Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Whew! We have at least 7 more years! Party on Wayne! Party on Garth!

With Dave Pack and Gerald Flurry's creature they call "christ" ready to return any day now, it is comforting to know we have at least seven more years till the crap hits the fan, at least according to the only true prophet the church has in this day and age.

Leave it to the Great Bwana to Africa and 150 Caucasians to have the inside scoop on when his creature is returning to wreak havoc in the world, punish those that criticize the one true leader, and usher in the mythical kingdom where the Great Bwana will be held in such high esteem he will sit at the right hand of the creature he calls "christ". After all, he had a dream about this so it HAS to be true!

Can Jesus return in 2023 or 2024?
Will Jesus ever return? Various ones, including certain Protestants and Muslims have pointed to 2023 as the year He will. But are they looking at the wrong things? Can we see a 2023 or 2024 rapture? How about September 17, 2023? What are the signs that Jesus said to look for that precede His return? What parts of the Book of Daniel did Jesus say to look to? Have we seen any of those signs yet? Does Jesus come before or after the tribulation? Can Jesus possibly come before 2023? Are there clear signs that will point to when Jesus will return? Why do some say we need to wait at least seven more years? Why should Christians care? What about supporting the work of God? Steve Dupuie and Dr. Thiel go over these matters.

Why would a Christian care what Bob says? Why would a Christian support his "work"? 


  1. Tormenting myself looking at his video to verify his eisegesis of "7 years": according to Boblelon: it's the week in Dan 9:27, hasn't happened yet, sacrifices cease in the middle of the week "in the holy place". Which are presumed to be in a temple in Jerusalem. So we got more BT time: from now till the temple is built. Waiting, waiting for a temple.........don't.

  2. I'd like this load of crap based on old William Miller and Dugger and Dodd theories to be rendered as completely impossible sometime in my life. When I was somewhat less of a human being, I used to hope that the Ruskies would nuke Jerusalem. That'd really make it go away! But, it's just too much fun for the hobbyist prophecy buffs to play with, so fat chance of that.

    And, where is it written that the role of a prophet is to proclaim that the words of other aspiring prophets are false, if you don't have the guts to put yourself on the hook with your own dates and support? Bob, not a damned thing happens to you if you get it wrong! Call Dave Pack and ask him! He gets it wrong every single day and he's still walking around, eating, drinking, and breathing, picking up the tithes and common. Lying prophecies didn't get Ron Weinland, either. He was stupid enough to mess with the tax man. And, don't even get me started on the soon to be coronated King of England, Gerald Flurry. My Gosh, how is it that these total fools have so much as one follower?

  3. No Jesus is coming back ever. Bob would do well to understand this an avoid an end-of-life crisis in "My God, My God, Why did you forsake me too?" While Dave Pack has his Christ returning in time for Christmas, and then yet another round of "we never understood" to keep the schtick going, his Christ is never going to return either. He, as well, needs to consider the impending reality of his own death rendering everything he has wasted his and the time of many others on moot.

  4. Lets keep pushing back the return of Christ so we can keep hearing Bob! In 7 years, it'll be another 5 or 6 years. Keep kicking the can down the road, eh?

  5. But the more important question for guys like Thiel, Flurry, Pack, Weinland et al. is NOT whether Jesus can return, but whether THEIR OWN SANITY can return!

  6. Dennis:

    Your post reminded me of the old "Blood Sweat and Tears" song lyric from "When I Die"...
    I Swear there ain't no heaven
    And I pray there ain't no hell
    But I'll never know by living
    Only by dying will tell
    Yes, only by dying will tell, yeah
    Only my dying will tell

  7. If there is one return we can be sure of, it's Dennis Diehl's.... :-) nck

  8. Can someone here help me understand why Bob's calculations are of any importance?

    Even if Bob is correct about Christ's return, Bob could die tonight. The date of Christ's return should have nothing to do with the Christian life Bob chooses to lead. And if Bob is really a prophet, he should know that prophets face persecution, so he shouldn't be worried about whether he will be hidden in a Place of Safety or will be out on the streets prophesying during the Tribulation.

    Whatever Bob is preaching, it doesn't look like Christianity to me.


  9. Anon, Monday, December 19, 2022 at 1:35:00 PM PST, asked:

    "Can someone here help me understand why Bob's calculations are of any importance?"

    Anon stated: "...And if Bob is really a prophet, he should know that prophets face persecution, so he shouldn't be worried about whether he will be hidden in a Place of Safety or will be out on the streets prophesying during the Tribulation. ..."
    Just in case Bob thought he could somehow hide, God has addressed some professing dreaming prophets as follows:

    Jeremiah 23:23 "[Am] I a God at hand, saith the LORD, and not a God afar off?
    24 Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the LORD. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the LORD.
    25 I have heard what the prophets said, that prophesy lies in my name, saying, I have dreamed, I have dreamed.
    26 How long shall [this] be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies? yea, [they are] prophets of the deceit of their own heart;
    27 Which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbour, as their fathers have forgotten my name for Baal."

    Is it possible that the Great Bwana's creature is just "another Jesus?"

    Time will tell...

