Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, March 10, 2023

Bob Thiel Called "Butt Hurt" By 1st Amendment Auditor


Poor lil'Bob. The world is out to get the little guy. There is a video running on Facebook of Bwana Bob confronting a 1st Amendment Auditor in front of the superfantabulous world headquarters for the improperly named "continuing" Church of "god" where he peddles his wholistic vitamins and supplements from. The Bob did not like this! Doesn't he look threatening!!!!!!!

The best part about the video is that the auditor calls him Butthurt! It's not only us!  ROTLMAO!

While it is still up you can see the video here: https://fb.watch/jbUE7kThUO/


  1. Judging by the comments on his facebook page this guy is a looser that goes around with a video camera harassing people.

  2. Poor old fake Bob. He is still stuck way back there trying to figure out why Banned says his "church" is improperly named!! Not to mention his stupid radio prophecy banner!

    But look out world. This is God's only man leading the final phase of the work! What a tool.

  3. These guys going around videoing people , and public facilities and other places just to freak people out , and then claiming they are on public property and do whatever they want, are getting a bit worn out.

    Perhaps they have a legal right to run around on public property and film whatever the hell they want, but for what purpose? To try to get "you tube hits" in order to monetize them? A loser activity for sure.

    Same go for the ass bites who bait cops by not providing their license and registration on traffic stops and who keep saying "for what" about 500 times.

    If somebody was standing on the public sidewalk, taking photos of my house, loitering, or videoing, Id go out there and give him a ton of crap, turn on my sprinklers , or go out with my manure spreader. All of this is just plain rude behavior , legal or not. Thiel responded appropriately to this guy, I will give him credit for that. BTW- Thiel was dressed very nicely for this video which has probably given him more exposure than anything else he has done this year!

  4. Too funny! What are the chances that the first amendment auditor would randomly stumble on a person who had written extensively about his prophecy message being suppressed? You have to wonder if 1AA was tipped, or if he's a reader here who has another hobby. What must be going through Beto Bob's mind as a result of this encounter? Most of us would be experiencing slight to moderate paranoia, but he is more than likely sensing additional validation for his work. He's probably at Walgreens purchasing some Preparation H or Anusol right now, but I can't wait to read his write up at COGwriter!

  5. To be fair, he handled it in a more dignified peaceful way than I would have.

  6. I think he got members to leave all those comments.

  7. It's a good thing our double-blessed Bawana Bob didn't call down wild grizzlies on that camera man!

  8. What a tool.

    Just like everyone who promotes the fake gods of the bible, El, YHVH, Elohim, and the Egyptian gods Esther, Marduk, Jesus, and Mary.

  9. Is there a list of Theile's prophecy failures anywhere?

  10. The auditors state at the beginning that their goal is to see whether their constitutional rights will be respected. And contrary to Tonto's straw man arguments, they are careful to obey the laws against harassment, stalking and loitering.
    The cops often behave like ACOGs ministers whereby the false accusations against the auditors are treated as a sentence.

    I'm not surprised that ACOGs members who have been treated like kindergarten children. see nothing wrong with cops doing the same. Over 400,000 Americans died during WW2 so that its citizens can record in public without having to show their papers to the authorities, and give "good reasons" for their behavior. The lack of respect for rights doesn't bare well for the country.

  11. I'm a little surprised by the video. Did the effeminate "almost arrested for Sabbath Keeping" Bobby Thiel grow a pair?

