Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, March 3, 2023

Crackpot Prophet Sees King Charles Trip To Europe As A Sure Sign Of The Rise Of The Beast


All of this wild winter weather in California has played havoc with the mind of our favorite self-appointed prophet. So special that he was dreamed up by God before the foundations of the world were laid so that he could arise in the end times to lead the faithful into the kingdom.

We have been eagerly waiting for him to rant about all the rain and snow the state has received, but this goes against the narrative he has created in his own mind that God is punishing California and the U.S. After all, this prophet of doom-dumb is like all the other self-appointed COG prophets, they need and want utter destruction to happen. Suffering death and damnation is the playbook by which they operate.

Instead, the world's greatest Church of God leader in human history has turned his attention to King Charles who plans on hopping over to Europe to try and improve his relationship with the Europeans. As usual, the great Bwana sees this as a sure sign for the Beast power to arise and destroy the UK and the United States. What fun times!

Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg had better get his act together in order so he can use the CERN Accelerator to destroy the U.S. and the UK, and start building those concentration camps COG leaders so desperately need to see happen.

Buckingham Palace and the governments in France and Germany announced the first state visit by UK’s King Charles III... 
The Bible tells of a time when the world will be dominated by Europe (cf. Revelation chapters 13,17, and 18). 
Consider, further, that the Book of Hosea specifically shows that there will be problems with Israel, Ephraim (the British), and Judah. And these are problems that seem to coincide to the sequence in Daniel 11:39-42. 
Notice what Hosea 5:5 teaches will be fulfilled:

5 The pride of Israel testifies to his face; Therefore Israel and Ephraim stumble in their iniquity; Judah also stumbles with them. 
Hosea is showing that Israel/U.S.A., Ephraim/United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, & New Zealand, and Judah (the nation now called Israel) will have problems. This prophetically may be because of an attack by the King of the North on the U.S.A. and some of its English-speaking allies (Daniel 11:39)–which also will be the start of the Great Tribulation. The U.S.A. probably had pride in its military power which was then broken and its cities made desolate (cf. Leviticus 26:19, 28-33).

He continues on almost giddy with excitement as he so desperately needs this to happen to prove his legitimacy.

Because of the “sin of Samaria” (Amos 8:14; which looks to be a reference to the modern U.S.A.) there will be a famine of the word that God will have happen (Amos 8:11-12) to at least the North Americans—the place where much of the Philadelphia remnant would have fled from (between Daniel 11:30-39). 
Hosea 10:9-11 suggests that Ephraim and Judah will be forced into hard labor, perhaps around this time as well; while 11:1-8 says that Assyria will be the king of Ephraim and Israel, because they refused to repent, and that the sword will devour their cities.

The Great Bwana ends by pulling a Dave Pack. Bwana Bob knows just how it's all going to end. If you want to find out you need to join his little personality cult in order to be saved. 

The last verse in Hosea (14:9) begins with:

9 Who is wise? Let him understand these things. Who is prudent? Let him know them. 
Note that the word translated as “prudent” above is the same Hebrew biyn that is in Daniel 11:33/35 as understanding. Since I believe that the Philadelphian portion of the Church is to have the wise and prudent, I believe that Hosea is giving more insight as to why it may be tied into Daniel 11. 
Very few in the Church of God have tried to connect the prophecies of Hosea together. Most will not know when it is time to flee and when the Great Tribulation will begin until it is too late.

Bwana Bob's post is filled with ludicrous speculations and an enormous amount of Catholic "prophecies". It's easy to see why Rod Meredith called him out on his Catholic nonsense.

 Anyway, It is time to start packing my Petra bags. Fun times are soon to happen! Bob says so!

Woo hoo! Petra here I come!






  1. I place Bob Thiel right up there next to Pack. Both are professional liars and go out of their way to pervert the real gospel message.

  2. As a Catholic, I can't understand Thiel's obsession with Catholic prophecy. Doesn't he realize that the CC have any official position on prophecy, other than Jesus will come again? The books and articles he reads are speculations by various authors, not official church teachings. Some of these writings are really off the wall, and the church has had to urge caution to the laity about embracing them. That is what Bob ought to be doing; instead of using them as source material for his own off the wall foolishness.

  3. Phinnpoy...all the Catholics I know pay no attention to the kind of conspiracy theory junk Thiel passes off as "official" Catholic teachings. Most have never heard of the stuff he talks about and those that do understand these as lunatic fringe mind wanderings, much like Armstrongism has.

  4. Bob is RIGHT! I watched the movie "Sister Act" and indeed... there are many secret Catholic Prophecies hidden in the movie!

  5. The little flower girl writes, 1. These are problems that SEEM to coincide...2. This prophetically MAY BE because of an attack, 3. The USA PROBABLY had pride in its military, 4. The sin of Samaria, WHICH LOOKS TO BE the modern day America, 5.Hoses 10:9-11 SUGGESTS, 6.Judah will be forced into hard labor PERHAPS around this time as well, 7. Hoses is giving PERHAPS more insight as the WHY IT MAY BE....

    Seven. 7. S-E-V-E-N!! In one stinking, rotten article, the little flower girl only proves he is a pathetic false prophet. Even he isn't sure about his "prophet status" and he expects people to believe Him? HE DOESN'T EVEN BELIEVE HIM!!!

    Thanks again for more laughs Chuckles!!!

  6. Herbert Armstrong will soon be raised from the dead and will kick Bob off his throne!

  7. DW, that does not sound like the "SURE word of prophecy" to me!

    Phinnpoy, one reason for Bob's obsession with the Catholics is a (Catholic) prophecy that talks about a person who will be a thorn in their side. Bob claimed RCM said that person would be him (Bob). So Bob is attempting to fulfill that role.

  8. Hey Bob: The GREAT tribulation began AV 9, 70 AD and lasted 1335 days!! (Uh, nobody's going to believe this?).

  9. Bob won't believe you. He did not dream it so his mind can conceive it

  10. Zippy, there's no way Bob can be the thorn in the side. He's just a prick!

  11. Part 1

    From reading ACOG literature over the years there appears a consistent lack of appreciation of figures of speech, especially synecdoches, idioms and hyperboles, coupled with the literary device known as synonymous parallelisms.

    Bob Thiel’s comments reflects part of that lack of appreciation:

    Bob writes:

    “Consider, further, that the Book of Hosea specifically shows that there will be problems with Israel, EPHRAIM (THE BRITISH), and Judah.”

    (As an aside, in BI literature the English are Ephraim and the Scots are Judah).

    Defining “synecdoche” and “synonymous parallelisms”:

    "Synecdoche is a figure of speech that puts the part for the whole... or the whole for the part...

    "It is common for the term ‘England' to be used as a synecdoche for the ‘United Kingdom', giving offence to Scots, Welsh, and Northern Irish" (Gordon Jarvie, Bloomsbury Grammar, p.282).

    "... the nature of Hebrew poetry always involves some form of parallelism and the one common form is that called synonymous parallelism (where the second line repeats or reinforces the sense of the first line). In this type of parallelism, then, the two lines together express the poet's meaning; and the second line is not trying to say some new or different thing" (Gordon D. Fee & Douglas Stuart, How to Read the Bible for all its Worth, Second Edition, p.189).

    In the same way that ‘England’ is used as a synecdoche for the “United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,” Ephraim, among other terms, is used as a synecdoche for the United Kingdom of the Ten Tribes.

    Jer 31:9b for I am a father to Israel,
    and Ephraim is my firstborn.

    Hos 11:8 How shall I give thee up, Ephraim?
    how shall I deliver thee, Israel?

    Hos 11:12 Ephraim compasseth me about with lies,
    and the house of Israel with deceit:

    In the above, Ephraim is used as a synecdoche for the Northern Kingdom as revealed in the synonymous parallelisms.

    Bob Thiel writes

    “Notice what Hosea 5:5 teaches will be fulfilled:

    “5 The pride of Israel testifies to his face; Therefore Israel and Ephraim stumble in their iniquity; Judah also stumbles with them.

    “Hosea is showing that Israel/U.S.A., EPHRAIM/UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, & NEW ZEALAND, and Judah (the nation now called Israel) will have problems.

    Looking at the context (unfortunately ACOGs are also predisposed to taking Scriptures out of context:

    Hos 5:3a I know Ephraim,
    and Israel is not hid from me:

    Hos 5:3b for now,
    O Ephraim, thou committest whoredom,
    and Israel is defiled.

    "Ephraim is in tandem with Israel in the parallel structure of the first line of this verse, but in the second line there is a distinction between the two entities. Ephraim is blamed for Israel's defilement" (Thomas McComiskey, "Hosea," The Minor Prophets, Vol.1, p.76).

    In Hosea 5:5 Israel equals the Northern Kingdom, not one tribe.

  12. Part 2

    Am 8:14 They that swear by THE SIN OF SAMARIA, and say, Thy god, O DAN, liveth; and, The manner of Beer-sheba liveth; even they shall fall, and never rise up again.

    Bob Thiel writies

    "Because of the "sin of Samaria" (Amos 8:14); which looks to be a reference to the modern U.S.A.)..."

    In context ,Samaria refers to the Northern Kingdom. The sin of Samaria appears to be associated in part with the calf idol set up by Jeroboam in Dan, in the northern part of the Northern Kingdom.

    Jer 31:5 Thou shalt yet plant vines upon THE MOUNTAINS OF SAMARIA: the planters shall plant, and shall eat them as common things.
    Jer 31:6 For there shall be a day, that the watchmen upon THE MOUNT EPHRAIM shall cry, Arise ye, and let us go up to Zion unto the LORD our God.

    The "mountains of Samaria" and the "mount of Ephraim" are in a synonymous relationship and refer to the Northern Kingdom.

    (As an aside, in the NC in the allocation of the land to Israel, Judah is now a northern tribe and Benjamin a southern tribe in their relation to Jerusalem, cp. Ezekiel 48).

    Isa 7:9 AND THE HEAD OF EPHRAIM IS SAMARIA, and the head of Samaria is Remaliah's son.

    "Isaiah called the territory "Ephraim" and its capital "Samaria" (Isa 7:9)..." (W.S. Lasor, "Samaria, Country of," ISBE, Vol. 4, p.299).

    Ps 78:67b chose not the tribe of Ephraim:
    Ps 78:68a But chose the tribe of Judah,

    The capital of the northern kingdom was in the tribal area of Manasseh - it appears that the tribe of Ephraim had so discredited itself in the time of the Judges, all three capital cities of the northern kingdom - Shechem, Tirzah and Samaria - were now to be located in the territory of western Manasseh, not Ephraim; cp. Ps 78:67-68.

    From W. S. Lasor argument below it appears that the city of Samaria functioned in a similar way to the District of Colombia in America and the Australian Capital Territory.

    1Ki 16:24 And he bought the hill Samaria of Shemer for two talents of silver, and built on the hill, and called the name of the city which he built, after the name of Shemer, owner of the hill, Samaria.

    2Sa 5:7a Nevertheless David took the strong hold of Zion:
    2Sa 5:9a So David dwelt in the fort, and called it the city of David.

    "According to 1 K. 16:24 Omri bought the hill for the rather large sum of two silver talents (60 kgs., 132lbs.); thus the city he built was the private property of Omri and his descendants and technically not the capital of the northern kingdom, just as Jerusalem belonged to David and his descendants. Samaria was subject not to the decisions of the tribes and their popular gatherings, but to the king and local authorities only. A personal union existed between the city-kingdom of Samaria and the tribal kingdom of Israel in the same way that Jerusalem and Judah were united only through the person of the Davidic king" (W.S. Lasor, "Samaria," ISBE, Vol. 4, p.296).

    Misunderstanding of basic principles of interpretation is not a good look if one is trying to gain followers.

  13. Not long ago, the holy spirit informed me that a vile person who has done me great harm will go through the tribulation. So the tribulation is not in the past, or fifty years in the future.

  14. If you really had such a good relationship with the Holy Spirit, I believe you would automatically capitalize His name, 5:45. Your comment is extremely disrespectful!

  15. No Bob, no one is accusing the brethren. They're accusing YOU. Singular sense.

  16. On reflection, I am withdrawing this statement:

    “The capital of the northern kingdom was in the tribal area of Manasseh - it appears that the tribe of Ephraim had so discredited itself in the time of the Judges, all three capital cities of the northern kingdom - Shechem, Tirzah and Samaria - were now to be located in the territory of western Manasseh, not Ephraim; cp. Ps 78:67-68.”

    due to the uncertainty of which tribal area that Shechem was located in.

    Jos 17:7a And the coast of Manasseh was from Asher to Michmethah, that lieth before Shechem;

    “Shechem... A city in Manasseh near the border of the tribal area of Ephraim (Josh 17:7)...” (G. E. Wright and E. F. Campbel, “Shechem”, ISBE, Vol.4 p.458).

    Jos 17:2a There was also a lot for the rest of the children of Manasseh by their families;

    “Shechem... Not listed directly in Joshua 13-19 as a town belonging to a tribe, albeit implied to be part of Manasseh in 17:2” (Pekkam. A. Pitkanen, Joshua, ApOTC, p.349).

    Jos 17:8 Now Manasseh had the land of Tappuah: but Tappuah on the border of Manasseh belonged to the children of Ephraim;

    “After the account of the daughters of Zelophehad, verse 7-11 return to Manasseh’s allotment in general by describing the southern boundary... Again we see in verse 9-11 that the tribal boundaries were not exact divisions, since there were some towns within the general boundaries of Manasseh that belonged to Ephraim... we are also told that there were towns assigned to Manasseh in both Asher to the north and Issachar to the east, though the boundaries for those tribes are not given here...” (David G. Firth, The Message of Joshua, BST, pp.168-69).

    Jos 17:7b and the border went along on the right hand unto the inhabitants of En-tappuah.

    “The reason why the inhabitants are specified here lies in the fac t that the city was given to Ephraim, but the general district belonged to Manasseh” (Marten H. Wouldstra, The Book of Joshua, NICOT, p.265).

    Jos 21:20 The rest of the Kohathite clans of the Levites were allotted towns from the tribe of Ephraim:
    Jos 21:21 In the hill country of Ephraim they were given Shechem (a city of refuge for one accused of murder) and Gezer,

    1Ki 12:25 Then Jeroboam built Shechem in mount Ephraim,

    “Shechem ... lay in the territory of the tribe of Manasseh, but the mountain range where it was located was known as the Mount of Ephraim” (Simon J/ DeVries, 1 Kings, 2nd e., WBC, p.162).

    " "The hill country of Ephraim," Rainey says, "is a generic geographical term for the entire block of hills that included territory of Benjamin, Ephraim, and Manasseh..." " (Trent Butler, Judges WBC, p.72).

    Jos 18:21 Now the cities of the tribe of the children of Benjamin...
    Jos 18:22 Beth-el
    Jos 18:25 Ramah

    Jdg 4:5 And she [Deborah] dwelt under the palm tree of Deborah between Ramah and Beth-el in mount Ephraim: and the children of Israel came up to her for judgment.

    "It is certain ... that the section on the north comprised a larger area than that inhabited by the tribe of Ephraim;... in Judges iv. 5 ... Deborah lived between Ramah and Beth-el in Mount Ephraim" (Emil G. Hirsch, Frants Buhl, EPHRAIM, MOUNTAIN OF (; R. V. "hill country of Ephraim"), jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/5794-ephraim-mountain-of).

    Was Shechem located in the territory of Ephraim, or was it a town belonging to Ephraim, in the tribal area of Mannaseh?

  17. DW: There were so many more unprophetic words that I forced myself to read and list: could;seem;may be;probably;apparently;looks to be;apparently;looks to be;seems;seem;
    might;suggest;probably;suggests;perhaps;seems;seems;may have;suggested;seems;
    suggesting;seem. List may be inaccurate but by this time I don't care.

    Twenty-two words and phrases. Gotta be rock solid proof Bob Thiel is not a prophet.

  18. 5.45, the holy spirit is a force, like a type of spiritual electricity. It is not a person. How do you think the laws of chemistry and physics are sustained? By magic?

  19. What is Lil Prophet Bob going to do now that lot's of his White Followers are leaving him? How will he support his 1 million followers in Africa? Will he still be able to pay them to follow him?

  20. Lying Bwana Bob wrote: "...The Bible tells of a time when the world will be dominated by Europe (cf. Revelation chapters 13,17, and 18)..."

    A world dominated by Europe? How so? It obviously appears we live in a world dominated by China at this time. Well, Bob may ponder on that based upon what part of demoncratically-dominated California he lives in.

    But, where, specifically, does the Bible tell us any such thing about Europe? Where in Revelation 13, 17 and 18 does the word "Europe" appear? Now Bob, like the likes of Pack, Flurry, Weinland, Franks, Weston, Wineland, Winnail, Kubik, (pick a name of another former WCG hireling, of which Bob does not qualify for being), have been speaking/writing about such things for decades. Where's the fruit? Where's the beef? When will any of these men speak the truth about the beast, especially when they cannot even properly identify the beast without using so much speculation? Then, there's their very soon to return Mickey Mouse millennium headed up by another Jesus very soon to reign on earth for 1,000 years, then see Satan exit some pit and mess up Jerusalem and it's inhabitants. How could that happen if the real Jesus were there? Oh, it was Mickey Mouse! What did these guys think the dragon would do when loosed from the bottomless pit? Repent? Ridiculous!

    Anyway, if lying Bob wants to bring in some truth on the beast of Revelation, he may want to begin with 2 verses where the Bible speaks about a beast (But avoid Rev 18, b/c Bob lied as the word "beast" can't be found in that chapter):

    Rev 12:3 "And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads."

    Rev 13:1 "And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy."

    When will Bob and his competitors reveal the specific identity of the Beast of Rev 13 and 17? And Bob, lying Bob, why are you in the Book of Hosea? Stick with Rev 13 and 17 and learn about the beast! Turn a blind eye to your speculations; we've heard enough of them.

    When will Bob repent and study the New Testament Revelation verses that apply to the beast, and not run to the Old Testament in vain to spin some false theories?

    Time will tell...


  21. "Will he still be able to pay them to follow him?"

    Bob's already paying them. He has been doing it for a while now. As they soak him for money, seeds, laptops, books, bibles, they are also getting money from SDA and other Sabbatarian groups.

  22. If the Pope suddenly called for all members of the RCC to keep the feasts would we call him the "Beast of Tabernacles"?

  23. 3/3 11:49PM said: “From W. S. Lasor argument below it appears that the city of Samaria functioned in a similar way to the District of Colombia in America and the Australian Capital Territory.”

    Would it also be like the Vatican City too?
