Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, April 23, 2023

BREAKING: Bob Thiel's So-Called "evangelist" Evans Ochieng Is Issuing Death Threats And Has Vowed To Destroy Aleksandar Sasha Veljic's Church

Bob Thiel has trained his so-called Christian "evangelist" in Africa really well. Evans Ochieng Kisiengo is showing his true colors and is as nasty as we imagined him to be. Bob Thiel's continued glamorization of his African church is appalling. His pretend leaders in Africa are proving to be everything we have been saying they are over the last thirteen years.

Post office box 124, Migowi, Phalombe, MALAWI
April 24, 2023


Since the inception of our church organization in Malawi, on March 9, 2023, many Africans have shown interest in our teachings, mission and leadership, especially in the country of Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and Kenya. To our surprise, various members of our fellowship in Africa have been subjected to refined forms of persecution not by non-Christians, but by followers of a church which claims to be “a Philadelphia remnant” with the truest understanding of the Bible. 
The ringleader of African persecutors is a former Seveth Day Adventist preacher from Ndhiwa, Kenya, Evans Ochieng Kisiengo, who has vowed to destoy our fellowship in Africa. To that end, Ochieng has gathered a group of coworkers under his command in order to disturb and intimidate our members. An example of threatening and intimidation is a recent event, when a Hope of Israel member in Kenya, Jacob Otieno, received a phone call from “deacon Grantone Otieno” as it showed on display. When he answered the call, he found out it was actually “evangelist Evans” who told Jacob he was going to deal with him properly. Such an act would be treated in various countries as a deaththreat. Since then Jacob has received yet more death threats. 
We have received reports that the above mentioned ringleader also hired individuals to cyber bully our mmebers in Kenya and elsewhere through false Facebook accounts. Therefore, I feel urge to warn others of those false Christians in Africa who disturb and threaten our innocent members who joined Hope of Israel Worldwide Church of God.

Other than above mentioned Grantone Otieno, deacon in service to evangelist Evans Ochieng Kisiengo, two other individuals have been noticed to collaborate with Ochieng: Isaiya Owac from Kenya and Radson Mulozowa from Malawi! The latter has committed several misdeeds in Malawi with the help of his superior Ochiengo. Mulozowa`s un-Christian actions have even drawn the attention of the Malawian authorities. Some witnesses who can attest to his violations of God`s commandments have been either bribed, or ruthlessly kicked out of the church where Mulozowa is a pastor. 
There have also been reports that this duo from Malawi and Kenya has been involved in bribing various individuals with money and motobikes. There is also evidence of their sexual improprieties and them hiring witch doctors. Even though all the evidence of their violations of the Christian way of life has been presented to their superior in U.S.A., who regularly finances them, nothings has changed. 

The Bible teaches even love one’s enemies, but those persecutors only pretend to believe the Bible. They spare no effort to intimidate and persecute Hope of Israel Worldwide Church of God members. So, their fruits show them to be false Christians pretending to be God-fearing followers of the Bible. Therefore, there is a need to point out to all members of our fellowship, as well as to other Christians, that the above mentioned individuals are not who they claim to be. In fact, they are just a group of false Christians who don`t understand the Bible, even if they know what is written there. Thus, based on their spiritual fruits, evidence of their actions and various witnesses, I hereby mark Evans Ocheing Kisengo of Kenya and Radson Mulozowa of Malawi, as well as their coworkers and collaborators in their evil deeds that contravene Bible commands, as enemies of the Church of God. Those individuals are to be avoided at all cost as some of them are involved with witch doctors, while all of them are evil doers who show no sings of repentance whatsoever. 
May God grant mercy to all their victims, and may true Jesus Christ give them just wage when He returns.

Aleksandar Sasha Veljic
Presiding elder of Hope of Israel Worldwide Church of God


  1. Bob has yet again shown his true colors. He is going to sit in his comfortable first-world home and scream persecution from former believers instead of kicking out his evangelist. Bob won't do anything because he needs the numbers to impress us all by. No one is any longer impressed by him and his stats. His church has turned into a dysfunctional dangerous cult being led by Evans Ocheing Kisengo of Kenya and Radson Mulozowa of Malawi. These vile men are the face of Bob's church. I pray for the release of the captives being controlled by these vile men!

  2. Thiel's African leaders have made a fool of him and he does nothing.

  3. We saw this one coming ages ago!

  4. How did the unordained Sasha Veljic become a "Presiding Elder"? Veljic wasn't ordained before coming to CCOG. How convenient that Veljic considers Bob unfit to run a church but fit to ordain elders!

  5. Sasha certainly fulfills the role of an elder far better than unordained Bob Thiel does as a prophet, evangelist, and chief overseer.

    All Church of God leaders refused to ordain Bob so he had to go to his fake leaders in Africa to have them ordain him.

    Everything about Bob and his church is a fraud.

  6. Well, I hope they don't end up like the Africans who allegedly starved to death while fasting to meet Jesus.


  7. When they remember that they are all African brothers and Christian brothers it will all blow over. Nothing to worry about. Africa is a very peaceful place. Africans are very peaceful people. American inner cities are probably worse, so don't point the finger.

  8. Wow! -- Thiel's Africa churches make an episode of the TV show "Breaking Bad" seem tame!

  9. Again, an example of the doctrines and policies of the leaders making the church a toxic place! How many times did we listen to messages from the pulpit threatening brethren with eternal death if they did not modify their behavior???. Evans is following an example which he learned in church. Authoritarianism begets authoritarianism. If it is part of a culture or corporation, people view it as a position of strength.
