Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Would You Help Build A Library In Petra Dedicated To The Worldwide Church of God And Herbert Armstrong?

More from the Kitchen clan:

Samuel Kitchen dreams of building a library in Petra to house the world of Herbert Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God. Would you be willing to send him money to do that?

Last fall I went to Jerusalem and then to Petra! 
The Scripture that stuck out to me on this trip was Jeremiah 6:1. 
"O ye children of Benjamin, gather yourselves to flee out of the midst of Jerusalem, and blow the trumpet in Tekoa, and set up a sign of fire in Bethhaccerem: for evil appeareth out of the north, and great destruction." 
Another scripture that stuck out to me on this trip was Revelation 12:14. 
"And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent." 
When we reached Jerusalem, we found out we could not stay in Jerusalem as it was too dangerous for us there. We fled to Petra. And in Petra we kept the Feast of Trumpets, The Day of atonement, the Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day. 
We had made a proclamation in Jerusalem, for all members of the Worldwide Church of God to join with us in Jerusalem for the Holy days, but soon after, we had to flee and find refuge outside of Jerusalem. 
We had gathered in Jerusalem just to flee the city. 
When staying in Petra I couldn't help but think on God placing His name there. Could it be "her place"? 
Satan was obviously upset with our proclamation in Jerusalem and us being in Petra. 
I haven't had such trials before. Christ was showing me sins to overcome and how to deal with certain situations. 
I can't help to be thinking about going back to Jerusalem sometime soon. I made some dear friends in Petra. They are like family. 
I want to build a library of church materials and establish it in Petra. I think, even if I don't make it, 
I want God's people to have access to God's truth. And with God placing His name there last fall, I wonder...when has God placed His name in Petra for His Church? So I've been thinking about that. 
How many would contribute to a fundraiser used to build a library for the Worldwide Church of God in Petra? 
Let me know below in the comments.


  1. NO!!!! I threw all my magazines, booklets, books and reprints in the trash where they belonged. I finally realized after spending 30 plus years in WCG I has been conned. Herbert would thunder out, you robbing god if you don’t give till it hurt. Then he took the money and lived a life of luxury. Outside of old WCG members, who even remembers HWA. Over and over he predicted Christ would “return in the next few years”. He was full of malarkey.


  2. If anyone goes to Petra, they're going to need toilet paper much worse than a library of HWAcaca.

    Speaking of the process of elimination, we at least know that the two witnesses are not going to come from the Kitchen clan. The two witnesses would have stayed in Jerusalem and allowed themselves to be killed to fulfill prophecy.

  3. You know, sometimes the cog "men" leave me almost at a loss for words. The flat out worship of HWA, not God amazes me. The Kitchens themselves were on here about a week ago, vehemently denying they worship Herbert, but believe his teachings. I call shenanigans on that. This article is just more proof of where their heart lies.

    These cog leaders are so frantically running, at break neck speed, PASSED Calvary BACK TO Mt. Sinai, and their dream come true would be if they bumped into HWA on the way. They are running passed the One Who made us right with God. Who told us He will never reject us and loves us just the way we are (John 6:37). Why are these men leading you away from Jesus and back to Moses? If you think you are a Christian by keeping the 10 commandments, you are in peril. Imminent, eternal peril. Why are you trying to do what He already did for you? Why are you letting these false prophets and false teachers ask something of you that Jesus Himself does not ask? He tells us if we love Him, keep His entole (commands, teachings) John 8:31. Stop running toward Moses and away from Jesus. He is waiting for you and loves you perfectly, just as you are. HWA loved money, power and himself. Why would anyone in their right mind want to immortalize that, much less finance it?

  4. The legend that the church once fled to Pella is disputed. Since the "type" is disputed, the "antitype" of a flight to Petra is arguably doubtful as well.

  5. I paid tithes for decades. I saw people in the church much less diligent than I get ahead and have successful lives. I got nowhere in life. Of course, it was all "my" fault because it can't be the fault of God or the message of the ministry.

    1. Did you possibly take too much notice of the ministry 6:29 ? The people who you deemed 'less diligent' than yourself got ahead and had successful lives perhaps they perceived things you did not?
      Walking with God is not necessarily doing what the 'ministry' desire.

  6. Some people are just going to remain Petrafied until their next life or the next age.

  7. Members that been in HWAs church for decades should have outgrown the church literature by now. They should have also outgrown their ministers and leaders at this point.

  8. ...to house the world of Herbert Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God.

    I thought Edmond, OK already was doing that.

  9. I like all the comments..Very thoughtful & intelligent. No fools here.
    In fact, they are a mighty army rising up which God is using right now to set people free from cults. They will never be fooled again. You are very dangerous to Satan.. Excellent

  10. W. E. Blackstone, a dispensationalist preacher, put Bibles in the Petra caves, sometime before the 2nd World War. He believed the Jews would take refuge in Petra during the tribulation, so he put Bibles there for them to read, so they would hear the Gospel. I don't believe anybody ever cracked open any of those Bibles. And, I suspect the Kitchen's plan will never come to pass either.

  11. Which group is "Kitchen" anyway?

  12. Today, you just put every piece of literature in the cloud and make 30 by 50 mm bronze plaquette with the website or access to the claud and put it up there somewhere and you have a library of 33.000 or whatever size of books and articles.


  13. “Which group is "Kitchen" anyway?”

    The claim the name Worldwide Church of God. Stolen just like everything else.

  14. IDEA TIME!---

    Let's build a library in Petra with access to BANNED BY HWA editions, along with Gavin Romney stuff, and Ambassador Report archives!

    1. Oh how the ego runs away with itself "Tonto"
      This anti-God blog going against the very character of Jesus is not a patch on the honesty of Gavin Romney. Nor the bravery of Ambassador Reports. You lie to yourself.

  15. Did you possibly take too much notice of the ministry 6:29 ? The people who you deemed 'less diligent' than yourself got ahead and had successful lives perhaps they perceived things you did not?

    Those people did not do their bible study, they did not live by Christian principles, they didn't keep the Sabbath properly, they listened to worldly music, watched worldly TV programs, watched vulgar movies, and did a pile of other things the BIBLE forbids.

    1. How did you know 8:42 ? Or are you ministry yourself ???

  16. From what I've read recently, Petra is crumbling and somewhat endangered because it is a popular tourist attraction. It was lesser known back in the 1930s through '60s. It is really no longer viable as a hiding place or place of safety. Actually, it never really was, because without the US Constitution and Bill of Rights tying the hands of the leaders of Armstrongism, they would have governed us under Levitical law. There would soon have been stonings, and people being put out of the camp for relatively minor offenses once those guys had the conch. Us peons would never have been safe, just trapped and living in fear.

    Hope everyone feels like they had given their Petra tax to God, because the entity to sue in a class action suit no longer exists if you want your money back.

  17. 6.29 pm, you're not giving out that much information, but one thing I've learnt over the years is that those who supposedly 'got ahead and had successful lives' is often untrue. People wear Sabbath masks and pretend to have perfect marriages, but the reality is often very different. That these people are often envious of those who are outwardly less successful than themselves is one proof of this.

  18. To those who are anonymous...
    Who owns the farm you are shoveling this from? I need help with my garden.

    1. C'mon Kitchen. Live up to your namesake Samuel. Who owns the farm all this crap comes from on here ? Who do you think fuels this ?
      Who fuelled all the crap from the past ?

  19. Because right or wrong, I'm willing to have my name posted with my words. If I'm wrong I'm willing to keep up my words show change. You can't even stand up and speak your mind, just slither out and croak and slither back. Tells me what value your words have.

  20. Samuel, your point of anonymity has been often addressed on this blog. Since some posters are still ACOG members, they would be approached by their minister if their identity was made known. For others it's a safety issue since they risk harassment and assault for having dissenting opinions.

    1. ACOG members ? The is zero evidence of this blog being run by ACOG members. All the fingers pointed out at the ACOG members is smoke and mirrors.
      The Journal of years gone by was NOT run by ACOG members. Ambassador Report was NOT run by ACOG members. This blog is supported by a network of rebels from within ACOG ministry.
      Anyone who's been around long enough can clearly see ministry fingerprints all over these anti-God blogs.

  21. You never know what might happen if you use your real name. I don't believe in British Israelism or German Assyrianism, but what if some kookaboo were turning posters' names over to the Germans? Or to African witch doctors? If you use your name, people who are curious can find out many personal details through sites like My Life. In cases where one has an unpopular or unusual last name, it can really open the flood gates. A personal friend who was in a beef with some dick over a bad used car sale found that his name had been placed in the data base for people who have STDs, and it is damned near impossible to get your name removed from it. We live in times when people want to kill you if you are from the opposite political party, especially when you vocal with your opinions. Those of us of draft age who followed the church teaching on military service had FBI files on us from a very young age. These days the NSA spies on everyday citizens.

    I am not going to let anyone bait me into using my real name on the internet. You no likey? Deal with it.

  22. Sam Kitchens,

    Are you familiar with the Federalist Papers written in anonymity? Pretty influential. There are multiple reasons for anonymity, particularly when relating to cultic organizations. Reason and generosity are not provided by these organizations which makes any meaningful discussion highly unlikely. So, rather than be separated from family and, secondarily, friends, anonymity is often preferable when discussing the many faults of the COGs.

  23. So the Kitchens were in Petra? How much bread did they bake there?
