Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Missing in Action: Where In the Compound and In the World is the Apostle David C. Pack?

Curious Brethren would like to know... 


  1. I think Dave got his ass handed to him by his wife and he can't deal with a woman stronger than he is.

  2. The stress and humiliation of his time with the in-laws probably had an impact on his already defective heart. Prophets are not immune to disease.

  3. His in laws may have read articles about him on here, and had too many difficult questions for him. They probably also turned him down for a big loan too.

  4. Something is seriously wrong in Wadsworth, Ohio. For a prophecy failure to take place and NO WORD at all to the brethren about the state of things is unprecedented.

    This period of quiet is not just DCP "figuring out prophecy." I think when the truth comes out as to what is going on right now, it will be big news.

    1. I remember after the first failed "return of Christ." The fast of Esther as I recall. The next day we were still in our home, and wondered if we were the only ones left behind. Not one word from HQ to let us know that dave's prophecy was a failure. Not having any place to go, we stayed in rcg, but no longer believed anything that dave and his boys-with-no-balls wrote or spoke.

  5. Remember Car 54 Where Are You? Dave reminds me of tall gangly Fred Gwynne! Only Fred was a totally lovable character.

  6. "This period of quiet is not just DCP "figuring out prophecy." I think when the truth comes out as to what is going on right now, it will be big news."

    Does this mean that it's time for me to camp out at my favorite spot in the parking lot of the Wadsworth Giant Eagle to take in the view?

  7. Maybe Dave was "RAPTURED", but more likely, just "ruptured"!

  8. Anon, Thursday, August 11, 2022 at 8:43:00 AM PDT, said

    "I remember after the first failed "return of Christ." The fast of Esther as I recall. The next day we were still in our home, and wondered if we were the only ones left behind. Not one word from HQ to let us know that dave's prophecy was a failure. Not having any place to go, we stayed in rcg, but no longer believed anything that dave and his boys-with-no-balls wrote or spoke."
    And we probably haven't heard Dave's "last failed return of Christ," but Dave is just "holding hands" with many others, as if driven by another spirit (like Pharisees of Matthew 23:33-35), who also failed at predicting their "return of Christ:" another Jesus with another gospel!

    The Apostle Paul wrote:

    "For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake." 2 Cor 4:5

    So often other hirelings like Dave Pack, such as Bob Thiel, Doug Winnail, Hulme, Weston, Franks, Kellers (?), Weinland, Flurry, etc., think they are the "righteous" examples that all of their followers need to follow: be like them. Of course, Christ Jesus takes a back seat while they all preach about themselves. "Be like me" is their theme song: not be like Jesus Christ, who was perfect and like His Father.

    Then again, one may wonder, knowing that Jesus Christ was the only 100% perfect human being when He walked this earth: how could their followers really ever measure up to being like Jesus Christ?

    Surely, these hirelings each must know and admit that they are nowhere close to being like Jesus Christ was/is, yet they don't mind imposing that burden upon us.

    Do any of these hirelings, today, have the mind of Jesus Christ, which was the mind of God the Father: who also is the God of the Old Testament? It certainly isn't Dave Pack, Bob Thiel, Doug Winnail, Hulme, Weston, Franks, Kellers, Weinland, Flurry et al, but...

    Time will tell...



  9. After reading so much here on the abuse of members by these various churches I found a song on Youtube by Swedish singer Annette Olzon, former lead singer of the Finnish band Nightwish which describes leaving an abusive and controlling relationship. I hope people will take Annette's advice and pack their bags so to speak and leave these abusive churches. I've attached the link

    Annette Olzon - Sick of You


  10. Has Davie C fled the Wadsworth Compound? (asking for a friend)

  11. Nightwish is great! I have some of their stuff.

  12. @ Anon 5:18,

    Yes, Nightwish is an amazing band. Poor Anette Olzon didn't get the love that she deserved from Nightwish fans, she's stuck between original lead singer Tarja Turnunan and current singer Floor Jansen. The reason I linked her song, Sick of You, here on banned is because I could not help but notice the similarities of the lyrics of her song to the toxic relationship that church of God leadership have with their members. I didn't link the video solely for entertainment purposes, but rather to get people to listen to the words and hope that will get them to think about this toxic relationship that they have with these fake churches and to get out. People need to tell these church leaders to pack their bags and leave. Unlike Anette telling her ex lover in the song that she hates him, I would never tell anyone to hate these leaders but just to get out and move on and put these abusive cult leaders behind them and not look back. Stop letting these fake churches steal your life, get out and move on. If you feel that you still need to go to church find a good bible based church with real ministers that actually spiritually feed and care for the flock.

  13. Shouldn't that read curious bored ministry want to know....
