Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Dave Pack's New Public Relations Nightmare Unfolding In Wadsworth

RCG’s UnOpen House


In the 1999 comedy “Office Space," there is a scene in which the two Bobs discover that Milton is still employed, but the records say he was laid off five years prior. Instead of creating a confrontation by letting him know he is no longer an employee, they decide to stop sending him paychecks, and the problem will just work itself out naturally.”


That must be one of Dr. Tim Ranney’s favorite movies because he took the same approach this week. As the P.R. guy of The Restored Church of God, he dis-invited Dawn Blue of How It’s Done and me from the Restored Church of God UnOpen House by deleting our Eventbrite digital tickets the day of the event. Without a courtesy phone call to us. Without a direct email to us. Click shift-delete. “Wow, that could have been awkward,” he must have mused.


RCG was proud to announce its first open house in nine years since the Headquarters Campus was built in 2013. The timing of this event is interesting since they have made it a tradition of not engaging with the people of Wadsworth. Surely this is not a public relations stunt that would help stop their plummeting reputation.


The RCG UnOpen House was held at 4pm on Thursday, September 8.


Whopper Alert Near The End


As members of the Wadsworth Chamber of Commerce, we received the email invitation from RCG. Dawn Blue registered me and four others with our full names and contact information on August 18. This was no stealth incursion.


The automated system generated PDF tickets and sent them via email.

Dawn and I had many discussions about this event over the next three weeks. We were not going to confront anyone. We were not going to cause a scene. We were not going to quiz David C. Pack about his new $500,000 trimmed lawn. Nope. We only wanted to watch and listen.


I prepped her in advance, "If RCG reaches out to you regarding our intent, just tell them, 'We will be as harmless as doves.' That is Bible-speak, and they will understand."


Dawn wanted to take the tour because her curiosity was killing her. Trust me, the HQ Campus is beautiful. The Hall of Administration (plenty of empty space). The Media Center Studio (retired). The Grand Garden. The lakes. The barn and horses. The landscaping is exceptional…and I do not say that facetiously. I enjoyed my time walking the Campus while I was employed there.


Dawn Blue and I would have done nothing to bring dishonor to the Chamber of Commerce or our fellow members. If we had “acted up” at the event, we would have been seen as “the bad guys” after all and brought shame to the Wadsworth community.


As time rolled toward the September 8 event, I wondered if we would get a phone call to find out why we wanted to go. Perhaps an email once they saw our names on the guest list. But instead, nothing.


Dawn and I attended the Chamber of Commerce luncheon one week before the UnOpen House. Dr. Tim Ranney and Edward L. Winkfield were there. I even said hello to Dr. Ranney on his way to the coffee. Ed and I never made eye contact. At this point, they knew we were Chamber members if they did not before.


Surely we would get a rejection now. But more silence and inaction from RCG.


Then I wondered, are they so incompetent that nobody checked the names on the guest list? Or perhaps they are having week-long meetings to discuss what to do by weighing the pros and cons of rejecting us.


Whatever decision was made, it had to be a thumbs up or thumbs down by Caesar himself. No way Brad would make that call on his own. So, Dave knew we registered. I hoped he would see it as a test of wills and let me in just to see if I had the spine to show up.


Oh, I was going to show up, Dave. I had the PDF ticket on my phone.

Dawn was equally excited as I was. Two days before the event, we received an email reminder. Wow, they are really going to let this happen. Or will they act like cowards and cancel us at the last minute? Ha.


Here is how we learned about being dis-invited by the brave professionals at The Restored Church of God that day.·   RCG deletes our tickets from Eventbrite without informing us.

·   Dr. Tim Ranney calls the Wadsworth Chamber of Commerce to extend the courtesy of letting them know Dawn and I were no longer invited. I am a disgruntled employee.

·   This kind and thoughtful lady at the Chamber office exercises “brotherly love” by calling Dawn to “make sure she knew” that we were no longer invited. Dawn did not know. (If it was not for this caring lady taking time out of her busy day to do Dr. Ranney’s job, Dawn and I would have walked up to the front gate to attend. That would have been interesting.)

·   Dr. Tim Ranney tells the Chamber that an email was sent to Dawn and me. It was not. We never received any notification from Eventbrite, and he chose to not let us know directly. Instead, he lets the system "just work itself out naturally." Classy move.

·   Dawn calls me, and I confirm that I have no notifications. I went to the Eventbrite website, and my digital ticket was gone, and the event was no longer on my calendar.

·   I call RCG and leave Dr. Tim Ranney a voicemail message asking for clarification.essage asking for clarification.

Around 2pm, he called me back. I have never heard the man speak in such a curt tone. This was not the same man I had shared a smile with the week before. It made me wonder if Brad was sitting next to him to ensure he exuded strength and authority.

He explained an email went out to Dawn and me. I explained it did not.

All my questions were answered the same way, “We’re not going to get into that today.” 

“When can we get into it if it’s not today?”

“Not today. Let me be clear. I just don't want you to misunderstand. You’re not invited.”

The exchange was brief.

 "Marc, we're done talking. You wanted clarification, and I gave you that. I'm not going to give you any more information today. We're too busy to even start a discussion.”

Since I am very aware that Headquarters “monitors” everything I publish online, here are some open questions for Dr. Tim Ranney:

·  Why not ask me at the luncheon last week what our interest was?

·  Why not call Dawn to ask her if she would respectfully conduct herself?

·  Why not write to let me know there were concerns about me attending?

·  Why wait until the “last minute” to address this?

·  Why did you choose to not engage either one of us directly via email or phone call?

·  How are you not embarrassed to leave the responsibility of notifying us to the Chamber of Commerce?

·  How are you not ashamed of having someone else do your job?

·  Why tell the Chamber of Commerce that an email was sent to Dawn Blue and me when you did not bother to confirm that it was actually true?

Does anyone want to wager on the odds of me getting my answers? I am available via phone or email, Dr. Ranney.


By trying to stop the bleeding of one P.R. nightmare, RCG steps into another.

When God’s protection is just not enough, the Wadsworth P.D. are available.

Good grief, Charlie Brown.

After having the front gate closed for nine years and finally inviting some of the folks in the Wadsworth Community to come onto the Campus and experience the joys of a Christian Church, all guests were welcomed by an armed security guard.

I went shopping at the Giant Eagle across the street, and the first thing I saw as I pulled into the parking lot was a Wadsworth Police vehicle parked at the RCG front gate. My jaw dropped.

I am no public relations expert, but that makes for some awkward, piss-poor optics. And I just had to take a picture. I did not dare to come near the edge of the Giant Eagle property lest I be accused of stalking them or trespassing on the Campus.

Thanks to the wise discernment of RCG leadership, rumor has become a reality.

RCG does have armed security guarding the Campus.

How is that for a welcoming sight?

Perhaps some kook left a burning paper bag of poop on Dave’s doorstep the night before. Everyone was on high alert. 

Having a police officer guarding the front gate is more sound for repelling antichrists than holding a crucifix and garlic, shouting, "The power of Wadsworth compels you. The power of Wadsworth compels you.”

After all, what else could they do? Rely on God? Oh, come on. That sounds great from the lectern but let’s be reasonable.

Since I did not make it through the gate, I was unsure if there were x-ray machines inside the front door of the Hall of Administration. People are used to being frisked at the airport, so if a "minister" asked them to take off their shoes as they entered, it would be no surprise. 

Giant Eagle is a high-traffic area, and I knew someone in the community would post this on Facebook. My fellow neighbors did not disappoint.

See. Dawn Blue and I are not the only sources of discomfort for Dave and the enablers on the third floor. I greatly appreciate the people of Wadsworth who reach out unsolicited to provide information. The eyes and ears are everywhere. – ExRCGwebsite@gmail.com

The last point speaks to RCG’s truthfulness as an organization. 

You cannot take Pastor General David C. Pack at his word. Not with the little things and certainly not with the big things.

Tonight at sunset is the beginning of Elul 15, when Jesus Christ is scheduled to return and give salvation to the members of RCG. According to Dave. I am also scheduled for the Lake of Fire, but if I am still here on Monday, you can paint me unsurprised.

RCG’s UnOpen House is a layered title.

Calling a private, public relations event ONLY for vendors and (some) members of the Chamber of Commerce an “open house” is another RCG distortion.

This event was NOT an open house. Is that just my opinion? Let us consult the dictionary.

open house (Merriam-Webster)

1: ready and usually informal hospitality or entertainment for all comers

2: a house or apartment open for inspection, especially by prospective buyers or tenants

open house (Bing / Google)

1: a place or situation in which all visitors are welcome

2: a day when members of the public are invited to visit a place or institution, especially one to which they do not normally have access.

So, the wicked antichrist serpent attacks The Restored Church of God with facts. Again.

Even the dictionary knows this stunt was not an “open house.” Why is it so challenging for a Christian Church to be truthful? Look at the leadership, and the answer “will just work itself out naturally.”




I wanted to go to the RCG UnOpen House to show David C. Pack that I am not afraid of him.

Having armed police at the front gate tells everyone that David C. Pack is afraid of me.


Even though false prophetic teachings and fear-driven manipulation are all serious topics, there is still room to have a little fun once in a while,

Revive is an iPhone application that lets you deep-fake still pictures with singing and talking. You can try it for free. Tears of joy shall flow forth.

Marc Cebrian

See: RCG’s UnOpen House


  1. Can Tim Ranney and Dave Pack really be this stupid? It is like they are deliberately inviting people to ridicule them. Then, when people do, watch them turn around and scream PERSECUTION!

    1. Of course they can be that stupid. After spending nearly 50 years in the ACOG's, their IQ's must have diminished greatly!

  2. As Aunt Esther would say to Fred Sanford "take off your shoes you old heathen"!!

  3. I didn't click on the videos for fear of having to hear Dave's voice but really love the dubs. Very funny. But seriously Mark you didn't really think that you would be allowed on to the sacred grounds of Master pack.

  4. I'm curious as to the opinions of both the RCG and the Wadsworth community regarding whether this was a success, a failure, or something lackluster in between. It would be helpful to know attendance figures, so that we might compare them to a Jerry Weston event.

    To anyone watching, did the presence of the police cause anyone to turn around and leave? Did the event make the evening news?

    Thanks for the back story from behind the scenes. The exclusion of those seen as being non-neutral was totally predictable. Whenever one expects decency as a human being from the Armstrongite powe structure, one inevitably becomes disappointed.

  5. If police are at the gate, it could be for safety or crowd control. Are any city leaders Wadsworth Chamber members?

    Or it could be that RCG is showing how it "backs the blue."

    Assuming everyone is watching you - the way David Pack sometimes thinks everyone is watching him - can be a very wrong assumption.


  6. How do I see the 170 comments on Facebook?

  7. Dawn and I did expect to get in. I know many did not think so, but I saw a pathway and the more that time went on, the more likely it felt. Three weeks. We registered three weeks before the event and I shook Dr. Ranney's hand last week and he did not say a word about it. I honestly do not know when they found out. Was it a panic Thursday morning or was it a week's worth of intense round table discussions? I do not know. I can only imagine.

    Nobody would be able to give solid numbers except for the Houks at the front tent. If I had to bet, I would say the turnout was "sparse and unremarkable."

    I know I got spotted when I was at the Giant Eagle taking pictures. I watched one man get on his cell phone when he saw me. I tried to wave at them when I drove away. They did not wave back. :(

    All this is moot since Elul 15 is at sunset tonight and all day tomorrow, September 11. Salvation comes to RCG. I go to the Lake of Fire. If Dave has his way.

    If not, count on Part 39x next week.


  8. It looks Dave Pack was offering two different "open houses" this past Thursday. One, for a select very sceened few, Wadsworth's premier landscaping gem. All others would enjoy the open Wadsworth city jail.

    So, once again, the RCG forgets how to truly portray the "squeaky clean" image and operates in their continued "sneaky dirty" ways.

    They may think that they can get away with marking Chamber of Commerce member Marc Cebrian as a disgruntled former employee, but just how do the they think they are going to get away with dismissing Dawn Blue so easily?

    I think we will find out in real short order just what the RCG gained on September 8 in the form of public relations standing.

  9. The FB group with all the comments is the private Wadsworth Neighbors group. It cannot be seen publicly.

  10. So, it was hardly a "blue tip" event.

  11. What does this all prove? David the fraud is fearful of you, the People. Not a "God" fearing Man at all. No conscience of reality. No love for His neighbors. Loves only those bringing in money for His whoring. Once he has no use for you, He no longer feels comfortable around you. The Bible calls him a reprobate mind, corrupt, resisting the truth.

  12. Marc and Dawn are upfront, honest decent people. Pack is a lying, thieving coward.

    What are you so afraid of, Dave? I thought truth always withstands scrutiny. Oh, wait...now I see what you are so afraid of!

    If you think Marc and Dawn are to be feared, just wait until you meet the Judge of the Universe. Your destruction slumbers not Dave.

  13. What Dave has proven (although as an illeist, he refers to himself as "Mr. Pack") is that he will always take control, will always get his own way, even though graciousness and polite decorum would better work to his own advantage. He loves all of that power, and it must really frustrate him to realize that he does not have the power to make Jesus appear at his command.

  14. Anonymous said...

    So, it was hardly a "blue tip" event.

    Let's stick to the facts. The striking thing about all this is that Dave is no match for Marc and Dawn and Dave will find himself boxed in, quite burned and completely extinguished before too long

  15. Anonymous Sunday, September 11, 2022 at 4:25:00 PM PDT said:

    "Let's stick to the facts. The striking thing about all this is that Dave is no match for Marc and Dawn and Dave will find himself boxed in, quite burned and completely extinguished before too long."

    Having attended many Blue Tip parades I have to say very funny and on the mark! Thanks for the laugh!

    For the rest of the audience here the "Blue Tip" is a Wadsworth thing. There was once a large factory in town that produced "Blue Tip" matches which were well known 50 - 100 years ago. It was one of the businesses that helped Wadsworth grow into the thriving metropolis it is today. It was such a big deal that it is commemorated every year, kind of like a holy day festival. Kind of ironic that Pack located his compound in a location famous only for fire and brimstone.

  16. If the goal of the RCG in this Open House was to allay the fears of the Wadsworth community that there was nothing nefarious going on within the gates of the compound, then the worst possible thing they could have done is make it exclusionary.

    1. I highly doubt Marc & Dawn were going to go & do something to give RCG leverage. Taking away invites & placing a police vehicle was overkill. Journalists don't get a foot in the door only to ruin it. What came of it is that the fact they have reported are on point. RCG played a bad move at chess.

  17. Tim Ranney has turned into Bagdhad Bob (Saddam Hussein's Information Minister). The cover-ups and half-truths of this guy are an embarrassment to the church. Why he continues to enable Pack's blatant lies and false prophecies amaze me.

  18. My question is did they think you both were going to make a scene at the Unopen House or call them out? Maybe they were worried if you took pictures or video on the property? It feel like they just opened a can of worms & made themselves look really bad by taking away your invites. I'll be curious to see if you do another video taping with Dawn Blue. So far she's stuck to the facts & evidence which is probably why Pack won't entertain her.
