Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, January 9, 2023

LCG Armoring Up Against The Devil


If only the Living Church of God talked about Jesus as much as they talk about Satan, the devil, and demons then they would not be in constant fear of evil controlling their lives or influencing them. LCG and many COG members believe they are in a constant spiritual battle to not have their minds taken over by demonic forces.

On Wednesday, Mr. Wallace Smith recorded a telecast entitled “Armor Up Against the Devil,” offering the DVD “The Occult and the Spirit World.” He discusses the spiritual war for our minds and a call to repentance and the encouraging news that Christ will help us to fight against Satan in this battle. Mr. Peter Nathan reports that the U.K. postal strike is impacting the response to the semi-annual offer of the new Germany in Prophecy booklet. We are presently receiving only one-quarter of the expected responses. The strike is also impacting income, although the majority of U.K. income comes online. The Mail Processing Department here in Charlotte mailed out more than 1.6 million pieces last year. I’ll save some exciting news from the Work in the Spanish language for this week’s video update. Teen Camp Texas registration is now open, so be sure to apply early.—Gerald Weston

Christians for millennia have always understood these basic points about Satan and demonic forces which the COG fails to understand.

They unwittingly serve God’s purposes (Judg. 9:23).
They were terrified of Christ and the gospel (Matt. 8:29; Mark 1:24; James 2:19).
They obeyed Christ (Matt. 8:32).
They obeyed the Twelve (Matt. 10:1–8) and the Seventy-Two (Luke 10:17–20).
They cannot separate believers in Christ from the love of God (Rom. 8:38).
They can be restrained by the Holy Spirit (2 Thess. 2:6; 1 John 4:4).
They have been judged already by God (2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 6) and will be again in the future (Rev. 20:10).


  1. Looks like one of the reasons they are on guard against Satan is that he has disrupted the UK Mail system and LCG can't get their money in a timely manner. There are always priorities!

  2. You forgot the most important thing about Jesus vs Satan. Satan was defeated by Jesus on the Cross. That is why we, as believers IN CHRIST, have defeated him too! We have ALREADY overcome the devil, if we are in Christ.

    I remember Gerald Flurry given one of the most pathetic, rambling and bizarre lessons on The Key of David about 2 years ago called "Man is subject to time". If you haven't seen it, you gotta play this gem. He says that if you get a good night's sleep and don't go to bed angry, you can overcome Satan! I have played it a dozen times because it is so incredibly bizarre. When you can misunderstand (or not understand) the Word of God this badly, is it any wonder the COGs have zero impact, outreach and even recognition?

  3. The COGs are weird. A couple verses to put in your back pocket warning about the devil and many more that address how through Christ saves us. But, of course, we know which verses the COGs will focus on.

  4. We are to continually pray "lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil". Conversion does not miraculously stop us from trials, temptations, foibles and sins. Paul spoke of the "whole armor of God".

  5. "The Devil and Herbert Armstrong"

    There was an article, possibly in Ambassador Report, commenting on one of HWA's co-worker letters. In his usual Satanic scaremongering, he warned his readers he knew Satan was planning something and it was "something big".
    The article commented asking how HWA would know what Satan was up to, but his many failed prophecies showed he had no clue what God was doing.
    Well, as Bob might say, it was just his misunderstanding.

  6. Uzzah apparently misunderstood.
