Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, March 4, 2023

UCG Devotes Entire Session To Its Logo

Can you imagine Jesus sitting on the shore with his disciples as they argued over what logo best would represent them instead of what they needed to do to get off their sorry asses and bring Good News to the world? The mere presence of Jesus attracted thousands to hear him. His words were all that mattered. No need for some logo or identifier that set them apart. The words spoken are what made the difference.

The recent UCG Council of Elders spent an entire session discussing their logos, which apparently a lot of UCG members do NOT like. This discussion was sooooooooooo important that they actually drafted a "resolution" to solve the issue. 

If only they put this much effort into discussing Jesus. People wonder why the COGs today are a laughing stock.

Chairman Martin introduced the next item on the agenda, the United Church of God and Beyond Today Logo.

Mr. Martin turned the floor over to President Shabi and Mr. Edington to lead the discussion and answer any questions or concerns. Mr. Shabi began by clarifying and outlining the purpose behind having a new logo. He mentioned that they did take into consideration the recent objection from the membership to the proposed logo and have discussed it at length. It was decided that the current logo will be abandoned and a new design selected.

The administration then asked the Council to rescind the last resolution and give the team time to develop a new logo. Mr. Shabi added that there should be no rush because we have plenty of time before the new website is ready to launch. It was then decided that an article will be drafted in order to properly communicate to the membership what’s actually being done in the development of the logo and why it is needed.

In addition, Mr. Eddington clarified the difference between the logo and the seal. He assured the Council that the seal is not being removed or changed, just the logo. Mr. Eddington then presented the new resolution concerning the request to rescind the previous resolution. After a few comments, Chairman Martin moved to pass the resolution. The resolution was approved (10 votes for, 1 vote opposed, Paul Wasilkoff absent).

United Church of God and Beyond Today Logo Resolution

Whereas, it is the responsibility of the Council of Elders to approve, use and alter UCGIA logos and symbols (bylaw, and

Whereas, the Council of Elders approved a new logo in March of 2022, and

Whereas, questions have now arisen about the design of that logo,

Therefore, it is hereby resolved that the March 2022 Church and Beyond Today logo resolution—and its various iterations (referenced as the “encircled flame/ribbon”)—approved by the Council of Elders, be rescinded and

It is Therefore also resolved, that the Council approves of the Church using the original Church and Beyond Today logos previously registered by UCGIA.

Approved by the Council of Elders

February 14, 2023



  1. What is this? Bash UCG day? Legion is hard at work today.

  2. If the description of a laughingstock is desired, just click on this commenter's profile. Sad, indeed.

  3. No, Anon @ 2:28. Legion was a hard at work designing a new logo! Legion is hard at work trying to figure out the unknowable date of Christ's return. Legion is hard at work sitting (or falling) off his throne. Legion is probably hard at work possibly considering the probable need for new curtains and a corrected Radio Prophecy banner to sit in front of. Legion noticed it was most likely improperly worded, as it might also be with the name of Legion's personality cult.

    Actually, Anon, you're right. Legion is hard at work today!

  4. UCg, always dwelling on the minors and never willing to dwell on the major things of Christ.

    1. There’s no matter too small or insignificant that an Armstrong Church of God can’t blow completely out of proportion. Richard

  5. DW said...
    "No, Anon @ 2:28. Legion was a hard at work designing a new logo! Legion is hard at work trying to figure out the unknowable date of Christ's return. Legion is hard at work sitting (or falling) off his throne. Legion is probably hard at work possibly considering the probable need for new curtains and a corrected Radio Prophecy banner to sit in front of. Legion noticed it was most likely improperly worded, as it might also be with the name of Legion's personality cult."

    This is priceless! If I had a Mastercard I couldn't afford this. So spot on!

  6. I thought they settled this in 2015...


  7. These churches are full of deluded idiots. That old liar Herbert visited Israel about 50 times.
    Far more than he visited his own flock outside Pasadena. He was a personal friend of the Israeli prime minister Menachim Began. Began was a known terrorist who blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946. Begin bragged about being the king of terrorism "in the whole world." These fools need to wake up. I guess terrorism is okay with "Christians" who want to see the Jews paving the way for Armageddon and the return of Jesus.

  8. Hours of session time spent on their logos. Barely any time spent on the Logos.

  9. This is so staid compared the wacky bleeding edge of Armstrongism:
    Can't wait for more craziness from The Big Three: Pack, Flurry, Thiel

  10. There are optics to watch and modify, but logo and seal are not what will advance UCG and make it grow. The optics which involve behavior of members and the ministry, personal examples of those allegedly "living the life" are what could turn things around for them and renew growth. At least this group is not making fools of themselves with outrageous prophecies, or usurping Biblical titles for the leaders. But, they have a long way to go. It's not as if they are setting the world on fire either.

  11. Am I the only one who sees the SEAL of UCG and just see a dead, brown turd for the Earth centered on Rome?

    As far as the LOGO goes, the more true name for UCG should just be "AFTER YESTERYEAR" !

  12. I like their current logo, don't change it. No, I'm not a member, I just like the looks of their current logo.

  13. The new, better logo should state plainly, “Beyond the Old Covenant.” Or, better, simply: “With Christ.”

    But either of those would require the church to change its major doctrines.

  14. Noticed the logo of Wyndham Hotels' rewards program tonight. It looks so similar to BT that it might explain why this topic came up for discussion.

    1. Are you suggesting there might be a trademark infringement lawsuit? Who had the trademark design first? My money is on Wyndham, and United copied it.

  15. Have you read the wikipedia on "WCG"? It's not good press; they use the phrase "doomsday cult". Acog-spinoffs like UCG will have a hard time living this down

    The wiki on Stanley Rader is even more hair-raising: did you know HWA paid for Rader's Law School education & classical-concerts-for-the-rich with tithe funds?

  16. The UCG: godless yesterday, today, and until it disappears back into the world or goes into the Great Tribulation (whichever comes first).

  17. The United Church of God has gone from bad to worse with its image, the logo is a graphic aberration, I am a graphic designer and the logo sensorially reflects a terrible spiritual regression, after the COGWA division nuances of lukewarmness have been marked that are incredibly reflected in your image. It is noticeable that the council of elders does not capture many things, among them the terrible image promoted by apprentice designers.

  18. The Church of God is a parody today. All any of them can do is focus on anything they can imagine that takes the focus off Christ and the New Covenant. I am so glad I left years ago. Reading this it is obvious they are still in the same place they were 15-20 years ago, dwelling on irrelevant shit instead of preaching Christ.

  19. I've seen better grafffiti on passing trains!
