Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Dave Pack: Lost in Space 2


Lost in Space (Part 2)


On Saturday, August 27, 2022, David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God blew the minds of his audience when he delivered, “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 390).”


The big takeaways according to Dave from the first half were that “God considers you a whole person at conception; A month in the Old Testament does not mean a full month, but merely a new moon.”


My big takeaways were, “Dave teaches the church things they already knew, but he forgot; He is right even when he is wrong; He corrupts the meanings of words to fit his latest theory.”


You are now caught up.



@ 23:12 I want to be exceeding careful with the Word of God.


At least the guy says he is trying. The fact that he is unable or not allowed to understand the Word of God is amazing and should be of concern to those in RCG.


2 Timothy 3:7

Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.


This is a perfect summation of the unending prophecy series. This and the next verse are so spot-on, they should give you goosebumps on your goosebumps.


Ephesians 4:14

…be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine


2 Peter 3:16

 some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest


Daniel 12:10

…and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. 


Should the folks in RCG have a more clear and more certain understanding of the coming Kingdom of God after 390 parts? Do they?



The con is only as good as the con man.


The magic trick is only as good as the magician.


A real man is only as good as his word.


@ 39:21 You’ll never figure it out. You can’t go there. Because all you’ll do is come up with some other date and I been there and done that. And I determined I would never do it again ‘til I ran headlong into all these verses about “a month” and didn’t have time to go pursue them and find out that’s the number from which the kingdom is docked off.


So much for apologies. So much for making declarative statements that spoil sooner than milk left on the counter. He is already moonwalking his apology of Part 389.


I have pondered about writing an article titled, “Is David C. Pack A Man Of His Word?” I have so many quotes of him saying one thing, but doing another. Saying he will “never” do something, but does anyway.


By this point, that article is redundant and obvious.


David C. Pack is NOT a man of his word.


That is a fact and not an opinion. An open-and-shut case that is provable in a court of law. Here are a few examples from the past:


Part 172 – April 27, 2019

@ 1:03:50 I’ll never ever ever again say the day.


Part 175 – May 29, 2019

@ 49:40 I didn’t preach on prophecy Sabbath nor will I ever again. At least, not for a long time, if we’re still here, but we won’t be.


Part 192 – July 6, 2019

@ 2:08:48 …from after Wednesday there’ll be no more Sabbath Bible studies and probably starting Wednesday I’m only gonna go 90 minutes…


Part 232 – January 20, 2020

@ 1:16:11 …the return of Christ…could only ever be this coming weekend. Now, I realized I said that, and I'm gonna pause and say if it's not, you'll never hear me be able to talk about metrics again.


Part 248 – April 11, 2020

@ 1:16:42 I don’t see any possible way I could come to learn that Christ does not come during Passover.


Part 276 – December 26, 2020

@ 33:29 And I will submit to you, Joe Biden will never serve a day in office.


I have many many many more.


The lesson for the enablers at Headquarters and all the members of The Restored Church of God is clear.


Do not believe David C. Pack then.

Do not believe David C. Pack now.

Do not believe David C. Pack tomorrow.


Brad, Ed, Jaco, Ken, Ryan, Tim, Carl, Frank, Salasi, Jim, Andy: Am I lying or distorting?


Softening his apology for setting dates that lasted until the very next time he spoke, Dave exemplifies the concept of death by a thousand pinpricks.


Part 388 – August 23, 2022

@ 1:17:52 We’ll finish tomorrow morning with a very short conclusion for an earlier post than usual.


Every single part of that statement was false. It was not recorded in the morning. It was not “very short” but went 57 minutes. It was not the conclusion. It was not posted “earlier” than usual.


The announcement in Member Services this past Friday also supports the concept.


You can look forward to a brief message of about half an hour tomorrow evening.


Dave spoke for 64 minutes.


Luke 16:10

He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.


How is anyone supposed to believe him with the “big” things if he cannot be trusted with the “little” things? So says the Bible.


David C. Pack tells you everything you need to hear to make a judgment call if he is true or not.


@ 43:09 So I think we have this other wonderful mile-marker that says, “Here we are.” So I don’t have to say the day and I mentioned to you that I was glad that I didn’t.


Glad that you didn’t? Who are you fooling here?


Dave has been setting dates since 2013. If he is talking about a one-time restraint last Wednesday, that seems like very little to be “glad” about.


Important considerations can be found when you are not completely overwhelmed by the continuous oral deluge. Ponder the weight of the next statement. He ties his own noose.


@ 43:27 I told you three days ago, I’m not commissioned to tell you the year. I’m not required to do that. It’s God’s job. Well, even better.


David C. Pack just admitted that he took on to himself a role that belongs to God. He just said that.


David C. Pack does not consider the profound implications of his own words.


Why did you assign yourself a commission that belongs to God? What other commissions are you still trying to fulfill that also belong to God? Does this mean God was NOT guiding you this whole time with date-setting? What spirit has actually been driving you to do so? What else do you attribute to God that is also just from yourself? How can anyone trust you if “God’s Apostle” cannot tell the difference between what belongs to God and what belongs to a man? How can you have spent the last several years speaking with certainty and then brush it off but still think you have any of God’s authority?


David C. Pack does not consider the profound implications of his own words.


He saw this as an excuse to weasel his way out of responsibility for failure after failure after failure. Maybe it is just the antichrist serpent in me, but I just heard David C. Pack throw God under the bus for the string of prophetic fraud going back to 2013.

God was not doing His job because Dave was doing it for Him. And doing it poorly.


@ 43:35 I’m not commissioned to give you the day. I’m commissioned to tell you it’s close. God supplies both of those.


How gracious that he is finally letting God do His job after almost ten years. I wonder how long Dave will be able to let God have the spotlight.


Letting the mechanic fix the car after you made it worse is not an optimal circumstance.


What he said here conflicts with his point at 39:21, “I determined I would never do it again ‘til I ran headlong into all these verses…”


How is it possible to say, “I’m not telling you the year” and “I’m not telling you the day” but also, “It’s close,” all at the same time?


Dave just invented his own biblical paradox.


You are not supposed to say “the day” or “the year”? Then who needs you? What good are you to anyone? I guess you will need to invent another slot in the Government of God to make sense of that.


If anyone inside RCG slows down to digest his words, they will be able to see the sheer ridiculousness of his premise. Do not buy into it.



Dave then ponders the prophetic elements of his speaking. The days of his voice. Three is the number of finality. Part 390. The final Sabbath ration. Micron. And more.


Listen to how many concepts of his own importance he can cram into 89 seconds.


Part 390 – Prophetic Speaking

Why is it that everything he does is somehow biblical? He speaks three times in a week, it is biblical. He speaks for less than an hour, it is biblical. He gets COVID, it is biblical. He refrains one time from declaring Jesus Christ is coming this (past) weekend and that is also biblical.


Oh my!


When Dave steps across the hall and forgets to wipe himself, is that biblical, too? The guys trapped with him in the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium would know for sure.


He continues to try to convince himself the series is over. But since he got something as monumental as to what his commission by God is, why would anyone in RCG fall for this again?


@ 44:59 …when you hear what I cover, you tell me if this doesn’t sound like finality.


This doesn’t sound like finality.


@ 45:03 I got the best news of the entire series, I’m gonna cover in just a minute.


Dave has this interesting habit of celebrating what he has not yet done. He is selling the audience that what they have not yet heard is a big deal. It is a psychological influence to prep people to accept it as a big deal. If they do not receive it as a big deal, then the fault is theirs.


@ 48:32 In Revelation 14:6, an angel flies through the heaven as I recall and calls out the gospel to the world. An angel does that on top of the Two Witnesses after the Kingdom has been here twice? I wish I had noticed those verses, it woulda changed my ability to see the first kingdom is the Kingdom of God.


Even Dave admits that careful reading of the Bible staves off problems. The great teacher of the Bible does not read the Bible carefully. Take note of that dear members of The Restored Church of God.


Here is a summary of his last two wowzers for the end of Part 390:


1) All miscarried and aborted fetuses since the dawn of time will be resurrected into the Kingdom of God.

2) The Kingdom of God will expand across the entire universe forever.


Fact-checking the statistics and medical science behind, “3 of every 4 conceptions spontaneously abort,” is beyond my scope.


I will cheat and say, "That is not my commission."



However, my commission as a non-prophet/non-psychic is to declare that the Greatest Unending series is not over. David C. Pack will not remain silent between now and the Feast of Trumpets. No way.


More “understanding” will be “revealed to him by God” making it necessary to “further end the Mystery of God” during even more “days of his voice” as he continues to “rush and call it out” as God’s apostle.


To really step out on the ledge, I am certain he will increasingly walk back (if not fully renounce) his apology for setting dates during Part 389. He started doing that here and that signals to me that he is not truly convinced.


He has been wrong since 2013.


He says one thing but does another.


He takes upon himself commissions that belong to God.


He changes the Bible to mean what he needs it to.


David C. Pack is floating through the prophetic cosmos untethered and unable to change his trajectory. 


Rather than follow him, just wave as he passes by.


  1. No more wacky than believing Israel did all of the following on the same day: hold a holy convocation, not work except to eat, bind kneading bowls in their clothes to move, round up and herd cattle and livestock to move, spoil the Egyptians, move out of Egypt.

  2. If I hear Dave say that he will end the mystery of God one more time, my head will explode.

    News flash, oh great dingdong.....The Mystery of God WAS FINISHED. The plan to turn to the Gentiles with the Gospel of grace was the end! Mystery complete. Now, Dave, please get psychiatric help ASAP.

  3. “Do not believe David C. Pack then.
    Do not believe David C. Pack now.
    Do not believe David C. Pack tomorrow.”

    Dave Pack, the same yesterday, today, and forever: BAD NEWS.

    1. No Cog is perfect but they don't have to be since no church is perfect.

  4. "No Cog is perfect but they don't have to be since no church is perfect."

    Seriously? This is how you cover up abuse and lies of the leadership of the COG's? No wonder the churches are such a mess when the lay members believe such twaddle.

    Dave Pack is no more a Christian than Gerald Flurry or Bob Thiel are. As the old WCG used to say, "They are Christians in name only."

  5. "No church is perfect". That is actually true, due to the presence of imperfect humans. My problem is that while it is an excellent way of explaining minor inaccuracies, mistakes, and omissions, you can't really use it to whitewash organizations that are rotten to the core, blatantly wrong in ways and areas that are never acknowledged or corrected, and oppressive, abusive and harmful to its members. 11:16's statement is like recommending Tylenol for leukemia.

  6. Thanks for the cowbell fix…!!!
