Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, May 7, 2023

God hates Division - The couple Dave Myers is upset about


This guy makes more sense than anything Dave Myers speaks!

This is the couple Dave Myers kicked out of COGWA recently and blamed for causing "division".

Note comments from former COGWA members:

"I love this message! Following Jesus who, as you rightly show, came to cause division. It is what truth does. When presented, truth necessitates a listener to either accept or reject it, hence a division may occur. The problem within most of the COG's is they will not tolerate thinking and communicating members, unless what you think and communicate is totally in line with what they think and communicate and, of course, you must get their permission before you communicate it. This stems from the huge amount of insecurity shrinking membership roles have caused the corporate churches. This causes tighter controls on inter-corporate member fraternization, which in turn causes greater membership shrinkage. It's a vicious cycle which is accelerated by the abuses the ever popular but Biblically questionable, hierarchical government model provides. This sad story is only possible because of two vitamin deficiencies every COG seems plagued by. Vitamin "H" and Vitamin "J". These are the two most important ingredients in any successful church! Can you guess what they are? Yup, you guessed it! Humility and Jesus. :)" 
"Honestly this is why we left the cogs .. because I’m not sure they will ever be able to get over the arrogance of what they think is right… long enough to allow someone’s walk to be even remotely unique and reflect their own personal walk with God. They are threatened by the idea of anyone having a different stance on anything. Your intentions are good … but the freedom and peace that has come from moving on to other atmospheres has allowed growth I only wished for. We can pray and hope for unity but it’s definitely a bumpy road to true humility and re learning without the ego on what it means to walk with God."

I find this fascinating that here is a young man and his wife who dare to think for themselves and encourage others to do the same. I may not agree with all he has to say, but this is refreshing that he is doing this. The current corporate Church of God's are fossilized relics still trying to live in the past, The younger members, thanks to the internet, have overturned that broken-down apple cart and are forging ahead.

Corporate COG leaders cannot handle regular members gathering on their own to study the Bible, wrestle with what they read and talk about it WITHOUT a minister present. 99% of the time the conclusions and understanding these people will arrive at are BETTER than anything a corporate COG minister will tell them.


  1. One of the saddest things about the cogs is that many will look the other way for many things that people may do on a Friday night, but the surest behavior that will get a personto get kicked out of the cog is to have a Bible study on Friday night (or any other night).

  2. Gods church is not a corporation!! We left cogwa about 7 hrs ago and are with CBCG a true shepherd leads us and feeds us! We got so fed up with the lies our minister accused us of and all so called good old boys! We left best thing we ever done. Oh yes we were I. Worldwide then United then Cogwa they all have their agendas and getting nowhere

    1. So sorry if course I meant 7 yrs please overlook my typo

  3. "We left cogwa about 7 hrs ago and are with CBCG a true shepherd leads us "

    What?????????????? Fred Coulter is just as looney as Wade Cox, Gerald Flurry, and Dave Pack, just in his own unique way. He is just as dangerous.

    1. There you go. For some, splinter-surfing is the only way to find the perfect solution. Sample the different flavors of vomit in an attempt to find just the right combination of Armstrongism.

      Why not start from square one, fresh sheet of paper, looking everywhere for the truth, and not just amongst the splinters? Study the materials and sources which were forbidden?

    2. You are so very wrong!!! Fred lived thru the abuse of worldwide and considers himself only a teacher nothing else! The abuse continues on in cogwa and the ministers will pay dearly

  4. It is the old "yellow pencil" syndrome , where everyone has to fit into a mold , socially, demeanor, music, personality, dress, and many more.

    We are not talking about "sin" here, which obviously should not be encouraged or practiced, but a "personality strait jacket" that can be very stifling to those who do not conform to being "The Yellow Pencil".

  5. I like Tonto's remarks. He says it the way it is. It is impossible to grow in any way with a straightjacket on your personality, hobbies, activities to connect, job, church. Not a healthy environment.

  6. They need to read the whole Bible for themselves asking Holy Spirit to teach them, not limited books with cherry picked scripture controlled by the gangster leadership.

  7. People please read Jer:23. and Eze:34 for yourselves, it is exactly relevant to the subject you are discussing, thanks. (Our Father himself will gather his own scattered people in this day of deep gloom). You can understand, thanks.

  8. Read for yourselves Jer:23 and Eze:34.

  9. Or don't read it for yourselves, then don't complain about the rot these fake prophets are telling you.
