Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, September 10, 2022

The Nose Knows: "I'm not saying I'm Elijah but..."

From 53:00 to 58:00..

  What does repeated nose touching mean in body language? 

(and throat clearing with water sipping)

Nose touching may mean a person is unconvinced, uncertain about a situation, or feeling anxious. 

(I advise against any attempt to watch this entire "sermon".  It could damage your mental health)

Touching the nose while speaking is considered a body language sign that someone wants to keep the information that’s being shared a secret. Some cultures also take the gesture as a warning not to believe what’s being said.


  1. Can someone please explain to me how knowing the identity of the end-time Elijah will make me a better Christian?

    As a person of modest financial means, I am much more interested in figuring out how to take the best care of my loved ones while also being a caring member of a wider community with which I might share my limited wealth. How can I love an alcoholic friend or family member without being an enabler? How can I be a positive influence on an atheist neighbor and avoid getting into constant arguments? How can I have in my life the peace and abundance Jesus promises to His followers, but that seems mostly absent in the lives of those followers?

    If knowing the identity of the end-time Elijah will help with any of this, then I would certainly like to know. Otherwise, knowing the identity of the end-time Elijah seems just about as unimportant as knowing the identity of the end-time Diotrephes and the end-time Demetrius.

  2. Hmmm... In today's sermon, at about 22 minutes, Bob appears to humble himself to being a "low-level prophet, but"...

  3. It must be close to the end time, all the crackpot and loons coming out of the woodwork. Christ warned of these types over and over again. When will they ever learn it's not about them. Many shall come in my name saying I am the Christ and deceive many. Mathew 24.5

  4. Nose touching could just mean that Beto is SNOTTY!

  5. Wow, it looks as if Bob has just gotten in from digging a six foot deep hole in 100 degree heat in the middle of a ragweed field.

    Sniffle, touch the nose, sniffle again then drink some water. Touch the nose, sniffle make wild gestures touch the nose and drink more water.

    As for Bob's possibility of being Elijah and restoring all things - he claims no one else has restored more in the 21st century, there would have to be proof one way or the other.

    Just looking at YouTube subscribers, Bob has 3.61 thousand. Herbert Armstrong Library has 4.51 thousand subscribers. So elite restorer possible Elijah Bob can't gain enough followers to overcome and outpace a man dead 36 years who only restored 18 items of truth.

    All Judah and Samaria traveled into the wilderness to view John the Baptist. Bob can't get anyone to press a few buttons while sitting on their couch to view him.

  6. Could be, but it could also indicate that the residue from brown-nosing itches. There's got to be a bunch of it from when he kissed up to Rod Meredith for all those years, hoping to be ordained.

  7. Could be, but it could also indicate that the residue from brown-nosing itches. There's got to be a bunch of it from when he kissed up to Rod Meredith for all those years, hoping to be ordained.

  8. Has there ever been a bigger (yet smallest) loser in the entirety of Armstrongism than our petite doubly blessed prophlet? Never in the history of pseudo Christian cults have we seen such an incredible fool as Thiel!

    He is mumbling, nose itching, flailing, gesticulating, water gulping to an audience of one..,himself. Nobody is watching you Bob. Nobody believes you. You are doing all of this for nobody! Why not spend your time helping others or with your family? Why keep pushing the boulder up the hill when nobody is paying attention to you?

    Your arrogance is the only big thing about you, little man.

  9. I don’t nnoosseess about you, but Fert-Elijah Bobby boy is in no way the Elijah to come or a prophet.
    That was John the Baptist.
    There we are, all done and dusted.
    Sorry Bob, scripture clear on this one.

  10. I think Dr Bob is showing signs of Pinocchio Syndrome- the subconscious urge to check his nose
    for growth considering the whoppers that he is serving up...

    It's enough to make Burger King blush!
