Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Dave Pack Fails With Another Prediction As He Becomes More Bizarre, Odd, And Strange


David C. Pack’s Feast Failathon Continues


Shortly after yesterday’s article was published, the predicted moonwalking twisteroo went up in Member Services. Since “rushing” is not the wisest mode to live in, I opted to sit on this until the morning.


Trying to figure out what is being said is like reading a verbal math problem. All they needed to do was distribute the highlighted portion. Instead, they presented this needlessly bloated Pathetic Update.


Friday, October 14, 2022

True to pattern, the passing of hours has clarified the picture. A simple question presented itself: When God says the saints go through 10 days of tribulation, does He really mean 10.5? The obvious answer suddenly became impossible to dismiss! As soon as this was understood, a flood of supporting verses and proofs came clear. In effect, our watch was half-a-day off—actually starting Jerusalem dawn rather than dusk. This later arrival means God can spend time with the saints for a short period on the Sabbath before the 10 days begin. Put plainly, the window opens dawn Jerusalem time on the Sabbath. Again, each Feast site should do their own math. Continue to enjoy the Feast to the fullest in the little time we have left!



The Coffee Kid, Meat Shield (sans wife), and David C. Pack are circling the drain regarding viable ideas for the timing of the return of Jesus Christ. Extending failure for another twelve hours only bought them twelve hours. And that time is already spent.


Even the official Dave Whisperer for The Restored Church of Another god struggles to make sense of this confusing mess. I did not study biblical hieroglyphics in high school, but I will give it a shot.


I will not lie to you. This is going to hurt.


The new "watch" is set to start 10-days before Cheshvan 1 (October 26). That means October 16, which is Tishrei 21. Because this is all according to Jerusalem time, you must subtract 7 hours to get to Eastern time. On top of that, the Hebrew calendar reckons a day beginning at sunset the night before. This means Cheshvan 1 begins 7 hours before sunset here on October 25. Ten days before that is October 15, which is today, which is a Sabbath. Whew.


How is that for simplicity in Christ? ;)


Hopefully, none of you actually read all of that. It is a confusing mess because that is the kind of mind that occupies David C. Pack and the enablers at Headquarters who “agree” with the perpetual nonsense.


The bottom line is that the 10-day Kingdom that “God never intended” begins today at 11:07 AM!


Except, it didn’t. David C. Pack fell flat on his face again this morning, but the men around him will cast themselves on the ground before him so he will not be bruised by the fall. What happened to suffering kicking the learning mechanism into gear? Maybe that is for the lay members only.


Before this article was finished, the deadline had already failed. Do you see why I opted to not lose any sleep over this? My morning routine has become to have a cup of coffee while David C. Pack fails.


David C. Pack does not teach the prophetic truths of God.


That is not an opinion. That is a fact of history.


New reports of folks planning to leave RCG after the Feast are coming in. Dawn Blue and I would be interested in hearing your story when you are ready to talk. A growing network of former members offers support for those who leave or are contemplating leaving. You are not alone.


As a reminder from a mere week ago, re-listen to Meat Shield speak with sure confidence about what did NOT happen this week.

Shame on you, Andy. Shame on you. Take your awesome wife and get out. Steak dinner. My treat.



A friend who left Headquarters in August said that reading “Is ‘That Prophet’ Alive Today? ­– The Rise of False Prophets" was beneficial to her when she escaped RCG.


These words were written by David C. Pack and are found on Page 51.


Prolific Revelations

A less familiar characteristic of false prophets, and this is related to the last two sections, is that they are often extremely prolific in claiming new revelations from God. True prophets always speak plain, simple truth, delivered without frills!


Typically, false prophets claim that they are getting “more and more insight.” They often work late at night (recall that Saul raged all night), while they produce things that are increasingly bizarre, odd and strange.They also claim, and I have seen this several times in my 30-plus-year ministry, that the new understanding they are receiving is coming “faster than they can record it.” This makes no sense if such understanding or supposednew insight were coming from God. If God wants to send a message, why would He give it faster than the prophet could receive it? As a man yields himself to the demon manipulating him, in fact, he does become

consumed with his messages and the need to deliver them. The God of peace would never rev His servants to fever pitch. The Bible does not record such a pattern.


I have dealt with any number of demon-possessed people. It is these spirits who create a frenetic, rushed, frantic mindset in those they are vexing or controlling. Remember—God’s Spirit reflects “power, love and a sound mind” (II Tim. 1:7). When what is being said, and/or a person’s actions, are continually unsound, it is not coming from God! “Revelations” often occur late at night because spirits know that the mind of a sleep-deprived person grows weaker and more open to outside influence! I have seen this pattern far too often!


Anyone who would like a PDF of this book can click the link HERE to download it.

Here are recent comments from a “sound mind” that counter what brethren are hearing and reading during the Feast of Tabernacles in RCG.


Part 390 – August 27, 2022

@ 43:35 I’m not commissioned to give you the day. I’m commissioned to tell you it’s close. 


Part 393 – September 17, 2022

@ 10:52  I’ve not been to bed before 1:30. I don’t think, this whole week.


@ 08:47 If you asked me Monday, Wednesday, Friday, I’d tell ya it’s a week. If you ask me Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday, I'd tell ya it's ten days. If you ask me on Sunday, I'd say, "I'm not sure." It was almost like that, and the men around me could never pin it down, either.


@ 35:08 So, we were not looking for a 10-day Kingdom or a 15-day Kingdom or a one-month Kingdom, or a two-and-half-month Kingdom. We were looking for a one-week Kingdom.


Part 395* (Special Comments) – September 17, 2022

@ 02:39 And as I was sitting, and eventually it got toward 2 o'clock, and I was pondering this…


@ 12:55 But fortunately, I figured this out late last night.


@ 11:15 So, it wouldn't turn on sundown or dusk in Jerusalem. It would have to be some later place.


A sound mind, indeed.



To Pastor General and Professional Blasphemer David C. Pack:


When you get back from Rogers, if you would like to discuss this face-to-face, I would be happy to come to Headquarters to meet with you. That way, you can get everything off your chest rather than being a whiny little bitch boohooing about me to people at the Feast.


I know you will not do that. But I still offer because I am not afraid of you. You are a false prophet, a false apostle, and you handle the word of God deceitfully. Repent before it is too late.


One compliment from you was that you did not refer to me as a liar. A devil—yes. A liar—no. Even you validated my credibility. Thanks, man.


Stop your Feast Failathon.


Let God judge between you and me.

Marc Cebrian



  1. I wonder how Dave got to the point where he thought his need to predict the Second Coming was even a topic and pursuit worth all this baffonery? All he will get out of this is a boatload of scorn and a firm place in the "Theologians Falsely So-Called Hall of Infamy".

  2. Looking at the situation, I honestly wonder if he is saying this knowing it is rubbish and that he is a willful deceiver, or if he is a genuine believer in his own words who is genuinely surprised it's not working out as predicted (loony as that may be). I'm leaning towards the latter.

    It's a tragedy for the members and their families either way. The question is whether to regard him as a tragedy in his own right, or as wicked.

    In any case, I hope this blog is somehow a constructive influence leading someone on a path of wisdom, healing, and reconciliation, rather than leaving them broken or bitter. My hope is in God's healing and salvation of all of us.

  3. How many failures does he have to predict before his followers open their eyes & walk away? Does he have to bring out the vats of Kool Aid? He has already asked for all their savings and to run up credit card debt to send him $$$$. He is probably a bipolar disorder or a narcissistic personality disorder patient. One thing is for sure the only type of prophet is a CONFIRMED FALSE PROPHET.

  4. What amazes me is that he continues to double down on a losing streak. Even a gambling addict would have walked away from the table at this point. The difference between Dave and most chronic gamblers is that Dave still has enough followers sponsoring his failed attempts. It will be very interesting to watch as his supporters become increasingly alienated by his folly and remove themselves from the equation.

    Would it be out of order for us to set up our own betting pool on the date and time that the RCG bottoms out?

  5. I said last week that this man is demon possessed. Enough proof, from the false apostle/false suckey prophet's own lips, should be proof enough for every last remaining member to GET OUT NOW!

    God CANNOT be pleased with any remaining members support of this demon infested man. How will you answer Him when He asks you why you stayed? What possible reason could you give God Almighty? You have already disobeyed His command to ignore false prophets who get it wrong ONE TIME, much less dozens and dozens of times. So, what will you answer our Great God? I'm lookin' at you TC! Hopefully you have left!

  6. Is RCG a corporation sole? I assume Dave could close the church, sell the properties, and enjoy a comfortable retirement. Then he could trot out his famous decades-old warning against deception (Dennis posts it from time to time), and cash out while blaming the RCG members who fell for the deception.

  7. @1:14, although I do believe in demon possession, I think the closer down to earth prognosis is certifiably mentally insane. I think it's time to hold his wife accountable, she needs to dig down deep and do the right thing and have him Baker Acted.

  8. "When God says the saints go through 10 days of tribulation, does He really mean 10.5?"

    "This later arrival means God can spend time with the saints for a short period on the Sabbath before the 10 days begin."

    So, the true Christian residing in the the RCG having given all their physical possessions for the right of salvation, gets one half of a day with God before he sends them off into a 10 day tribulation.

    This would be Dave Pack simple math theology at its best. This is a perfect example why Dave Pack can't get from point A to point B. If Dave Pack the theological idiot thinks this scenario is absolutely true, then he needs to hold to it and pen it in a book.

    But Dave Pack is a coward living behind a gate spewing verbal diarrhea to a captive audience. How long will it be before he replaces this stupid scenario with something just as stupid?

    Come on Dave, your people paid for a kingdom, give them a little more than half a day before you throw them in the tribulation.

  9. Marc, can you clarify what Dave Pack's current teaching on the nature of Jesus' return? Does he still teach Jesus is returning as a man, a physical human being, to Wadsworth? Has he truly rejected the traditional COG teaching that Jesus will return as a glorified, powerful spirit being?

    Also, I heard a rumor that at one point he was teaching that Herbert Armstrong would be resurrected as a physical human being and live in Dave Pack's finished basement. Was this just a rumor or was this true being taught?

  10. "..Saul raged all night.."
    What interesting here is that God gave Israel the king that they asked for. They rejected God because of His righteous character, so He gave them the morally challenged leader that they desired.

  11. Anon on Oct 15 @ 7:26

    I am not sure where they are on this right now. I have not heard any "nature of Jesus Christ" sermons since I started listening again earlier this year. Whenever he does some wacky idea that he realizes is nonsense, he will just stop mentioning it rather than a full "that is wrong" declaration.

    Last I remember, Jesus was the one we expected when I left in March of 2021. But I have not listened to Parts 300 to 350 since I left RCG behind for a year after I left.

    At some point, Jesus was going to return "secretly" to Headquarters and meet with Dave. That did not live very long. HWA being resurrected WAS a thing for a little bit, but again, that did not have legs and was quietly left in the dust. -- I do not think the "basement" concept was taught. For a while, all the resurrected saints throughout history were going to live with folks on the Headquarters Campus.

    My detailed notes do not go back that far regarding all the stupid stuff. I have all the sermons he gave in RCG, but the idea of hunting for goofy garbage from 2016 does not appeal to me at the moment. ;)

    Anyone can write directly if they questions like this: exrcgwebsite@gmail.com. I understand some want to remain anonymous. If you have questions, I will keep that confidential.
