Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Dave Pack: Stringing People Along

The String-Along


Members of The Restored Church of God have become so used to the disappointment they are numb by now. Another date of something-or-other is set by David C. Pack. Another date of a whole-lotta-nothin’ comes to pass. And yet, the more things fail to manifest, the more sure they are it will.


The proverbial ostrich sticking its head into the sand has nothing on the stalwarts of RCG. They are so invested in their denial and ferocious in defense of that denial they are buried in fantasy down to the kneecaps.


The longer you hold your breath, and the tighter you close your eyes, the more real something will become. In the world, they call that "wishing." But in RCG, that is called "faith."


The Restored Church of God members wish their Pastor General was correct about his ever-changing teachings. They wish that God is guiding him to fully reveal the Mystery of God so that Jesus Christ will return to earth on Christmas Eve to bring them all eternal life.


The spirit of error has taken root inside RCG and is spreading.



Some trapped inside RCG recognize what is happening but are paralyzed as to what to do. Others have chosen to take action.


Field ministers are reporting departures. It was not a good week for Brian Jackson or Larry Cockshutt.


The ministry at Headquarters knows tensions are high, and rather than sitting quietly, they have to keep posting worthless, Pathetic Updates. Four postings in four days.


Call it Damage Control as they continue to string along the brethren.


The Monday posting threw the Uno Reverse card on the half day teaching, which was an essential revelation by God two days earlier. This was reported in a previous article.


Prophecy Update – Monday, December 12, 2022


There is much evidence that the first period is no more or less than 10 days. It came to be that when God says 10 days of tribulation, we should not add or subtract time. Think of His precision with 1,335 days or 3.5 days! The only variable is whether Christ wants to spend time with us before the 10 days begin. This seems unlikely, but not impossible. Your watch could start as laid out in Pt 409, but don’t be surprised if 10 days is exact—with everything starting a half-day later than 409 explained.


So, never mind. The spirit of error was active during Part 409. Being off by 12 hours is no big deal.


That begs the question, Why teach it at all? The answer is Dave has to be right. To be off by 12 hours would be such a bitter pill to swallow for all eternity.


Stringing the brethren along gives the impression of further development. It hides Dave’s moonwalking. It hides the biblical accordion, expanding and contracting. The math is always flexible.



Prophecy Update – Tuesday, December 13, 2022


We have all heard the term, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” This note is just that! Having one more night to consider all the verses on timing, it is helpful to include this brief amendment to yesterday’s Member Services announcement. While there is the case for everything starting exactly 10 days and nights before the day of the Lord, recall Mr. Pack has also wrestled with the many dawn/sunrise verses that counter the idea of 10 precise days. If the first period is 10 days and 9 nights (a total of 9.5 days), this would not break scripture—and would be a shorter trial for all mankind to endure! We could all hope this is the case, but will wait for whatever God’s will is, no matter what.


I had to laugh out loud. If David C. Pack had kept his mouth shut and NOT taught Part 408 and Part 409, this string along Damage Control would not be necessary. He could have prevented his own embarrassment last week and this week. But no, he had to keep meddling. He had to keep stringing it out.


Wednesday was supposed to be the beginning of the 1335 of Daniel 12:12. Quibbling over half a day seems rather foolish in the grand scheme of things. Let God's will be done.


10 days. 10.5 days. 10 days. 9.5 days. Just let it come already.


The subtext of these postings is to devalue Dave’s bloated machinations.



Prophecy Update – Wednesday, December 14, 2022


We are the people who “hear Christ’s voice” (Jn. 10:27) and “follow the Lamb whithersoever He goes” (Rev. 14:4). This has in some ways never been truer than with our ever-expanding knowledge of prophecy.God often layers in more facts as time goes on while retaining elements of previous messages. This has proven to be the case with the “Mt. Everest” of Tevet 1! This towering day still is central. It has not moved in importance. You will be stunned by what will be explained on the livestream Friday night!


Apparently not.


It was not Christ’s voice they heard teaching about what did not happen last week or this week.


The members of RCG are following a man, not God. A human idol who spends most of his time during sermons preaching about himself.


If you wonder about this being a mischaracterization of the truth, please read A Self-Care Disaster. Or revisit the topics covered in Part 404 and Part 405 in The RCG Eraser. Then decide if what these articles present are concocted lies and deception.


The members of The Restored Church of God are NOT following Jesus Christ. They are following David C. Pack. To say otherwise is willful blindness.



Part 410 was delayed from Friday to Saturday. Why take up a free night when you can impose nonsense on a capt(ured) audience on the Sabbath? This is a great way to string brethren along for another day.


Thursday, December 15, 2022


Dear brethren,


Please note Mr. Pack will deliver a live message during services this Sabbath, December 17.


For planning purposes, services at Headquarters begins at 2:30 p.m. and the live stream in Member Services will be opened a few minutes before the sermon starts at approximately 2:45 p.m. (Eastern Time.)


Everyone who is able should connect to this live message.


For those unable to join live, the message will be available to watch afterward.


Kind regards,

Church Administration


David C. Pack must be annoyed that the brethren of RCG are wasting their time focusing on God during Sabbath Services. Instead of letting God steal Dave's thunder, he decided to make it all about him again as he force-feeds his prophetic foolishness to a capt(ured) audience.


Dave takes on titles belonging to Jesus Christ.

Dave preaches about himself all throughout the Bible.

Dave now makes the Sabbath focus on what he has to say.


Hmm. How is that not idolatry?


Part 410 will further string along the idea that the Tevet 1 Christmas Eve arrival of Jesus Christ is still “on track.”


How Elijah-centric the message today will be is unknown. After all, an unordained non-prophet/non-psychic can only see so much through the Magic 8 Ball.


The spirit of error has captured the corporate sheepfold of RCG and has made David C. Pack its bitch.


Tie a string around your finger to remember that.

Marc Cebrian

See: The Strong Along


  1. Dave is a version of the Grim Reaper character from the Guess Who's "Truckin' Off Across the Sky" on their "Live at the Paramount" album.

    Religion, in its extreme form, especially when delving into the mystic and magic, has been proven to be just as addictive, causing just as much departure from rational or healthy behavioral patterns and relationships as any drug or alcohol. Allegedly secret supernatural information has that same destructive potential, making it a problem in which even non-drinkers, and non-drug users could exercise their addictive tendencies.

    The figurative drug Dave pushes may work on different parts of the mind, but it is often an euphoriant, can cause extreme depression when the euphoria fails to become justified, and shuts out all voices of reason and moderation which could induce troubleshooting and possible escape from the addiction. As with illicit stimuli, every failure or bad experience would set one off in a deeper longing for the desired effect! What could possibly be the strongest "drug" or motivator to a Christian person? It would most likely be unimpeachable evidence that Jesus Christ will return tomorrow! Isn't that the most powerful modifier to which a Christian could be open and receptive? Would it not also place one into a position of subservience to the person who was receiving and controlling that "insider" knowledge? Kind of like an addict is to his dealer, only the dealer is actually more honest, because he isn't making up his drugs as is the guy claiming secret knowledge.

    So, RCG members, go to you tube, find "Truckin' off Across the Sky" and sing along with the Guess Who! (for the Canadian brethren, I hope Armstrongism didn't cause you to miss out on this band! They are every bit a national treasure as were your Tragically Hip)

    "Get on board
    The Reaper wants to take you all for a ride
    Get on board
    The Reaper wants to take you all for a ride
    His private train is leaving
    To slip you to the other side

    He's got cocaine and morphine too,
    Lot's of stuff to get you all high
    Little pink pills in a brown bag,
    Truckin' off across the sky."

    1. Helpful analysis for 'we' who are trying to understand our rcg addicted captives and the pusher.

  2. Stealing dave's thunder? It's beyond thunder dome, play something tragic, says Tina Turner. I have been for years says dave! The only string I like is string cheese, yum.

  3. "Members of The Restored Church of God have become so used to the disappointment they are numb by now. Another date of something-or-other is set by David C. Pack."

    Stringing people along is the name of the game. Reminds me of the Tkach boys. "Changes? What changes?"

  4. "Religion, ... has been proven to be just as addictive ... as any drug ..."

    Especially caffeine.

  5. The 1/2 day makes all the difference. I want to be awake when Christ returns so I don't sleep through my only chance at salvation.

    1. Lol. No way. There goes the deception that no man knows the day nor the hour and I believe God cannot lie.🤷

  6. "How is that not idolatry?"

    It's not idolatry if: (i) Dave is really Jesus, (ii) God does not exist, or (iii) he was only pulling our legs all this time.

  7. "Tie a string around your finger to remember that."

    I have a string for Dave around my middle finger.

  8. The thing about it is, 5:42, those who have been captured and collected by a charismatic, or even authoritarian messianic guru type would in no way be making that connection. Drugs, at this point in human experience, are generally known to be bad. Most people are fully aware of what must be done in rehab and recovery. They become the tail that wags the dog, so to speak, and it requires a lifetime to rebuild.

    Someone seeking out a church is generally aware of the problems we all face in life, but is looking for a completely different approach than drugs, a set of solutions that are clean, and actually helps them to deal with daily life. As they study, and listen to their ministers, they are anticipating only good. Most people are in an ACOG for the particular package of doctrines. So long as their leader is teaching these, or has effectively sold them on his modifications, they willingly submit themselves to all manner of bad things, gladly becoming wagged dogs for what they feel is the greater good. I mean, this is religion, not drugs, not alcohol. But, there they go, becoming codependent to delusional leaders, getting on his private train, "truckin' off across the sky!" There is contentment amongst the passengers on Dave's train, or Gerald's train. There may still be on Ron Weinland's train. On those trains, there is "lotsa stuff to get you high". Spiritual cocaine and spiritual morphine too. Bags of little spiritual pink pills. And, it's all exhillarating.......until it's not.

  9. Isn't that called titilation? To tickle one's fancy. Or excite the imagination.
