Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, March 17, 2023

Dave Pack's Epic Friday March 17, 2023 Failure...Here We Go, Again...


The 55-Day Plan*


David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God gave his final* message on Wednesday. “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 429)” re-reclarified the plan of God that kicks off today.*


Technically, it invisibly kicked off on February 25 when the invisible 1335 of Daniel 12:12 began invisibly. That is the tricky thing about prophetic fulfillment according to David C. Pack because you are never really sure it did or did not happen unless he says so. But sometimes, even he does not know because biblical occurrences are frequently hard to nail down.


God the Father Arrives on Friday, March 17, 2023

Jerusalem sunset time is 11:48 AM ET*


This is the RCG-branded version of Christianity. The ground never stops moving, and you will never be reasonably sure of anything. Nothing builds faith better than your church leader changing his mind every day. That philosophy works well in marriage and even better for a Church of God.



As of Part 429 on March 15, this is the picture-perfect new simple math of 20-5-20-10.


The 55-Day Kingdom of Dave Plan*


February 25—The 1335 began. Elijah waits 20 days.

March 18—The First Kingdom is established. The Father arrives.

March 18—The Short Word begins. Elijah talks for 5 days.

March 23—The Short Word ends.

March 23—The Tribulation begins lasting 20 days until April 11.

April 12—The Great Tribulation begins lasting 10 days until April 22.

April 22—The “official” arrival of Jesus Christ to establish the Kingdom of God

April 22—The Day of the Lord


The Second Kingdom/Christ’s Kingdom lasts 7 years.

The Third Kingdom/The Father’s Kingdom lasts 1000 years.


*Subject to change without notice.


The NEXT DAY, Headquarters issued an update inserting more wiggle room with the air-tight “even number” presentation of Part 429. I smell a Part 430 brewing.


Prophecy Update - March 16, 2023

It is now clear that Christ’s Return involves people rising around the world—meaning it is always dawn somewhere on Earth. After delivering Part 429, a series of questions arose that Mr. Pack wishes he would have had time to explore in the message. As usual these days, powerful things come clear right after messages:


The five excuses are not worth publishing.


If these points prove true—and it frankly looks that they will because there are at least two more points for every one on this list—it would simply extend our watch beyond sundown in Jerusalem. After all is said and done, we can now even better understand why we cannot know or think the hour. May God send Christ soon to bring much-needed relief to a suffering world. World conditions will now worsen for yet another day.


After 429 Parts, there is never enough time. The main point of this is to lower expectations for Friday. That is too late for some of us. Our anticipation could not be lower.



At the start of Part 429, BrundleDave made a brief reappearance riffing through alarming headlines about the current financial crisis, readily accepting pessimistic experts as fact.


Part 429 – March 15, 2023

@ 03:06 …and they all say the world economy is gonna collapse. They just can’t exactly agree on whether it will happen quickly or take a little longer.


Everything in life can happen quickly or take a little longer, whether you are dating or ordering a meal. I remember hearing a Dave sermon from 2009 where he decried headlines from the Akron Beacon Journal. President Obama worries do not age well.


Many Worldwide Church of God alumni remember Herbert W. Armstrong thundering about a possible nuclear world war. And he had Basil Wolverton to lend a hand.


This is not to say things are great outside, but not yet on the scale of "biblical proportions." The current financial ripples are not proof that David C. Pack is right. Even if terrorists blow up a building this week, it would not mean RCG’s Angel of Light is legitimate.


Remember that even when disaster strikes. David C. Pack will always be wrong.



@ 03:25 Go to Ezra chapter 3. What a strange place to start what I think is the most important (we'll say) climactic sermon of what has to be (of course, if you’re following time) the end of the Series. Has to be.*


Nobody is following these sermons as closely as I am. In my expert assessment, the Series is far from over. The notes for Part 430 are already being crafted in the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium. If the minister's wives are invited in, perhaps further embarrassment can be avoided. But I doubt it.


@ 04:13 Ezra 3:1. This will set up a long cascade of truly fascinating things to consider that’s far beyond our immediately subject.


When Dave discovers one element that calls into question his entire previous creation, he bulldozes the old one and builds a new one on the rubble.


A Sabbath timing change regarding the altar of the Temple shifts everything. He channeled a little Charles Bronson into the explanation.


@ 06:02 So, they not only built it [altar], maybe they built it overnight so that they offer the next day. So, that shot in the head, any idea that you cannot build an altar on the Sabbath.


What an odd thing to say. He manages to make a discussion about God’s altar sound creepy. Dave has a long history of saying bizarre things, but it has been accelerating in the past few weeks.


His morbid preoccupation has been growing. He has been swearing on his own death for weeks. Brethren who leave are committing suicide. Now, a teaching from the Bible is shot in the head. There is something seriously wrong with this man. This is the same man who claims to be an apostle, Elijah the Prophet, and the Seventh Angel. His comments have become increasingly concerning.


@ 06:21 Now, this will be (I truly believe) one of the most fascinating sermons you’ll ever hear.* I’m honored to be able to close the Series with things that are so interesting.


Everything the man says is worth listening to. I cannot help but feel sorry for Mrs. Pack. But she could get out if she wanted to. She has the same choices the brethren do. And they choose to stay. That is sad.



The cat is already out of the bag about the Father coming on March 17, 2023. Dave stated emphatically the First Kingdom of Dave is exactly 35 days. That will need to be revisited after 7:35 PM ET tonight.


The blend of Hebrew dates, Sabbaths, and periods within the kingdoms are confusing. Even when you listen closely and type out what he said. The dates on the calendar help ground the blah-blah-blah.


@ 13:04 …that means the First Kingdom is exactly 35 days.* You’ve got calendars. It has to be 35 days. It’s not a one-week kingdom where they somehow came through to the Day of the Lord. It [the cleansing of the Temple] is a Sabbath on Abib 3 [March 25].


@ 13:35 So, now we know we count back exactly seven days to when the Temple came, which has to be Adar 25 [March 18]. There no arguing with that. This is seven days, period.


Adar 25 is March 18, but a day begins at sunset the night before, and then you subtract six hours to adjust between Jerusalem and New York time zones.


The detailed plan for the Kingdom of Dave was so finely tuned the entire thing will need to be overhauled tomorrow. Hopefully, the Coffee Kid and Pepper Boy did not make plans with their families for this weekend.


Simplicity in Christ is exemplified by Dave’s explanation of the 20-5-20-10 First Kingdom structure.

@ 52:12 Let’s do this simply. Make a column. Put Number 1: 20. 20 right beside it. From the 1335 till the Father arrives—20. Number 2: Put 5. The Short Word to Abib. 20 again. Line 3 would be 20 again. 20 to the Great Tribulation. Line 4 would be 10 to the Day of the Lord.


Reading is even more challenging than hearing him. As with all things Dave, he cannot keep a straight thought together. He changes Number to Line, but this is typical. I learned many years ago not to follow Dave's numbering system when he doles out lists. He always skips, combines, jumps over, and states the number after rather than before. Even when you try to follow, you cannot.


Following Dave is chasing a chicken around a pen. Even when your fingertips touch the feathers, it still escapes you. It is a fool's errand to follow the ravings of David C. Pack. And yet, I am doing just that. ;)


This entire 20-5-20-10 summary is so bad that even Dave had to concede the coherency of his explanation was lacking.


@ 54:00 Now, all of us fully grasping this math (you know, sort of at the last minute) may not be as important to God (maybe, so don’t worry about it if somehow that math was too complicated) this may not be as important to God as getting the record straight per the Mystery of God ending.*


The man cannot finish a single thought uninterrupted. This is the mind God chose to teach His most-vital revelations at the last possible moment? Hard pass on that.



As of sunset tonight, this will all unravel spectacularly, making Dave's victory lap two days ago feel like it was a little premature.


@ 1:24:16 But, a truly great mystery ends that I battled for years (and I will just say to all of you), you recall. It’s over.* And it's the greatest mystery (and in all honesty, brethren, and I've said this before), but this might be the greatest mystery of all. We were never gonna be done with this process until Mr. Pack got this straight.*


These have become more bitter words Dave has to eat alongside his sandwich and salad this afternoon.


@ 1:24:38 And once I saw who goes into the Temple and works, I could equate that, and that led me and was a joy working with Mr. Habboush and Holcombe. We spat out verses that supported this faster than bullets leave a machine gun. 'Cause, it all just went ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding. We can go through the Rolodex of the Bible on various subjects, and like I say, you know, we don’t even need a Bible. They just come, you know, spurting out.


If those men slowed down and carefully read their Bibles, maybe some of this could have been avoided.


@ 1:25:09 So, in conclusion, we’ve reached a point where we backed into only the Sabbath that this can be.* People can argue if they want to for other years, but not for a minute beyond the same date. Five days before Abib in the year God chooses. Time is up.* I’m gonna try to be dramatic here. The jury is in, and I promise you world conditions agree.


@ 1:27:25 Elijah’s first coming is over* and so are God’s mysteries…


@ 1:28:22 If nothing happens on Friday morning, you now know there’s nothing else I could possibly tell you.*


@ 1:28:40 If the first time I speak is called prophesying, then it’s over. There's nothing that could be added. So, surely everyone knows now, I will not speak again.*


The hirelings across the street at Headquarters are working on a reworking right this very minute. They are either crafting a revised Pathetic Update and/or preparing notes for Part 430.


As of 7:35 PM ET tonight, the 20-5-20-10 needs to change. The 35-day First Kingdom of Dave needs to change. Which Sabbath it all begins needs to change.


*Everything David C. Pack says is subject to change without notice.


  1. Surely David Pack must be a practical joker. Next, he will be passing around home photos of airborne hubcaps and claiming that Jesus visited HQ in one of them.

  2. RCG members, take the red pill and leave the metrics.

  3. we don’t even need a Bible

    Who does? The world would be better off without Jewish hoaxes.

  4. Dave is copying his hero HWA who told his daughter "the dummies will believe what ever I tell them."

  5. "There is nothing else I could possibly tell you." Oh good, does that mean he will finally shut up?

  6. The inevitable final result of Dave practicing "narcigesis" on a scale that would make HWA blush. Only Thiel can top Pack in this practice and look where that got him!

    Too bad none of these men ever once stopped to consider what so many have written/commented on over the years. But they KNEW they were right and we were wrong. Look where that has gotten ALL of them. Bad, bad, bad week for the COGs, thank God. Maybe now at least some will come out and truly receive Jesus.

  7. We live in an era when people simply believe what their heroes tell them because they want their ideology to win. It is no surprise at all in these times of "the election was stolen" that ACOG members would be caught in the master vortex created by the zeitgeist of the present.
