Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Is Evans Ocheing - Bob Thiel's Successor?


Things just get weirder and weirder in the fantasyland of Bob Thie's so-called "church". This issue and other issues currently being posted here from African sources are issues that Bob has known about for at least 5 years. All this time he has been trying to hoodwink us and other Africans that his ministry is this glorious thing that is God's most perfect church in 2,000 years. Never have we seen a COG leader whose imagined sterling reputation unravel so fast as Bob and the improperly named "continuing" Church of "god" currently is.

The people of Africa will revolt big time if Evans is appointed to anything higher. Evans is as big a narcissist as Bob, so one can only imagine what kind of hell hole would emerge if Evans was really in charge!


  1. Will Gaylen Bonjour be the one that will also anoint Evans Ocheing a prophet, when Evans gets the "sniffles" ??

    1. Lol Bob wishes he was Evans. Most Africans don’t even know who Bob is. Evans through Intimidation and bribery has built a following for himself. Bob thinks they follow him but it’s Evans who the Africans follow. Bob Thiel is a joke.

  2. I remember Gaylen Bonjour from LCG. So why doesn't he just come out and clear up and deny what Bob thiel claimed he meant when he prayed over him? Maybe Gaylen did mean what Dr. Thiel claimed he did after all.

    1. He has multiple times but Bob only hears what he wants. He had it in his mind since he was a little small boy getting picked on that he would be a prophet.

  3. Gaylyn Bonjour had absolutely no intention when he asked for a double portion to be set upon Bob that it was so he could start a new splinter cult. Bob is a liar when he claims that.

  4. If Bob got a double blessing then my dog speaks French! Bob is a theological idiot and is totally incompetent being a church leader. He has made a mockery of the church. Everything about him is shameful and embarrassing to watch.

  5. Someone mentioned it before in a comment. Bonjour had no qualification in giving Thiel a double blessing. God certainly was not behind it. It would take a real Christian to do that and Bonjour is not a real Christian due to the fact he is part of a splinter cult of Armstorngism. Bob is no more a Christian than Bonjour is so there was no blessing passed on.

    1. Bonjour only anointed and asked God for a blessing. Bob took that as an ordination. He is delusional and a very cowardly person.

  6. Bonjour has publicly stated that he HAD NO INTENTION of ordaining Thiel when annointing him for some physical ailment only.

  7. Do they have Harley Davidson motorcycles in Africa? Just wondering if any of these pretty African ladies have ever had an opportunity to go for a ride!

  8. A motorcycle ride might provide an opportunity to explain to these ladies what HWA's teaching on British Israelism means to them. It ain't pretty!
