Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, October 16, 2022

The COG Leader Who Loves Patting His Own Back


Where would the Church of God be without Bwana Beto Bob Thiel in its midst? Never have we seen such an important man self-appointed man leading the Church of God as we see in him. Preordained by God to arise in the last days to be a thorn in the side of the Catholic Church and the Churches of God, the Great Bwana has continued to name his story the focus of his church. No human COG leader in the entire history of Christianity is as awesome as our very own Bob Thiel. He is so great that he had to post a post about himself, not that that is anything new.

One night during his so-called Feast in Brandson, MO he decided to do something so extraordinary we should all be standing in awe. He let a tiny tiny group of his followers write down questions and he answered them! ASTOUNDING! REVOLUTIONARY!

Check out his self-congratulatory post is here:

CCOG Q&A Live!
In this sermon, Dr. Thiel, without prior preparation, answers questions just received from the audience at the Feast of Tabernacles in Branson, Missouri. He answers every question asked, except one that he could not read the writing and one which asked about a word he had not heard of. The questions answered included those about tattoos, Jereboam and Donald Trump, various groups of sinners, ‘generational sin,’ the ark of the covenant, relatives possibly going to the place of safety, Satan and descendants of Israel, physical preparations, ‘big foot’ & aliens, differences between the beasts, false prophet, & man of sin, the third resurrection, and more.



  1. Well done Dr Bob Thiel.

    Setting an example for the other leaders within the cog movement to embrace.
    Would of loved to hear his responses to the many questions asked.

    Ur……well actually no thanks.

  2. Shoot! This sort of miraculous exchange occurred every Friday night at the Ambassador College Gym back in the 1960s. Why is it special when Bob Thiel does it? Have all the other ACOGs abandoned the practice?

  3. Haha haha!!! Bob at his very best at being the very worst!

  4. I am out of town right now and was flipping channels on the motel TV last night before bed. Happened to catch LCGs program, had never seen it.
    While I thought it was a bit too indebted to the WCG telecast, I'm doubly bemused as to how Bob was exposed to that and still makes such bad looking videos.

  5. Also, are we sure he didnt write a number of those questions himself?

  6. Comment was made about Bwana Beto Bob, BBB, writing about himSELF said: "In this sermon, Dr. Thiel, without prior preparation, answers questions just received from the audience at the Feast of Tabernacles in Branson, Missouri. He answers every question asked, except one that he could not read the writing and one which asked about a word he had not heard of. The questions answered included those about tattoos, Jereboam and Donald Trump, various groups of sinners, ‘generational sin,’ the ark of the covenant, relatives possibly going to the place of safety, Satan and descendants of Israel, physical preparations, ‘big foot’ & aliens, differences between the beasts, false prophet, & man of sin, the third resurrection, and more."
    Some questions came to mind such as:

    Did BBB still give a sermon, or was he unprepared to give one and thus resorted to Q&A session as a filler of time?

    Were BBB's answers backed up with scripture or lots of personal opinions?

    Was anyone edified by BBB's answers?

    Time will tell...


  7. I love how he declared “no prior preparation” like he had to qualify that he either wasn’t fibbing or is actually competent. And of course they’re all softball questions

  8. Questions on pieces of paper are a wee step short of "live". I would say "live answers to written questions" and shown over YouTube. It reminds me of Mad's "Snappy answers to stupid questions".

    If Bob was speaking to the same audience that wrote the questions, and he couldn't read one, why didn't he just ask what it said?

  9. Every Feast site of every ACOG is going to teach lessons that weren't intended by the organizers.

    At Bob's site, someone came unprepared to give a sermon, so the brethren got a craptastic Q&A, made worse by the fact that Bob only took written questions so he wouldn't risk embarrassment by having a face-to-face encounter with a tough questioner.

    Meanwhile, I'm sure that attendees of other groups had their own craptostic moments, like the LCG Feast Coordinator who announced sternly that only water was allowed in the meeting room, not other drinks... and then the next two days brethren noticed that his Assistant Coordinator was bringing in his own coffee. Rules for thee, not for me, that's the LCG way. Surely there was much worse at RCG and PCG sites.

  10. Woe is us! We don't understand the nitty-gritty of church history!

  11. The phrase "without prior preparation" is (finally) a simple acknowledgement that Bob has never had proper training for the ministry, which should include world history, including the religions practiced in various eras and areas, with close focus on biblical scholarship, and rhetorical skills--both structure and performance.

  12. ... and today hes claiming Elijahhood. How original.
