Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Gerald Flurry Injuries Worsening?


The Philadelphia Church of God has been very quick in trying to squelch rumors of the severity of Gerald Flurry's fall out of his bathtub. Cryptic messages went to members to pray for Flurry so that he could recover speedily and return to his awesome position as King of the Church of God. Flurry, like many other COG leaders, believes that he will be alive to help Christ usher in the Kingdom of God where he will get to sit at Christ's right hand and rule humanity. Can you imagine anything more revolting?

Exit and Support Network has a couple of notes up about how much more serious Flurry's injuries were than they initially let on.

November 23, 2022
Hello ESN, 
I just heard from my friend who spoke with a PCG member that Gerald Flurry suffered contusion in one side of his lower back when he fell in the toilet during their FOT this year. [See October 25 letter above about this fall.] His inability to produce a new episode for his Key of David (KOD) program proved that his condition has further worsened after the Feast. 
It is interesting to note that Gerald Flurry’s recent fall was his second. His first fall happened on January 4th, 2014 while delivering a sermon in Edmond. 
His continuing absence from his KOD program and his deteriorating health condition are now causes of major concern to the whole PCG. 
For the past four weeks after FOT, they have aired repeat episodes of the KOD. The latest one, which they labelled as “new,” was just a recording of GRF’s address from the September 4th opening of the Armstrong Institute of Biblical Archaeology. Last week they had to call in Brad Macdonald as a new presenter of KOD. 
But why employ a new presenter if GRF is coming back? Are they trying to condition the mind of their members and the public that GRF’s time is almost up? –D. S.

For those outside the Philadelphia Church of God looking in and those who have been the recipients of his abuse, all of this new information coming out is not a bad thing. However, things could actually get worse when Lil'Stevie takes over. He has been maneuvering and manipulating things in the background for several years now for this transfer of power to take place. Some believe things will actually be worse under Lil'Stevie than they are under his dad.

Another ESN reader commented on how the PCG leadership is controlling the narrative

November 23, 2022
I am not surprised that the ministry is hiding the severity of GF’s fall and injuries. They are all about the image and controlling the narrative in a way that best suits them. I am curious as to what explanation they gave to the members who would be wondering why Brad is now doing the KOD. I would have assumed Stephen would have taken that roll. Maybe they think they can get some someone a little more charismatic. –T. C.

The COG was always been great at controlling the narrative, that is until the internet brought them ALL down. None of them have ever recovered and will continue to sink further into oblivion.


  1. This is the best Thanksgiving news ever! May Satan come and quickly take his orc back.

  2. This is a big blow to the Anglo-Israel-Heresy!

  3. I spit out my turkey when the letter to ESN stated that old Gerry, excuse me, King Gerry, fell in the toilet!!! If ever there was an appropriate faux pas, that one just slid into the #1 spot. Haha!

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! Hope you are enjoying your turkey and football (except you, Bob):-(

  4. When they replace Gerald Flurry on the telecast, that is noteworthy.

    WCG never did that with Herbert Armstrong in his final months. The first glimpse of a new presenter on TV came on the weekend of Jan. 25-26, 1986 - after his death.

  5. Ah! So much about nothing. If it were Keith Richards we were discussing, yeah, I'd be joining in the concern. But Flurry? As expected, people seem to want to raise him to the level of importance of HWA.

  6. Flurry actually did give another Sermon after that program was aired so I think it was more just Brad introducing that particular program because he is involved in the Jerusalem project there. Although I am sure Brad was tickled with glee with self importance. The MacDonald family are all like that if you know them - always pushing their way into self importance, feigning false humility while pushing everyone down. The believe they were born to be ministers etc. He would not be a new presenter on the KOD permanently. That would be Stephen.

  7. “Gerald Flurry Injuries Worsening?”

    Gerald might have thousands of his victims hoping and fasting and praying that his injuries worsen. Will their prayers be answered? Or will Satan preserve Gerald's little old carcass and use it to do even more evil? Stay tuned to the continuing disaster (and Irish dancing) show known as the PCG.
