Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

"New" Messianic Armstrongite Group

"We have come through the vaginal doorway of Life..."

This one popped up on my feed the other day and it is crazier than Bob Thiel's stuff and that's a pretty hard act to follow! I don't know how new they are because they include a letter from 1985 on their site that they sent to Pasadena extolling their virtuous teachings.

When Armstrongism collapsed into a putrid pile of festering splinter groups in the 1990s, with each proclaiming they were the one proper way and had the absolute truth, church members scattered into the four winds. Some of those went with fringe groups with beliefs so far out there that even rational thinking could not comprehend what they believe.

This brings us to ThePlanTruth.World. It is a mishmash of Armstrongism, Aliens, British Israelism, law-keeping, and Messianic Judaism, including its own prophets and Elijah's and people who receive visions.

When you browse other nuttiness, very little actually points to Jesus, but to other creatures they claim to follow to look towards.

Here are a few of the glorious things they have restored, including the true calendar and the "black and white" texts.


  1. We come through the vaginal doorway of Life...

    So if you were delivered by Caesarian section you aren't eligible to join their group?

  2. This guys stuff is so busy , disjointed and colorful , that it is almost like an "Alice In Wonderland" experience just to look at it!

  3. WTF? Do you have to drop acid to become a member? Black texts are a downward spiral?!

    Thanks for laughs, new(?) Armstrongism group!

  4. More Hebrew Roots and Sacred Names than anything relating to Messianic Judaism.

  5. In the immortal words of DEVO, "Useless information that just defies my imagination. I can't get no..........satisfaction."

    Yeah, I know, Mick said it first. I deliberately cited DEVO because Armstrongism continues to devolve, and this blue crap is part of it all.
