Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, December 2, 2022

Dave Pack's Greasy, Slimy Math


Greasy, Slimy Math


The lie about Stephen's death in Acts 7, told during "The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 407)," was the straw that broke the camel’s back. We need to call a spade a spade.


You can watch that moment here.

Pastor General David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God tells lies. He has been for a long time, but it changes your viewpoint when you finally accept something for what it is.


The “Tevet 1 on Christmas 2022” 76-year math lie was first mentioned in Part 406, and then, a summary lie was repeated during Part 407.


Part 406 – November 26, 2022

@ 02:00 But, an interesting fact about that time 30 years ago was that the last time Christmas came on Tevet 1 was 1992. Thirty years ago. You already know the next time it occurs is in 2068. 46 years from now. That means that once in 76 years, Tevet 1 is again Christmas. And it so happens it's this year. So, it occurs once in a period of a little over three-quarters of a century. Now, we can suppose that's a coincidence, but I don't think most of us would do that.


Part 407 – November 30, 2022

@ 00:27 First, remember that Christmas [on Tevet 1] occurs once in 76 years…One time in 76 years between 1992 and 2068.


Are those statements examples of idiocy or a calculated manipulation? Is David C. Pack a mathematical nincompoop, or was it a verbal magic trick? Is he an imbecile, or is he lying?


The answers are: a calculated manipulation, a verbal magic trick, and David C. Pack was lying. He knew what he was doing because he was desperate to have another “proof” for his Christmas 2022 theory.


The David C. Pack way of thinking is: The more you talk, the more right you are. The louder you talk, the more right you are. The longer your list, the more right you are.


He has presented pages, front and back, of lists that "prove" his theory that he later abandons. I have watched in person over the years the value of his "proof list" drop to nil overnight. Having 50 or 70 or 120 proofs is a selling point one day and thrown into the shredder the next.


The fact of 76 years is irrelevant. It could have been 100 years or 10,000 years, and it would not make him any more correct about his impending failure. God is not behind David C. Pack. God is not behind "The Greatest Unending Story!" Series. God did not reveal to RCG that Jesus Christ is coming on Christmas Eve, but Elijah will be raised 15 days before that.



For many years while attending RCG, I did not look into what Dave presented beyond what the Bible and Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance said. People sitting in the Main Hall or at Services cannot research at the moment when something sounds "off." You are hit with such a deluge of information it is hard to write things in your notes even when you are TRYING to follow his thought process.


In later years, I discovered there was much insight gained when fact-checking Dave afterward. Especially in these latter years of the Series when Dave has become more careless as he deteriorates.


Recall his Fake World News statements about the artificial sun China launched into the atmosphere in October. That is pure comedy now. But not for the folks inside RCG at the time.


I credit Dennis Diehl for bringing this to my attention because I did not absorb what Dave was saying about the 76-year business in Part 406. It sounded like more Dave Pack White Noise to me. He opens his mouth, and I hear Pod People hissing.


After listening carefully, the blatant error was easy to spot. Calling it a mistake is naïve. Dave knew what he was doing. He was manipulating the numbers to support his cause. They have done it before.


Now we can examine the greasy, slimy math lie.



Dave gives special significance to Christmas occurring on Tevet 1 this year by saying it happens “once in 76 years.” If you take 2068 and subtract 1992, you get 76 years. So, the Coffee Kid’s calculator does work.


Here is the problem:


Tevet 1 on Christmas does not happen once between 1992 and 2068. It happens three times. Dave knows this. He misleadingly presented the math, so 2022 could seem significant.


Follow my antichrist serpent brain and count three times.


1992 – First Tevet 1 Christmas

2022 – Second Tevet 1 Christmas

2068 – Third Tevet 1 Christmas


Either David C. Pack is a moron, or he intentionally lied to the members of The Restored Church of God so he could get 30 seconds more credibility.


Leaving aside the expanse of time between points, if you follow his logic, between 2021 and 2023, your birthday occurs once.


But you had a birthday in 2021. You have a birthday in 2022. You will have a birthday in 2023. That would be three times if my high school education was worth anything.


For the math nerds, Dave is measuring the diameter but calling it the radius.


Is willful deception one of the fruits of the spirit at Headquarters these days?


This is a prime example of Dave adopting Bradford G. Schleifer’s greasy, slimy math that was covered in July. Two clear instances of “ministers of Jesus Christ” manipulating numbers to make their point that is proven to be fraudulent upon careful examination.


I am not sure which came first: the chicken or the lie. Did Dave teach Brad, or did Brad teach Dave?


In both cases, the mathematical ruse only works if you do not slow down to think about it.



When you further fact-check David C. Pack, more relevant points become clear.


Something else he knew and withheld from RCG is that a Tevet 1 Christmas also happened in 1984. It is not as “rare” within our lifetime as he wanted you to believe because he conveniently left that out.


While researching Tevet 1 on Christmas occurrences between 1900 to 2200, Dave actually made a “stronger case” for Jesus Christ to return in the year 2068. Well, if you buy into his logic.


Tevet 1 Christmas


1927 (19-year gap)

1984 (57-year gap)

1992 (8-year gap)

2022 (30-year gap)

2068 (46-year gap)

2136 (68-year gap)

2174 (38-year gap)


No 76-year spaces are to be found. Brad should sit Dave down to explain the difference between a radius and a diameter. I would also be willing to help in that arena. My rate is $60 per hour, and Dr. Ranney has my number.


The only real significant gap is found between Dave’s ears.



Part 407 – November 30, 2022

@ 00:27 First, remember that Christmas [on Tevet 1] occurs once in 76 years…One time in 76 years between 1992 and 2068.


Is that statement an error or a lie? Is he stupid, or is he a deceiver?


Dave’s “metric” dissolves rather quickly once you shine a light on the big picture of what he presents. No biblical pattern. No cosmic alignment. No revelatory significance. Numbers and dates are explained deceptively to temporarily imply validity.


That is the kind of mentality the folks inside RCG are dealing with. Take the same twisted logic that the RCG ministry uses to distort numbers and apply it to the Bible. That is an illustration of what is going on over there.


An unsound mind with unsound thinking presents unsound teachings.


You cannot trust what The Restored Church of God ministry tells you.


You cannot trust what David C. Pack tells you.


That is not an opinion. That is just math.

Marc Cebrian


  1. Wow - so the Egyptians and Roman Catholics didn't start Xmas after all! The Jewish SANHEDRIN did!!

    They started Xmas, then got upset with Stephen for emphasizing Jesus and not the "customs that Moses gave us" (Acts 6:14, CEV)!

    OK, so by extension... did Moses keep Xmas?! He raised a pole in the wilderness, so did he also put up a tree with a star on top?!?!

    C'mon, man....

  2. Seven years of bible study and he ends up right where he started....proof texting (badly) and continuing the HWA/cult favorite trick. Pluck a verse, any verse, out of context and make it say whatever you want or need it to say. Voila, Jesus is returning on x,y,z. Look, US and UK are Israel. Hey, god is not a trinity. Carrying on the grand tradition of cults the world over, taking Scriptures out of context ends up with heterodox and confusing doctrine, at best, or cults, at worst. It never ends well for those involved.

    Get out of these groups while you still can and simply ask Jesus to save you, if you still have a heart for Him, not religion!

  3. Why does Dave keep guessing short-term dates? Doesn't he know the end will maybe possibly kinda sorta be in 2028? Just ask Bob!

  4. Couldn't resist saying Santa, oops! jesus is coming down the chimney on Christmas morning. Got a very blasphemous look in response. It's not blasphemy to refer to a false god doing that so my conscious is clear.

  5. Ministers and Spokesman Club speeches were often introducing these kind of "amazing" "God ordained" statistics, yet the math rarely ever actually checked out if you sat down and ran the numbers. But who's going to do that? It's much easier to just be astonished and move on.
    For example: HWA's 19 year time cycles: actually 18.6 years, but that would mess up his math wouldn't it?

  6. Axially, the "end" was cancelled back in 1975 due to lack of interest. Why the heck would anyone in their right minds want to revive that interest? Having the end perpetually hovering over one's head always kind of sucked back in the day. Just so glad we all got to enjoy our lives and will now end up dying a peaceful and normal death. Screw Armstrongism in all it's evil forms!!!

  7. Most ministers probably don't know a square root from a cubed root.

  8. Did you get side tracked ? Post starts off strong pointing out with video evidence of Pack rewriting the reason Stephen was stoned. Then what happened? Post disappears found the Tevet calculating rabbit hole ironically as Pack has done.

  9. Just for the sake of argument, so what if there is a gap of 76 years? Does the Bible anywhere mention a gap of 76 years? Means nothing but nonsense to me.

  10. Vaughn said, "For example: HWA's 19 year time cycles: actually 18.6 years, but that would mess up his math wouldn't it?"

    MY COMMENT - Do Armstrong Churches of God still practice/preach Herbert Armstrongs's 19-year time cycles? Does Common thief Dave Pack still preach 19-year time cycles? So prominent was the 19-year time cycle in the WCG that even Art Gilmore mentioned it in a documentary World Tomorrow Radio broadcast that he narrated.

    For those who don't remember the 19-year time cycle:

    January 1934 Radio Church of God broadcast on Radio station KORE, Eugene Oregon
    January 1953 The World Tomorrow Radio broadcast to Europe began
    January 1972 The Great Tribulation commences with the German attack on the USA

    When January 1972 came and went without German bombs dropping on America (the silence from Pasadena HQ was deafening), Herbert Armstrong later revealed the true significance of the January 1972-time cycle was (drum roll please...) ADVERTISING in Readers Digest!

    Where I had math issues was with the Church's teaching that the Return of Jesus would be in the Fall of 1975 (possibly Feast of Trumpets). I had difficulty fitting the Great Tribulation time period of 3 1/2 years into January 1972 to Fall, 1975. My math calculated Armstrong's 19-year time cycle and 3 1/2 years of Tribulation to be the first week of July 1975 for Jesus return.

    Math is a very funny thing. It is absolute and very precise. It's either right or wrong. Interesting to see Armstrongism as practiced by Dave Pack continues to be math challenged!


  11. It is called the METONIC CYCLE and it is almost exactly 19 years, and syncs really close for 76 years. MORE HERE:

  12. I'm just amazed that these so-called prophets and apostles can't seem to see and recognize the drying great rivers of the world, the accelerated melting of the glaciers, and the bizarre weather patterns caused by the diversion of the jetstreams which regulate weather as they are controlled by the temperatures of ocean currents not only as being caused by mankind, but also as eerily unfolding in parallel to the prophecies in the book of Revelation. Living in the Southwest is much scarier as we watch the Colorado River and its reservoirs dry up, and of course now those who live in the Mississippi River valleys are getting a taste of the same existentially frightening circumstances. To me, this pales any of the words of those promoting the old Armstrong prophecy model. These days, they should be cancelled, and thus be compelled to write their inanities on the subway walls and tenement halls.

    Back in the day, I used to enjoy listening (illegally) to Dylan's "Desolation Row" during my drive from Arcadia to Pasadena, and the AC gym for sabbath services. The words of a prominent and talented Jewish-American much more sense than the sermon I was about to hear, but, you know. Had to make sabbath services each week or face losing employment at my job at the college. Which leads me to believe that there are people in RCG today doing the same thing. There will always be people who actually comprehend reality but continue to play the part for various reasons. The ACOG system takes mercilessly from its members, and does not lose a wink of sleep. Some of us learned that we could also surreptitiously take from, and exploit that system in ways of our own. Hopefully there are some equally hip RCG members today.

  13. Cycles in nature do exist. But there are a multitude of cycles working simultaneously in nature. When several of the ends/beginnings of these cycles line up, there is a greater probability of a "tuning," ie, a major reversal. Claiming that the world is controlled by one simple cycle is naive. Many books have been written on this topic, and it's complex.

  14. Correct, 10:55. The big problem with HWA was that he invoked and adapted concepts irrationally, embellishing them with theories and esoteric interpretations along the way. He established the concept of a master cycle, one that would set off and control all the other cycles, without any corroborative evidence saving his own interpretation of the books of Daniel and Revelation which he combined with British Israelism, which made the US and BC heirs to the promises to Abraham, and some nebulous math and a fractured history of the USA. It became his hook, an inescapable soon coming devastation with the only way out to become a member of HWA's church (Philadelphians or "elect") and obey, pray, and pay from that time forward. When his insights and time tables failed, he would not be honest and admit that he really knew nothing, or his empire would surely have collapsed, so he resorted to "kicking the can down the road" a short distance, and continued to fear monger his by that time Pavlovian followers.

    You really can't compare that to the Holocene or Anthropocene Extinction which is currently ongoing, and has affected so many natural cycles which feed one another. We'll learn more about that as permafrost continues to thaw, releasing ungodly amounts of greenhouse gases which had been rendered inert by virtue of being contained by things frozen, and the continued warming and dying off of the many ecosystems to which the oceans are home. Scientists tell us that if we decrease our carbon footprints, conditions will begin to reverse themselves and there will be regeneration, but I believe that it's already too late. Even if that were not true, human greed and self interests are so strong a force that I seriously doubt that mankind has the fortitude to take the required actions to stall the great extinction which is moving inexorably forward.

    I'll be long gone before the final death rattle starts, but I surely worry about my kids and grandkids. Of course I stress being a good steward to them, but I'm not going to fear monger them. I only reserve that for false prophets and their followers who continue to teach and exploit HWA's imaginary master cycle.

  15. 12.42 PM
    Climate change is the secular version of HWA's 1975 and associated "only 3 to 5 short years left" mantra. It's purpose is to create a straight-jacketed society where people have been intimidates out of their rights by a Big Brother government.

  16. Back in the '90's when I was listening to Rush Limbaugh, that's what I believed, too, 5:51. Since that time, there has been so much evidence collected pertaining to ever worsening very measurable conditions that I've been forced to modify and reverse that position. I don't worry about convincing others, though. It'll continue to manifest itself in ways that will eventually make it impossible to deny. Denial will most likely cease right about the time when coffee no longer exists.
