Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, March 12, 2023

The Tribulation Begins September 16, 2023 Woo Hoo! Party Time!!!!!!!!!!!!


From Tony Roach's Facebook Page

That other crackpot prophet to the Church of God has a timeline for when the crap hits starting this fall.

Make sure you gas up the propane tank for your grill and have some great steaks ready to cook. Get a fine bottle of wine and savor it as you watch the tribulation begin on September 16. 

Given the track record of the plethora of self-appointed false prophets in the Churches of God, this date will like all the others, just be another day on the calendar with nothing happening.


  1. Well, RSK, the rapture isn't so much a rapture for these ACOGs. It is happening right now, but it's more like the rapeture! As in spiritual rape!

  2. A Great Tribulation in our future is not in the Bible. What is in the Bible is a description of a time of great affliction associated with the events of 70 AD. What is not in the Bible is a description of how type-antitype means that there will be a second, end-time great tribulation in the future. In fact, Christ demolished the idea of a second later fulfillment when he said:

    "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be." (Matthew 24:21)

    Note that this is a one-time event and not a type-antitype pairing. That is what the statement "nor ever shall be" means. The only way prophecy weenies can squeeze another tribulation out of the scripture is to deny that what happened in Jerusalem in 70 AD was a tribulation at all. This denial of the Biblical record would then permit the accommodation of a one-time event at the end of the age. No historian or Bible scholar worth his salt would stand behind this idea let alone Jesus who said the 70 AD events would transpire in one generation.

    The Day of the Lord is going to have enough affliction for everyone. Why Armstrongists and some "Left Behind" evangelicals have to ladle on another layer of affliction is unknown to me.

  3. My eisegesis(?): The great tribulation of Mat 24:21 began at the "abomination of desolation" - Dan 12:11; Mat 24:15 - in Judea, in 70 AD, was the time of vengeance - Luke 21:22 - and no flesh would be saved except for the elect. Was this the time of God the Father's punishment for the murder of His Son? The tribulation lasts 1335 days - Daniel 12:12 - and as noted by another comment will not happen again?

    But this is not what you find in COG dogma. Instead great tribulation is coming; billions and billions are going to die; USA and "BI" nations are going to be destroyed; many won't know when to flee; etc.

    But the tribulation at Christ's return is what you see around you in the world: wars, famine, pestilence, earthquakes, rumors of wars, false prophets and apostles, etc. The tribulation today is false prophets predicting the great tribulation.

  4. He is calling for a seven (well, more like eight) year tribulation. That is Baptist thinking - twice as long as COGs normally preach.

  5. The RUPTURE theory is an ABDOMINAL-ATION! LOL!
