Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Restored Church of God: There is no warmth of life in this cadaver. And it has already begun to stink.


A Morgue


David C. Pack was forced to give two messages back-to-back this week because some faithless members were weary of being eunuchs. “The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 439)” was given on May 2, 2023. Part 440 on May 3. That was not his plan, and Dave let us know it.


Those in RCG who only listen to Parts 439 and 440 will be in the dark about what their Pastor General is changing. Compounded by confusing pronouns, you will be lost if you do not observe him carefully on video. You can never be sure which Kingdom he is talking about unless you follow the dancing finger.


Some elements of these articles will be interwoven between both Parts because some content was presented that way. A quick summary for the short-attention folks is in order.


•  WE Misunderstood Some Things

•  Pointing—This Is The Way

•  Jesus Christ Returns On Second Passover—MAYBE

•  No Crown For King Charles III—MAYBE

•  A Pentecost Kingdom Start—No More

•  Permanent Death For 5.2 Billion People—No More

•  RCG’s Growth Rate—Flat

•  The Series Is Over

•  Daniel Is Unsealed

•  If We Are Still Here…


The second Passover, as the Bible and Church Administration instructed, has already lapsed. That was Thursday evening until sunset last night. David C. Pack’s counterfeit second Passover started last night and ends tonight at 8:28 PM ET.


The Bible is clear that Iyar 14 is the correct date. A false teacher’s version is Iyar 15. The center of the full moon occurred in the afternoon of Iyar 14. How the Bible and the lunar cycle both expose David C. Pack as a biblical fraud is just a fantastic coincidence. 


See, Dave? Even the moon calls you a liar. Some commenters call him “the Liar of Iyar.”



Remembering the past helps frame the present and anticipate the future. This is a lesson David C. Pack seems blind to and doomed to never grasp.


King Charles III was crowned this morning, causing some red faces in Wadsworth.


David C. Pack proved to his audience at the Feast of Tabernacles that every word he speaks falls to the ground and returns to him void.

Flashback Part 399 – October 15, 2022

@ 19:22 …and Christ is gonna come before that man wears the crown.


Flashback Part 435 – April 15, 2023

@ 33:05 King Charles is supposta be coronated within hours. It will be the most-watched event in the history of the world, and…it’s gonna get chopped short right before he ever puts a crown on. You can’t make that up…which is the 6th of May. Which, of course, is the 15th of Iyar, and he would never be crowned.


David C. Pack has no idea what he is talking about. Believe him to your own shame.



Parts 439 and 440 this week were a challenging climb and not for the faint of heart.


Part 439 – May 2, 2023

00:07 Again, Good afternoon. Gonna have messages back-to-back because a lot of the folks who are on staff are going to the Poconos singles activity.


It will be interesting to see the pictures of this event on social media. More tables of smiling people who cannot date each other due to age differences or being the wrong race. Having “too many” divorces even before baptism is also a restricting factor, but those folks are not allowed to attend.


One thing those single people have in common this weekend is how faithless they all are. They did not really believe David C. Pack. They never believed the second Passover would be fulfilled as their Pastor General taught. Even though he walked it back, he renewed it again with a solid MAYBE this week.


If Jesus Christ will return "some time" before Trumpets, why bother to start dating when there is not enough time to get married? (Well, unless you are a Headquarters minister.) And why would Church Administration schedule such a defiant event?


The answer: Nobody in RCG takes David C. Pack seriously. They just fake that they do.


The minority All-Believing Zealots are the exception. Trust me, nobody wants to date them.


The like-minded Poconos singles will be able to share their collective disbelief in the doctrines of the Pastor General. This will make an excellent conversation ice-breaker.


“So, when did you stop believing Mr. Pack?

For me, it was the Night Watch of 2019.

How about you?”



If the singles thought Dave was done sideways blaming them for forcing him to speak two days in a row, then they do not know him. During an Excuse Parade of Part 440, he brought the event up again while encapsulating a date-suggestion because date-setting is no longer his job. “Maybe” is his new security blanket.


Part 440 – May 3, 2023

@ 37:37 And I may be reading it wrong. There may be something I’m missing. But I just felt I thought about this for a long time. Do I bring this up? Raise everybody’s hopes? We all know we’re getting close. But, the last days of my voice would be yesterday and today. Rushing to get this out. There was a schedule kinda was thrown at me a little differently with this trip to the Poconos. The singles, and so forth. That's fine. But, the point is here we are, and the Series is just tapping us a hint, and then we're supposta wait a tiny, tiny micron or call it a maha. Or {I’m} he’s about to. Or {I’m} he's prepared the way. Are we looking at, you know, Christ is coming on a moed. Well, that’s a Sabbath. And it’s a full moon. And it’s the start of the second Passover. And we’re this church is twenty-four years old to the day. And the important number 390, which maybe I’ll get to if we're here on Friday, and this isn't right.


If we are here on Friday? Notice how he sets a date without setting a date. Dave has to rely on wordplay. Also, notice he still contends the second Passover is Friday to Saturday. But, if anyone believes what the Bible says (and Dr. Ranney, I included you in on this), they would agree the second Passover ENDED at sunset Friday night. It did NOT begin on the Sabbath.


Iyar 15 is a counterfeit second Passover taught by a counterfeit apostle.


“Number 390” must be a new unexplained pointless fixation. It is a recent secret he unlocked staring at the bowl of water late into the night that means something to only him and the others in the Packian Triad of Fraud that breathe too much of those fumes coming from the cauldron in the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium.


@ 38:39 …'cause the Series is 390 weeks. And I just tried to wonder, "Wow, that's a lot." Is it possible that that, coupled with the crown coming off that this is the day we’ve been waiting for? And the answer (honestly, brethren) is maybe. I’m not setting dates anymore. I’m just not doing it. It’s not the thing I sh–I’m here to do. My job is to explain what’s gonna happen.


The “sh" was Dave catching himself, almost verbally acknowledging, "It's not the thing I SHOULD be doing." He almost said it because, deep down, he knew that was true. There is a lot David C. Pack should not be doing, but he does anyway. He is not entirely unaware. His slip-up exposed that.



Part 439 – May 2, 2023

00:07 Again, Good afternoon. Gonna have messages back-to-back because a lot of the folks who are on staff are going to the Poconos singles activity. So, it’d be a morgue. I was gonna go Tuesday and Thursday, but I wanna try to finish this whole thing up in two more messages.


Morgue is an adept word choice. Not only is it spot-on for the state of brethren in The Restored Church of God, but more appropriately, of those at Headquarters.


The truth has a toe tag. Critical thinking is cold on the slab. Hearts and minds have been removed, resting in a jar on the shelf. There is no warmth of life in this cadaver. And it has already begun to stink.


Hirelings have stripped the corpse of clothes and jewelry. The Pastor General uses pliers to extract gold teeth. The brethren are left as hollow, empty husks to be dumped in the dirt and left to rot.


Some bodies have gone missing. Those that choose to stay in their frigid confinement lay down with eyes closed, mouths shut, minds quiet, and motionless in the dark silence. What remains in RCG are only the remains.


Wow. This is The Restored Church of God.


As a bonus for those who would not know, the Main Hall is kept unreasonably cold during Dave's messages. The ladies wear shawls and wrap in blankets, while some men wear gloves. The African-origin members have the toughest time. After Salasi Jezhi and his charming wife leave, ask for his honest thoughts on how pleasant it is to freeze for two hours three times a week.


On a Sabbath at Headquarters, around ninety people suffer for the comfort of just one man. That is outgoing love and concern exemplified. I used to refer to it as the Meat Locker, but Dave brilliantly coined it better with “morgue.” It fits perfectly.


The Restored Church of God

A Morgue For The Truth.™


Dave rushed out two messages instead of pacing them because the Main Hall would have fewer eyes transfixed on his magnificence. Those pesky single folks desiring a warmer bed really inconvenienced him. I am surprised he did not forbid it or ridicule their lack of fearing God.


One of my trusted Consulting Former Ministers noted that Dave’s ego cannot tolerate speaking to a nearly empty room. He craves the adoration of a full audience, so waiting until many people were traveling was unacceptable. Ego trumps preparation. Every time.



Part 440 was pushed out ahead of schedule, and man, you can tell. There is a wishy-washy hesitation and confusing delivery, screaming that the content was not baked thoroughly. Dave needed more time to polish his final malarkey dump. Those singles totally boned him.


Dave must also be in desperate need of sleep because he is woefully unclear. The author of confusion is really getting his money’s worth at the Wadsworth franchise.

Part 440 – May 3, 2023

@ 19:11 Christ’s Kingdom is the 1-Year Kingdom. I wanted to just talk about that because it leads to a fascinating situation. I want you to turn over to Zechariah 6. I promised that we would come back to this and that we would need to come back to it, and I wanna talk about it because it looks like it’s Christ’s Kingdom. Zechariah 6. And it’s not His Kingdom.


For those only listening once, Dave was making a colossal change to the plan of God. But those watching later learn what “it” really was. Understanding Dave requires multiple replays to catch on. He was referring to the events of Zechariah 6. Not the 1-Year Kingdom at the introduction.


The guy allegedly commissioned to “make it plain” works his darnedest to prove otherwise. Keep your eyes on his pointing hands as if he were a pickpocket, or the wallet of your understanding will vanish.


@ 24:50 This cannot be His Kingdom.


That is so funny because if you listen to the eleven-minute section, it sounds like he is making a compelling case for why it IS His Kingdom.


Brethren watched him strain logic in real-time, and I got the sense he realized his perspective was faulty as the words spilled from his mouth.


@ 25:25 That’s important. When Christ comes, it says in Luke He gives {me} Elijah and the little flock all that He has. Well, He has it. So, I wanted to sort of conclude this one part.


I have reviewed this section at least five times. Christ is a king on His throne, wearing His crown. He "has" the Kingdom. If Jesus Christ has the authority to give something, it belongs to Him. It is His Kingdom. Therefore it can be called Christ's Kingdom. Since He is God, it would make His Kingdom the Kingdom of God. Right?


But not according to Dave. He repeats this is not Christ’s Kingdom but sounds more uncertain than he did at the start. He continues to prove how unsure he is by kneecapping his own argument.


@ 27:06 “Oh, but it’s not His Kingdom.” In a way, it is, and in a way it isn't. That's partly why it's called the Kingdom of Heaven and partly why it's so difficult to understand.


Throw the Kingdom of Heaven is NOT the Kingdom of God into the mix.


There are some topics Dave should not teach until he is more fully prepared. His not-thought-through teaching about the First Kingdom to Israel not being Christ’s Kingdom was not ready for primetime.


He actually proves the opposite as he goes along. Remember, he said, "It is NOT Christ's Kingdom," but admits it “partly” is. Is it Kingdom-lite, Dave?


The cracks in his convictions become evident with his tone, stumbling, mumbling, unfinished sentences, dropping parts of words, and sharp pivots. If I were a betting man, I would say that Dave will spend the majority of Part 441 undoing significant portions of Part 440. It will also give him another opportunity to throw the Poconos singles under the bus for pushing him too soon.


@ 27:18 The most technical correct way is the Kingdom of God over Israel. Or the Kingdom of the Lord Over Israel.


Well, which is it? It is absolutely NOT the Kingdom of God, even though he just called it the Kingdom of God over Israel? Wow, Dave is waffling.


As one who has closely studied Dave over the past year, I surmise this teaching will not live long. Too often on this topic, and during this Part, he ran out of gas before drawing a solid conclusion or making a definitive point. He got shouty at times, but not with crucial conclusions as is his custom.


Nope. This whole idea will be abandoned. Copy and paste this for when it does.



@ 1:28:21 So, we’ll conclude by saying there will maybe be more on Sabbath if we’re here. And maybe not, even if we’re here. I’m gonna wait and see. Good night, everyone.


The ambiguity of that statement makes it utterly pointless. That is the best way to end “The Greatest Untold Story!” Series that will soon prove to be Unending with Part 441 a guarantee.


Unclear and uncertain. It is over, but it is not over. We will be here, but we will not be here.


The Restored Church of God is a morgue for understanding and critical thinking.


“Making it plain” in a way that matters has ceased functioning. Brotherly love waxed cold long ago. Wretched teachings are bloated and oozing. A boney finger tells the story better than the lying lips guiding it. Hope is locked away in a refrigerated box to prolong the inevitable decay.


Believing the Bible has been incinerated. The truth has been contaminated and wrapped in plastic for proper disposal. The word of God has been butchered. The name of God has been dragged through the filth.


Staying in The Restored Church of God is fellowship inside a morgue.

Marc Cebrian

See: A Morgue


  1. I often think of the RCG people and what they force themselves to endure. Today has been a beautiful sunny day where I live. I was doing some repairs and maintenance on my house, and riding around in my lowrider shagging parts for my projects. The gas guage in the old gal doesn't work, but I had a full can of gas along just in case. I was in my faded Wranglers and an orange polo shirt with one of my customer's logos and phone number on it, no socks, so clearly I did not have to worry about what the "brethren" would think of my attire. Tonight I'll continue binge-watching "The Vampire Diaries" and will have a couple of cans of good Budweiser beer. I'm not bragging. I'm lamenting the fact that RCG members and the members of some of the other cults can't enjoy the things they would normally prefer on a beautiful sunny spring afternoon. My "stuff" is mostly working man's stuff, including my preferences in music. When relaxing in my leisure time, I am not required by my church to be pretentiously high brow. Fact is, even if Imdid have such requirements placed upon me, I'd be sneaking around to be my normal self.

    Am I worried about prophecy or the near future? Well, Lake Mead and Lake Powell are once again at least trending in the right direction, and we aren't yet faced with the latest shoot out between the Commies (Democrats), and the Nazis (Republicans), because the election is over a year and a half away. Hopefully neither party will gain meaningful supremacy over the other in 2024. So, this is pretty much as good as it gets. It'd be nice if all our former brethren could be enjoying it as well, but by this point in time, they are so accustomed to looking for the next disaster that they'd become absolutely paranoid if they had to live in stability or normalcy. They'd most likely need to invent stuff to maintain that "perfect" agitated state which is so readily exploitable by their ministers. Oh, hey, wait. Their ministers are already doing that!

  2. Presumably those who don't believe Dave stay because they have friends or family who do believe Dave and won't leave.

  3. I would suggest a moratorium on giving the RCG a presence in the media. It is a small insignificant Millerite group that does not rise to the level of the Branch Davidians. I would guess that everyone who can be rescued from the group, has been.

    The Branch Davidians were a small group - smaller than the RCG I believe - and did not attract attention until they started accumulating guns and hand grenades. Like the RCG, the BDs are Millerites. Like the RCG, the BDs think they are at the center of end time events. But there the similarity ceases. People in the RCG still show up in "Sabbath wear" at scheduled services and sing songs. There is no fortified Waco Compound. Although, by our norms, we may see toxicity in this organization, nothing that has happened in this tiny, odd group has been reportable to law enforcement (although I quit reading the RCG reporting long ago).

    This blog seems to be in the process of becoming "The RCG Report." What is the justification for that amount of press? Does someone see some kind of impending diaster. Is a Jim Jones kind of event about to happen? I think not. Why should we have a sustained interest in the group's unimportant internal Armstrongist machinations? Does the RCG leadership bask in the limelight of this blog? Certainly nobody else pays any attention to them. A once-in-a-while report on RCG for those who are interested will do.

  4. To RCG members, please know that NONE of this back and forth and spitting on you from the lectern, or stealing 40% of your income, or being hopelessly confused by your leader's "teachings", or insistence on keeping the law or the Jewish holy days on penalty of losing your salvation HAPPENS IN A CHRISTIAN CHURCH.

    You will be loved, safe and assured of your salvation (if you have received Jesus as your perfect propitiation) and welcomed every week. The Body of Christ is your family, wherever we may live and whatever Christian denomination we may worship in, we are family. Jesus Christ promises us that He will never leave us (ie, saved, not saved, saved maybe??) nor forsake us. Please come out of this monstrosity and come to Jesus. This does not happen in Presbyterian, Baptist, Lutheran, etc churches. You would be welcomed and counseled, if requested, to begin healing from the spiritual and emotional assault you have too long endured.

  5. 5:23

    I mostly agree. I had a pleasant Saturday myself. But there is a discordant note that nags in the background. It is becoming normative for people to shoot each other. While I was having sunny afternoon yesterday, there was another mass shooting at a Texas (where else?) outlet mall. Eight or nine people dead amidst the fast food and displays of jogging shoes and summer wear.

    We are ramping up for a civil war. Gun rights are being fanatically guarded because common people sense what is happening even if the news media does not. The police are quick to shoot and like as not with impunity. Much of the White population is telling the Blacks and Browns "We're ready. Bring it" through these events. Donald Trump was a part of this frightening "love letter" to people of color.

    After a mass bloodletting, I believe the Whites will win the war against the Blacks and Browns. Probably easily. I don't know what the outcome will look like but I conjecture that our nation will be restructured geographically and will never be the same again. I would conjecture that democracy will die and the sharp curtailment of freedoms will occur. Maybe not Neo-fascism but close. Maybe even a state religion will be instituted. And little Millerite denominations with their soothsayers and bleak prophecies will not be allowed to exist. They said the apocalypse would come, and for them, it will.

  6. PACK SAID-Part 440 – May 3, 2023
    @ 37:37 " There may be something I’m missing."

    Yes Dave, something is missing. It is called "sanity".

  7. I would conjecture that democracy will die and the sharp curtailment of freedoms will occur. Maybe not Neo-fascism but close. Maybe even a state religion will be instituted.

    Democracy cannot die because it has already been killed by the media-installed uniparty.

    There already is a state religion. It is called cancel culture.

    First they came for the Nazis. Then they called everyone a Nazi.

    Like most people, the cults won't wake up until it is too late. Even when it's over, they won't know what caused it or what really happened. They will remain clued out.

  8. 7:37, Your analysis and the scenario you presented certainly seems plausible, if not frightening. If events were to unfold as you outlined, there are several added factors which could modify the outcome. One is the fact that there has been a considerable amount of crossing the lines in terms of interracial marriages and relationships. Most American families have, by this point in time, become multi-ethnic to a certain extent. If you drive past a public school, you will observe any number of young people of mixed racial backgrounds. That phenomenon was actually cited as opening the door to Barack Obama's presidency, and the women, who are generally recognized in being the conscience of a nation, had a great part in this. A second civil war, while bloody and devastating, might just result in the reaffirmation of multiculturalism as a permanent ideal, as opposed to the whites winning. I say this because as with any other classification of people, white people are not monolithic. There would be many white people stepping up to the plate (myself included), and fighting for the continued rights and inclusion of people of all colors. Not all of us are on board with the militias.

    There are several possible modifiers to the outcome. If the government were to suddenly shift to a totalitarian situation, all powerful and impossible to fight, and were to impose white culture on all of the citizenry, then what you have outlined could result. We have witnessed several examples of totalitarian takeovers in recent history. This happened in Middle Eastern countries, beginning with the Iranian Revolution in the late 1970s, and in Germany beginning in the 1930s. It's why I was very uneasy during the attempted Jan. 6 coup.

    I can't imagine any US civil war scenarios without the UN or major international players becoming involved. The USA is so influential and important to every other nation on planet earth in so many ways that a civil war would disrupt the entire planet. Other nations would become involved in quelling this civil war, possibly with altruistic motives for the entire planet, or more likely acting out of self-interest to improve their own international standing. It would not only be the Europeans who became involved. One need only watch what is happening with the Russians and Ukraine to visualize what could actually unfold here.

    I don't want this to sound like a Herbert W. Armstrong scenario, and to get everyone on the same old gloom and doom trip that we left behind. If HWA had been a prophet or watchman, and if his scenario were going to happen, it would have happened already during his life and on his time table. I believe that we are on our own now, and are not required to analyze national news, and world news according to the HWA prophecy mold. So, we need to be aware of the possibility of other eventualities. Many of us began voting once again in our recovery from Armstrongism, and that's a good start. It's not my purpose to make further recommendations. I just want to reiterate that the HWA prophecy mold has proven to be both wrong and useless. It doesn't mean other bad stuff can't happen. The Germans are no longer our all-purpose antidote to every trend which falls outside of HWA's interpretation of Daniel and Revelation.

  9. Actually, cancel culture does have its
    place. Wouldn't it be nice if we could cancel Herbert Armstrong, or Garner Ted? Oh, wait, we already did that on all our favorite dissident sites. The thing is, you can cancel people from the mainstream, but the people who always idolized them will continue to idolize them, unfazed. Ron Weinland would be an example of that. He still has followers in spite of his prophecies failing and having been convicted of tax fraud.

    Dig this. Both political parties use cancel culture. One complains about it.

  10. Anonymous at 6:56 AM said...“I would suggest a moratorium on giving the RCG a presence in the media. It is a small insignificant Millerite group that does not rise to the level of the Branch Davidians. I would guess that everyone who can be rescued from the group, has been.”

    The RCG is very small, but Dave Pack is the second-worst false prophet (after Gerald Flurry) on the so-called COG scene. That makes the RCG a relatively big thing in the relatively small so-called COG world. Dave Pack has a big, flapping mouth that puts out a huge amount of evil noise.

    Some people want to know what is going on in the so-called COG scene. Guys like Mark Cebrian can keep them up to date about the ongoing RCG disaster.

    Those who are not interested in reading about a particular fraudster, such as Dave Pack, can scroll past the articles about him.

    I am pretty sure that Satan and Dave Pack would like to discourage and shut down anyone who is telling the Plain Truth (or in the RCG the Real Truth) about them.

  11. Anonymous at 10:47 AM said...“Ron Weinland would be an example of that. He still has followers in spite of his prophecies failing and having been convicted of tax fraud.”

    There have always been foolish old women who are attracted to such ex-cons spouting fiction as Ron Weinland.

  12. 11:38

    I can understand how that RCG can be a consuming issue to those who are up close and personal with this denomination. But to most of us, the RCG is small potatoes. It is a tempest in a teapot. While the events happening inside of RCG may have some marginal interest to a few, I think we are getting more data than what we really need.

    By "moratorium" I am not suggesting that reporting on the RCG cease but just be more summarized. You know, a few paragraphs a couple of times a month. I kinda figured out long ago what was going on after a couple of reports on the RCG. I think the topic can cruise for a while. Of course, if they start hoarding hand grenades, someone needs to say something right away. Personally, I don't see that time ever coming. Five years from now and 10 million words later, this will all still be going on.

  13. RCG and Dave Pack are certainly NOT "small potatoes" or a "tempest in a teapot". Dave has turned into a dangerous megalomaniac that even the citizens of Wadsworth are wary of. When his own community has danger flags up this should be a warning to us all.

    I have family members trapped in this cult and I desperately want them out. They have been ruined financially. They are close to losing the home that they worked hard for for many years. They are mentally drained by the constant lies Pack is brainwashing them with.

    I give credit to Marc for keeping the fire lit under Pack's ass. I hope he never wavers or gives up.

    Suggestion...blog topics are listed in the right-hand column. Click on what you want to read and ignore everyign about Pack. However, the more we ignore the guy the more damage he is going to cause. Do people need to die before anyone cares?
