Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Dave Pack's Mental Meltdown Continues: God Destroys Thanksgiving


God Destroys Thanksgiving


Our least-favorite Prophetic Rain Man returned to setting dates yesterday after a four-day hiatus.


“Cheshvan. Definitely Cheshvan. Cheshvan 1. Cheshvan 1. Definitely Cheshvan 1.”


During "The Greatest Unending Story!" Parts 400 and 401 given on Saturday, October 22, David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God set a new last last last opportunity in 2022 for the return of Jesus Christ.


Tuesday, October 25 at 10:56am eastern


Dave and Team Faux are out of ideas. When he mentioned Cheshvan a few weeks ago, all former RCG members knew he would be the next date after he failed FOUR TIMES during the Feast of Tabernacles last week.


Jesus Christ was going to return on the second day of the Feast. Then that Friday. Then that Saturday. Then the Tuesday after The Last Great Day. If you think he was only theorizing, remember what he said:


Part 398 – October 10, 2022

@ 3:56 …now, this is a very dramatic statement, the Kingdom will arrive at dawn in Jerusalem, day two of the Feast.


Part 399 – October 15, 2022

@ 09:30 …meaning almost certainly, no one in the world will even get home from the Feast if…


Mister Reliable occupied 2 ½ hours of the Headquarters congregation's Sabbath selling them on Cheshvan 1. I used to consider David C. Pack an idiot savant in some ways, but I am now rethinking the savant part.


This is the same guy who said the same thing about Sebat, Adar, Adar II, Abib, Iyar, Tammuz 1, Av 1, Elul 1, and Tishrei 1…all just this year. (I am being “generous” by leaving out all the dates within those various months.) But that was then, and this is now.


When you pick up on his pattern, even a developmentally-challenged kindergartener could figure out the next one. Oh, Cheshvan 1—shocker.



With Tuesday’s failure fresh on his mind, Dave took a humble and contrite attitude to start Part 400.


@ 00:32 I think we’re now done…I still believe we are correctly watching in season. I think you will also when I’m done.


@ 01:01 Now, as we move along through the series, there’ll be two or three times when some toes are gonna get stepped on. But I can't worry about that because it will help the whole church.


David C. Pack has said nothing in the past seven months that have "helped" anyone. Not a group of people. Not a single person. His words are hollow and void.


@ 05:12 It took a Series lasting seven years to figure it all out.


Dave is still blinded because he will not grasp, even by Wednesday morning, that he has NOTHING "figured out." He is destined to wander in endless circles, getting punched in the face by his own words until God sees fit to change the circumstance.


@ 05:21 …it has become apparent that we had a very small percentage, single-digit percentage, of the Kingdom of God right…almost everything we taught about, just the thousand years, was wrong. It was wrong.


@ 06:08 Now, I'm gonna make a statement, and I'm gonna be incredibly generous. And if you’re offended at me, get over it. ‘Cause I can prove it.


Dave cannot prove his shoes are tied. Even if he attempted to, we would have to point out those are sandals, and you cannot tie them. The Kenneth M. Orel “get over it” philosophy is catching on.


@ 06:17 I'm gonna say we had 5% of prophecy right. But, my two assistants will tell you we had under 1%, and I'm being generous because I doubt we had more than 1% of prophecy right. But, I’m gonna be generous and say 5%...


Wow, Dave is being generous, but those two young “ministers” are pessimistic. How can we not trust the judgment of the Coffee Kid and Pepper Boy? Their vast experience and proven biblical accuracy have been unprecedented and must be recognized.


The current thinking is that when prophecy fails, and you run out of ideas, just say the whole system was rigged. Tear it all down so you can come out on top.


@ 07:24 So, we taught the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and brethren...if this offends people, I'm sorry. We understood almost none of it. Never mind, many other things we learned in our journey to unlock a third of the Bible.


The Father. Jesus. The Gospel. How many more pillars does Samson have to topple before this vile temple comes down?


Dave is bitter that the brethren do not appreciate the blessing of seven years of his brilliant ramblings. He spends a lot of time boring the audience with imaginary math built on imaginary ideas to sell them how special he is. What a pathetic, desperate man whining like a little girl because you do not want to eat the mud pie made in the backyard.


Dave wants you to eat his mud pie and gets pissy if you turn your nose away.


@ 10:32 One man in the Laodicean age working alone for over 15,000 hours moved at a speed 260 times faster than the previous century, where thousands of ministers had no curiosity to question anything that was essentially all wrong. Now, should I apologize for that? Some would wish I would.


Some would wish you just shut up.


David C. Pack is not known for his heartfelt apologies. He tells members of the audience they will see their dead child “soon,” but nothing happens. And no apology. The man cares not for the sheep. You feed him. He does not feed you.


The boohoo continues.


@ 11:15 …while being attacked. While getting up and giving sermons where I was nearly dead. I almost went blind in this Series. Most of you don’t know it because of a long history with staphylococcus…but for some people, "It's just not fast enough Mr. Pack.”


What a distorted mind. That is not a complaint by anyone. Speed is not the issue. Accuracy is the issue. Seven years of continual failure for David C. Pack to deliver on even one thing is the issue. Pulling people aside privately to tell them, "You are going to see your dead mother next week," and then not apologize is the issue. A broken church being taught false doctrine is the issue.


@ 11:43 “…I’m not settled like I was when I was blissfully, completely ignorant.” That’s their view.


That is no one’s view. That is Dave’s view of their view. Much like in his conversation with Mr. Behrer when he knew exactly what “Jim” would think and say. Pure fantasy is built on a foundation of ignorant assumptions.


David C. Pack is deteriorating before our eyes. And that process is accelerating. Perhaps 260 times faster than the average kook.


@ 11:56 Some knew better than I did what the answer should be as we were learning certain things. When for ninety-plus years, no one saw anything. Or, we could say everyone saw nothing.


But I see, says the blind man.


If there was ever a way to invalidate the apostleship and ministry of Herbert W. Armstrong of The Worldwide Church of God, boy, David C. Pack found it. I have no skin in the game regarding what HWA was or was not, but since Dave built RCG on HWA’s teachings, how does this not invalidate all the books and booklets on the rcg.org website today?


Edward L. Winkfield must have been weeping in his chair, wondering how in the world they are going to fix all that literature. He can blow off that idea until Tuesday afternoon when it gets real again.



@ 12:24 But, it's been a test for me and, to a small-uh degree, the church. Who had to suffer the plague of this slow-poke who could only move hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times the speed of anybody else. “And I needed him to move thousands of times. I needed him to stand up as though he got an oracle from Gabriel lay it all out.” So, I’ll say it was, to a small degree, it was tough for the church because it was a process.


I cannot remember ever hearing Dave so bitchy. “The Greatest Unending Story!” has been a trial and a test, but more for Dave than any of you moaners and groaners sitting in the audience. His suffering has been harder than yours. I am surprised he did not declare how he has suffered more than anyone who has ever lived. Maybe Jesus Christ was also expecting that one.


@ 18:26 Now, the Kingdom not arriving for one week on the 24th [of Tishrei] when I spoke a week ago at the Feast, brought what I call "Hard Reality Demanding Really Hard Thinking."


Apparently not. Really Hard Thinking would help him realize God is not using him to teach any of this. He is a biblical fraud and has been for many years. That is the Hard Reality Dave cannot face.


@ 23:04 Some brethren wouldn’t wait. Hundreds of times of speed wasn’t fast enough.


More bitching. It is not about the speed but the accuracy. There used to be the term "doctrinal precision," but that floated away into the ether long ago.


@ 23:09 [Thomas Edison] also said, “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is to try just one more time.” So, that’s what I did. Let’s do this.


Dennis Diehl nailed it. Dave really does think that each failure is another step closer to being right. Maybe that worked with inventing the light bulb, but Bible prophecy does not function the same way. The scriptures do not offer an all-you-can-eat attempt at declaring the date for the arrival of the Kingdom of God. It either comes the first time you declare it, or you never declare it again.


@ 34:40 I thought it was Tammuz. Turns out, it couldn’t be Tammuz. Tammuz had 29 days. You need 30 days. But I thought it was Tammuz…


We remember it well.


Part 379 – June 25, 2022

@ 07:13 It is not possible. Write it in your notes. It is not possible that "the month" the Bible talks about is anything other than the fourth month and Tammuz…

@ 18:34 I believe that [Tammuz 1] no less certainly than I believe the seventh day is the Sabbath.


Part 378 – June 15, 2022

@ 37:30 I won’t be telling you we’re gonna wait a month. That’s impossible. You could throw my own words back up against me, if you will.


What a tease you are, Dave. I throw your own words back up against you all the time, but somehow that makes me “more wicked almost than the devil.”


Some folks must have been closing their briefcases and reaching for the umbrella because Dave finally gave a nod to the Worldwiders.


@ 51:58 And the answer is: The church was utterly wrong. But, I don't criticize Mr. Armstrong, and don't say I do. Without that man, I'm not up here. I don't know the truth, and I'm not headed for salvation. I didn't see it, either. So, if I throw stones at him, I better be against a rubber wall, and they bounce back.


See, Old Timers. No reason to walk away from RCG. Mr. Armstrong is still shiny and on the shelf, for Dave to pull down and show you when it suits him. Stay in your seats. Stay…stay…



Dave talks about his encounter with “a very confused man” at the Feast and makes it a teaching moment.


@ 56:50 Brethren, it’s dangerous if God has not designated you to teach truth to the church…you get yourself in potentially-lethal hot water when you play games.


@ 58:15 This man I was talking to said, “It says, [in Revelation 9:6] ‘in those days shall men seek death and shall not find it…’ You know how he read this? Because the man cannot read. He literally can't read, and I was trying to tell him that. He believed that was saying that those scorpions are active on the earth for five months. Not they were paralyzed for five months.


But he literally read it to you! He "literally" did. Someone add a dictionary to Dave's Xmas list.



Dear “very confused man at the Feast” – If you are reading this article, please reach out at exrcgwebsite@gmail.com. I would love to get your side of the story. I have witnessed the distorted perception of David C. Pack. Do not take it personally. It happens a lot. How it all really went down is of great interest.



The lesson here: Do not ask Pastor General David C. Pack ANY Bible questions even when you have the opportunity to do so. The man Dave is chastising in front of the entire church learned the hard way.


I stopped asking questions via Church Administration while I was at Headquarters when I was reprimanded by Bradford G. Schleifer and Jeffrey R. Ambrose because of “the wording” of my question. Not because it was a stupid question but because Dave flew off the handle when he read an “accusatory tone" inside my question. I presented it as "the Bible says this, BUT Mr. Pack said that," implying Dave was NOT preaching what the Bible says. Funny to look back now, but that was not my intent in those days.


It was the last time I submitted a question to the RCG ministry at Headquarters. So, “very confused man at the Feast,” I feel you, dude.


The irony is that David C. Pack has the most astonishing piss-poor reading comprehension skills of any human being I have ever heard. He had no qualms teaching the man openly about his weaknesses while Dave continued to hide his own. Interesting.


@ 59:18 People on their own get into bizarre ideas. Sometimes simply because they actually cannot read.


Rubber wall. Stone thrown. Rebound. What a softball, Dave. This is a perfect illustration of where you are today.



Here is the quote where he set the date. Dennis, take note for the Alumni page.


@ 1:02:30 …but only if it’s Cheshvan starting Tuesday. And if you touch the day, you touch the arrival of Cheshvan…That’s 10:56 Tuesday morning, our time. Where ever in the world you are, you have to know that.


If you want a real example of a Dave Pack “proof” that is just a presumption, feast upon this one.


@ 1:20:05 Do you realize if the Day of the Lord comes one month after this Tuesday, God comes on what would be Thanksgiving? And destroys Thanksgiving. Which is kind of interesting. On a nation that is utterly ungrateful but keeps Thanksgiving so they can indulge themselves and watch football and get drunk.


Great. Something else for RCGers to feel guilty about.


Since when is watching football wrong? The next time Brad, Ed, Ryan, Jaco, or Carl is over at Dave’s house watching the Browns while drinking a Beck’s, they should ask Dave if they are sinning. Have your camera ready because I want that expression framed.


Do not panic. Everyone will enjoy a typical Thanksgiving next month without Red and Black Horses crashing through the windows.


Our brothers to the north are laughing because the Canadian Thanksgiving was two weeks ago. This is the first time in my life that I have ever wanted to be Canadian. Hi, Pete.


Dave forgot to condemn the annual Twilight Zone marathon that was always a personal favorite growing up. The Headquarters congregation must feel like they have been living an endless Twilight Zone episode. Wishing this prophetic jack-in-the-box into the cornfield does not appear to be working.


@ 1:20:49 It’s not a day to be thankful. Most families don’t even ask a blessing.


Unless Dave is actually Santa Claus, who knows who is naughty and nice, appearing inside every home at supper time across the entire United States, he has no idea what he is talking about.


This is another example of “Dave thinks it, therefore it is real.” He treats God the same way.


For years, my parents, who do not go to church, had a blessing over the meal and went around the table as each family member shared what they were thankful for. I felt uncomfortable as a teen, but I appreciate that tradition now.


David C. Pack knows squat.



@ 1:21:01 If you wait one month, guess when God would build the Great Kingdom one month later. Christmas. Anybody think God is gonna build the Great Kingdom on Christmas? I don’t think so.


Um. Well. You did.


Part 217 – November 11, 2019

@ 1:30:44 What if it’s possible with a seven-year Kingdom… that ends around Christmas, it starts around Christmas, or maybe even before Christmas? Sort of like maybe the Series is coming to an end at exactly when God always intended it…


Part 220 – December 5, 2019

@ 57:45 …it makes absolutely plain the Second Kingdom…comes to an end a little before Christmas. It’s just a fact!


Part 222 – December 9, 2019

@ 33:24 God seemed to have timed this out to land at a certain Christmas season…


Part 224 – December 12, 2019

@ 44:11 But if you don't know a Christmas season is in play, you cannot read it any other way, and I defy you to say it was wrong.


It is wrong. Jesus Christ arriving at Christmas time is wrong. David C. Pack, you are wrong. You will always be wrong. See, somebody followed your instruction, but that will be perceived as an attack.


Dave hammered throughout the message how he is the victim in all of this, surrounded by an ungrateful church. The Pity Party rolled on for so long even the Goth kids were bummed out.


@ 1:23:31 But, let’s talk about gratitude. I might step on a few toes, but I want to because I am enormously grateful to God…I had to go seven years or had to re-write all the literature…or lost my kids…grandchildren. It’s just part of the way it is…If I am Elijah, I sure fit the qualification. I’m dishonored by my house and kin...I don’t have any problem with what I had to go through.


If Dave did not “have any problem” with it, he would not mention it. He has a bad habit of broadcasting his insecurities to the whole church, unaware he is doing it. He projects internal criticisms as coming from external sources. Part 400 is a landmark example of this.


Being dishonored for being a dick is not the same as being dishonored for Christ’s or the gospel’s sake. False prophets earn dishonor for being false prophets. False apostles earn dishonor for being false apostles. Lousy fathers earn dishonor for being lousy fathers.



As a gentle way to introduce the smackdown he is about to give all the employees at The Restored Church of God Headquarters, Dave reminds everyone how hard he works.


@ 1:28:05 God says, “Six days shall you labor.” That’s a command. That’s why I work all six days. Mr. Armstrong did, and I work all six days. And if any of you know anything about me, you know I do. Only, now that's not really true. I work all day on the Sabbath, too, because I’m a Levite.


Come on, Dave, even God rested on the seventh day.


David C. Pack, the righteous man of God! He toils for seven days and, yet, produces nothing. The ineffective apostle, unlike Vitacost, cannot deliver on Tuesday.


The big corporations could learn a lot from the team-building synergy Dave generates for his staff in front of the whole church. Behold! The loving shepherd of God feeding His sheep.

Dave should give a TEDx Talk on how to inspire employees. What an edifying and uplifting message. The good news, indeed.


The intended takeaway is lost on me. Is the RCG staff supposed to be grateful that things could be much worse if David C. Pack had his way? I remember throughout the years, he would remark that if he had legal control, the staff WOULD work six full days, which meant nobody would have an extra day to do laundry, mow the grass, or take their kids to the park. Rejoice, brethren.


The more this guy speaks, the more we should all pray that David C. Pack is not a man to whom God gives real authority, now or ever. Some would even choose the Lake of Fire over living under his heavy hand. The guy would be insufferable during the Millennium if he were ever proven right. A thousand years of his crowing is a sentence worse than death.


@ 1:32:04 How grateful are we for this [Series]?


Grateful for the seven-year David C. Pack Meandering Failathon? Ha!


@ 1:32:11 We have people who will wait for Tuesday, and I know what some will do. They’ll have a “wait and see” attitude. They’re not ready. They’re not ready.


They’re not ready? But…they’re “settled,” right? During Part 398, you said, "If you're at the Feast of Tabernacles, you made it!" Are you taking that back? They were ready twelve days ago, but not now? How does that work? Why is their salvation status such a fickle process?


Seven years of your prophetic fraud has cultivated that mindset, Dave. If anyone does NOT have a “wait and see” attitude at this point inside The Restored Church of God, they are probably so broken by corrupt teachings that they will not leave RCG until it burns to the ground around them. And even then, they might choose to burn up with it.


The folks at Headquarters broke for a meal, knowing they would have to fight to keep it down during the next Part.


Due to both messages being so fecal-rich, Part 401 will be covered in the next article.


Marc Cebrian

See: God Destroys Thanksgiving


  1. "Dave hammered throughout the message how he is the victim in all of this, surrounded by an ungrateful church"

    This was Hitler's excuse as he cowered in his fortified bunker blaming the German people for his inability to usher in his Thousand-year Teutonic 'utopia'.

    1. Like Charlie Chaplin as Hitler and El Duce Mussolini in the Great Dictator who strut and fret their hour upon the stage, one trying to outdo the other, Dave and the devil going up and down in the barber chairs.

  2. Giving the devil his due, Dave's a very good speaker. Listening to his tones and volume, his speaking follows a musical tune. He must have worked hard to perfect this. This is an example of the bible's "strong delusion" that God allows.
    No doubt Satan's a good public speaker as well. I assume he gives similar pep talks to his demons. Perhaps something like: "in the next 3 to 5 short years, we will have succeeded in over throwing God plan on this planet. Then we will be kings and priests of evil for all eternity."

    1. "the workmanship of thy tabrets and thy pipes was prepared in the in the day thou wast created" Ezk. 28:13 presumably his cunning voice or perhaps the tabrets are the rhythm of his brainwashing . After all he is the prince of the power of the air and he broadcasts his attitudes into willing subjects.

  3. Nicely done as usual Marc. You are to be commended for your hard work in using Dave to defeat Dave. The length of your articles is of no concern as they are documents and accurate records of Dave Pack's insane abuses and delusions. A cautionary tale to come to any who would think more highly of themselves than they ought to think

    Dave says: @ 56:50 Brethren, it’s dangerous if God has not designated you to teach truth to the church…you get yourself in potentially-lethal hot water when you play games."

    "...teach truth to the church: = "Tell me what to do"

    I would remind us of Dave's test for ministerial fealty to him should they wish to rejoin his ministry from WCG and any splinters. Dave's concept of truth on any matter is directly related to how he thinks it all is. There is no truth in David C Pack.

    (19) Do you believe ministers should be able to voice opinions to others about:

    Where Headquarters is “wrong”?
    What Mr. Armstrong taught/said/did “wrong”?
    What Mr. Pack teaches/says/does “wrong”?
    Where your boss is “wrong” or harsh, etc.?
    Where you disagree doctrinally?

    I especially like the part where potential new ministers need rate themselves for Dave

    (20) Do you consider yourself as having been (rate yourself from 5 being best to 0 being worst):

    Political (And did you ever “run for office” in a splinter?)
    Easily deceived
    Betrayed your calling

    (21) Why did you lose the ability to “discern good from evil” (Heb. 5:13-14)? —and for so long?


  4. Dennis, reading those questions out loud made me laugh just now.

    I can imagine some minister asking his wife, "Honey, would you say I'm more 'weak' or 'cowardly'?"

    "Well, dear, a person is cowardly because they are weak. So, weak is the root and cowardly is the result."

    "Baby, you're the best!"

    The way that list is composed, there is no "graceful" way out of it. You can put zero on everything, but that would only put a big 5 on the invisible option: Liar



  5. As a woman, I cannot IMAGINE being married to this man and keeping my own sanity. Life with him would be horrible! What is the personality of his wife?

  6. 7.12 AM
    Dave's test questions to potential new ministers is no different than commie "struggle sessions" of old. The accused where beaten and forced to "confess" their crimes against the party and society.

  7. I hope that Davey gets PLUCKED on Thanksgiving!

    Pack should just skip parts 400 forward, and just go straight to PART 666!

  8. I don't believe DCP has really worked for God a single day in his life, even pulling his own weeds and cutting his own grass. He has worked off the back the God's people his whole life, he has no idea what it's like to work in this world fighting for Holy Days off, etc.

    Attending meetings all day contriving lies to teach RCG and finding new ways to beguile members out of their money is not actually working for God, it's working for Satan.

    God says he will leave every minister without a house if they teach lies to his sheep. The disqualified ministers in RCG are on notice from God, including their disqualified leader DCP.

    God is giving the members in RCG every chance in the book to see what an absolute liar DCP and his ministry are before it's to late. The recent recording posted by Marc is a great example of just how manipulative, deceitful, and greedy DCP really is.

    DCP has brainwashed the members to believe they are the only true Church, what a load that is. RCG may be the best dressed but really they are poor, blind, and naked. God's own words warns us about how the condition is in the end time. DCP teaches they are the only Church of God keeping God's standard, it's not. The RCG members are poor in God's spirit, blind to God's true teaching, and naked, even though they are the best dressed compared to the Churches of God members. God looks at the heart and the heart in RCG is vain and deceitful, just like Satan's heart. Get out while there is still time, there are true Church of God ministers that will help you heal.

    It's not if the RCG kingdom will fall, it's when!

  9. Great article. I wonder when Dave will do away with 4th of July. Also hope you’re aware Jeff Ambrose is EXRCG now. And I’m sure he’s very apologetic of the way he treated members and ex members.

  10. Tonto said...

    I hope that Davey gets PLUCKED on Thanksgiving!

    Just like the White House turkey, Dave will get a pardon, from himself.

  11. Every single church area Pack was over ended up being a nightmare for the members. In every church area he moved on from, he left behind wounded and damaged people. He was widely despised by people in every church area. Pack was not liked by the members in any of those churches, well maybe for the power-hungry zealots that flourished under his abusive leadership. Pack had no reason to be ordained as a minister in the first place. He is controlling and abusive to everyone. Even the elders and deacons under him were glad when he left their church area. The problem then was they had to clean up the mess he created.

    I used to feel sorry for the members of RCG, particularly those in Wadsworth. Now I do not. They deserve the abuse and constant upheaval in their lives. They do not seem to care that they are being lied to every single day by Pack and his posse of castrated men and ministers at HQ. I am sure there are some sincere honest people there that are being hurt, but they are now not martyrs for the truth. They are being lied to be one of the vilest men in the COG ministry to date. There is no faith in these people to let God stand up for them and fight their battle as they step out in faith and leave this vile church.

  12. What a disgusting comment by Dave on how he treats his wife as he brags that he "works" day and night, even on the weekends.


  13. @ 07:24 So, we taught the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and brethren...if this offends people, I'm sorry. We understood almost none of it.

    @ 51:58 And the answer is: The church was utterly wrong. But, I don't criticize Mr. Armstrong, and don't say I do.

    …If I am Elijah, I sure fit the qualification. I’m dishonored by my house and kin...

    Garble, garble, garble in the nut's mad house.

  14. The Problem With NOT Knowing The Future

    There is a reason why some people went with Dave Pack. At the start of Dave Pack's own RCG cult he quickly produced a lot of literature. It seemed to make some sense to those looking for the one true splinter group. Dave Pack sounded like he knew what was happening on the so-called Church of God scene and wrote literature to explain it.

    Tragically, somewhere along the way, Dave Pack somehow totally lost his mind and went completely nuts, making up endless, new, ridiculous, prophetic nonsense like no other false prophet had ever made up before.

    This illustrates the problem with such characters. Those who knew Dave Pack from the past might have been suspicious of his plans. Unfortunately, other people who did not know Dave Pack did not know ahead of time what crazy teachings they would be expected to believe until after they had worse-than-wasted so much time, effort, and money on the Bait & Switch scam known as the RCG cult that it became very hard for them to believe and admit that Satan and his false prophet Dave Pack had totally fooled them.

  15. Sandy Olvier said...

    "I don't believe DCP has really worked for God a single day in his life, even pulling his own weeds and cutting his own grass. He has worked off the back the God's people his whole life, he has no idea what it's like to work in this world".

    So true. I recall a video, I think one of the "behind the work" series that showed Pack throwing open his bible on his massive (clean) desk doing "the work that only he can do" according to the narrator. His RCG is nothing but another rerun of the old temple cult scam, where men who didn't want to work conned everyone else into providing their food. Consider how hard it was for people to live 2000 years ago, with no mechanized farming or meat processing. What a great gig being a priest. And of course only the best offerings would do, that's one of the first lessons in Genesis. Pack claims to have studied the bible more than anyone else. It's obvious he got this part down right.

    BTW, the production quality of those RCG videos was excellent, nice work Marc.

  16. One good sermon on kindness is worth more than 1000 of Dave's sermons on prophecy.

  17. At least this time Dave referred to his "assistants", better than what he called them before...my servants. Pig.

    And, at least this time, he accidentally spoke the truth. "Without that man, I'm not up here. I don't know the truth and I'm not headed for salvation". Finally, finally he speaks honestly. First time for everything. Too bad he was being facetious.

    Sometimes when I am having trouble falling asleep at night, I lie awake and wonder what the hell this guy is going to say to God on his judgment day. I bet he has a memo drafted with a "if He asks about this, I will say that. If He disagreed with my prophetic teachings, I will offer Him 75 proofs why I was right." Good luck in eternity Dave!! Cut and paste for Thiel as well. Anyone who has spread sheets of his dreams, to prove his prophet status and shows them in the middle of his sermons about...,,what else, himself, will be one looonnngggg day for God. Our poor, merciful and loving God...He deserves so so so much better than this group of arrogant, hyper proud fools.

  18. A vehement countenance. Shouting or almost shouting. Wild gesturing. Pontificating for hours. Abnormal high pitch. Asking the audience questions but not waiting even for a second for an answer. Why, these are fruits of, uh-oh, what spirit??

  19. To constantly threaten peoples salvation because one may not understand therefore cannot fully believe what is being said doesn't seem very Christ like.🤷

  20. DennisCDiehl said...
    Dave says... "Most of you don’t know it because of a long history with staphylococcus…but for some people, "It's just not fast enough Mr. Pack.”
    Dave Pack has and even longer history of Staff-we-a-quit-this :)

  21. And fully grown adults continue to go listen to this lying deceitful blowhard every week. So easily fooled I guess. They have been called for sure.

  22. Dave probably would have done pretty well in corporate America as long as he was held accountable and he had good people around him. Does not appear that is being done within the walls of his church. That is the difference in my view between Dave and Herb. No way Herbert would allow himself to be held accountable by anyone.
