Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Aleksandar Veljic: "The straw that broke the camel`s back in my personal case was when I learned about practitioners of witchcraft being in CCOG and serving the devil by their actions."

I am here to confirm all the things written above by Terry Nelson. Terry Nelson, toward the end of 2022 has informed me of the terrible abuses happening in Africa and had corroborated his claims with numerous proofs. He appealed to me as to an elder, and presented convincing evidence. Even thought I had heard of all kinds of wrong things going on in Africa, now I had evidence that it was all truth. During my 7 years of faithful service to CCOG, I had been trying to hint to Dr. Thiel that there are various problems in Africa that cannot be ignored, let alone financed, but he would usually present me with his own reasoning and with the reports that he got from Africa. And some of us who have had some experience with Africa (I was sent there by Dr. Thiel in 2017) had been aware that those reports are filled with untrue statements. For example, we have always known that there were certainly not that many members as African reports would claim. And now there are even less members as some have left to flee from the abuses of Evans Ochieng.  

Also, I want to confirm that Terry Nelson, other than presenting me with disturbing facts about CCOG African abuses, has helped me register Hope of Israel Worldwide Church of God. That has been solely my initiative as I thought we would be removed eventually for standing up for the truth, and I did not want people to be dumped on the street spiritually speaking, but to have a spiritual refuge if they decided to stand up for the same values I cherish. Let it be known that we were forced out of CCOG mainly because we could not stand African deep CCOG corruption any more. The straw that broke the camel`s back in my personal case was when I learned about practitioners of witchcraft being in CCOG and serving the devil by their actions. That was the moment I decided I could no longer be in that organization. I have tried to provide comfort and encouragement to all those who sought it from me. And considering the treatment that we, friends of Dr. Thiel, were given by Dr. Thiel, all I could do was to leave him to his views and convictions, and simply move on for I did not want to be associated with people in that organization who are basically Satanists (witchcraft practioners). Aleksandar Sasha Veljic


  1. Now we know. CCOG is experiencing Armstrongitis. This is CCOG's first splinter! And, that is how Bob will most likely play this PR nightmare.

    By the way, is it common for men in Africa to use Welsh surnames such as Evans as their first name?

  2. Now we know. CCOG is experiencing Armstrongitis. This is CCOG's first splinter! And, that is how Bob will most likely play this PR nightmare.

    Bob in his last letter already compared himself to the Apostle Paul. At this rate he will be Jesus long before Dave Pack takes the title.

  3. Do you guys all hear the music the Africans are playing? If you listen intently, you will! You see, a church is likened to a woman in certain picturesque passages of scripture. But alas, the African CCOG members have identified the CCOG as a largely American phenomenon, not something of universal application. So, they have returned to many of the native customs which have always worked for them. And, they are playing a song for Bob Thiel:

    "American Woman, get away from me-e. American woman, get away from me-e.
    I don't like your war machine, I don't dig your ghetto scene!
    Colored lights that hypnotize, sparkle in someone else's eyes!
    Yeah, woman, get away from me-e!"

    I understand that they took a vote on which version of the song to play, and it was close. But, the Lenny Kravitz version won out because it provided a bit more personal identity and pride.

    I know you're not allowed to listen to rock music on the sabbath, Bob, but sometime after sunset this evening, make a little time to take a listen! It may be a little painful, but it is for your further education! You do value education, right?

  4. Bob's theme song is more like Lies, Lies, Lies by the Thompson Twins. Sorry, I grew up in the 80's. Also, Lenny Kravitz version gets my vote! Saw him open for Aerosmith a few years ago. He was amazing.

    Anon @10:31 Having a nice Sabbath Bob? Spit out my coffee on that one!:-)

    Now, in all seriousness, this just keeps getting worse by the minute. Bob will never survive this. If he has to put out a video saying "Why we in CCOG are not Satanists"...well, c'mon. It's over Bob. Let it go. Your lies have found you out and you certainly cannot say you weren't warned! See what happens when you focus on YOU, not Jesus? Everything everyone has been predicting (dare I say prophesying) has come to pass. And you were blind! This should put an end to anyone, anywhere EVER believing you were a prophet.

    Bye bye Bob.

  5. i started to watch and attend on line but when a member said i have to make a choice either tithe to CCOG or to the other group i decided to stop watching.
    i think you get what i was being told.

  6. Gamaliel said something to the effect of: if it's of God you cannot prevail against it, and if it's not of God it will collapse of its own.

    I personally have no doubt that Bob sincerely wants to serve God. God's not going to bless his efforts, however, if he's not doing it they way He wants him to.

    Too often men (and women) want to "help" God and it always ends up as a mess.

  7. Aleksandar Veljic wrote, "For example, we have always known that there were certainly not that many members as African reports would claim".

    MY COMMENT - So did Gary and readers of Banned by HWA. Almost arrested for Sabbath Keeping Bobby Thiel was spreading fake news about his membership totals in his grossly misnamed Continuing Church of God. Wasn't his claim to be the fastest growing Church of God based on his bogus African membership numbers?


  8. Yes, his claim to be the fastest growing Church of God was based on his bogus African membership numbers. And some of us were grieved, while others laughed at that bogus. We were hoping that he might finally see through all that sham he called "the open door in Africa". However, once we realized he would ignore all the evidence, and once we experienced that the words of his "evangelist" Evans is for him above any word or testimony coming from anyone else, I realized there was no hope and I finally understood that CCOG was no longer place for me. Since Bob really does not have any real understanding of what is going on in Africa, but he relies only on the reports he gets from "evangelist" Evans, he may not be even aware of the consequences in Africa, which is that there are even less members than before. In some cases, membership of the entire countries have departed from CCOG, or better said have liberated themselves from Evans spiritual oppression. Non-Africans who have endured all that sham for years share in their joy of liberation. On top of that, for the first time now I am learning of more of corruption and crimes of that African "evangelist" that some members are coming forward to tell me. The abuse that a small congregation in Tanzania suffered is incredible and provides even more proof that Evans Ochieng is not only a false Christian preacher, but a false Christian as well. Aleksandar Sasha Veljic

  9. Thanks for the updates, Sasha. I had my concerns about Bob Thiel. I watched just one of his sermons, but he spent much time promoting his thick books that we could buy at Amazon, as if they were more important than the Bible.
    I am not surprised that his African members are corrupt, mostly large groups of people in other countries latch onto western churches because they are excited and want money or food or bibles.
    There are converted Africans, but many in the large groups are not converted, IMO.
    And Bob Thiel's failure to uphold the Bible's words tell me that I made the right decision to not watch more than one of his sermons.
