Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, November 4, 2022

LCG: Wants Members To Become More Transcendental

The  LCG source submitted this along with the quote below: 

And Douglas Winnail tries to sound spiritual by using the word "Transcendental" then proceeds to brow beat. Notice he didn't fully quote Mark 16:15, he quoted "Go into all the world and preach the gospel." Why truncate "...to every creature?"

A Transcendental Purpose: God revealed a vital truth to the Apostle Paul when he wrote, “in the last days... men will be lovers of themselves... lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God” (2 Timothy 3:1–5). Today, people have full schedules and empty lives. When we focus on ourselves—my life, my job, my feelings, and my problems—this is a one-way ticket to frustration. However, some have learned that the key to a meaningful life is to focus on a goal that is bigger than ourselves. Jesus taught that we should “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33). Jesus told His disciples to “go into all the world and preach the gospel” (Mark 16:15) and that “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). To fulfill our calling as Christians and to have a really meaningful life, we need to get our focus off of ourselves and think about how we can serve others (Matthew 20:25–28). What adjustments can you make in your life to focus more on this transcendental purpose?
Have a profitable Sabbath, Douglas S. Winnail


  1. This one is a rerun from November 2009. Has Doug become more transcendental in the last 13 years?

  2. It's kind of embarrassing for Doug that he seems not to know the difference between a "transcendent" purpose and a "transcendental" one. Even more embarrassing in that he has had 13 years to learn the difference but hasn't done so in all that time.

  3. Too bad the Acogs all have the wrong gospel. Too bad Doug loves reruns more than Jesus.

  4. Life's good if you're an ACOG leader:
    Living in a mansion...secretly paying yourself $120,000/yr...
    while your dwindling followers try to pay rising site-rental at the Trailer-Park.

  5. When I see "transcendental", I think "meditation" - as in TM and the "guru" who claimed he could fly in Iowa years ago.

    Maybe Dr. Winnail is trying to send members to their dictionaries. But this reference could raise questions for other reasons.

  6. If Uncle Dougie wants to be transcendental, he should email Mike Love of the Beach Boys and request personalized classes in transcendental meditation, as popularized by the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. He should know going in that there will be conflicts with Armstrongite culture. How badly do you want to be "transcendental" Doug? To achieve that goal, there are certain elements of Armstrongism that you will need to surrender. No worries, though. There's a lot of Armstrongism that has to be surrendered just to be a viable, functioning, nontoxic human being! Might just as well use Transcendental Meditation as your antidote as opposed to something caustic.

  7. Excellent greeting from Mr. Dluglas Winnail as always, although it hurts many to this dirty blog, destructive criticism announced in the scriptures in times of the end is much easier than the beautiful messages of Douglas. Greetings mockers of the end. There they were .... as we say in Chile ..... The next one happens!!!!

  8. smh Koke61 (so I guess you're of that generation)

    Let me get this straight, how do you become transcendental when:

    Abraham looked towards a New City from above (Hebrews 11:9-10), but you guys look toward the salvation of Ephraim and Manasseh, something physical.

    Paul mentioned the Gentiles having the blessing that came through Abraham (Gal 3:8-9).
    Scripture plainly states these are spiritual blessing in the NT, but you and Armstrongism are holding on to those old birthright blessings (Old Wineskins).

    Not understanding the the NT birthright is basically the holy spirit (the begettal state before the "birth" into God's Kingdom). JOHN 1:12-13 gave them "right" to be sons of God.

    Nothing is transcendental about a man who hates when his idols (confederate statutes) are being taken down.

  9. Nothing wrong with using the word "transcendental" (beyond the ordinary or common experience) even if it has connotations of faulty human philosophies, but the problem is that when the members do rise up under zealous inspiration to do a good work the elders can't handle it because of their desire to arbitrarily and autocratically control the works of members, what they can do or cannot do under their authority.

    I heard one example of this from a member who was preparing a sermon to give who was so excessively critiqued and edited by Weston to the point where he ripped up his notes. The ministers act as if everything depends on them and that they only can explain the word of God. Another time, I corrected a visiting member strongly about some doctrine but the minister reproached me for causing offence, not realizing that afterward the member thanked me for it. Transcendent purposes?? Can you identity them when you see them?

    1 Corinthians 14:36
    What? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only?

    To Koke61, I wouldn't call Dluglas (or Dullglas, you meant? He did sound very dull in one sermon where I saw him pull out a stack of books from the podium, as though his Bible wasn't enough) and his messages beautiful if he is living in sin after having divorced his wife --who then remarried and divorced only to come back to him.

  10. Exactly, he loves all those extra non biblical sources. Just use the Bible Doug, if you are who you say you are.

  11. What else can I say except, Oom, oom, oom?

  12. Didn’t D. Winnail write a booklet called “ The Bible, Fact or Fiction” he sure likes using a bunch of other books in his sermons. Oh well
