Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, April 10, 2023

Are You In A Babylonian Church Of God Or The Real Worldwide Church of God?


For many years now the Kitchen Family have declared themselves the sole beneficiaries of ALL of Herbert Armstrong's writings and have usurped the name Worldwide Church of God as their sole domain. They and they alone are the real Worldwide Church of God. All other harlot daughters out there are Babylonian COG's. All the churches that splintered off the mother church are false churches and are not Philadelphian churches.

The Kitchen Boys have put up a couple Facebook sites to preserve HWA's words as well as proclaim their group is the only legitimate Worldwide Church of     God and thus allows them to steal all the literature they can from WCG/GCI to republish as their own property since they are the one legitimate heir to the WCG. They are having a little snit fest with the Scarboughs who also have a site posting HWA and COG literature. How dare those evil upstarts! How dare they!

Nuttiness in the church did not stop with Dave Pack and Bob Thiel, it continues on with the Kitchens:

"The publications of the Worldwide Church of God are the publications of the Worldwide Church of God." 
They do not belong to any other organization of men. 
The only membership of the true Church of God is the Worldwide Church of God. 
No other Church, no other organization, no other assembly, have replaced that true membership.
Everything else is BABYLON. 
Do you know what God is doing now? He's calling you to come out from Babylon! 
Some were taken into Babylon, away from the building site where Christ laid the foundation through His apostle. They started to build their own organizations, their own house, and the Worldwide Church of God lays in ruins because of neglect! Read the book of Haggai. 
In Zechariah 2, God calls on His people to "deliver thyself" from the daughter of Babylon whom they attend with! This is connected to Revelation 18:4. 
It's not time to join another church. It's time to get back and be the Worldwide Church of God!!!
That means getting away from any false doctrine, and any departure from God's Word and back to what was preached unto us by Christ's end time Elijah and apostle, Mr. Herbert W Armstrong. If a man or woman leads you into a different group....then you won't be the membership of the Worldwide Church of God. 
It does not matter how great of a church library they have. You are just fooling yourself. For there is NO ASSEMBLY which is God's, except the Worldwide Church of God. Facebook


  1. Which church is the true church is all moot because nobody even knows which books should be in the true bible.

  2. Of course, they fail to acknowledge that real historians have debunked Hislop. Ralph Woodrow, who at one time subscribed to Hislop's theories and wrote a book similar to "The Two Babylons", even went to the trouble of writing a second book repudiating not only his first book on the topic, but also Hislop's work as well. Because "The Two Babylons" has always been used to support Armstrong theology, Armstrongist teachers ignore the latest and most truthful information, and act as if "The Two Babylons" is actually based on fact. It was always a hatchet job, written by a man known to be a rabid anti-Catholic, one who committed many scholarly blunders and made unwarranted leaps of logic to "prove" his points.

    This is another example in how you cannot educate the followers of Herbert Armstrong away from the errors their "Apostle" taught. When you bullet-proof, or teflonize your teacher into a quasi-Biblical character, the desired mplication is that he is beyond critique, fact checking, or correction. It's also an example of the monumental willful ignorance of human lemmings, particularly the ones which might be running around the kitchen.

  3. I "trump" Kitchen and his "Worldwide Church of God".

    I hereby declare "The Tonto Radio Church of God"

  4. Why would anyone want to continue the teachings of a biblical/theological ignoramus? Yes, I know, the money. But that is not the vibe I get from the Kitchen clan. They seem as in love with HWA as Flurry is.

    This has absolutely nothing to do with God, this is straight up idolatry, but they don't see it.

  5. You write: "allows them to steal all the literature they can from WCG/GCI to republish as their own property"

    In the court case between the WCG organization and the PCG, the judge could not give the WCG "exclusive usage" since they discontinued the publications, and their doctrines were vastly different from what the publications taught. The court could not restrict publications that were given freely with no cost, to the public, for the copyright and trademark extended into public domain.

    As long as those publications are shared then that usage is still alive.

    That original usage is what we are striving to preserve.

    The PCG sought after "exclusive usage", which is a limitation and restriction on OTHERS from publishing. The WCG organization sought after this "exclusive usage" too.

    But the courts could not grant "exclusive usage" to either of them.

    The PCG, wanted copies of everything the WCG had, to gain evidence to show the WCG doctrines had changed, and therefore they could not restrict the PCG. This request, placed all documents into public domain.

    This is why both parties had court documents sealed, when they settled out of court. To keep what they could in certain pockets only.

    Continue to part 2.

  6. Part 2>
    But what we learned from that court battle, is the PCG prints their own versions, and the original is protected.

    In 2004, Earl and Shirley Timmons started a new copyright or trademark for "the World Tomorrow programs". They claimed ownership of all the World Tomorrow programs produced by Herbert W Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God, TV and radio all the way back to 1934.

    They tried to shut us down, but the original usage is KING. Their new copyright doesn't go in effect, until after the original usage is dead.

    But what the "Kitchen family" has done is revived that original usage and have fought the battles with GCI legal department and Timmons group and other libraries, who want to STEAL these publications in order to restrict, regulate and rewrite history.

    We aren't stealing anything, but we are protecting the already published works of the Church and Mr. Armstrong.

    The Scarborough family, I've had a bone to pick with, because they are attempting to place their copyright over these publications, and they are collecting tithes and offerings without a ministry. I take that back, they are now joined with COGASSEMBLY. But their website says they are not associated with any organization.

    All I ask is to be open and honest, and have respect towards each other. I can respect someone who is genuine and honest in what they believe. I may not agree with them, but I have a certain respect.
    I'm against corruption, and that's what bone I have to pick, because of the corruption and deception.

    Everyone is like vultures picking clean what they can from the Worldwide Church of God. After all these years, if someone believes that the Worldwide Church of God is gone, and THEIR group is right, why do they get so rageful when they hear of people still believing what the Worldwide Church of God believed? They go out of their way to tell their membership how evil the Worldwide Church of God is.

    I have no doubt evils occurred among sinners. God called sinners to repent. And we all have to repent of sin. So when a people talks about getting rid of sin, a magnifying glass is placed upon them with judgement to see if they really do live according to how they talk. We all fail under that scrutiny don't we.

    Admission when we are wrong and have done wrong is needed, and proper change is also needed.

    Some will say the doctrines and teachings of the Worldwide Church of God, are the reason for the sins. No. They expose the sins don't they.

    To the work of holding fast, we often are faced with questions of how to hold fast. So we find scriptures as the best resource to answer those questions.

    And the answers are there. We don't idolize the man. We are passionate about applying scripture in our struggle to obey Christ in Revelation 3:11.

    So when combating opposition, we become adamant and strong, holding the will of God firmly in our minds.

    People talk a talk of peace and goodwill towards others. I know it's been fashionable to focus on evils of others.

    But to what end?

    In our search for what happened to the Worldwide Church of God, we found out these other splinter groups were not teaching as they professed and they had organized into something that was different from the Worldwide Church of God. They are churches which are ALIVE through government liberty. They request status of a church by 501c3. They ask the state to give their organization Life.

    That's not what the Worldwide Church of God is about it's not what the body of Christ is about.

    So separating the differences, and putting priority on what the Bible says is all we are doing. We aren't seeking the demise of others. We are seeking for them to be honest and genuine. That is all.

  7. PCG actually LOST the court case and had to pay WCG millions of dollars for the rights to publish the books and booklets. PCG practices justified lying when they say they won. PCG, along with the Kitchens practice pure idolatry over HWA and his words. Jesus is rarely mentioned by any of them and when he is it is that he is passed off and coming soon to spank the world so that the PCG and the Kitchens can be gods and goddesses.

    1. Those claiming to be the Church of God, who have had history with the Worldwide Church of God and Herbert W Armstrong, are the reason why we mention Mr. Armstrong at all. There is a fraud happening. To distinguish between the fraud and the original, the original does have to be mentioned.
      As we refer to what the Bible says, we bring Mr. Armstrong into the conversation, to show people that it was not our idea! Anyone reading Mr. Armstrong's books and watching his programs or listening to his sermons, knows it wasn't his ideas he was pushing, he always took it back to the Word of God.

      Whenever the change in beliefs are approached, the response is like what you guys on this website do, attack Herbert W Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God.
      That's when we have to mention Herbert W Armstrong.
      Whenever a teaching that was taught by Herbert W Armstrong is brought up, people tend to respond with hate towards the man, even if he isn't mentioned!
      So our defense of a family member, who is related spiritually and physically, is only a response to those who keep bringing up their hate towards the man and against the Church.

      But as a matter of record preserving, I think his name should be mentioned as a citation, and matter of record. Like how people quote figures in history, whether they agree with them or not. History os very important.

      Our adherence to what the Bible says to do, isn't idolatry. It's in fact the opposite, if it's the instructions of God's Word.

      To disregard Bible instruction is exactly what "cults" have encouraged. That is evidence of how the WCG was not a cult.

      The PCG only uses HWA to try to get worship themselves. They teach heresy and they have created an idol of their image of HWA, which is a false image. The people drawn to them are sincere, and they do seek to do the work of God and supporting Mr. Armstrong . But the PCG is a fraud. It's a counterfeit and a lie.
      The PCG did lose the court case. They settled out of court, and gained permission to print their version. They do not own the books.

      Jesus Christ is still head of the Church. So I don't worry about these groups. But as long as I know there is a fraud and deception going on, the more I will cry out and warn my people, because I care. We are not in it for the money. We aren't for followers. But I will label the spiritual body of Christ what it is labeled in heaven. The Worldwide Church of God because it is the proper configuration of the Church of God.

      We just need to repent of sin, turn away from any departure from God's Word, and get back to what was taught, IF WE ARE THE MEMBERSHIP WE CLAIM TO BE!

      Let's be honest for a change.

    2. Where’s the proof that the PCG lost?

    3. @kitchen we’ll make sure you’ll get a threesome with Herb and Christ in the second resurrection

  8. All I know is that when I put out my garbage, I want the sanitary engineers to take it to the dump or incinerator. And I am sure that that's what the new, corrected version of the WCG wanted to happen. People unfortunately picked the garbage so it never made it to the dump. These court cases forced the WCG to sell its garbage to the people who picked through the trash. So, instead of being compelled to read the Bible anew for themselves, people continue to have a vehicle to perpetuate HWA's error. At least during early church history, Origen was very effective in countering and destroying Simon Magus's written works. Not to be worried, though! The wisdom of Gamaliel will ultimately prevail over Armstrongism!

  9. How can HWA be the end time Elijah and apostle if he lied about 1975 and for over 40 years kept saying that "in Christ's name, I tell you that Christ will return in 3 to 5 short years?" What apostle in the bible was a habitual liar?

  10. Any organism which ceases to grow is actually either dead or dying. The same happens with dead languages, such as Latin, which during my lifetime was something only studied, never actually spoken. It was recited in mass in Catholic churches around the world, but not used in actual conversation by groups or nations.

    The Armstrongism of Herbert W. Armstrong, actually did morph and change throughout his career in the ministry. The idea of collecting and curating his teachings begs for, or is an admission of the cessation of growth or change. It assumes that something has become static, and no longer adapts or interacts with the changing world around us. It canonizes the teachings or revelations of one man, making that man into one's Bible. If there ever were the type of revival that some seek or anticipate, this would all begin to become dynamic once again as there would be renewed interactions with the world around us and the constantly changing trends and times. But, those teachings were frozen in time as the then current version of HWA, the latest version just prior to his death. Anyone who attempts to continue to teach this will be influencing it in some ways through their own personalities. That is inevitable, and has been proven amongst all who lead splinter groups based on HWA.

  11. I appreciate what Samuel Kitchen wrote about above. Love or hate the WCG and the Armstrongs, it is certainly good that there is an archive of everything for research and historical reasons.

    Tkach imagined that if they just "cancelled" HWA and the WCG that somehow its former ideas and history would just vanish. It is good that we have records of what the Nazis did, or the Japanese in WW2 . It is also important to realize that most issues in life are complicated, and it is worthwhile to have resource material for reference, for both bad and good.

    In regards to Flurry's group and lawsuits against CGI for copyrights etc, here is from Wikipedia...

    In August 1985, Armstrong's final work, Mystery of the Ages, was published. The WCG described it as a "synopsis of the Bible in the most plain and understandable language". By 1987, the WCG ceased printing the book, citing "biblical discrepancies".[52] In 1997, the PCG decided to reprint Mystery of the Ages and a six-year legal battle over its copyright ensued.[53][54] While the WCG believed that it was their "Christian duty" to keep Mystery of the Ages out of print,[55] the PCG claimed that God had commissioned them to get the book out to the "largest audience possible".[56][57][58]

    In 1999, the District court ruled in favor of the PCG, but was reversed later by the Ninth Circuit Court in 2000.[59] With an injunction to stop printing Mystery of the Ages issued, Flurry appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court and reassured his followers that his court case will be heard before the Supreme Court.[60] A few weeks later, the Supreme Court declined to hear their petition.[59] During the same year, the PCG made different offers to license or purchase some or all of Armstrong's literary works, resulting in an out of court settlement of $3 million for Mystery of the Ages and 18 other works.[61][62]

  12. PCG paid WCG to be able to print WCG books. That payment is even documented in Stephen Flurry's "Raising the Ruins" but written in such a way that you would think they paid to win the legal battle, when, in fact, that payment really proved that they lost. Paying someone is a legal thing indicating you lost.

  13. I think most of you are wrong. PCG did not pay to be able to publish. PCG actually owns the copyrights to many of HWAs books. Lnick

  14. Armstrongism died with its cult leader.
    He destroyed many families and lives along the way. Herbert W. Armstrong killed people threatening them with loss of salvation if they sought medical care for life saving surgeries yet flew in physicians & had a live in doctor toward the end of his life. He killed his first wife denying her life saving surgery & raped his daughter for years. He was a mad man who received and manipulated people for his own personal gain. Doctrine changed according to his personal lifestyle. While Herbert W Armstrong was telling people to sell their property, he had a cruise planned on a brand new ship. Billy Graham was famous for calling people (last chance to repent before they died.). Billy Graham didn't know Marilyn Monroe would be dead in a week or other people. God did. Herbert W
    Armstrong had his last chance. He did not repent and paid a high price rejecting Jesus and all of Holy Spirit's promptings.

  15. Herbert W. Armstrong cherry picked scripture. If you read the verses surrounding the verse he picked out, the chapter, and the Book, you would be shocked at all the verses he took completely out of context. What a salesman. He clearly did not fear God.
