at a constant rate have been responsible for all of the world's great rivers, the very cradles around which civilizations have been built. The shifting of the jetstreams due to warming ocean currents has disrupted those constants. El Nino and La Nina had at one time been totally predictable based on temperature reading of the ocean currents. The Southwest's last super wet winter happened sometime during the 1990s. El Nino and La Nina used to rotate back and forth. They don't any more.

    We've got to get our act together, the USA working with the rest of the world. This is the wrong time in history for a resurgence of nationalism, and if it is allowed to continue, it will not end well. There is enough evidence out there, so obvious that even a blind man can see the effects of anthropogenic climate change.
