Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Dave Pack: If you do not listen me, pay me, and believe me…you will NOT receive the kingdom


The Greatest Hissy Fit


David C. Pack chastised The Restored Church of God for 97 minutes by disguising it as a Christian-living sermon titled, “The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 430)” on March 18, 2023.


This is more accurate:


The Greatest Hissy Fit Ever Told!”


Part 430 is THE quintessential David C. Pack.


To fully appreciate the scope, everyone should listen to the entire tirade. Those in RCG, those who left, and even people who never attended but are curious as to what is being taught behind the locked gates in Wadsworth, Ohio. It is THAT kind of sermon.


Dave caresses your cheek, saying he is trying to help while tossing you into the Lake of Fire and pointing out it is your fault.


The skimmers will NOT want to skim this.


Friday failed. But Wednesday, March 22, is sure.

Do not listen to Dave? You will NOT get salvation.

Do not pay Dave? You will NOT get salvation.

Do not believe Dave? You will NOT receive the Kingdom.

Confused? God is NOT working with you.

“Seek Ye First” IS Prophecy



This week, David C. Pack was informed by a field minister that “at least 10%-20%” of his congregation do not listen to the Series anymore.


Dave blew a gasket, and this is why we have Part 430. The less-significant reason never fully addressed is that God the Father did not come to earth Friday to start the First Kingdom to Israel. That will happen on Wednesday, March 22, but first things first.


Finding out a significant portion of the RCG membership stopped listening to Dave must have pierced into the depths of his soul. His arrogant, narcissistic, self-important ego was cut in a way nothing else on the face of the earth could.


He addresses it Big Time.


Part 430 – March 18, 2023

@ 01:44 If you know some who’ve stopped listening to or hearing the Series, tell them to hear this. ASAP. You might save their life.


Did you hear that, brethren? Listening to Dave might save your life.


Part 430, combined with Abib 1 on Wednesday Jerusalem time, is a significant line-in-the-sand for everyone attending The Restored Church of God. This week should be a massive one-two punch to the gut for those paying any attention.


May God help every one of them HEAR the words of David C. Pack. Listen to the man closely. Take it to heart. Consider his warnings. Do not blow him off. That is a sincere plea. Everyone should hear Part 430.


The next 25 minutes begin with Dave reading and commenting on the letter sent in by a field minister. That alone is worth its own article. Then, Dave reminds people about the attitudes in The Worldwide Church of God under Herbert W. Armstrong.


All that is set up for Dave to lay into his audience because he wants to "jolt" them into action. The brethren of The Restored Church of God should all take serious action after hearing this message and after Abib 1 fails this week. It will surely fail.


@ 27:53 I mean, you blowing off I just I’m astonished that people could I’m amazed they didn’t quit. They don’t even bother to listen? What in the world are they thinking? If they’re thinking at all. They certainly couldn’t possibly get salvation. God is not gonna force on them something they’re not interested in hearing about. That would make God a fool. He'd be a fool. Do these people connect that? "I believe God is a fool. He'll give me salvation whenever He wants to. I don't believe any of this." But they don't leave. You hope that some of them haven't gone to the point where they're about to leave if time went on and God says they’re unbelieving hypocrites. Why? They get an appointment with the unbelievers and the hypocrites.


Did you hear that, brethren? If you ignore Dave, you will not get salvation.


@ 31:40 So, people looking for absolute simplicity (‘cause they’re confused over the Series) looking for absolute simplicity should become Methodists. They’re the church for those people unless they wanna change. Unless they wanna change. Better yet, be atheists. Believe nothing. Don’t believe anything.


Like many things, Dave does not get it.


Brethren in RCG do not want simple. They want accuracy. The Series is not true.


Friday was yet another proof of that.



@ 36:41 Now, think, brethren: When you say you're going to "seek the Kingdom of God first" and eternal life, that is intrinsically a statement about prophecy. The first thing you’re to seek is something that is prophesied. It’s not here.


Did you hear that, brethren? Seek Ye First is about prophecy.


Since RCG was founded in 1999, “seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness” has always been about “building God’s holy, righteous character to qualify to enter.” In the past, Dave said understanding how prophecy worked was not a qualifier for salvation. But it is now.


@ 36:58 You can get baptized here. You can avoid a ham sandwich here. You can keep the Sabbath here or the Feast here. Or tithe here. You can do all those things here. You cannot have the Kingdom of God yet. It involves looking into the future at what's still coming. That's called prophecy. You cannot seek the Kingdom of God first, never mind if you wanna really understand what's coming, unless you're willing to get into certain verses. What turned out to be like almost, I mean, really, silly simple was a hard journey.


The brethren of The Restored Church of God have been “willing to get into certain verses” for over seven years. Repeating those same verses a dozen times with a new meaning each time does not build faith. Talk about “wearing out the saints.”


One uncomfortable fact is that listening to the entire Series gets nobody closer to the Kingdom of God. In reality, it pushes them further away because David C. Pack is not preaching the truths of God.


Friday was yet another proof of that.



@ 38:55 But some don't want the truth of prophecy either. Because if prophecy, if they understand they really understand the Gospel and the Kingdom, they've gotta do it and obey it, and there's verses that say both, and they don't wanna do that. So, they don’t have a problem with prophecy. They’re confused because they're not close to God, and He's not working with them. And then, eventually, they tune it out. God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble. “I don’t need to be told anything.” And because God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble, they resist the truth. There’s a verse about that, too. So, if God is resisting you because of your pride, then you're gonna resist the truth, and no wonder you'll be confused. Because God isn’t working with you. It’s that simple. Now, the people who are holding these attitudes today have not left. So, I am hopeful. I wanna see the house not broken up. I wanna see us stay together.


Did you hear that, brethren? If you are confused, God is not working with you.


If you are confused, it is because you resist the truth.


If you are confused, it is because of your pride.


You do not want to obey the Gospel.


David C. Pack has not talked to a solitary soul about why they stopped listening to him, yet he completely understands their hearts and perceives their innermost motivations. He can judge from the lectern who God is or is not working with in RCG and the reasons why.


The brethren WANT to obey God. The brethren WANT to live God's way. The brethren WANT to build their character, befitting of salvation. But they are torn because they do not believe David C. Pack.


Friday was another proof their doubts were manifested in reality.



Ultimately, it is always about the money. There is no point in whipping the church if Dave cannot add juice to fatten the RCG wallet.

@ 39:57 It's your Father's good pleasure (not just His pleasure) to give you the kingdom. But then it lists some things to do. And the first one it says is, "Sell all that you have." Now, I'm gonna be very blunt. We have brethren in this church who are sitting on a tremendous amount of money, and they will not do that. Now, why they didn't leave, I don't know. They must think, “I guess that's for the people dumb enough to have faith and do it.” But they won't do it. If all the people with the money (even in our size church) had sent it in, we could rock the planet (just with our size). Or maybe pay off the buildings or whatever we’d do.




Dave admits he would spend the money on preaching the Gospel to the world. But maybe just spent it on the Campus. Or "whatever we do" is open to interpretation, like buying the $500,000 house in July.


He sometimes says things he does not realize he is saying. Where does all that money go that they have now? The pattern of RCG for seven years running is the Campus—first, the Gospel—eventually. There are new trees and gardens each year, but no new literature. The last World to Come was produced five years ago. AYC 2020 did not happen, but the parents and teens were not refunded.


One crazy question is: If the Father is set to arrive on Wednesday, why does he care about funds for work that will not happen? Why is he pressuring for money when he will not have time to cash the checks?


It is because he knows it will be regular office hours on Thursday. And they NEED the money.


@ 40:42 I know individuals with hundreds of thousands. You couldn't possibly tell me they either believe God when He says that (and there's 4-5-6-8 places where it talks about “sell all”). They couldn't possibly believe that Christ is coming.


Maybe they did on Thursday. But Friday was another proof David C. Pack has no idea what God is doing and when things will occur. Those holding back funds are wise to do so.


@ 40:57 And I know that I either just helped some people out there because I jolted them or I offended them because I tried to save their life. I don't know. Now if they said they believe God and they don't, they're liars. If they don't pay Common, they're thieves. That makes them lying thieves. And I think you pretty much know they're not gonna be saved.


Did you hear that, brethren? Pay Common, or you are lying thieves.


If you do not pay Common, you will not be saved.


This is David C. Pack trying to save your life.



The money grab turns darker. Since Dave is all about death, anyhow, the cash angle is an easy dot to connect.


@ 41:47 So, if you don't sell all and you're part of the little flock, you should fear. “Fear not” is not for you. It's for the people that are doing it. You’re not getting the kingdom. You're gonna enter (at best) raging hell and face death. Because to whom much is given, much is required. You're not you have no chance. Not only for salvation but to avoid the Great Tribulation. You won't be pampered anywhere in the prison you go to, where you'll be tortured and killed. Wow, that's called a jolt. Then you should ask yourself, “What did my funds and savings do for me now that I'm here? And I'm being beaten to death before I actually am put to death?” It says they're gonna be beaten with many stripes.


Did you hear that, brethren? Pay Common or be tortured and killed.


This is David C. Pack trying to save your life.


Says the man who proclaimed the Father would arrive on Friday morning and then spends all of Part 430 not explaining what happened.



@ 1:02:30 Three things will result from today. Some now on fire will become more so. That's good…Others who are not will repent. That's good, too. The third one, hopefully, none, but a few may get offended because they’re told to change at the last minute and get angry at somebody trying to save their life. I’ve seen it happen.


By "change," Dave means to listen to his Series and write him a check.


@ 1:04:23 Don’t be surprised if some destroy themselves.


@ 1:04:36 If you know people who aren't listening, try to get them at least to listen to this message. I hope 10 to 20 percent is not typical of every congregation. And he said, “at least.”


I agree. Please get anyone you can to listen to this message. The 97 minutes is worth your time.



Dave breaks his non-prophecy theme in the last 30 minutes and explains the new picture. It boils down to Abib 1 being the day the Kingdom to Israel is established. It is sure and perfect.


But he is still able to get defensive about it.


@ 1:31:33 If God had picked somebody else, then maybe we’da done it faster. But, in the end, it became terribly simple.


David C. Pack does not understand one bit about the people he rules. He plums the depths of their being and can draw out the essence of what they think and why. So he assumes.


The brethren care about accuracy, not speed. We all wanted that. I would still be working across the street if Dave had stopped setting dates and highlighting where he is all over my Bible.


He had one shot to be legitimate and blew it in 2013. He has spent the last 10 years over-explaining what a hack he really is.


The brethren of The Restored Church of God long for Jesus Christ to return and bring His Kingdom. David C. Pack is just not the guy who will carry that ball across the goal line. 


What is “terribly simple” is that David C. Pack is a false apostle and false prophet. He cannot entertain the idea that he is to blame for brethren tuning him out. It is solely their fault. He gave not one inch to the notion he had anything to do with people giving up or leaving. He washed his hands of that blood and found himself guiltless.


That is the kind of man he is.


Hopefully, Part 430 showed everyone who and what David C. Pack is. He is an Angel of Light pretending to be from God. He is a biblical fraud. A charlatan. A magician perverting the scriptures with his verbal magic. He is a blaspheming liar, and nothing he says should be believed.


Did you hear Part 430, brethren?


His Greatest Hissy Fit was all for you.

Marc Cebrian

See: Hissy Fit


  1. Some advice for Dave's followers:

    “La mejor victoria es vencer sin combatir”, nos dice Sun Tzu, “y ésa es la distinción entre le hombre prudente y el ignorante”.

  2. Like Jerry Maguire "show me the money" or else you will roast like a skewered pig over an open pit of scalding hot coals for all eternity. I grew up in a hell fire and damnation church. When the preacher got to going, my sisters and I would start giggling till the pew would start shaking and wake up my dad. Usually Marc pokes fun at crazy dave but not today. I only hope our bank account doesn't suffer because dave's trying to save our lives.

  3. What this church needs is a mutiny. Overthrow Dave. Or everyone walk out in unison.

  4. Do RCG members believe that Dave is going to have a management position in the Kingdom over them forever and ever? That would be scary enough to make me choose what's behind door #2! (the Lake of Fire). Who in their right mind would choose to have any sort of association with Dave Pack for their eternal lives??? These horrible ACOG despots are all much better forgotten! One would hope there is enough autonomy in the Kingdom and great enough population that they would fade into obscurity. Armstrongism has the most annoying habit of turning even the people who start out as nice guys into Mr. $hit.

  5. This reminds me of HWA's 1967 coworker letter which was sent out during Loma's ongoing non medical treatment of her bowel blockage (which turned out to cost her life & could probably have been easily resolved if treated with conventional medical interventions). HWA scolded the membership and threatened them with the Lake of Fire if they did not respond with increased offerings, tithes and donations. Then at the conclusion of the the letter he callously used the salutation "in Christ's love." This really shows the disconnect Pack & HWA have from the position of the average church goer and the total lack of disregard they have of the effect their edicts have on others.

  6. I never thought I would agree with anything that came out of Dave Pack's mouth, but when he said, "why they didn't leave, I don't know," I felt like giving a a hearty , "AMEN!"

  7. LOL! Oh how predictable.

    All about the money, right, Dave?

    Not about being the helper of a persons joy. Oh no. Just berate them from the pulpit---again.

    He does have a point though. Why stay in a place where you do not believe the crap that comes out of the leaders mouth. It is stupid to stay. And sin makes you stupid.

  8. Only in Armstrongism would the penalty for not avidly following a repeated false prophet be the Lake of Fire!

  9. There is something else that is "terribly simple", Dave. You have nothing to do with God and mangle His Word on a daily basis, starve His sheep and fleece His flock.

    Your destruction slumbers not. Simple enough?

  10. Dave is really forcing everyone's hand with this diatribe. When Thursday dawns and is just another Thursday, as they surely know will happen, these poor folks who were the object of Dave's spittle-flecked fit will have to decide if there is still a place for them in this church. Those who've had doubts and questions but hung on, still listening to the series but concerned, will have to decide if there is still a place for them in this church. Those who have no doubts (or pretend to have none) but know of friends who do will have to decide if there is still a place for them in this church. Those who assumed all was well in the church will have to decide if there is still a place for them in this church.

    It's a pivotal moment in the sect's history.

    In some ways, though, it's the most honest Dave has ever been with his victims. I'm still in shock that he read the whole letter from the minister. I would not have thought Dave would admit to anything suggesting he's not the center of every RCG member's attention.

  11. How The FALSE Prophets Misuse The Tithe Money That They Steal

    Gerald Flurry steals tithe money from his followers and uses it to suppress the preaching of the gospel, to wreck families, to edit and change Herbert W. Armstrong's old writings, and to promote himself and Irish dancing. A jet airplane for doing the Work of going to Irish dancing shows costs money.

    Dave Pack steals tithe money from his followers and uses it to support his weekly, wrong, prophetic date guesses. Merely stealing tithes and offerings is for amateur crooks. Professional thieves like Dave make up a “common” theft scam to totally clean out his followers of virtually everything they have.

    Ronald Weinland steals tithe money from his followers and uses it to support his writing of prophetic fantasy fiction books, travelling, and dining out. He spent a prophetic 3.5 years in prison for not sharing the stolen tithe money with “good” lawyers and accountants who could have made it all technically legal, like they do for other splinter groups that steal tithe money from their followers.

    Bob Thiel steals tithe money from his followers but does not even get to use it to buy better curtains for in his low-budget videos. He gets outwitted by his many fake church members in Africa and they steal from him the tithe money that he stole from his very few real followers in the USA.

  12. PACK SAYS:
    If you are confused, God is not working with you.
    If you are confused, it is because you resist the truth.
    If you are confused, it is because of your pride.
    You do not want to obey the Gospel.

    Actually, Pack is right in these statements. He, Pack himself, is confused, resisting the truth, prideful and does not obey the Gospel.

  13. Looks like Marc is filling in for Gary too much these days. Guess Gary needs a rest from writing in the blatant negativity these days. Just wondering when this site will occasionally, at least, post some uplifting helpful news or comments.

    Just remember “As a man (banned posters) thinketh In his heart, SO IS HE.” And, these posts come from their hearts, right?

    I don’t know about others here, but the incessant boring overly and unnecessarily LONG diatribes, mainly on 2/3 people is now getting useless!

    Some claim there were upwards of 600 Worldwide splinters. Some claim it’s more like 100, or less. Either way it doesn’t matter. Why? Because this site only knows, it seems, about three, maybe four.

    So, why are all the others neglected? Are they doing too much good to be worth the time to denigrate them? Not enough dirt to excite the negative mob here?

    Before ever finding this negative minded site I knew to avoid the three favorite targets here. Anyone with some real Bible understanding already knows that. Do/did you?

    Anyone here ever read the material on mob psychology of why really decent people, in a mob, would actively participate in lunching? I think not.

    Here’s a challenge for this site: if you must wallow in the offal every post, then why not do this;

    1. Just write the facts.
    2. Express your “good person” side by avoiding slurs, foul language, and stupid, childish innuendos.
    3. If you are going to quote Scripture, then write as one who lives them yourself. Why not, no one likes a hypocrite.
    4. Conclude with the lesson the bad behavior of your target person teaches us. You know, something positive and up lifting.

    Just those simple steps would lift this site out of the garbage pit into the central healthy home of those wanting the best for our friends and neighbors.

    Oh, and who here has never made mistakes, or never sinned? Please step out and tell us how you achieved that status. Thanks for reading.

    1. You have no idea what you're talking about You do not live with someone who is involved with this nutter. It is extremely difficult not to scream - stop listening to him get out of this crazy cult etc etc. Sorry if it offends you that people point out what these false prophets are doing, just don't read it. You don't have to come in here and pretend that you are so much better than everybody else and so uplifting and so positive and optimistic bla bla bla. it's not helpful just shut up go away.

  14. Give everything you own to Dave or you'll be beaten to death in the tribulation, and no salvation for you.
    So give all to Dave or you'll wake up with a horses head in your bed. Capiche?

  15. Anon said:

    "Looks like Marc is filling in for Gary too much these days. Guess Gary needs a rest from writing in the blatant negativity these days. Just wondering when this site will occasionally, at least, post some uplifting helpful news or comments."

    And yet here you are whining like a Jr. High school girl. You are reading the blog every day seeking to be titillated about the latest craziness.

    If you have something positive to send to the blog owners why don't you send it to them? This is Armstrongism, so there aren't that many positive things to write about.


  16. Anon said: "I don’t know about others here, but the incessant boring overly and unnecessarily LONG diatribes, mainly on 2/3 people is now getting useless!"

    The amount of comment splinter leaders get here on Banned is proportional to the loudness, delusional and dangerous claims they make about themselves and how they know it all to be, when it is not.

    You probably need to move on or write and submit your positive spin to the WCG/Split/Splinter/Sliver madness.

  17. I am more than happy to let Marc post here the latest things from Dave Pack. There is no way in hell I would sit and listen to Dave's sermons like Marc does. There for a while, I had access to many years worth of sermons that Dave had preached. I knew there was a wealth of material there but could not bring myself to listen to his crap. Various RCG members gave me access to the sermons. I have to hand it to Mark that he can listen to these sermons. He knows the trigger words that I would pass over. Plus, we agreed by posting these stories here there is a wider audience to get the heretical nonsense spoken by Dave out to.

    If Armstrongism was filled with incredible positivity, which it isn't then there would be no need for this blog. The church and higher-ups for decades prattled on about how glorious and unified the church was and now we all know it was a lie. There was never any unity, not even back in the "glory days" that some look back fondly to and seek to recapture.

    Members were looked at as nothing more than cash machines. They could never do anything right and were constantly brow beaten as the cause of whatever church woe was happening.

    WCG HQ, as are the HQs of UCG, COGWA, LCG, PCG, etc are and were cesspools of corruption, backstabbing, manipulation, and at times blasphemous behavior both in words and actions.

    With the current crop of theological idiots, heretics, and abusers of the brethren leading various COGs, who is going to hold them accountable? You?

    The header on this blog states:

    "Exposing the underbelly of Armstrongism in all of its wacky glory! Nothing you read here is made up. What you read here is the up-to-date face of Herbert W Armstrong's legacy. It's the gritty and dirty behind-the-scenes look at Armstrongism as you have never seen it before! With all the new crazy self-appointed Chief Overseers, Apostles, Prophets, Pharisees, legalists, and outright liars leading various Churches of God today, it is important to hold these agents of deception accountable."

  18. "...but the incessant boring overly and unnecessarily LONG diatribes"

    If you do not have the sense to stop reading long posts then you are the one with an issue.

  19. 10:46 wrote: And yet here you are whining like a Jr. High school girl. You are reading the blog every day seeking to be titillated about the latest craziness.

    If you have something positive to send to the blog owners why don't you send it to them? This is Armstrongism, so there aren't that many positive things to write about.

    Ah, just as I knew would happen, those who dish it out biggly can’t even take it when offered a better way to handle their mob lead mindset. So typical of those who can’t achieve much themselves. There are many books and articles about people like this.

    I don’t read this site daily. I see the hypocrisy here, and the low class language of too many trying their best to make themselves look righteous while reveling in the sins and failures of others.

    Sadly, this site yells “Armstrongism” at others while at the same time acting worse than those they label as “Armstrongists.”

    Boy, the critics don’t like it when their faults are pointed out. So very typical of negative minded critics. Sorry you can’t handle it.

    What this teaches us is how to avoid self righteousness, assuming one wants to be more like the one who lives and demonstrates the fruit of the Spirit. Give it a try, you really will like it better!! You CAN do it if sincere. Make a positive difference.

    Remember, the three or four constantly attacked here are just human beings. Humans who need real spiritual help. And, the constant nagging here only makes them double down in their weakness.

    Seems like someone important once said, “LOVE YOUR ENEMIES.” Was that just mumblo-jumbo? I don’t think so.

  20. If you do not have the sense to stop reading long posts then you are the one with an issue.

    It's more than that. If the board software made you click to expand a post, it would be easy to scroll past the long diatribes that don't interest you. Unfortunately, a long post requires a lot more scrolling past the garbage to get to the post(s) you care about.

    Most of the long Pack posts are reposted from another website; it would be far more considerate to abbreviate the post here to a paragraph and include a link to the other website.

  21. "..we could rock the planet..Or.. pay off the buildings.."

    ya can't make this stuff up

  22. 11:16 wrote: If you do not have the sense to stop reading long posts then you are the one with an issue.

    First, I no longer read every single word of them. I skim them rapidly. Oh, one secret for reading faster is to look at the spaces between thee words. This enhances faster reading comprehension.

    Maybe you should consider not reading these posts too, as they can also be a programming technique.

    Actually, lots of assumptive claims here are not true. But, it is obvious this particular line of CoGs have their problems.

    It is not the revealing of these problems on this site that is so disturbing, it is how it is done. In very poor taste.

    Years ago I was invited to a get together of former worldwide members. I thought this would be a great opportunity to gain, or renew, some friendships. Boy, was I shocked. What I ran into was more like a biker gang of people. Foul language, low class conduct, and more. Things I never ran into at college, or church. Sad to say several here are ,in writing, just like that gang style I ran into. When I did run into it it came from those who came on campus, or around the services to start an argument.

    As to nohwa’s post above… some good points and some excuses for not having a higher standard of presentation.

    Just so you know, I am not a member of any cog group, period. I have a different understanding now on some of the doctrines, for instance the Scriptures do not teach we cannot know when the Messiah returns. It does not teach total free will for humans, there is no ever burning hell fire. And, more.

    In addition I have almost 68 years of experience with the Radio/Worldwide group as a former member, college grad, and a continual comparison of their teachings with other groups.

    Also, some of the Armstrong’s sermons, plus other early minister’s sermons, described what would be the final result of the ecclesia. Not surprisingly this site, the painful truth, etc. are perfect examples of what they said would happen. It’s too bad those few old timers that may be here didn’t pay any attention to them.

    Nothing here is really surprising, except most don’t realize what they are showing. The Bible is true and spoke things we can see right now. Man only has limited free will, thankfully.

    Things couldn’t get any better!

  23. Anonymous on Monday, March 20, 2023 at 9:32:00 AM PDT said...“Oh, and who here has never made mistakes, or never sinned? Please step out and tell us how you achieved that status.”

    While people might not be perfect in this lifetime, here is how they can at least do better than klepto-Dave Pack-of-lies: Simply do not become demon-possessed and do not lie and steal continually like a raging demoniac. Also, do not make the Great Mistake and Grievous Sin of financially supporting Dave Pack's continual lying and stealing and raging away. This will put you ahead of Dave Pack in the “fewer mistakes” and “less sins” department.

  24. Anonymous on Monday, March 20, 2023 at 9:32:00 AM PDT said...“Some claim there were upwards of 600 Worldwide splinters. Some claim it’s more like 100, or less. Either way it doesn’t matter. Why? Because this site only knows, it seems, about three, maybe four. So, why are all the others neglected?”

    The Worldwide Church of God under Herbert W. Armstrong was THE BIG THING. HWA died in January 1986. The apostate Joseph W. Tkach, Sr. succeeded HWA and in January 1995 did the Great Apostasy by openly throwing out of the WCG virtually everything that HWA had taught and turning the WCG into another Trinitarian, Sunday-keeping, ham-eating church that observes customs like Christmas, Easter, and Halloween.

    The WCG exploded into numerous splinter groups as many people seized the opportunity to rise up speaking perverse things to draw away followers after themselves from the WCG. While everyone thought that they could run a church even better than HWA had done, none of them actually seem to have amounted to much even 37 years after the death of HWA and 28 years after the Great Apostasy. None of the WCG splinter groups today is even one-tenth of the size of the WCG at its peak, even after starting off with former WCG people. The WCG splinter groups have always been very good at splitting and shrinking, but not so good at growing.

    Gerald Flurry and David Pack get lots of attention here because they are the two very worst false prophets that Satan ever sent against the former WCG people. They are a couple of the noisiest raging demoniacs around. They each pretended to be HWA's faithful and true successor, but then both of them turned out to be so deceitful, perverted, and evil that it could only be explained logically by Satan having personally sent them and directed them.

    The supposedly hundreds of little WCG splinter groups get little or no attention precisely because they still really are so very small and ineffective even 37 years after the death of HWA and 28 years after the Great Apostasy. Any mention of them here by name would greatly increase their visibility and influence far beyond anything else that they could ever have possibly hoped to achieve.

  25. Anonymous at 9:32 AM said...“Anyone here ever read the material on mob psychology of why really decent people, in a mob, would actively participate in lunching?”

    Maybe because they are hungry and sociable?

    1. I thought something similar when I read about 'decent people in a mob would actively participate in lunching'. ;-) At least the guy gave us a reason to chuckle.

  26. Trying to look at and appreciate all the good in everything, I noticed that Dave Pack got his deceived, robbed, destitute, slave laborers to grow some nice grass and flowers.

  27. Davie D Pack ... "Rockin The Planet"!

  28. Sounds like Dave needs more money ....

  29. These ACOG leaders (bullies) do not respond in positive ways, or make changes as a result of people treating them nicely. There are those who need massive negative feedback, a good bitch-slap, or to be confronted by a bigger badder bully to make them stop hurting people. Also, Nasty language is often helpful in making one aware of the level of pain and displeasure he has caused. Not all the time, because you could destroy the effectiveness of the late George Carlin's "seven dirty words" through over usage. Wouldn't want to do that, now, would we?

    One of the things I enjoyed most about leaving Armstrongism was that if some arrogant authority figure urinated me off, I could flip him off, and recommend something for his eating pleasure. We get to do that here, as we have on all the other dissident sites for the past couple decades, and it feels really good to experience that level of freedom.

    Remember, 9:32, there is the power of positive thinking, but there is also the power of suppository thinking! You may be enjoying your little navel observatory there, but don't try to force it on the rest of us.

  30. Any mention of them here by name would greatly increase their visibility and influence far beyond anything else that they could ever have possibly hoped to achieve.

    Monday, March 20, 2023 at 2:32:00 PM PDT

    There you go. Another great reason to give the big THREE/FOUR such publicity. It just too often causes the opposite results.

    Excellent post 2:32.

  31. Hey Dave, why would you pay off the buildings with all that cash some are still sitting on? Isn’t your kingdom coming this week again?

  32. 1.30 pm wrote: "man has only limited free will.."

    Well, I certainly didn't notice any limitations in the ideas you expressed.
    You know when the Messiah returns? Please fill us in.

  33. Ten unmistakable signs of a narcissist:

    1. Low self esteem, although they will not admit it

    2. Lack of empathy

    3. Strong sense of entitlement

    4. Envy

    5. Exploitation of others

    6. Grandiose sense of self importance
    . They will frequently refer to themselves in the third person
    . They are better than others
    . They deserve the best
    . They only associate with other people/things of the "highest" quality

    7. They are extremely reactive to perceived criticism
    . They quickly turn the tables and blame others in an attempt to appear innocent or shift the focus off themselves
    . They lie and falsify evidence in contradiction to the facts
    . They react angrily when confronted and belittle/blame others
    .They frequently claim others are lying, when in fact, they are
    . They repeat this pattern over and over again

    8. They require/expect excessive praise, even when shown to be wrong.
    . It is the "other" persons perception that was wrong, not their words, ideas or understanding of a given matter

    9. They have a visible preoccupation with fantasies.
    . Reality doesn't support their inflated view of themselves or their ideas so they fantasize their domain the way they want it to be, not the way it is in reality.

    10. They project negative qualities onto others

    If you are shown to exhibit just 5 of the above list, according to the DSM, you have, at the very least, narcissistic personality disorder and should seek treatment from a trained clinician.

    Gee, does this fit anyone(s) we know?

  34. One would only hope that the members who have any amount of money left could ally with each other to bring a class action suit against the RCG to recoup the millions they paid into that black hole. But members have never had to think of such things because DP has them on tender hooks, living at his every word even when their own gut was telling them it was bat shit crazy. It has spiraled so far out of control, how will it end? When will it w?

  35. Based on the day for a year principle, the 1335 days is really 1335 years. That's why Jesus is not here yet.

  36. Or: 1656 years to the flood; 427 years to Abraham leaving Haran; 400 years to the exodus; 480 years to construction of the temple; 429 remaining years of kings of Judah to Zedekiah's 11th year in 586 BC; 2608 years from 586 BC to now: 6000 years. Isn't it fun to speculate?

  37. Anonymous said...
    1.30 pm wrote: "man has only limited free will.."

    Well, I certainly didn't notice any limitations in the ideas you expressed.
    You know when the Messiah returns? Please fill us in.

    Monday, March 20, 2023 at 4:51:00 PM PDT

    It’s very easy to prove we have limited free will. But, based on the regular posts here there is no interest in deep biblical studies.

    As to telling you when the Messiah should return, why? I doubt most here would spend the time checking the verses that give the clues. And, it doesn’t take a prophet to figure it out.

    The main clue leads to the overall outline. The clue is: This generation will not pass until all these things come to pass. Paraphrased.

    So far, things are right on time, we’ll get to see if it continues. Have fun.

    Oh, the year for a day, etc., does not apply. The real answer is much simpler.

  38. HWA: Your God is the one whom you obey.

    So, if you obey Pack, he is your god. Good luck with that.

  39. ... based on the regular posts here there is no interest in deep biblical studies.

    Because deep biblical studies would take people back to pagan myths, and few people have the stomach for that. Especially bible students.

  40. 6000 years is really 6000 times 365, since the day-for-a-year principle applies. So wait PATIENTLY for the Messiah.

  41. ... the millions they paid into that black hole.

    Wadsworth is in a ghetto?

  42. 9:48 said:

    "... based on the regular posts here there is no interest in deep biblical studies.

    Because deep biblical studies would take people back to pagan myths, and few people have the stomach for that. Especially bible students."

    That's a load of bunk, but that's the narrative you need to tell yourself.

  43. So why is it that so called religious people seem to get away blatant extortion to such a degree but if anyone else does they get arrested and put in prison for it? Why should Pack and his kind get away with it? Where is the FBI? He doesn't even try to hide it.

  44. I call it the kingdom of Dave

  45. That's a load of bunk, but that's the narrative you need to tell yourself.

    It's the inescapable narrative that one is driven to if the bible is taken in the context of history. But people with their nose in the bible can't see outside their narrow tunnel vision.

  46. So far, things are right on time ...

    So the end really did come in 1975! Who knew? I guess the kingdom just looks different from what I expected. My mistake.

  47. This isn't a Bible study blog. That is not what people come here for. I personally have done many deep Bible studies. What's true is that there is much debate and disagreement in Bible discussions. Nobody ever convinces anyone of their own opinions anyway, and anyone who tries quickly discovers that others consider him to be a know it all, so it's best to keep them private and on a personal level. When I see a comment littered with scriptures, I ignore it. Who amongst us has never heard of a concordance or study Bible?

  48. Yeah, I like when poor language is avoided (this blog at its worst is generally mild). But, you show an immaturity and self-righteousness in your response. I'm sure you recognize that Christ had some choice words and names for the pharisees and Sadducees. I'm glad you avoided the pain and frustration that many here experienced and still experience as a result of loved ones still being involved in the COGs. This blog helps show the COG underbelly. If not for having family in the COGs I would probably make the COGs a distant memory, but there are those more generous of spirit who created and contribute to this blog for the sake of helping others.

  49. Thanks for all the comments proving my point about this site and it’s posters.

    Besides, lunching while lynching should suit many here.

    Again, thanks.

  50. “ Thanks for all the comments proving my point about this site and it’s posters.

    Besides, lunching while lynching should suit many here.”

    Aw, the little guy opened his mouth and made an ass of himself and when people pointed it out to him he goes and gets his feelings hurt and lashes out. Typical.

    1. Oh I get it, You're the one that's getting offended. I seem to remember someone saying half of you don't get it.

  51. "and it's posters".
    No, it's "its posters". "It's" with an apostrophe is "it is" but it's (it is) nonsensical to write........."about this site and it is posters". Isn't it?

    1. Now who's getting offended? You or the other guy or both?

  52. Aw, the little guy opened his mouth and made an ass of himself and when people pointed it out to him he goes and gets his feelings hurt and lashes out. Typical.

    Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at 7:59:00 AM PDT

    Thanks for illustrating the failed art of belittling someone. You have no idea what you are talking about.

    My feelings are not even close to being hurt. In fact, I’m enjoying every minute watching the dirt throwers here show how poorly they handle being shown their own dirt. Now that is really typical.

    Thanks again “Most instructive.”

  53. Anonymous said...
    "and it's posters".
    No, it's "its posters". "It's" with an apostrophe is "it is" but it's (it is) nonsensical to write........."about this site and it is posters". Isn't it?

    Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at 9:43:00 AM PDT

    You are exactly correct. Next time I won’t use the auto speller. Thanks for the proofreading time.

    On the other hand this is like most critics. They just love m&m candy. I.e., only see the Mistakes and never get the Message.

    When one gets both their level of expertise rises dramatically.

  54. “Dave Pack: If you do not listen me, pay me, and believe me…you will NOT receive the kingdom”

    Dave Pack has everything backwards.

    If you DO listen to him, pay him, and believe him ... you will NOT receive the kingdom.

  55. So, there is blocking of replies on this site. Can we call it Banned by Banned?

  56. "You can get baptized here. You can avoid a ham sandwich here. You can keep the Sabbath here or the Feast here. Or tithe here. You can do all those things here. You cannot have the Kingdom of God yet. It involves looking into the future at what's still coming. That's called prophecy."

    Soooo, Dave... when I was in school, or in boot camp, and I thought ahead to after graduation... that was prophecy?

    Also, "Sell all that you have..." is not followed by "...and give it to Me", Dave, or "...and give it to the church". It's followed by "...and GIVE IT TO THE POOR." Plus, He said that to one man, not to the apostles or the crowd following Him. But you do need for it to be about you, don't you?
