Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

LCG Does Not Like Your Opinion, Especially When You Express It On The Internet!


Opinions and the internet, are two things that do not belong together in the Living Church of God. Just shut up, sit back, pay your money and be good little boys and girls.

Wisdom with Words: 
Today, people are encouraged to “say whatever you think” —and everyone has an opinion to express, in conversations and on the Internet! However, the Bible offers very different advice. Long ago, Solomon observed that, “A fool’s voice is known by his many words” (Ecclesiastes 5:3) and “In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, but he who restrains his lips is wise” (Proverbs 10:19). We are also told, “A prudent man conceals [is reluctant to display] knowledge, but the heart of fools proclaims foolishness” (Proverbs 12:23) and “Whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from troubles” (Proverbs 21:23). I once had an English teacher who used the phrase, “Remember to engage your brain before you put your mouth in gear,” which is the same advice we find in Proverbs 16:23: “The heart [the mind] of the wise teaches his mouth, and adds learning to his lips.” King David wrote, “The mouth of the righteous speaks wisdom, and his tongue talks of justice” because “The law of his God is in his heart” (Psalm 37:30–31). God’s word provides sound advice about choosing our words carefully. 
Have a profitable Sabbath, Douglas S. Winnail


  1. Too bad Dougie! We don't care for your opinion when you express it on the internet! The days are over when the ministry can control the members,

  2. ... people are encouraged to “say whatever you think” —and everyone has an opinion to express, in conversations and on the Internet! However, the Bible offers very different advice.
    It does?? You can voice your opinion without many words, be restrained, be prudent, not speak as a fool, be guarded, speak with brain in gear, speak with wisdom, choosing words carefully.

    Is Doug's posting .... cognitive dissonance?

  3. Well, authorities never like the opinions of the peons.

    ``In the aftermath of a war, history cannot be written. The losing side has no one to speak for it. Historians on the winning side are constrained by years of war propaganda that demonized the enemy while obscuring the crimes of the righteous victors. People want to enjoy and feel good about their victory, not learn that their side was responsible for the war or that the war could have been avoided except for the hidden agendas of their own leaders. Historians are also constrained by the unavailability of information. To hide mistakes, corruption, and crimes, governments lock up documents for decades. Memoirs of participants are not yet written. Diaries are lost or withheld from fear of retribution. It is expensive and time consuming to locate witnesses, especially those on the losing side, and to convince them to answer questions. Any account that challenges the `happy account' requires a great deal of confirmation from official documents, interviews, letters, diaries, and memoirs, and even that won't be enough. For the history of World War II in Europe, these documents can be spread from New Zealand and Australia across Canada and the US through Great Britain and Europe and into Russia. A historian on the track of the truth faces long years of strenuous investigation and development of the acumen to judge and assimilate the evidence he uncovers into a truthful picture of what transpired. The truth is always immensely different from the victor's war propaganda.''

    -- Paul Craig Roberts, former high-ranking economist in Ronald Regan's administration.

  4. informing the hall owners where they meet

    Cancel culture is sick, evil, cruel, and un-American. Don't stoop that low.

    1. Cancel culture is the excuse authoritarian groups use to continue to push forward abusive messages such as racism and submission (examples of this in the COGs are the false teachings of British Israelism and encouraging wives that are abused to just work through it and submit to their husbands, I should know as I was one of those wives and I knew other women in LCG in the same position).

      And many hall owners are under the false impression that they are renting their facilities to a normal Christian group, they have a right to know who they allowing into their facilities and communities.

  5. If they were actually correct, or had any real authority, I can understand why they would feel this way. But, they are just another authoritarian cult, an unneccessary additional layer of government whom they want you to invite into your lives and accept, as if they were God and Jesus themselves. The problem is, they are not, are therefore very fallible, but don't want you to say anything about that, or to warn other people.

    They had better get used to the fact that the internet exists, and anyone with a smart phone has the ability to document and publish happenings via videos which can and do go viral. Imagine if those who were raised under the child-beating booklet had had the ability to shoot a little video of their abuse back in the day. What would it had meant not only to themselves, but also if the video had served as a very public cautionary tale for people who had been considering joining Armstrongism back in the day? I would love for there to have been that accountability. Unfortunately, since the ministers were accustomed to functioning much as the Taliban, it's also possible that a lot of good electronic devices might have been simply destroyed. And, that really tells you all you need to know about the ministers. Spiritual guides??? Hah! More like the secret police! Legends in their own minds!

  6. Cancel culture is the excuse authoritarian groups use ...

    Just like the government and big tech monopolies and big media who glorify racist BLM and cancel any opinions they don't like. They are as sick as the COGs. Same thing. Same as kicking people out of their venues.

  7. The WCG is Jewish. Judaism is all about the "chosen tribe." It's racist. Why do they always get a pass while they condemn others for the same thing?

  8. Elon Musk needs to buy the LCG and fire a lot of staff!

  9. Dangerous Doug Winnail is offering a mean-spirited propaganda booster to the brainwashing of members.
    This brainwashing recycle is aimed at getting the people to believe that LCG leadership should think and speak for them; any individual opinion is an affront to what LCG deceptively promotes to be “God’s government”.
    Doug is well known for his bumbling misuse of Holy Scriptures, as LCG is well known for their cruelty to the members.
    In Doug’s first citation of scripture, he is actually calling the members “fools” if they dare have their own opinion.
    Today’s LCG government is analogous to the Pharisees that Jesus addressed with very harsh and publicly given opinion,
    Similarly, Jesus publicly expressed his strong opinion of Satan, as the accuser of the brethren.
    The Pharisees and Satan were/ are displeased when their evil is publicity exposed, just as LCG is angry when people call them out for sitting in the seat of the Pharisees and assuming the role of accuser of the brethren.
    The highly-paid but under-performing Winnail hopes his dupes can’t or won’t read the Bible for themselves and discover things LCG will not teach, such as God loves you, and encourages you to express yourself (not rote indoctrination) to him. God loves the poor and abused too; he encourages you to help them by standing against their oppressors.
    Here are a few (among many more) verses that give you permission to share your opinions, contrary to Winnail’s indoctrination:

    Isaiah 33:7
    Look, their brave men cry aloud in the streets; the envoys of peace weep bitterly.

    1 Timothy 5:20
    But those elders who are sinning you are to reprove before everyone, so that the others may take warning.

    Proverbs 1:20
    Wisdom’s Rebuke
    Out in the open wisdom calls aloud, she raises her voice in the public square;

    Proverbs 25:12
Like an earring of gold or an ornament of fine gold is the rebuke of a wise judge to a listening ear.

Proverbs 27:5
Better is open rebuke than hidden love.

Proverbs 28:23
Whoever rebukes a person will in the end gain favor rather than one who has a flattering tongue.

    Titus 1:12-14
    One of Crete’s own prophets has said it: “Cretans are always liars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons.”[a] 13 This saying is true. Therefore rebuke them sharply, so that they will be sound in the faith 14 and will pay no attention to Jewish myths or to the merely human commands of those who reject the truth.

    Nehemiah 13:11
    So I rebuked the officials and asked them, “Why is the house of God neglected?” Then I called them together and stationed them at their posts.

  10. They weren't expecting the internet would provide the average person the ability to express their opinion and understandings from their own research and intellect. Keep sharing guys, and know that Dougie is a pharisee. Dougie gets his "wisdom" from Robert E. Lee. Need I say more.

  11. “A fool’s voice is known by his many words” (Ecclesiastes 5:3). Correct. And HWA would take a lot of words to say something. He would dominate a conversation, would write paragraph after paragraph to just get into his main point. He was a bag of hot air. I listened to GTA one time and for all of his eloquence, when he got done, I asked myself, "What did he say that was of any substance, that I would make a note of?" NOTHING.

  12. I like the quote from Roberts above at 10:49:

    "Any account that challenges the `happy account' requires a great deal of confirmation from official documents, interviews, letters, diaries, and memoirs, and even that won't be enough."

    Like so many things, this is how it is in the church too!

    It happened with me when I was slandered and scandalized by members and ministers long ago. No one would believe me. What's more interesting is that I EXPECTED IT TO HAPPEN. I KNEW WHAT I WAS DOING GOING IN AND ANTICIPATING THE BACKLASH.

    People can be so sold on lies and falsehoods and gather around it so that nothing can convince them otherwise. And no one -- not even in the church -- cares to do the documenting, the interviewing, the letter-reading or the Scripture referencing against it because they are too lazy and don't care to be proven wrong, even though Deut 13:14 commands us to do it; YOU SHALL SEARCH, INVESTIGATE AND ASK SOUNDLY, AND BEHOLD IF IT IS TRUSTWORTHY AND THE WORD IS ESTABLISHED (BY WITNESSES) THAT SUCH ABOMINATION IS WROUGHT... (THEN YOU SHALL RENDER THE JUDGMENT)".

    Even the truth isn't good enough for them because they have set themselves up as gods who think that they can spot good and evil when they see it, being unaware of their biases and prejudices.


  13. I know what you mean. I have encountered several LVG ministers who thought they knew what my intentions were in various situations. They act like they are gods already. It’s really sad. When they do this, the prejudgment happens. And what did Christ say about judging in Matthew 7. Like you said even the truth isn’t good enough for them.

  14. Anon, Tuesday, December 20, 2022 at 9:15:00 PM PST, said:

    "...Too bad Dougie! We don't care for your opinion when you express it on the internet! The days are over when the ministry can control the members,..."
    But, yet, doesn't "Living" encourage others to share their thoughts with them?

    After wll, the Weekly Update section of lcg says:


    Or, is it possible, that Living could really care less what anyone else's opinion is?

    Time will tell...

