Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Rod Meredith's Youngest Son Dies

Rod Meredith's youngest son (from his second marriage) David, 

died yesterday at the age of 43 of a heart attack.


  1. Is he yet another victim of the Covit jab?

    Far too many are dropping dead after receiving these injections. It is much better to take Vit-D3 (5,000 units) whenever you sense a cold or flu coming on than to risk your life with these killer injections.

    I can truly state that I have not had a cold nor flu for over 10 years as I take 5,000 units of Vit D-3 for a couple days whenever I sense one trying to take me down.

  2. Hmmm, I wonder if he took the clot shot.

  3. Very sad and an untimely shock for all concerned I am sure.

  4. Certainly sorry for those who loved him.

    Banned posted on him back in 2016. Perhaps his unhealthy living contributed to a heart attack at an early age.


  5. Many LCG parents watched in horror as ambitious ministers mishandled David in order to gain favor with his father Rod Meredith. Nobody would expect a kid raised like David to become an independently successful adult. My condolences go out to his family, especially his children who are now without a father. But my contempt goes out to those who tried to use David for their own benefit.

  6. Very sad, too young. RIP David.


  7. After reading about David's untimely death HERE and not from some secret source, Bob Thiel then had to proceed and make this event all about himself.

    The illegitimate self-appointed COG leader writes:

    "08/28/22 a.m. Today, I was able to confirm the death of David Meredith, son of the late Roderick C. Meredith and Sheryl Meredith, who were founders of the Living Church of God (LCG). David Meredith reportedly died Friday of a heart attack.

    Although I did not know David well, I did have dinner once with just him and his parents. At that dinner, after I had explained how LCG should change its approach to the internet, Dr. Meredith seemed to be puzzled. Then David Meredith, who for a time handled LCG's online "social media" presence, told his father I was correct. Some time later, Dr. Meredith offered me a job running LCG's internet--but not on terms I believed would be effective, so I declined the offer.

    That said, David Meredith was only 43.

    My condolences to those who were close to him."

  8. Youngest son of his second marriage.

    I cannot imagine the pressure the children of top leaders of the church have to deal with trying to live their own independent lives while daddy is constantly in the picture or intervening one way or another.

  9. Bob Thiel is such disgusting human garbage! Can he not shut up about himself for 5 minutes? Bob refuses to admit that Mr. Meredith eventually got so disgusted by him that he stopped communicating with him. That was one of the reasons Mr. Meredith publicly rebuked and kicked Bob out of the church. Bob burned his own bridges when he said and did the things he did. Giving Mr. Meredith the ultimatum of "it's my way or the highway" backfired on Bob big time. Mr. Meredith refused to kowtow to Bob's demands.

  10. after I had explained how LCG should change its approach to the internet, Dr. Meredith seemed to be puzzled. Then David Meredith, who for a time handled LCG's online "social media" presence, told his father I was correct. Some time later, Dr. Meredith offered me a job running LCG's internet--but not on terms I believed would be effective, so I declined the offer.

    LCG leaders should be quaking in their boots when they consider what they gave up. Look at the fruits of Bob's internet activity, on account of which his CCOG has grown from around 300 Caucasian members to its current 100-200.

    And, for the record, whatever went on at that dinner, and however polite David graciously chose to be toward the arrogant big donor, the reality is that David saw right through Bob and ridiculed him behind his back.

  11. The mutual bond of unconditional love between David Meredith and his mother Sheryl was something you don't often see in the rules-bound ACOG universe.

  12. "After reading about David's untimely death HERE and not from some secret source, Bob Thiel then had to proceed and make this event all about himself."

    That's our Dr Bob- never let a good opportunity go to waste!

  13. 12:08 wrote: "And, for the record, whatever went on at that dinner, and however polite David graciously chose to be toward the arrogant big donor, the reality is that David saw right through Bob and ridiculed him behind his back."

    You are absolutely correct on this. Bob was ridiculed not only by David but by many at HQ. Bob tries to make himself out as some great agent of restoration in the church but everyone laughed at him behind his back. Only a few stroked his fragile ego, Gaylyn Bonjour being one of them. But, even he had no idea Bob would take a simple blessing and twist it into justification to start a new church. Bob's ego has been his downfall and a direct implication of why no LCG members went with him.

  14. There's actually a detail wrong in Bob's report that proves he didn't get the information independently or from an inside source. He either got it from Banned or from the same source as Banned. You're BUSTED, Bwana Bob!

  15. 1:46 Correct! Bob got it straight from here first no matter how deceptive he tries to be.

    My highly reliant source also shared information that I am not posting here that Bob knows absolutely nothing about.

    Bob is always a dollar short and a day late.

  16. Let's be honest, Bob falls short in a lot of areas. 🤏🤏

    Sad news...

  17. I wonder if Bob would have the decency to delete his shameful and deceptive post?

  18. Who cares about Bob…?? We have the glorious Apostle John to show us the way, with his looong diatribes and nonsense…!!!


    Slime still smells

  19. The cliche: (wait for the drum role!) At least he won't have to go through the Tribulation!

    Seriously, my heart goes out to anyone whose existence is so tied to one of the "great ones" that they can't establish their own independent personna, and live life on their own terms. I did a total walk away myself, and have established a fairly decent life and reputation. But most people need to be wet nursed by their families or they fall apart. It's a shame.

  20. I'm curious. Was Dave baptised?

  21. I'm curious. Was Dave baptised?

    Yes. He was counseled against it, but he wanted it very much and he found a minister willing to baptise him.

  22. Rod looks like a grandfather not a father in this picture.

  23. I didnt ever meet David & feel bad for his death at such a premature age. I do remember Mike Meredith giving a sermonette at a rural Alabama church city one am(Jasper). I could be wrong but i sorta of got the feeling that he was doing what he was somewhat expected to do following his father's footsteps into the ministry but not necessarily something that he really wanted to do himself.

  24. Comments about Covid vaccines are idiotic. Of course, it kills some people, like it happens with all vaccines.

    But David had been a drug addict and a drunkard for most of his adult like. Vaccinated or not, a heart attack was unfortunately an expected/potential outcome for him.

    Very sad for his two daugthers.

  25. Gadebois at 1:39 AM said...“Comments about Covid vaccines are idiotic. Of course, it kills some people, like it happens with all vaccines.”

    The problem with these new, experimental, mRNA, COVID-19 shots that were rushed out in 9 months rather than the usual 5 to 10 years is that the data at the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) suggests that they might have already killed more than three times as many people as have all the traditional vaccines combined over the past thirty years.

    Check out:


    It makes me wonder about Clyde Kilough of COGWA mentioning in early July 2022 that he had Pericarditis, which is one of the known side effects of the new mRNA jabs.

  26. Pericarditis, which is one of the known side effects of the new mRNA jabs.

    The catch here is that most of the "known side effects of the new mRNA jabs" are ALSO known side effects of long COVID. If a victim is unvaccinated it is obviously a COVID side effect, but if a victim was vaccinated it's difficult to be certain of the cause.

    None of which has anything to do with David Meredith. His autopsy report points to obesity and blood clots as the immediate causes of the heart attack. Since both long COVID and the COVID vaccines are implicated in blood clotting, all we can say for sure is that his obesity let the problem occur.
