Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

LCG: Gerald Weston Says Real LCG Members Do Not Slink Back But Put Duty First…Who Knew?


Gerald Weston sent out a letter to the faithful on September 15 using Queen Elizabeth's service to her country as a sign for LCG members to serve to their utmost ability so that they too can be crowned Kings and Queens in the kingdom to come.

Weston claims that LCG members never slink back but put duty first. One would never know that considering how every Friday LCG makes a point of letting members know they are screwing things up and constantly falling sort.

And yes, I am confident of good things from you brethren and co-workers as well. We are not of those who slink back, but of those who put duty first. “‘Now the just shall live by faith; but if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him.’ But we are not of those who draw back to perdition, but of those who believe to the saving of the soul” (Hebrews 10:38-39). The fact that you have become members or co-workers indicates you recognize this duty and take it seriously. Thank you, and may God reward you greatly!

You take it so seriously that you will turn over 20-30% of your income to us whenever we ask. Remember brethren, the more you give the richer your blessing will be in the kingdom!

We must not deify Queen Elizabeth—after all, she was human and had personal shortcomings—but we can learn from her example of recognizing and embracing her calling. We do not live so much in the public eye, but we live in the eyes of God, and He is looking to us to fulfill our duty. We must put personal desire second to the will of our Savior (Luke 14:26). 

"We must put personal desire second to the will of our Savior" when pray tell, have many of the ministry in LCG ever done this?  

The duty we have been called to involves a personal relationship with our Creator, and that involves heartfelt prayers for His Work and personal giving according to His will and our ability. Though we are small, we are doing a significant Work. As of this letter, along with sending the hardcopy Tomorrow’s World magazine to approximately 600,000 subscribers ten times a year, entirely free of charge, we are also reaching a significantly different audience of nearly 587,000 French, Spanish, and English YouTube subscribers who say, by subscribing, that they want to see more of what we have to give. 

God needs your money! He cannot do his work without your money!  

We also have more than 825,000 combined followers on Facebook in English, Spanish, and French, and our French version of “Three Things Nailed to the Cross” gained 950,000 social media views in less than two months. We also provide literature and have active websites in Dutch, Afrikaans, German, Hindi, Russian, and Chinese. So far this year we have conducted 176 Tomorrow’s World Presentations in the United States—far surpassing our previous record of 89 in 2018 and 2019. Our recent presentation in Sherbrooke, Quebec was successful enough that we have begun a new congregation there.  

All of these efforts—and so many more—are made possible by those of you who understand your calling and duty. As always, thank you for your dedication and zeal to get out this important message before our world sinks into the unimaginable. And may the God who has called you, and desires to add you to His royal team at Christ’s return, bless you even now for your dutiful service.


  1. The only call to duty the LCG expects of their members is to give money. Otherwise, you are insignificant. That's how the minister in my former church area treated us. If you were a member with money you were fawned over, but if you were a member with little money to give you were ignored.

  2. This is hilarious! I know Weston was trying to be serious, but give me a break!

  3. Anon 6:23:00 PM PDT

    Quite correct money talks.

    So a new congregation was started in Sherbrooke Quebec?
    Knowing the ability of the cog movement to twist numbers to their advantage, it would be interesting to see the makeup of that congregation. Numbers of established members compared to ‘newbie’s’.
    And over time, what will be the retention rate?
    It must be finically feasible for them to open a ‘branch’ there now. So one can suppose they are all tithing.
    It will be interesting to revisit this in 12 months to see if the congregation still exists.

  4. Lol yep. Pray and pay. And quietly please.

  5. The duty we have been called to involves a personal relationship with our Creator, and that involves heartfelt prayers for His Work and personal giving according to His will and our ability.

    Yep, the good ol' "pay n pray"....

  6. I remember a minister in this organization who bragged about a man who just entered their church congregation who had a lot of money. He was around retirement age, and just started attending and paying tithes. This minister started comparing his impressive tithes to other members who did not make as much money as this new member in sermons. I kid you not.

    1. Haha I think I remember this happening. Ridiculous!

  7. One would think that after so many years that the cogs would by now know their creator by Name for He does have a Name as does His Son. But no, instead they call Him by a title. What does this say about their knowledge. It reminds me of what Paul encountered by the sign made out to the Unknown God.

    The term 'God/god' was mainly used by the pagans, though they adopted personal names for their gods. Same goes for the term 'Lord/lord' we are told NOT to adopt the pagan ways of how they call and treat their gods, but turn around and do it anyway.

    Consider seriously what Yahshua said about how we ought to worship Him and the Father. Also what form of government ought we to have. Armstrongism couldn't be farther from the truth as it is only a step or two above the stupid pagans that worship gods of stone and wood, etc.

  8. Its a good thing that those early Apostles had Television, Headquarters compounds, and Magazines, instead of having to rely on the Gifts of the Spirit to preach the Gosplel!

  9. "Consider seriously what Yahshua said about how we ought to worship Him and the Father." Yahshua? No way!..... Yah Way! I wonder why a deity needs so many aliases? In my experience, those who use aliases, and lots of them, are not to be trusted.

  10. "Yahshua"? Anyone using that term while insisting on the use of the deity's name has only just begun his or her journey down the rabbit-hole of "Sacred Names."

    Jesus Himself said to call the LORD by a title, "Abba" rather than insisting on a personal name. And the Jews today will not speak or write God's name.

  11. In these ACOGs, members are just assets to be heartlessly exploited. If they can't take advantage of you in some shape or form, you are not welcome in their group.
    As Christ said, they are a den of thieves.

  12. I'm tempted to say "Gesundheit!"
