Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Trickster God Protects PCG Members While Letting Rest Of Ohio Suffer From Train Derailment


By now the entire country knows about the train derailment in Ohio and the human and ecological disaster that is unfolding thanks to corrupt rail officials and US Transportation Department officials.

Of course, there have to be COG members who live in the area and they alone were spared any effects of this disaster. After all, COG members are special, aren't they?

So far there have not been many reposts from UCG, LCG, and others about members in that area, but PCG has stepped up to the plate with a humdinger of a story. Given the track record of Brian Davis telling exaggerated lies over the decades, this should come as no surprise.

Exit and Support Network is reporting:

Another “Miracle” in PCG History, According to Brian Davis:
February 18, 2023 
Brian Davis wrote a big B.S. story on February 17. Why is it said to be B.S.? Because PCG, the same as WCG, has always been known to lie and stretch stories all out of proportion when claiming some “miracle” by God. 
The article was entitled: “Update: Ohio Toxic Disaster” (regarding the train derailment and chemical spill on February 6th) and he started off by saying: 
“Many people have been expressing concern about the brethren that live in Eastern Ohio due to the disaster” … “We have brethren who live all around the area.” 
Then he went on to spin his biggest tall tail with these words: [all emp is Davis’] 
“What is interesting is the direction the wind was blowing during the time of the explosion on February 6th. Brethren literally live in every direction from the explosion – EXCEPT ONE DIRECTION – the direction the wind was blowing that day! That day the wind was blowing awayfrom where all our brethren live and, again, it was the ONLY direction it could have blown in order to have avoided the member’s homes! The deacon in the local congregation was the only member that used to live in the area where the wind was carrying the toxins, but he moved about 3 months ago.” 
He goes on with this claim: 
“I feel this is an instance of God fulfilling His promise to protect His people [i.e., only those in PCG] in Psalm 91:5-8, where it says, “Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flight by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.” 
To finally tie all this in with their churchwide fast taking place on February 19, he says, 
“We thank God for His protection! This is a powerful example in the lead up to the Church-wide fast as to why we need to grow in faith and always be humbly drawing closer to God.” (i.e., submitting to PCG’s “government”) [emp. mine] 
“Prayers are still needed in regards to the drinking water There are reports of contaminants in the Ohio River in areas as far away as Cincinnati, OH, which is a 4.5 hour drive southwest from where I live. I’d say this means there are about 175 -200 brethren that would potentially be negatively impacted by this issue.” [emp. mine] 
One person who read this article by Brian Davis told us, “Anything that comes from Brian Davis is fancifully spun to manufacture some sort of miracle! It’s a shame God couldn’t protect the people from the water contamination, which is likely to cause far more problems than the air.” 
Our readers can research more about this disaster, the actual direction of the wind, and how it is said that there will be not only water contamination but soil contamination. Will the PCG members (including Brian Davis) also be protected from this? It is an absolute disgrace when Brian Davis has to use this kind of disaster to enforce PCG’s churchwide fast. But it shouldn’t surprise us. –AJW


  1. God has not protected the PCG members from the most devastating disaster in their lives, which is the humongous deprivation and abuse they receive as PCG members!

  2. The callous self-interest of the ACOGs has always dumbfounded me. The lack of concern and empathy for folks outside of the Church is obviously NOT Christian. Moreover, the blanket condemnation of everyone who is/has suffered as a consequence of this disaster as "wicked" is absurd! Sure, ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (including these PCG folks), but the folks in Palestine, Ohio are NOT any worse than the folks who live in Edmond, Oklahoma! With his Bronze/Iron Age theology, if I were Brian Davis, I would stay away from thunderstorms!

  3. BRIAN DAVIS WROTE: There are reports of contaminants in the Ohio River in areas as far away as Cincinnati, OH, which is a 4.5 hour drive southwest from where I live. I’d say this means there are about 175 -200 brethren that would potentially be negatively impacted by this issue.”

    I guess that the Flurry group no longer consider other groups as "brethren", and UCG and a couple of other groups have locations in Cincinnati. I thought that Flurry considered them, at least, as "Laodicean Brethren".

    1. Tonto exposing herself/himself as not knowing how the late leavers from Tkatch's WCG have always been perceived.

  4. So, the god of PCG won't heal his most beloved false leader (GRF), or the false leaders son (lil' Stevie), or most in the congregation, but the Ohio residents are protected? Hmm...sounds like the god of PCG is very selective. Could it be that the god of PCG is not really the same God of Christianity?

    Please get out of this vile group. You have a much greater chance of finding Jesus outside PCG than inside.

  5. These guys all seem to be experiencing the tunnel vision of black and white thinking. Years ago I read a book on reinagining personal evangelism. All of us are certainly aware of the failed methods involving force-feeding all of those around us with our beliefs. This reimagining is based on detecting where the Holy Spirit is working, and providing valuable assistance and encouragement. Original WCG and the ACOGs have always had an "us versus them" attitude towards outsiders. This judgmentalism was based on the others not having their chance at this time, and therefore, being under the influence of the god of this world. So, the attitude was that screw you if your not with us Philadelphians, even making enemies where the "others" were docile and doing no harm. They literally taught us to make enemies where there were none by assuming the worst of others.

    This grand-standing ("all of our people were protected") comes off as rank arrogance, and repels people who might actually be looking for solutions in their lives. It is cultic by nature, disingenuous because they can't prove it, and it sends a not so subtle uncaring, even hostile message to people who might otherwise be neutral and open. Exclusivity used to attract people, to inspire their aspirations. People today realize that exclusivity comes with various sorts of price tags that often remain unknown until one is part of the fold. Exclusivity has a negative impact on the outsiders, as opposed to attracting them. A welcoming environment of inclusivity would bring people in in droves, loyal people who are grateful and would support the major goals of the organization. This is not HWA's world, and many of the general assumptions and attitudes of the advertising world of his day simply do not apply any more. Humanity has evolved and grown past them.

    Their attitudes are about as shocking as the 1940s clothing styles they often wear.

  6. The PCG cult is the most SPIRITUALLY TOXIC splinter group around. It is also extremely bad for your mind, body, finances, relationships, etc.

  7. Tonto on Wednesday, February 22, 2023 at 7:11:00 AM PST said...“I guess that the Flurry group no longer consider other groups as "brethren", and UCG and a couple of other groups have locations in Cincinnati. I thought that Flurry considered them, at least, as 'Laodicean Brethren'.”

    Gerald Flurry always taught a satanic hatred of the “evil Laodiceans,” that is, the former Worldwide Church of God people who did not go with his PCG splinter group and help him to suppress the preaching of the gospel.

    Herbert W. Armstrong had ALWAYS made a HUGE DEAL about the “great commission” to preach the gospel (meaning “good news”) of the coming kingdom of God to the whole world for a witness to all nations before the end of the age would come.

    Gerald Flurry in his PCG splinter group immediately suppressed the “great commission” to preach the gospel and said that his PCG had been given a “new commission” for a new church era of “warning the Laodiceans.” In actual practice, this “new commission” was all about raging away like a bunch of ignorant demoniacs against any former Worldwide Church of God people who would not go with Gerald Flurry's PCG splinter group and help him to suppress the “great commission” to preach the gospel.

    The Great Apostasy of 1995 in the Worldwide Church of God by the apostate Joseph W. Tkach, Sr. when he openly threw out of the church virtually everything that Herbert W. Armstrong had ever taught provided the opportunity for Gerald Flurry to slip into his PCG splinter group some truly satanic doctrinal changes of his own while falsely claiming to be holding fast to everything that Herbert W. Armstrong had taught.

  8. Such comments are as toxic as the chemicals in the train derailment.

  9. Numerous atheists, Muslims, and Negroes survived the train wreck! Praise to Darwin, Muhammad, and Obama! Worship them!

  10. You have a much greater chance of finding Jesus outside PCG than inside.

    You are more likely to find Jesus in a dumpster or in a manger than in the PCG.

  11. Humanity has evolved and grown ...

    Mostly backwards, except that people are better liars than ever.

  12. A better way for Brian to present this would be to recommend that those spared should be thankful to God (actually they probably already are), but not to brag or gloat that their team was specially protected. We know from the news reports that others were spared, and also, since some of the effects could be long term, it is premature to state that all the church members were reall spared from them.

  13. 9.50 am
    Why do you keep repeating that the PCG mission is to warn the Laodiceans? When the church was formed, they made this the thrust of there message for about three years, then switched to warning of the end time tribulation. They publically stated this strategy from the very beginning. A glance of their web site shows this to be the case.
    There's enough wrong with these ACOGs without having to make stuff up.

  14. Anonymous on Thursday, February 23, 2023 at 6:22:00 AM PST said...“Why do you keep repeating that the PCG mission is to warn the Laodiceans?”

    Because Gerald Flurry's “little book” called Malachi's Mess. that supposedly was “delivered by a mighty angel” and that supposedly is the “little book” mentioned in Revelation and that the PCG was built upon plainly says so.

    Gerald Flurry taught that the PCG had been commissioned to “warn the Laodiceans.” He said it was a “new commission” for a new “church era” -- not just for three years.

    Also, the gospel (meaning “GOOD NEWS”) is NOT the BAD NEWS of a coming “end times tribulation.” Going on to warn about a coming World War III is NOT going back to preaching the gospel, which Gerald Flurry had immediately suppressed in his PCG splinter group, and continues to suppress.

    This obviously needs to be repeated over and over and over, again and again and again. And yet, some people like yourself still will not get it!!!

    Go check out what Herbert W. Armstrong had actually taught.

  15. I don't know where Brian Davis gets his "reports". But the city of Cincinnati denied them today.

    Officials downriver in Louisville seem to concur.

    By the way: Did any PCG members greet former President Trump in East Palestine - and finally tell him he fulfills that prophecy in Amos?

  16. 8.05 AM
    My reference point is my bible rather than what HWA taught. He claimed that the gospel is the coming government of God during the millennium. Which is why he kept claiming that "government is everything" near the end of his life. This is a very self serving lie since he was the leader of the church. Christ said to His generation "repent for the kingdom of God is at hand." Why should thar generation repent if He was purely referring to a government three thousand years in the future? The gospel can only mean salvation, ie, eternal life.
    Herb was a professional bible twister.

    Since billions are going to die in the tribulation, it's common sense that those who understand this have a moral responsibility to warn the world.

  17. The Ezekiel Warning Message

    There was something in the Worldwide Church of God called the Ezekiel Warning Message, which primarily was sent to the USA and Britain (along with Canada, Australia, and New Zealand). This nation and company of nations that descended from Joseph's two sons Manasseh and Ephraim need to repent of their rapidly escalating sins in order to avoid the coming “time of Jacob's trouble” that will see them defeated in war, starved by famine, and sent into slavery.

    The duty to preach the Ezekiel Warning Message is NOT the same thing as the Great Commission to preach the gospel (meaning “good news”) message about the coming kingdom of God for a witness to all nations before the end of this age comes.

    A false prophet like Gerald Flurry suppressing the true gospel message, inventing a “new commission” to rage away against WCG people, and blabbering to the whole world about the possibility of a coming World War III when everyone already knows that the world is filling up with nuclear and biological weapons, is of no value.

  18. Tonto, are you nuts... PCG sees All former WCG members as more evil than Satan himself since they were "spewn out of gods mouth". Any love they say they have for them is pure evil vitriolic hatred disguised as "love". Any wcg baptisms after 1985 are invalid, nill and void. Nck
