Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, November 18, 2022

Dave Pack: Stand aside Taco Tuesday because No-Salvation November is all the rage.


No-Salvation November


After a 10-day hiatus, David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God assembled enough Post-it notes of Bible passages to compile the next two parts of “The Greatest Unending Story!”


The longer Dave and his two minions are silent, the more desperate they are to scour the Scriptures to find a way to keep their Leaning Tower of Babel from toppling. One wonders how many uncrumpled balls of paper under the table had to be reconsidered to fill three hours of “clarity” this week.


Part 404 was delivered via Livestream on Tuesday. Part 405 on Wednesday. After watching both, two consistent themes are reinforced:


1) The louder you are, the more true you are.

2) The longer you talk, the more true you are.


This is a tried-and-true methodology that has been emulated since before the days of Mr. Behrer’s tapes


The speculative vanity marathons by Gerald Waterhouse are legendary among Worldwide Church of God alums. He spawned an entire generation of stress-bladder survivors.


While Dave has been restraining himself to bite-sized 90-minute chunks, he is still proven to be the master of over-explaining thin narratives. Repeating big lies long enough to cause people to believe it is the RCG Way.


Some of the lies of The Restored Church of God include:


David C. Pack is being led by God to end The Mystery of God.

David C. Pack is the prophetic “David” of the Old Testament.

David C. Pack is Elijah of Malachi 4:5 and Matthew 17:11.

David C. Pack is the “rushing to make plain” one of Habakkuk 2:2


There are other mainstay whoppers, but for examining Part 404, that is a decent primer.



Part 404 – November 15, 2022

@ 00:45 I wondered ten days ago, when I last spoke…whether, in fact, there would come more messages. Or would we still just wait because I don't see any possible way that you could have Christ here before the first of Kislev, or what would be Thanksgiving…


@ 01:11 And I wondered again if there would be more things that would arise. Would some twists and turns occur where we would understand events before that time and, potentially, some things after the month arrived?


If you rode the RCG Roller Coaster last week, you understand the instability of RCG thinking. Based on history, if Dave had a message prepared but blew it off at the last minute, it was because he had some big ideas that have since been crossed off the chalkboard.


Of course there were going to be more messages. As a non-prophet/non-psychic, I am willing to bet my Magic 8 Ball and Ouija Board that Dave will deliver more in the future. The David C. Pack Road to Nowhere will keep truckin’ into the vanishing point.


The wording of “would come more messages” is interesting. Dave still holds to the idea God is placing these thoughts into his head, and he is not the origin of his gobbledygook. Man, when reality finally bitch-slaps some sense back into him, that will be a bitter day on the third floor.


@ 01:27 So, I’m gonna conclude with what I know to be correct.


The eggnog in your fridge will last longer than a David C. Pack teaching. He always knows how correct he is until time passes and the mold grows on those inarguable ideas. Mr. Correct is incorrect within a few weeks. Sometimes, within a few days. Even other times, before the elevator doors close.



In Part 403, Dave had to pop the balloon regarding the 1335 not starting, and then it does not even apply to those in RCG.


Part 403 – November 5, 2022

@ 1:17:18 We have not hit the 1335. It does not apply to us.


After having declared in Part 402 that it did.


Part 402 – October 25, 2022

@ 1:27:01 God’s will has been done. You made it to the 1335. The pledge is made on the, dare I say? The correct 1335.


Now in Part 404, Dave lets folks know how he knew he was incorrect even before it happened.


Part 404 – November 15, 2022

@ 08:32 There was no way we were blessed earlier this month when I first mentioned this before the 15th of this month. I knew it before we would get to Cheshvan 16 with 15 days to go, I knew that.


Woe unto us! The man is a prophet! He figured out his own failure before it came to pass! We are undone!


@ 08:47 But I didn’t have time to really clarify that it couldn’t be this month. Well, now you know it can’t because we’re what? About seven days beyond the middle of Cheshvan.


Dave has an oral fixation with the word “clarify.” He really means “fix, change, unbreak, walk back, throw out, dismiss, redo, undo, moonwalk, and wish-it-had-never-been-spoken.” RCG members are well-versed in understanding what “clarify” really means.


He is also astounded by the facts of physical reality. The truth is made manifest by the passage of time, and he admits it. Welcome to the party, Richter.



@ 08:59 So, now you know that what I said, and maybe you hoped it was still true, impossible.


Meaning, “You dopes believed me. You hoped I was correct. Ha. Fooled ya!”


The only consistency with David C. Pack is that his prophetic teachings are false and that he is not a man of his word.


@ 09:05 There’s no way we were blessed a week ago. That’s impossible. So, then, what is the 1335?


@ 09:16 It has to be the middle of Kislev. But people are described then as being blessed. Well, there no salvation coming in the middle of Kislev.


@ 09:31 …what turns out to be a Sabbath in the dead middle of the month of Kislev. They’re blessed because they get there. Not because they get salvation. But because they know that they will.


So, the 1335 starting does not mean salvation for the member of The Restored Church of God. It also does not happen in Cheshvan. They are blessed "because they know." So, if they have this incredible knowledge today, why are they not blessed now? Do not hurt your brain with that logical question.


Throughout the message, Dave informs the audience without clearly spitting it out salvation is even further away from when they once believed.


Stand aside Taco Tuesday because No-Salvation November is all the rage. Remember when he said this so long ago?

Part 403 – November 5, 2022

@ 01:51 Now, more than ever, I can tell you this: Salvation will come in November 2022.


The continuous data dump the minds of RCG members have to endure is exhausting to fathom. Even from the last time Dave spoke. All his assurances mean diddly-squat. That is an upgrade from just squat.


It is no wonder some at Headquarters no longer bother taking notes. What is the point? Writing down a Dave teaching is a waste of ink.


Dave said it. You have to believe it. Dave unsaid it. You have to unbelieve it. Rinse and repeat. Have compassion for those who choose to stay captive inside The Restored Church of God.


@ 09:51 …that's exactly what I thought, per us. But then I came to realize for various reasons, the timing didn't fit us, and it turned out I was right, but it has to be for people who are going to get salvation, just as I thought we would. But now we know it has to be in the month upcoming…


@ 14:02 Now, it just so happens…In Kislev, another proof we have the right month. The day they touch, boom. Fifteen days into the month. They just touch the edge of the day. It just so happens they’re touching the start of a Sabbath.


Dave is talking about Kislev 15, which is Friday, December 9. I never graduated from college, but my limited education tells me December is not in November. See how he squeezed in how "right" he was about something wrong?


As best I can interpret, resurrected Christians will receive salvation, not the living members of The Restored Church of God, on Friday as sunset occurs, which "touches" the Sabbath of Saturday, December 10. Again, another "proof" that salvation does NOT happen in November as was previously declared.


Kislev is now the “right month.” Not Cheshvan or Tishrei or Elul or Av or Tammuz or Sivan. That’s old news. The Present Truth is all about Kislev. As God always intended. But continues to trick test His people.


Dave does not realize that each point he makes to show how he NOW understands God’s plan only reemphasizes how utterly wrong he has been this whole time. He does not like to put as fine a point on that fact. But I will.



Jumping out of order in the context of Part 404, this later point runs parallel to RCG folks not getting salvation in November.


@ 1:09:56 I'm just telling all of you until Christ comes, we are not settled.


Dave ran around the Main Hall with a pin popping all the zealot's balloons. So, if there was any doubt after his pronouncement on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles a month ago, now you know attending did not have the significance he once declared. But as long as you stuffed your green envelope, the trip was worthwhile.

It was very annoying when Dave would un-declare something he previously declared without telling the audience it was an un-declaration. He tells you you made it or the 1335 began, and then, he explains, Nah. Not so much.


There is no hint of regret, humility, or shame that he ever did. That is the type of man he is.


During Part 398, he seemed pretty convinced of the validity of his teachings.


Jesus Christ did not return on the second day of the Feast. The 1335 of Daniel 12 had not really begun. The assurance of salvation evaporated. Everyone had to go home the following week. So, how exactly was that "the best Feast ever," Jaco?



Some other random big deal for Dave is that the Great Tribulation is back to being ten days, not three and a half. That is another biblical accordion he plays with. It expands and contracts based on need. Biblical math is highly flexible.


Even though the 1335 start date is as fickle as ever, Dave is holding firm to the Kingdom of God, arriving on the evening of Thanksgiving. All these other dates into Kislev and some mystery period before Turkey Day have been moving around.



To Ryan Denee,


When Dave asks you to pass the gravy next Thursday night, tell him this:


No. If you believe your own teachings, you will not celebrate a holiday of men you said God would destroy. Sitting at the Thanksgiving supper table is a faithless act on your part.


Each scoop of mashed potatoes is another vote of no confidence in your own understanding of God’s plan for mankind. You should be diligently studying your Bible right now in preparation for being elevated as Elijah to address billions of people tomorrow.


You clearly do not believe your own words. No gravy for you.




I hope Ryan gets a chuckle out of that. I know he is not a fighter and would never utter such a thing even though he would be thinking it. As a “minister,” he wants to keep his head down to continue planting flowers as yellow as the spines at Headquarters.


No reason to rock the boat. Right, Ryan?


Dave may skip attending Services, but the man NEVER skips a meal. He will enjoy the sin of football next Thursday, knowing full well his wife will have to deal with the dishes, rather than taking Jesus Christ’s coat when He knocks on the front door after sunset.


David C. Pack is not a man of his word. His words mean nothing. His promises mean nothing.



@ 28:49 And we’re gonna learn…why this Series was so long and so very hard to sort some things out.


It was long and very hard because you are a false prophet, Dave. You are a biblical fraud. God is not opening the Bible up to your understanding so that you can teach His people correctly.


The tedious, agonizing circle is marred by your own footprints. Nothing you say matters because nothing you say has any value. Your words are empty poison. The Series shall continue. Watch it happen. 


Everyone who has left RCG knows this. It does not take an oracle from God to see it coming. The man who earlier admitted God blinded him still wanders in the darkness. The fakers around him see it, but he does not.


You are still blind, David C. Pack. God’s purpose will be revealed in time.



Dave loves to cover Psalm 89 and how the “David” mentioned is him. It is impossible for it to be anyone else. Therefore, the duty falls upon his shoulders. Take it up with God if you have a problem with it.


@ 34:39 “I have found David, My servant, with My holy oil, have I anointed him.”


This is God talking to Dave Pack, remember.


@ 34:46 Now, if you exalt someone, then he gets salvation. That's what you're waiting for. “I've chosen him.” Many are called, but few are chosen. They get salvation. Chosen is a term for salvation. And, of course, if this is happening to him, it's happening to you.


That is a classic Dave Pack Presumptive Assumption Supposition. One word now means something different. Because.


He changes the application before your eyes and moves on as if the fact is so self-evident it would be insulting for him to waste his time proving it.


He slathers the audience with butter, making it easier to swallow. When something important happens to him, it also applies to the brethren.


“It is not just Mr. Pack who gets all these cool big things. We do, too.”


That is like when a thief breaks into the ATM machine and gives you a $100 bill to look the other way. This is a greasy salesman approach to perverting doctrine without prompting more walk-outs.


@ 35:10 “And I've anointed him.” Now, that's a term for being a high priest.


See how narrow the interpretation of anointing has become? It only means "as a High Priest" because he needs it to right now. Do not think beyond the moment to consider the implications of that logic throughout the Bible. No. Stay focused on the here and now and what is only in front of your nose.


Here is Dave’s favorite part of Psalm 89.


@ 35:16 “With whom My hand shall be established. My arm also shall strengthen him.” So he's mighty. He's strong. He's exalted, and he's chosen, and he's anointed like a high priest…


David C. Pack teaches God is saying:


Dave is mighty.

Dave is strong.

Dave is exalted.

Dave is chosen.

Dave is a high priest.

Dave doodies in the toilet, not in his pants.


Please tell me you saw that last one coming, Steve.


No wonder Dave loves Psalm 89. Well, at least until verse 38, when things go sour for that guy, and then it applies to someone else. Wrap your head around that one.


@ 35:38 Now, we cannot be describing a regular prophet. There's no way. I know there's “Elijah the prophet before the great and dreadful day of the Lord." But since we know this man is a prophet, there's no way we described a regular prophet. Impossible.


You can read Psalm 89 a hundred times and never see the word “prophet” mentioned. That word only appears thrice in the entire book.


The way David C. Pack interprets the scriptures is even an insult to 14th-century Catholic priests. The verses mean what he needs them to at the time he needs them regardless of the words contained within the text.



How much more “private” can that interpretation be? He makes it all up to fit his narrative. Fantasy becomes fact right in your face like the great magicians of old.


Behold! The Great David Magus Pack astounds his audiences with flights of fancy and pitter-patter.



@ 48:11 As I try to tell the men I work with, there are no new events and no new verses. There are no new ideas and thoughts, just new configurations.


The Bible provides an endless playground of Legos to be reshaped each week, making the prospect of “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 500)” an inevitable occurrence. The Restored Church of God will continue to exist as long as the Common money keeps trickling in. If you stop that water supply, you stop “the work” of David C. Pack.


@ 48:20 We’ve studied too long. I know the whole Bible in my sleep…I’m not trying to brag. You’d be the same. But I can study the Bible for all day long and never pick it up. I can do that. So, there’re not any verses or events I don’t know about.


Jack Van Impe memorized the entire Bible but could never see the Sabbath. Dave can know the Bible in his sleep and never see what God is actually doing. Both men equate memory with understanding.


David C. Pack has become more like Harold Camping than Herbert W. Armstrong.



Here is one of the reasons people choose to stick with RCG even though they know Dave is full of malarkey:


@ 39:26 But, regarding high priests, I mean, Christ said if somebody sits in Moses’ seat, this man is like Moses, you do what he says no matter what he acts like. He might be a viper, but you do what he says.


The very thing Jesus Christ warned about has come to pass inside The Restored Church of God. It is what kept some members of The Worldwide Church of God sticking around when that organization turned into Grace Communion International.


WCG threw out the true God by changing foundational doctrines.


RCG threw out the true God by changing prophetic doctrines.


Jesus Christ is not the head of The Restored Church of God today. David C. Pack is. He does not sit in Moses’ seat because they are now The Restored Church of Another god. He does not have God’s authority.


The people of RCG follow a man, not God. They believe Dave, not their Bible.


David C. Pack has become a human idol for those attending RCG. They got the “mighty man” they always wanted. The King Saul of our time. History has shown it does not go well when you throw in with the wrong side.


If you believe David C. Pack, you are on the very wrong side.




The rest of Part 404 contains bits about Joshua, the High Priest of Zechariah 3. There is a resurrection of about 100 billion people coming. The Synagogue of Satan will be unleashed upon the world. Dogs and cats start living together. You know…mass hysteria.


That message was undoubtedly worth the 10-day wait. At least, that is what the RCG zealots will post about it.


Dave made assertions about a “maybe” event that “could” happen this week before Thanksgiving, but we can let that one go.


Keep your eyes on Nothing November, as an analysis of Part 405 is coming soon.

Marc Cebrian

See: No-Salvation November


  1. So that's what Beelzebub was buzzing this week through the headset.bla bla bla what a waste of time. Saul was head and shoulders above all other people but in the end took on the duty of the prophet and lost God's spirit. He was driven mad by an obsession to murder God's next anointed king, David. How ironic we are witnessing a modern day incarnation of what happens when one presumes to take offices not given, then speaks lies on that authority. Dear Mr Fantasy play us a tune, something to make us all happy. Please-dont-be-sad-if-it-was-a-straight-mind-you-had-we-wouldnt-have-known-you-all-these-years.

  2. How could you trash Harold Camping's reputation by making a clams and banana comparison with Dave Pack?

  3. This does not resemble anything close to sanity or even a basic understanding of the meaning of words, let alone the words of God Almighty. Nor does it resemble Christianity. I don't know what this is, other than Armstrongism, Dave style.

  4. Pack makes a DOG CHASING ITS TAIL look smart by comparison.

  5. David C Pack a delusional egocentric megalomaniac. Enough said. Run don’t walk away from Dave. This won’t end well.

  6. It would make better sense for the members of RCG to become groupies of the Electric Diarrhea Blues Band, in which the audience takes massive quantities of laxatives during the concerts. I mean if you are looking for a real shitty experience, why not go all the way with the real deal?

  7. Dave Pack: the greatest clairvoyant since Ed Glosser

  8. Jim said, "This won't end well".

    MY COMMENT - Agreed. Pack will keep the RCG going as long as the cashflow continues maintaining his lifestyle and will end either with Pack's death or with Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. A good article on Churches in bankruptcy can be found here: https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2013/november-web-only/surprise-inside-church-bankruptcies.html

