Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Dawn Blue Interviews Former RCG Member Jessica Brown

On May 1, former Restored Church of God member Jessica Brown was interviewed by Dawn Blue of How It's Done for WCTV. Jessica was a member of the Headquarters congregation until late last year. Since then, she has been a contributor on exrcg.org. Her exit story helped others come forward.

Jessica continues to share her story and insight regarding the ongoing prophetic disaster of David C. Pack and The Restored Church of God.

Marc Cebrian



  1. Agree, good testimony, Jessica!

  2. What Jessica described is Marxism, communism, Satan's system. The money stays at the top and the people live in poverty. The government paints the outside of their houses for the parade if the tyrannical leadership drives by. They are forced to look excited or else draw attention to themselves risking their lives. People flee communist countries risking their lives to get to the United States instead of living in poverty. Why hand leadership a gun with bullets to shoot you? Glad you escaped. People should go after these people in the court system. You can do that in the USA. This is not Russia.

  3. So vulnerable unsuspecting people who give money at first and then think, "Hmm, this doesn't remind me of the Bible what they are saying or teaching"
    are labeled as, "common"? Wow
    Find a real church, people. Doesn't that cross anyone's line of conscience? Disturbing, the leaders and their labeling of people & money.
    Tools to be used.

  4. If I understand this, it is wrong for Christians to build places to meet regularly in cities having one or more services and events a week and replacing & repainting & updating appliances, and holding weddings and funerals seeing where their money is actually going, as well as donating time to volunteer helping people in their own communities, but your leadership steals from you having no assets in your community, no accountability of your finances, you will never ride those expensive horses or live on that expensive property, and that is normal or okay? There is no logic in your scene. It is called theft.

  5. The lovely campus and grounds are built on theft of finances, break up of families divorce, depression. That will impress the Lord..

  6. See WCG messed up big time. They could have bought buildings for local congregations around the country. Then the offerings during the holy days could have paid for the yearly property taxes. See when another pandemic hits, persecution or tribulation occurs, splinterdom is at the mercy of hotels closing and scrambling where to meet. We know that the church is the people and not a building, but they took it too far like they did many things. As a member you don’t see the fruit of your labor collectively. Now that there’s splinterdom, that opportunity has passed.

  7. It would be interesting to read people's comments who have left these abusive church leaders and blind followers of them. It would be interesting to read how God has (since their leaving) restored their relationships with their parents, spouses, siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles. It would be interesting to read from the older generation since their departure how their children who were raised in that abusive setting & who have been out of it awhile, are now finding God and have a strong personal relationship with their creator. Let's give God the praise!

  8. After listening to this video, awesome that you left! Congratulations on a wise decision! The Bible tells us not to steal. Yet you were being told to steal from many people including your yourself, and your future retirement.
    If a person didn't pay rent because a cult leader told them to not giving them the money due the landlord or bank for a contract you signed, that is stealing. The landlord would, obviously, be turned off by your representative of God stealing from him. He needs your money to pay his own bills. Incredible - the stealing multiplies. It makes you look crazy and God out to be poor, cruel, and unstable in all His ways. What a terrible representation of the Father.
    Telling people to max out credit cards plunging them into debt that can takes years to pay off is stealing which you should be putting away for your future when you are too old to work and leave the remaining amount to your children is grand theft.. It is about controlling you. Losing your car so you can't drive. You don't live in a sunny place where everything is within walking distance like Antigua, Guatemala
    What the hell? Oh, that's right. That is where the leadership operates out of.

  9. I was a landlord at one time with a rental property. The tenants were required to show me their income so that I can determine if they will pay their bills because it will, inturn, effect me paying my own bills. We were connected. I had my own contract to
    pay to the bank from my tenant money. Q. Did you disclose that you might have to give the rental money due me to your cult leader? Did you ever bring it up? That is deception if you did not. I would never consider you. Enjoy your tent.. "Give it all" as your godless leadership demands your your hard earned money to live in
    luxury while you enjoy poverty, stress, and struggle with your conscious about breaking contracts stealing from real human beings with real faces. Enjoy the totally unnecessary stress on your life of suffering so you can't sleep at night which can manifest in mental and physical illness. Believe me, you are NOT on THEIR minds!

  10. Somebody once told me that the secret to successful military service was avoiding doing anything that made you stand out as conspicuous to the chain of command. During my young adulthood, I spent my entire time attempting to fly below the radar, unnoticed by the ministers. And, I believe that that is especially important today for members of the splinter groups, some more than others. You want them not to know exploitable details of your life, such as your salary level, or whether you have equity in your home.

    Observing the behavior and managerial style of the ministers had convinced me that having access to "the truth" and making it to the place of alleged safety meant that I had to regularly accede to ministers who were insufferable A-holes. I even had some pet nicknames for a couple of the worst and their wives: Ahola, and Aholibah. Kind of a play on the phrase A-hole.

    The worst ministers were nothing less than bullies. The keys to dealing with bullies were either 1) Be bigger and badder than the bullies, which would have gotten one immediately expelled from an ACOG, or 2) Treat em like cops and don't do anything to attract their attention.
