Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, August 6, 2022

When a certain COG Youtuber/leader overextended himself, God sent bedbugs to wake him up


If you thought bouncing flouncing Bob Thiel was bad...

Holy Hanna! What a train wreck. 

Stephen Gilbreath talks about his home has been infested with bedbugs and how he used
diatomaceous earth to kill them. He said god designed DE to kill only the bad bugs and not the good bugs.

If you have a pool you most likely will be using it in your pool filter. 

I prefer that God designed DE to take care of our pools!

Even though he preaches the truth, God apparently was not happy with him.

Apparently, he overextended himself and this is God's wake-up call to him. Bedbugs...

People wonder why no one can take Armstrongism seriously anymore!

Also, check out his Jewish hat

ht to a reader here: 
"Another Stephen Lloyd Gilbreath classic. It would be a shame for this to slip by unnoticed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gzVAsRgSP4 I don't seem to remember a plague of bedbugs (or diatomaceous earth) in Exodus..."


  1. Me thinks that hat is not ‘Jewish’ at all.
    Never seen one with a ‘coloured red’ underlining.
    Gotta love diversity,lol.

    But I would love to see Dr Rabbi Bob Thiel wearing a Borsalino or particularly a Shtreimel or Spodik.
    He could even design his own ‘Kippah’ and have it ‘captioned’ like the Breslov and Nachman boys.
    The varieties are almost endless like his prophetic speculations………..

  2. It may not be a Jewish hat but he pretends to be one. Just watch the beginning of all of his videos and he's to talk about the Jewish calendar and the Roman calendar. Who talks like that? Even most of the Israelis do not.

  3. Did you know that Gilbreath has more caucasian followers than Bob Thiel does? Bob's always the example of what a failure is in the COG.

  4. You gotta love that hat, and I can't say how much trouble I had trying to figure out how to spell 'diatomaceous' correctly in my original post...


  5. You guys shouldn't pick on Stephen he is a cool guy.

  6. With that hat, he reminds me of Perry the Platypus...


  7. Armstrongism is a worn out scam. It's the remnant of the pyramid scheme after the fat cats have made their money, gotten out, and the scheme has collapsed. Also, there are much more ridiculous and exciting conspiracy theories today, and far stronger strong men extoling and exploiting them. It is simply not credible that Armstrongism could be the solution for anything. Gilbreath should be telling his followers to eat the diatomaceous earth. Ironically, it too is used in aquariums, basically for salt water fish. If the internet was recommending fish medications for Covid, why not D. E. for improved mental health amongst COGlodytes?

  8. Did you get out of the wrong side of the bed today NO2HWA? Nit picking strangers to death now. The hat is not a orthodox Jewish hat but so what if it is ?? It's a hat maybe he doesn't have good hat sellers by him, maybe he kinda thinks he's got freedom of choice when it comes to choosing a hat.
    You nit pick others like notorious old timer nit picking WCG ministry. Sure your not a higher up ? Shheesh give people space to be who they are, you nit pick like a wannabee psychiatrist.

  9. Now that anyone can make a video and be a talking head, it has now "devolved" into a "COG Karaoke" weekly event.

    Maybe it could be turned into a competition show like "COG'S GOT TALENT."

  10. 1:23, you guys criticize Aron Ra, and anyone else who has long hair rather than consider or discuss their ideas. Why shouldn't we comment about an anachronistic COGlodyte who still adheres to 1940s men's styles?

    James Malm used to lament the demise of hats for men as being the time when our society really took a downward plunge. Honestly, there is no demise of men's hats. There has been a switch to ball caps, and less formal hats.

  11. DE will get rid of "bad" bugs but not "good" bugs? Statements like that is why you should check out the veracity of those who want holy day offerings. A ladybug is considered a good bug but has an exoskeleton. DE can kill all bugs with exoskeletons.

  12. I took care of the college pools and private pools for over 30 years and used DE extensively. It is a good natural killer of all bugs that have joints. DE is actually fossiled remains of diatoms whose skeletal remains form silica.

    1. If It is a good natural killer of all bugs that have joints then it should be for bed bugs and therefore Stephen was right to use it.

  13. I do not think anyone here is disputing the fact diatomaceous earth is a good natural insect killer, that is a known fact that gardeners have known for decades.

    The problem comes in where Gilbreath was so lax in keeping his two-story house clean that it became infested with bedbugs. He admits he spread so much around that he needs to get rid of his furniture so that's can vacuum his carpets. It's a two-story house that is completely infested.

    1. Old men like him have a hard time getting around .

  14. Gilbreath is the only one I know that knows about the Hebrew calendar and Roman calendar and talks about it on the show.
