Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Gerald Weston Asks: Would God choose your church? The answer to that is NO, he has already chosen LCG as his own!


The "work" marches on forward in power and glory, so much so that there is only ONE COG doing such a work today. Gerald Weston is so sure of this that he dares to ask if God is as pleased with your group as He is with LCG. This is a group so stupendously mindboggling that the gospel continued to go forth to the world even while 110 ministers and their wives were in Charlotte for a conference

Greetings from Charlotte,

The big news for most of us here in Charlotte this week was the last of the four United States Regional Ministerial Conferences (see below for more details). But the preaching of the Gospel to the whole world continued amidst this needed activity. The Work in the French language posted a new voiced-over telecast, “What Does God Want of Me?”; the Spanish El Mundo de MaƱana magazine arrived for mailing; Editorial is putting the final edits into the October–November issue of Tomorrow’s World magazine; and I recorded a future telecast, “Would Jesus Choose Your Church?” Our small writing staff here and abroad continues to quietly research and write new articles, our Television Department edits and sends programs to stations, our social media staff prepares ads, and Mail Processing, Internet, Information Technologies, Record Information Services, and a host of other departments tirelessly do their jobs as we work together to fulfill God’s calling for His end-time Work. To a greater or lesser degree, this is also happening in our Regional Offices around the world. And, of course, there are all of you who pray and support this Work. We all have our part and every part is necessary. Thank you, to all of you.—Gerald Weston

Weston also brought up the question of whether or not God would choose your church in his co-worker/member letter in mid-August. Perhaps Weston should be asking himself if God would choose LCG above all other COG's.

The reason I ask that is that in his August letter he writes about how he was in Little Rock Arkansas recently where he had 48 guests (the majority LCG members) show up for his presentation. Weston remarks how shocked "some" of these guests were to find out that there was an actual congregation in Little Rock. Here is a church that claims it is preaching the Gospel in a powerful manner and yet people do not know anything about them. Here in LA, their presence is nonexistent. No one knows who they are.

Although we mention it from time to time, we find that many people do not realize that there is an organized Church behind Tomorrow’s World. I was in Little Rock, Arkansas recently for a Tomorrow’s World Presentation and spoke on “Signs of Christ’s Return.” Several of the 48 guests were surprised to learn that we have a congregation in their city. Our congregations mostly go unnoticed since we choose to give the Truth away rather than spend money to build or buy meeting halls. We instead rent rooms and halls according to the size of each congregation.

LCG and most COG's go unnoticed because they do not care to integrate themselves in their local communities as people so filled with love and grace that they do endless good works. It is like the COG is embarrassed by its message and prefers to hide in the shadows all the time. Seriously, who really wants to attend church in a Masonic Lodge, a school gym, or a dirty movie theatre? None of these places are really that conducive to worshipping God.

Weston continues with this tidbit:

We admit that we don’t fit the mold of most Sunday morning religious programs. Some televangelists represent a single-city megachurch. Other ministries send viewers to “the church of your choice.” Sadly, some are mere charlatans hawking books, DVDs, prayer cloths, hats, and t-shirts. Tomorrow’s World is different. We have nothing to offer except the Truth and we give it away free of charge.

The bullshit is really deep with this one...

LCG hawks its booklets, its telecasts, magazines, and magical anointed cloth to true beleivers. The same magical voodoo that many other churches do. LCG booklets, telecasts, and magazines give you a direct conduit to God who will then convict your heart to say out loud that Herbert Armstrong and the Living Church of God is the correct true church... just like the Mormons do with their myths.

Sure they may give away things free of charge, but little do people know that once they commit to following Weston that their pocketbooks and wallets will soon be empty as they are made to tithe and give endless offerings and other money to the church. There is a LOT of baggage to that "free of charge".

Weston admits that their magazines are essentially useless tools in converting members into the one true church:

The overwhelming majority of our nearly 600,000 Tomorrow’s World subscribers benefit from the spiritual content of our magazine, telecast, and other resources, but never become members or co-workers. And that is perfectly fine with us. Only a few like you—and how precious you are—have voluntarily chosen to contribute so that hundreds of thousands can receive these free resources.

So let's ask ourselves, would God choose the Living Church of God as his own? 


  1. GW says: "We have nothing to offer except the Truth and we give it away free of charge."

    But wait until you get and see the bill after joining the Church.

  2. The presentation in Little Rock Arkansas was such a HUGE success it produced a whopping 0 in attendance on the follow up lectures. Weston and the minister there in LR (Phil West) made such a fantastic impression on the new people, no one showed up in the weeks that followed. Not shocking though, Phil ran off two of his own children from church...even they don't attend!

  3. Our congregations mostly go unnoticed since we choose to give the Truth away rather than spend money to build or buy meeting halls. We instead rent rooms and halls according to the size of each congregation.

    1. the congregations go mostly unnoticed because it's a secret society. You must be a have ministerial counseling (at least one session, maybe more) before the minister decides if you are "ready" for church. These people are called "go-tos" because the minister "goes to" them.
    This is cult practice called information control. Current members are shielded from potential walk-ins who may question the teachings and damage the appearance of a concensus on doctrine; if someone asked questions out loud, the question could spread, and questions (especially member-to-member) are not allowed.
    I have never been a go-to. My suspicion is that the ministers are checking to see if the person is controllable. Anyone want to share your experience as a go-to?

    2. They don't buy or build buildings because they're afraid of losing control and assets. It's easier to control people who rely on HQ for their funds and meeting hall. I think LCG tries to keep a parent-child relationship between HQ and the congregations. Ownership breeds independence. Independence is a cardinal sin.
    If you own your own building and have your own funds, you might not feel like you need HQ; then you might split off, and LCG might lose the building.

  4. We have nothing to offer except the Truth and we give it away free of charge.

    What does We (The Church) mean?
    If The Church needs to fund something, The Church is the whole membership.
    If The Church needs to make a decision that affects the whole membership, The Church is the Council of Elders.

    1. 7.32
      A variation of the privatize your profits and socialize your losses.

  5. Yeah, that excretes, 7:32, but you really nailed it!

  6. I find myself wondering if these groups are continuing to believe the old HWA gnosticism that "If a Democrat is elected president it means that the end is close. If a Republican president is elected, it means God has given us more time to get the work done!"???

    Surely, even they must be able to recognize the disunity and confusion fomented by #45, the distrust he manufactured in all of our sacred institutions, his "to hell with the planet"attitude, the breakdown he crafted of all of the checks and balances which were designed to prevent our country from becoming a totalitarian dictatorship, and the secession he authored from the international alliances created after World War II to promote global cooperation which had been very successfully preventing World War III?

    Do they know that HWA's meme has totally reversed itself, the complete opposite has become true, and unless the Republicans clean up and excise the cancer which has infected them and get back to traditional conservatism, with patriotism applying to the country and not redefined as being support for a singular demagogue, then the end is imminent and our destruction is upon us?

  7. What I ask our LCG members is this. If your congregation were to disappear from the community tomorrow, would anyone notice? If the answer is no, then what does this say about the congregation? What does it say about LCG?

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I find myself wondering if these groups are continuing to believe the old HWA gnosticism that "If a Democrat is elected president it means that the end is close. If a Republican president is elected, it means God has given us more time to get the work done!"???

    EXACTLY, this particular group throughout the years that I have noticed; are so happy when a republican is in office, but they are so upset when a democrat is in office. They tell people not to vote, but they do so within themselves. Hypocrites!

    I mean their leading minister said, I am a conservative! Like that term is in the Bible.
