Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Gerald Flurry Claims He Is Now The "Father" To Jerusalem and Israel


"The Bible does not tell of some man acting as a throne warmer and tithe collector, 
sitting in the place of Jesus till He returns."

The silliness coming out of the Church of God movement worsens by the day. Herbert Armstrong could never have envisioned the craziness that his own esoteric beliefs would create decades down the line. HWA's special understandings have been left by the wayside as new and improved prophets of god have self-appointed themselves and declared new visions and understanding. Each and every one of them has been proven to be liars.

Is GF a Father to the Inhabitants of Judah, or a Father of Lies?
November 7, 2022 
The K.O.D. program on September 30, 2022 titled “Queen Elizabeth II Made a Fatal Mistake” centered around the subject of the death of Queen Elizabeth II. Could GF be the one making a fatal mistake in overstepping royal boundaries and by suggesting he sits higher up in royal authority than the Queen of England? 
GF in his secret sermons has implied that he is to be as a “father” to Jerusalem and the house of Judah. How is it that he is able to make himself out to be a “father to the inhabitants of Judah” just by setting foot in Israel in the footprints of HWA, and then by means of taking the members’ extorted money and pressured donations to his Jerusalem Fund, and giving that money over to the cause of “biblical” archaeology? Does he think to purchase Jerusalem archaeology for himself and also gain an imaginary status of “fatherhood?” from it? 
Many times, GF has in his sermons quoted the verse Isaiah 22:21 while subtlety applying it towards himself, in identifying himself as a “father to the inhabitants of Judah…” Does he truly believe that only he, GF, will be the one to tell them, saying, “unto the cities of Judah,” as he has quoted countless times now, in referring to the commission he supposes to have, “Behold your God!” quoting Isaiah 40:9? (Is this to command the Jewish people to behold God, or to behold a man who acts like a god?) 
How dare GF imply that the people of Israel and Jerusalem are so ignorant of their own history that the Jewish people need a con-artist and megalomaniac such as him to deliver “the truth” about Jerusalem and Israel to them, acting as if he, GF, and not the Jewish people, practically owns Jerusalem already? That “church” in its lofty imagination does practically pretend to own Jerusalem archaeology like some poster child of their own. 
Does being able to distort the Bible verses which contain “the key of David” (in Isaiah 22 and Revelation 3) and by placing them into his own context in order to support his personal biblical fantasy somehow make him a father to the Jews of Israel, or even as a new “king” of Judah? Does GF in his own mind, now believe he is the de facto “king of Judah” as well as of England? 
It is the Lamb of God, the real Lamb of God, not an imaginary “christ come in the flesh” figurehead, who now sits on the throne on the right hand of our Father in heaven? The Bible does not tell of some man acting as a throne warmer and tithe collector, sitting in the place of Jesus till He returns.
How can some money grubbing man lay claim to being as a “father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and to the house of Judah” who has done nothing at all to assist the oppressed, including the Jewish refugees fleeing from Ukraine? 
Who is more “worldly” in withholding their money from helping anyone, including disaster victims, and even their own poor, than the PCG? And yet somehow GF would convince people that Jews and the people of Jerusalem will look up to him as their “father” and worship at his feet? Who could be more delusional? –[name withheld] Exit and Support Network


  1. My years in WCG, I deliberately tried to operate below the radar, and never ever to participate in the power structure of Armstrongism, or to aspire to the ministry. I would have been filled with self-loathing if I had become anything like the leaders whom I saw or heard at church events. Years later, I still have to admire the early wisdom of my youth as I watch all of these ridiculous people pulling titles for themselves and status from thin air. What they have become has gone way beyond all of the huge flaming red flags I saw back in the '70s.

    People have used the term "sheep". To me, Armstrongism has always been about frogs. And even though I recognized certain things about the false allure of authority and power, I was one of them. But, then suddenly, as the pot began to warm uncomfortably, leading up to 1975, I experienced a miracle in that I was changed from a cold-blooded amphibian into a warm-blooded mammal, and managed to jump free.

    I wish that PCG members, RCG members, and all the other pious sounding collections of letter could wake up one morning, and have just one clear and objective moment in which they could see their "leaders" for who and what they really are! People even eventually get tired of disgraced presidents if they realize that they have become unhinged, and are negatively impacting their own causes.

  2. How about,

    Flurry For President!

    Move over Donald, we have some one here with a bigger ego.
    Oh yes BIGGER.
    But then there’s always that pesky Thiel isn’t there?
    Hmmmm…….maybe we should hold an ‘Ego’ competition and see who comes out top.
    The Donald has no show,lol.

  3. And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. Mat 23:9.

  4. “Gerald Flurry Claims He Is Now The 'Father' To Jerusalem and Israel”


    “Fool,” not “Father.”

    Gerald Flurry is now the old FOOL to Jerusalem and Israel, as well as to all thinking people everywhere.

  5. Careful, Ronco! There is great symbolism surrounding the bathtub in Armstrongism. HWA allegedly baptized Stanley Rader in a hotel bathtub. So, I'm sure there was something very special and spiritual about Gerald Flurry slipping in his bathtub.

  6. Yes, it's not kingship, but king slip.

  7. A BETTER TITLE for Flurry would be LORD HAW HAW.

    (Lord Haw-Haw was a nickname applied to William Joyce, who broadcast propaganda to the UK from Germany during the Second World War.)

  8. Anon @6:23 reminded me, every time I see a photo of HWA, he always looks like a bug eyed frog. That's the first thing that comes to mind when I see his ugly face. Then I think about that ugly frog face crawling on top of his daughter and I want to vomit. I pray demons are currently doing to him, that which he did to his poor own daughter. Filthy, dirty, rotten bastard. Some "apostle" of God. The Kitchens sure have the Holy Spirit given gift of discernment in them:-)

    As for Burger King Flurry..have they moved his throne to the bathroom? Do PCG members now have to pay homage to him in rubber duckies rather than cash? Will he be coronated sitting on the other throne in the bathroom? He should be considering what he is full of. Most appropriate room for Armstrongism!

    All hail the king of the other throne!

  9. Nut bag Herb wannabes are so sad.
