Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

HID-TV Dawn Blue and Mark Cebrian Discuss Dave Pack Recent Failures And Why Members Stay


Dawn Blue is back with her excellent series on David C Pack's Restored Church of God with interviews of ex-RCG employee Marc Cebrian.

In this episode, they discuss the failed dates of Jesus Christ's return since November, the tactics David C. Pack uses, and why the brethren stay.

This is episode 9 of the series.


  1. Armstrongism is even more powerful today than in its glory days of the 1960s. Today's top-ten Armstrong cults have a billion-dollar war chest~one even has its own corporate jet!

  2. Anonymous at 11:47:

    Doubtful. UCG has about $20 million in reserves and assets, and let's just assume for argument that LCG, COGWA, Pack and Flurry have an equivalent amount. That would be about $100 million.

    Beyond those five groups , it falls off pretty quick. I would be surprised if any of them have a $2 Million dollar reserve, but again , for sake of argument then let's give that number. So all told, no more than $120 million net worth for the top 10.

    I got my numbers from financial filings by these groups that they have posted , or by extrapolation of FOT attendance numbers et al. Even if you DOUBLED my estimates, you are still a LONG WAY away from a Billion Dollar war chest. At its peak, the WCG had about a $300 Million Dollar (2023 adjusted for inflation) net worth, and about an equivalent amount in annual income.

  3. Armstrongism is even more powerful today than in its glory days of the 1960s.

    The glory days were the early 1980s. That's when they had their bigger membership and TV audience. Since then they seem to have declined in membership and impact.

  4. Who doesn't want to help other people?

    I dunno. Dave Pack maybe?

  5. People are still there now because ... (drum roll) hindsight is 20-20.

  6. If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with BS. -- Dave Pack .

  7. I believe a lot of members stay because of what is called the sunk cost fallacy. In their zeal they foolishly gave Pack everything, and now have very little. Now they have too much invested, and won't walk away , desperately hoping their investment will one day pay off. It won't.

    Thomas Munson

  8. The people stay in these churches because they are the same as the leader. They are locked up/down together to suffer the same fate. The Bible plainly days this.
