Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Dave Pack Says He Went To Visit In-laws But Spent Most Of The Time In His Motel Room Studying His Bible

Lost Time


Where in the world is David C. Pack?


For the Pastor General and Elijah/Not Elijah/Maybe Elijah of The Restored Church of God to have gone silent during such a time of epic craptacular failure is unprecedented.


The last time he went dark was when he contracted COVID at the Feast of Tabernacles in 2020. Even then, he "emerged from his house" with the idea that he was a type of Ezekiel. You know, to take a normal-life situation and make it biblical. After all, "time and chance" is just for us common folk, not an apostle.


During this peaceful period before the prophetic frenzy kicks back into gear, I revisited my notes from The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 385). That was way back on July 30th.


There was something Dave said that I did not use in the article Holy Day Whoopsie-Daisy. The content was off-topic to the rest of the message, but it bothered me when I heard it. In fact, most of what you will read here was written that day but not published.



This will give you insight into how the man thinks. I have stayed away from his personal details that I witnessed while inside RCG, but if Dave states something publicly now, I call it fair game.


@ 20:40 I lost time when I was on vacation a week ago. I’d try to study as much as I could, but hadn’t seen my in-laws for four years, a little over. And I wanted to spend a lotta time with them but I spent a lot of time in the motel room studying and thinking about these things. It’s it’s this is dramatic stuff.


Only David C. Pack can consider a vacation with his wife to see her family as “lost time.” That does not bode well for the tone of their marriage.


He "wanted to spend a lotta time with them" but instead spent it studying. Interactions with other people must be completely annoying to him. So much for life-work balance.


Recognize that he is proud of this. See how devoted he is to “figuring out” prophecy!


In hindsight, considering he came back to Ohio with the Elul 15 idea which he poo-pooed days later, maybe he should have put the Bible down for a few days and focused on real human interactions with real human beings who are not trained to kiss his backside.


Perhaps he could have gained some helpful insight by being surrounded by people who do not tremble when they forget to call him "Mr. Pack" or in a moment of absentmindedness, accidentally pat him on the shoulder.


There is something to be said for being too close to an idea. Both creative and analytical types know that your brain needs to take a break from what you are fixated on so then clear answers can manifest. Like going to bed and waking up with the solution.


Come on Dave, even God rested on the Seventh Day.


Since he is a non-stop Bible study machine, it is no wonder he has zero self-awareness of what he is saying and what he is thinking, and what he is teaching. His attention is typically three inches in front of his nose. If it is on his mind, it is important. What is important to you is considered “lost time.”


His poor wife. She is one of my favorite people still inside RCG. I feel sad for her, but then I also think what a wonderful vacation moment for her when Dave chooses to stay back at the motel. Now she can spend time with her family and friends relaxing and not have to measure her words carefully when they ask, “How are you doing?”


“Where’s Dave?”


“Back at the motel. He’s studying.”


She is met with rolling eyes, but then a bright smile, “Good!” Finally, she gets some peace and quiet.


“I lost time when I was on vacation…” This was not whispered at a private dinner among close friends. He said this to the entire church. I immediately felt bad for Mrs. Pack and wondered how she might react to such a statement. If any “regular non-apostle” had said such a thing to a crowded room with his wife present, he would be sleeping on the couch that night.


Oh man, that car ride to and from Ohio must have been draining. To have Dave at the wheel talking continuously for hours. Every thought that falls into his mind slips out of his mouth.


Being stuck in a car with him on a long trip must be like enduring a marathon. You pace yourself. Control your breathing. Keep your mind focused away from the pain. Have a clear image of the finish line with you crossing it to keep yourself from going crazy or collapsing along the way.


Believe me, there is no tougher cookie inside RCG than Mrs. Pack. Guaranteed.


Marc Cebrian

See: Lost Time


  1. If my husband ever did this to me his ass would be out the door faster than his Bible I would be throwing.

  2. This is what narcissistic church leaders do. Everything revolves around them. When Dave got in that car to travel to his wife's parents he should have left his bible in his office.

    This is the same thing Bob Thiel does to his wife and mentally challenged son when they travel. Instead of letting their son have fun he and his mother are forced to sit in the motel room and listen to Bob pump his ego up.

    I pity any wife of a COG leader.

  3. It is NEVER about the Lord and His mercy and gracious invitation to enter His rest. It is ALWAYS about the men themselves and doing what makes them feel worshipped and admired. To hell with family. The "work" (there should be an "s" at the end of that word when speaking about these self righteous types) comes first.

    Until they lift the veil of the Mosaic law and receive the grace of Jesus, they will NEVER change. Look at MY GOOD WORKS. LOOK AT MY PROPHET STATUS. LOOK AT MY CHURCH BUILDINGS AND GROWING NUMBERS.

    Shame on every last one of you. You have gone the way of Lucifer and fallen from God. Shame on you for turning your backs on our Lord and Savior unto your own selves. Your destruction slumbers not. Your families should be ashamed of you too and I suspect, if you ever came down off your high horses long enough to ask them, they would reluctantly say yes.

    1. @ DW The problem with your Christianity is that it's all about what you believe it's not about actually being a good person. I believe that obedience to what Jesus taught in the four gospels is what Christianity is all about. If you are not following Christ and doing what Christ said to do then you are not his followers you are just fans.

  4. Why would Dave stay in his motel room reading his bible when he doesn't believe anything in it? He has turned his back on Jesus and made this all about himself. Finding rest in Christ is never a consideration of Dave.

  5. ALL of Dave Pack's blabbering about when the second coming will be has been WASTED and LOST TIME.

  6. Some shark species have to keep moving or they die. Dave is the same. Unless he constantly keeps his members entertained and motivated with his cool-aid drivel, his church would collapse.

  7. He cannot have "normal" familial relations, it would involve him lowering himself to a human level, a non apostle, all encompassing lord of his domain. I just can't imagine her parents having to endure his omnipotence either. I think he did them a favor. He is seriously mentally sick, they must know this.

  8. OK, A light bulb just came on. Any good technician who works on complex equipment or systems, is going to tell you that if you spend too much time on a given problem that just does not want to go away, eventually you become punch drunk. You are tracing and retracing your steps, studying manuals, calling the manufacturer's techs who are of no help because they have never seen the same problem, and even considering advice provided by the machine operator. You just get too close to the problem. Finally, you dejectedly pack up your tools, leave the scene late, talk to some people, listen to music or watch TV, go to sleep, and with a good night's sleep you get up in the morning and somehow know exactly what to do.

    I believe that the same process happens in the field of theology. Dave Pack has gotten too close to the Bible, and is at the point where he is reading the same things over and over, wondering why nothing works, consulting people he hired to agree with him, and frequently asking himself what HWA would do. He is punch drunk and has lost all perspective. He is also less fortunate than a technician in that he cannot "fix" things so that if they are properly aligned, Jesus will actually do what Dave has convinced himself that He will do.

    The best and most refreshing thing which could have happened for him was the visit with his in laws, and he squandered it. I once had a friend who went into law enforcement. In orientation, he and his classmates at the academy were told to maintain their friendships outside of work, because such friendships can help center you, help you maintain objectivity. Sadly, HWA taught us all that we should limit the time we spent with outsiders, because they were not special like the brethren, and could lead us astray. If that is all the stronger you are that this could be a serious danger, then how were any of us supposed to stand up against Satan? The word "fanatic" exists for a reason. It is an excellent descriptive of a person who delves too far into inconsequential details, and loses all life balancing perspective. Just like Dave.

  9. She's not tough or nice, not even good. She is an accomplice/collaborator allowing and agreeing to his constant lying/deceiving on a daily basis having "blood" in her hands, just as Pack the liar. These People are not good in any biblical sense. The Savior got up to read the word. Does anyone ever just read the entire Bible? I found a whole lot that no one teaches.

  10. It took a lot of sleuthing, but I found the video!


  11. To Anon @ 11:30. Ok. State your best arguments that what I said is not in the spirit and truth of Jesus. He said in 2 of the 4 gospels,"Go and learn the meaning of the words it is mercy I desire, not sacrifice". Is Dave merciful or a self righteous man? Does he teach the most important thing every Christian needs to know first of all (in case we are hit by the proverbial bus tomorrow and die) about how we are saved? Immediately upon receiving Jesus as Savior, the Holy Spirit comes to seal and indwell the believer and instructs us how to discern truth from error and how to pray as we ought and how to understand and correctly divide the Word of God. Is this what Dave has been teaching these past 388 weeks?

    I also believe there is far more to learn about being a follower of Jesus than what is contAined in the Gospels. The entirety of Scripture is for our learning. The Apostle Paul came along and ripped the Judaizers a new one for trying to confuse the new Gentile converts with the Old Covenant/Old Testament law of Moses. Is this what Dave has been preaching and teaching for the last 388 weeks? What good does it do for his members to know when Jesus will return, if they are not His in the first place?

    I will follow my Lord and Savior my way and you follow Him your way. Christianity is not a one size fits all proposition. There are degrees of understanding, some further along the path than others. I wish you the very best!

    1. @ DW that's not how that works you got to follow Jesus exactly how the Bible says so no more or less if you create your own way of following Jesus that is the tradition of men not of God.

  12. Was this the motel that Wacky Pack stayed at???...


  13. "Motel room" my ass. More like the most luxurious hotel suite just close enough to his in-laws so it wouldn't seem too ridiculously far away. He just wanted to stay there to order some more room service and another double Scotch on the "brethren" account.

  14. He "wanted to spend a lotta time with them" but instead spent it studying. ... So much for life-work balance.

    The problem with Dave is not that he sacrifices some things for a cause, the problem is that he is sacrificing for the wrong cause--his false theology. If he were really the great man he thinks he is, his sacrifices might be justified.

    But, why then does he bother to have a family, and then neglect them? Some great men of history (like the Red Baron) chose not to marry so they could devote themselves to something greater.

  15. I also believe there is far more to learn about being a follower of Jesus than what is contained in the Gospels. The entirety of Scripture is for our learning.

    This is explained at the link below by one of the greatest minds ever, Nietzsche, who knew a great deal about the followers of Jesus and why they follow Him:


  16. She's ... not even good. She is an accomplice/collaborator allowing and agreeing to his constant lying/deceiving on a daily basis having "blood" in her hands, just as Pack the liar.

    And just like Loma.

  17. Pastor General and Elijah/Not Elijah/Maybe Elijah...

    No competition for Dave as Elijah, as our buddy Bob paints himself as Elisha again.

  18. Poor Dr Bob. I'll bet he's just fried over the fact that Mr Pack is getting so much more attention!

  19. Well, iit's exciting to watch Dave Pack burn rubber. It makes a lot of smoke and noise, but wheel spinning never gets you where you want to go! Neither does Bob Thiel, but Dave is an exciting drama queen.

  20. Ronco said: "Poor Dr Bob. I'll bet he's just fried over the fact that Mr Pack is getting so much more attention!"

    You spoke too soon...

  21. I'm quite sure she can and will put up with anything.
    Afterall it's the money she's after.

    Why else would someone want to marry a man like Pack so soon after his wife died?

    He'll be committed soon enough.
    She'll disband/sell everything, pocket the leftover $$$ and disappear without a thought for the stupid people left behind.

  22. "I'm quite sure she can and will put up with anything.
    Afterall it's the money she's after."

    Sounds prophetic to me!

  23. To Anon @10:19 (who I suspect is our old friend the punctuation atheist, TC). Any details to contribute to the conversation? Tell me what the Apostle Paul teaches us about following Jesus. If, for example, you lived during the time of Jesus and asked Him how to be saved, would He give you the same answer before He died for our sins, as He would after His death?

    While I agree with you, it is not a do it yourself kind of theology to be a follower of Jesus, what are your thoughts on salvation and the law of Moses for Gentiles. Do you think they are compatible with Armstrongism/Christianity /Judaism? I would genuinely love to continue this conversation.

    1. Agree, DW.
      Anon 10:19, no two people follow the Lord identically.
