Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Dave Pack's Mental Illness Continues Down Path Of Darkness


This video includes a critical update
During "The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 423)" on February 25, 2023, David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God reset the clock on the 1335 of Daniel. 

He reverses his own teaching, but never claims responsibility for it. It was an error he does not refer to as such. The points he now counters were taught...by him. 

He then insults the brethren by trumpeting his own significance. "I was the only one..." 

There is a combination of mental disorders expressed here. 

The "enormously powerful point" is self-focused. The 1335 blessing applies ONLY to David C. Pack. 

Marc Cebrian

The article will be coming in a couple of days.


  1. Dave's basic problem is that he thinks he is the one that God would use. Many people think that.

  2. From the abomination of desolation (Dan 12:11; Mat 24:15) reportedly on the 9th of Av/Ab in 70 AD to the horrific event at Masada reckoned to be in 74 AD on the 15th of Nisan (Josephus,Wars,VII,IX,1), counting inclusive Av 10 to Nisan 15, are 1335 days.

  3. Mr. Pack is lead by team God ( God the father and Jesus Christ).

    1. If God is not the author of confusion but Davey continually sets, preaches, and then sets another date how do those reconcile?

      If you were sick and I told you a doctor will visit your tomorrow but then when the doctor doesn’t come I tell you that I have a better understanding of traffic, the doctors needs, etc and that surely the doctor will arrive in a month but then the doctor doesn’t come in a month.

      I keep doing this claiming greater understanding but continually hedging what I previously said.

      If you were rational you’d call me a liar and not have anything to do with me.

      If you’re in a cult however and I hang your eternal salvation over your head and claim that only I know your sickness and that I am a messenger of the doctor. You continue to believe me because you have deceived yourself. No satan necessary just a continual error in judgement due to elevating a man to a god-like state.

      You might not read this blog enough to know Davey is a liar and there is no truth near him. Exit support network!

  4. Too funny! More like Team Legion

  5. Marc, COGWA is looking for a video editor.

  6. I think you need to create a separate blog just for Dave Pack. There is so much on him that it takes over this one. It has gotten to the point that when I sign in and see his name, I immediately sign off! Maybe it's just me!

  7. No one is making you read this blog. It is doing exactly what is says it does, expose Armstrongism in all its wackiness. Pack is currently the craziest dangerous leader out there. Keep on exposing him Marc and Banned!

  8. Perhaps the reason so many RCG members stay is they have been conditioned to relish schadenfreude.

  9. Dave, Bob and some others are a type of all the ACOGs. The main splinters differ by being more skilled in hiding their true nature.

  10. Just maybe a little more about Marky Armstrong or Ron Weiland or the other wacky offshoots? I'm still here for the Packopalypse as well!

  11. Well, you can skip over the articles on Packo. Frankly, I only skim them. Who has the time? But from what I can tell Marc is going a great job of exposing Pack, and perhaps a few of his followers will benefit.

  12. Over the years Dave Pack went from “follow the truth” and “precision of doctrine” to telling endless untruths and totally messing up doctrines.

  13. Once again, his language gives him away. "We" missed it; but "only I" knew it. When he's wrong, "we" are wrong. When he can say he's right, it's never "we" -- always "I".

  14. If a Blog wants to criticize the BAD things that came out of the WCG, Dave Pack is one of the WORST.

    Here are some of the major EVIL players over the years:

    Garner Ted Armstrong: Tried to turn the Worldwide Church of God into a secular organization all about himself that produced secular literature while his father was flying around the world meeting heads of state in the 1970s. GTA finally had to be expelled openly and permanently from the WCG by his own father Herbert W. Armstrong for years of bad behavior and then trying to start his own little splinter cults to rage away against HWA and the WCG.

    Joseph W. Tkach, Sr.: The Devil's apostate who succeeded Herbert W. Armstrong after HWA's death on January 16, 1986 and was responsible for the Great Apostasy of January 1995 that destroyed the Worldwide Church of God by openly throwing out virtually everything that HWA had taught. JWT, Sr. died exactly forty weeks to the day after his infamous December 1994 sermon in Atlanta, Georgia that did away with the Sabbath, and was succeeded by his son.

    Joseph Tkach, Jr.: The Devil's human “brains” behind the Great Apostasy of 1995 who later changed the name of what was left of the Worldwide Church of God to Grace Communion International. Joe, Jr. “repented” of the Great Apostasy of 1995 just barely enough to bring back tithing, but saw no need to bring back anything else that they had thrown out.

    Gerald R. Flurry: Satan's favorite false prophet, gospel suppressor, and family wrecker who misused Herbert W. Armstrong's name and photograph to attract former Worldwide Church of God members to his little splinter group by pretending to be holding fast to all of HWA's teachings while actually editing and changing HWA's old writings after buying the copyrights to some of them from the Devil's apostate Joseph Tkach, Jr. Gerald spent many years making up dozens of names, titles, offices, and positions for himself, perhaps to try to compensate for his short height. Gerald's tyrannical dictatorship in his own little satanic cult made even the apostate Tkaches appear to be almost reasonable and decent by comparison.

    David C. Pack: Satan's number two false prophet who operated a Bait & Switch scam in his own little splinter group by claiming that he was going to restore all of Herbert W. Armstrong's teachings from the time of HWA's death in 1986, but then went far astray and “restored” such things as his own “common” doctrine that said everyone had to give him everything they had, “or no salvation if you don't.” David Pack promoted himself to all the usual and unusual big name offices and positions, and now spends his time, and wastes other people's time, making up weekly, wrong, prophetic guesses that are not helped at all by any of his dozens of so-called “proofs.” Dave makes his followers suffer from one of the worst cases of “prediction addiction” ever seen in the so-called COGs.

  15. Anon @ 10:37. Did you forget one Member of "Team God"?

    If Dave is on god's team, he's the waterboy!

  16. And, I forgot...The number on Dave, the waterboy's jersey is 666.

  17. Anonymous@ 3:42, you forgot the worst of the worst, HWA himself!!! Raped & molested his own child. Crowned himself as an apostle while trying to defocus off of Christ while elevating false doctrines such as Church Government and Primacy of Peter. Screamed for more donations while using church funds as his own personal bank account (flew to London to get a dildo @ Harrods and blew $30K on the South of France renting a yacht) Lied claiming he was kicking out GTA in 1979 to "get the church back on track. You should read Kessler's letter. If the state of California had focused on HWA rather that

  18. I mentioned this some time back, but I have a short list of QAnon fans I used to read regularly on Facebook just because they were so hilariously gullible. They loved setting dates and continually pushing them back... and they sounded just like Armstrongists. On such and such date Trump will duck into a phone booth and come out as Superman! (date passes) No, this date! No, this date! Stockpile food its coming! Trump will kill the internet by the end of the year! No, God has given us more time! Just a few more weeks!
    The funny part was that whenever you called them on it, they would usually resort to "Its in gods hands not ours" or "Well what we really meant was..."
    I never did decide whether they had short memories or were just so gullible that they fell for anyone claiming to have a "highly placed military source".

  19. I preferred GTA's version of Armstrongism than that of HWA's version.
