Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Dave Pack Pulls A Bob Thiel: Prophetic Timing Has Built-in Wiggle Room

Wiggle Room


Monday, January 23 @ 10:04 AM ET

Tuesday, January 24 @ 10:05 AM ET

Wednesday, January 25 @ 10:06 AM ET

Thursday, January 26 @ 10:07 AM ET

Maybe Thursday, January 26 @ 11:35 PM ET ?


According to David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God, prophetic timing has built-in wiggle room. Precision is hard to nail down, so thankfully, the Bible provides a way to fudge expectations this way and that. Over 20,000 hours of Bible study will make anyone an expert in biblical loopholes.


Somehow, Dave’s Spidey-Senses start tingling long before an event is set to occur. This has been proven helpful over the years as deadlines approach. God’s Holy Spirit haunts him. He is uncomfortable. And oh, the chest pains. 


This phenomenon is quite curious. Even after hour upon hour of inarguable proofs and metrics that build a case so strong even the Supreme Court would be astounded, deep down, David C. Pack is not convinced.


All of God's math and over two hours of untaught material proved that the Kingdom of God begins today, Shevat 4 (January 26). This rock-solid, immovable 55-day period ends on the Day of the Lord on March 22, 2023.


Or maybe not.


This was issued yesterday.



Prophecy Update – January 25, 2023


Brethren, we are all expecting Christ at the 1,335.


The date seems beyond all argument.


The only problem that just will not resolve itself has been how to get around the numerous verses about a delay, such as we've done the will of God, but it is still "for yet a little while"—you do not know the hour—you cannot think the hour—statements like it could be the 2nd watch, it could be the 3rd watch (blessed no matter when)—and finally, an initial judgment that appears to be in a hurry (Luke 12:36-38) seems to culminate later in a dawn/rising of the sun when all men are actually present.


Every servant would know the day his master is returning from a wedding! But the hour could remain in question every time.


Night in Jerusalem is about 13.5 hours this time of year. So then, again, the date seems beyond all argument. The hour appears unknowable.


In Christ’s service,


David C. Pack



The man really does not believe his own teachings. Even the unpresented stuff.


The date seems beyond all argument.”


It is 100% guaranteed that David C. Pack will be the one to argue against Shevat 4. He will point out how it was "never gonna be" today, and it was "impossible" for it to happen.


Remember, a non-prophet/non-psychic is calling that out. Not a real one.


To further invoke the powers of Magic 8 Ball, I predict timing will revert back to February 10 being “the day” so Dave can unshred his “proofs Elijah rises before February 10.” The remaining 30 points of the list about a 40-day period before March 22 can be resurrected from the garbage bin and re-ordained as inspired knowledge.


This will buy him two more weeks. He should have taken my advice to go on vacation and catch up on his much-needed sleep. Tend to your marriage, Dave, and leave the churching to Brad. He loves to be in charge.



“…the numerous verses about a delay…”

“…it could be the 2nd watch…the 3rd watch…”

“…seems to culminate later in a dawn…”

“…the hours could remain in question…”

“The hour appears unknowable…”


Wiggle room. Wiggle room. Wiggle room.


The New Testament repeats that no man knows the day AND hour. But as with all things David C. Pack teaches, there is wiggle room.


This entire update is utterly worthless. The push into the sunrise in Jerusalem will not make matters any more accurate. All it will do is have David C. Pack fail twice in one day. Achievement unlocked.


Now, the people of The Restored Church of God get to further defer their hope making their hearts even sicker late into this evening. Thanks a lot, Dave. I hope only very few stay up past their bedtime waiting for the clock to ring in a new disappointment.


Fear not. Part 417 will clarify what we missed because all is well.


Further wiggle room will suggest we are still on track.

Marc Cebrian

See: Wiggle Room


  1. Both my NASB and KJV say no man knows the day OR hour. Hmmm? I guess Dave must be using the "Clear Word"(which is an abomination) or the Message Bible to get his Gnostic insight.

  2. Rasmus Rasmussen has recently commented on his blog that the hardest critic to ignore is the internal one. In pondering that bit of wisdom, I have to say that it has been very true of me. There is a parallel saying that we are all our own harshest critics.

    Can anyone imagine Dave Pack, Bob Thiel, Gerald Flurry, or countless other leaders of Armstrongism as even having an internal critic??? How could they? Imagine Dave Pack lying awake in his nightly state of insomnia, telling himself over and over and over, "Dave, you managed to get it wrong yet again, for the umpteen millionth time!"

  3. While on the wrong track to begin with, Wiggle Tracks ultimately derail trains.
