Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, June 11, 2023

David C. Pack and members of RCG will anoint God the Father


David C. Pack Is Elijah The Prophet


The Canadian wildfires were not the only thing to sour the air of Wadsworth this week. Ever-apoplectic David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God delivered “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 447)” on June 6, 2023, to set the stage for this weekend's Ministerial Conference.


For it being a 128-minute Sit-A-Thon, you would be surprised how much you could skim past without missing anything vital. Grandpa Dave's voice turned into white noise for stretches of up to twenty minutes, which explains why the two-hour message only had a few points worth noting.


•  David C. Pack and members of RCG will anoint God the Father.

•  The shot glass four-stage Kingdom plan is back.

•  David C. Pack will die on the hill of 10-1-7-1000.

•  David C. Pack has to be Elijah the Prophet now.



David C. Pack was excited to deliver the "final" Part of the Series on Wednesday. He has perfected the method of moonwalking his own ideas while making self-separating excuses wrapped in an analogy that hides that he is making this up as he goes along.


Part 447 – June 6, 2023

@ 00:24 I wanna give an analogy here that I been planning for whenever the last sermon arrived, and it has. There’s no more time…But it's what I call "The Move Move A Rock Analogy Um.” …with all the linkage between different prophecies or different elements of prophecy, it’s like moving a rock.


@ 02:08 You hafta be exceedingly careful with what’s moved per prophecy. It's very precarious to move one event that is invariably hooked to others.


Dave tortures the brethren of The Restored Church of God for four belabored minutes just to illustrate "Prophecy is hard."


For a man in his advanced years, it is surprising how Grandpa Dave has managed to stay in such good shape considering how often he has to eat his own words. They had to install an All-You-Can-Eat buffet station in the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium.


@ 04:11 So, in the end, I believe I learned how to do that. I learned enough through the years to realize that after all is said and done, there really are four Kingdoms…it is a Kingdom to Israel, and it does precede three measures of the Kingdom of God.


Think of all the ink that had to die needlessly these past few months because the Kingdom to Israel keeps evolving. 10 days, 4 months, you cannot know, 6 months, 10 days, 29 ½ days, 1 month, does not exist separately but is part of the 1 year. And the final resting stop: 10 days.


This would not be a headliner if Dave had not committed to his own demise in the process.


@ 1:56:16 10-1-7-1000 is immutable. I will die on that hill. That’s the hill I die on. There's no way the Scriptures change, or the Sabbath can change.


Part 447 must wait in line because Grandpa Dave is already past due for fulfilling his previous self-curses. Many in the comments sections are waiting like Jonah, wondering what God will do.


Flashback Part 423 – February 25, 2023

@ 29:41 So, I wanna state one last time, unequivocally, and I’ll just absolutely die on this ground. This is the hill I die on. It is impossible that Abib does not close with the Day of the Lord.


Flashback Part 421 – February 18, 2023

@ 59:41 But it cannot change the duration of the month. I will die before I believe otherwise.


Flashback Part 389 – August 24, 2022

@ 50:46 The three-Kingdom picture anchored around Trumpets is immutable. I would die before I would give up that truth.


If you happen to be standing near Dave when you hear thunder, take at least five steps back. Traveling with him inside a flammable vehicle is also not advised. Neither is sitting next to him under heavy objects such as a safe or piano. For prudence stake, just stay clear of David C. Pack.



David C. Pack is unique among all the human beings on the face of the earth today. With two hours to fill, he cannot help but toot his own horn. He was specially chosen and trained to lead The Restored Church of God because he doodies in the toilet, not in his pants.


Part 447 – June 6, 2023

@ 1:55:30 But, the days of {my} this man’s voice have to, surely, have to fit three days ago, [Parts] 446 and 447. Christ comes and finds this man so doing. Well, guess what? The Conference is starting in two-and-a-half days. I never could figure that out.


@ 1:55:52 Turns out it looks like it's the Conference starting early in the day. That's the best I can see.


Oh boy, Dave gets to fail again in the presence of the entire field ministry as they visit Wadsworth this weekend. I wonder how many brought their notes from 2022 so they could compare just how many thick black Sharpies will be needed to blot out what did not happen last year. The pages from last year should have just been burned since none survived the twelve-month journey.


I wrote this article about the Ministerial Conference one year ago today. Even though I am only an unordained non-prophet/non-psychic, what I wrote still holds, while nothing Dave said did. That should deeply concern anyone still in The Restored Church of God.


@ 1:54:10 Ten days before Tammuz 1 is a Sabbath dusk [June 9]. If there’s more to the Mystery of God, what in the world would it be? It’s gonna take somebody a lot better than I am to figure out what it is.


Much like Rick Sanchez from Rick and Morty, alternate reality A Lot Better Dave will be opening the Ministerial Conference with a can of prophetic worms during “The Keynote Address” and “The State of the Work” to further prolong the agony for the visiting “ministers” and their wives. The cameras will not be able to capture the rolling eyes that will fill the Main Hall this week.


Hopefully, the adults learned not to slouch in their chairs so they can avoid the lions destined to eat the young people of The Restored Church of God.

@ 1:59:53 …but, we’re okay. We’ve gotta be close. We’ve gotta be close. And maybe a final test for us. And we’re told you need patience. There’s a last message.


@ 2:00:10 It could be this Sabbath. It could be the next Sabbath. It could be the one after that.


@ 2:01:16 I can’t fathom what else I could tell you. I’ve tried and scoured this for years upon years of my life. I don’t have anything else. Once that last Mystery ended, the well is dry. The cupboard is bare.


A Pathetic Update has already contradicted this. True to form, giant new information came almost immediately after Part 447…” Those attending the Ministerial Conference today will learn what else has been disavowed, undone, removed, revised, and clarified.



For those who are fascinated by the corrupted thought processes of David C. Pack, then this is for you. The chaos in his head will often spill out of his mouth spontaneously when under the right conditions. He makes a case headed in one direction but then changes trajectory mid-jump.


Multiple forces are vying for control of David C. Pack. It is not unreasonable to wonder about personality disorders, mental illness, or demonic influence.


@ 1:56:04 I’m not obliged to tell you the year.


@ 1:58:19 I’m not here to tell you the date. My job is to end the Mystery of God. And, if that’s happened, then we gotta tiny, tiny micron…it’s about to happen.


The last date announced was Tammuz 1 which begins at sunset on June 19, and Dave did not annul that in Part 447, so the countdown timer continues to run on the exrcg.org homepage.


@ 2:02:24 I’m not called to give you a date. The original prophets, I never heard any of the original prophets call out a date. None of ‘em ever did. They called out what God was gonna do. "Surely, God will do nothing, but He reveals it to His servants, the prophets." Now, the fact that He’s revealing this to me, I have to be a prophet.


David C. Pack went from not being commissioned to set dates to being a prophet within seconds. The following sentence was the only logical step since out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.


@ 2:02:57 I have to be Elijah now. Elijah comes first. He does not rise first.


This was not a planned announcement. It was utterly spontaneous, much like when Dave stated in 2014, “The Man of Sin has been revealed,” while speaking about Pope Francis. It must have been of great relief for him to just come out and say what he knew in his heart to be true all along.


Just in time for the Ministerial Conference. They will be spending the bulk of the five days discussing how to still defuse concerns when the brethren ask their local minister about “Mr. Pack being a false prophet for setting dates.” The canned go-to response has been, “Mr. Pack is not a prophet. He is telling, not foretelling. Prophesying is just teaching what the Bible says.”


Dooh! Part 447 throws those feeble excuses out the window. What the heck is Brian Jackson and Larry Cockshutt going to tell folks now? Richard Lee will be soaked in flop sweat and totally flummoxed.


Stay tuned to see if Dave moonwalks his ego-driven declaration before the “ministers” and their wives fly home Friday.



While examining the mental pathology of David C. Pack, his misspeaks are also interesting. He will sometimes say things that are true but opposite to his point. His subconscious knows who and what he is and will sometimes take over control of his mouth to say what he did not mean to say.


@ 1:58:36 I don't know how I could get it right, and I know I'm right. You can’t change any of this. I don’t know how I could be right but be wrong by the year unless, somehow, it’s on into Tammuz or something…


The truth is David C. Pack cannot and will not ever get it right.


God is not guiding him to teach any of this. The Spirit of Error drives his thinking and moves his mouth. The Pastor General is a blaspheming liar tempting God by issuing self-curses promising his own death. All the hirelings of The Restored Church of God blindly support a false prophet and false apostle.


Flashback Part 374 – June 8, 2022

@ 1:32:49 So, if it’s true that I am Elijah the Prophet now, then this is a lock for next week. It’s an absolute lock.


Flashback Part 375 – June 9, 2022

@ 14:19 I may’ve been Elijah for a week. I may’ve been Elijah since the series began for 6 2/3 years where I been explaining things…

                Flashback Part 381 – July 9, 2022

               @ 1:14:17 So, I am not Elijah the Prophet. Not now. Not ever. 

Marc Cebrian

See: David C. Pack Is Elijah The Prophet 


  1. Poor Beto Bob. Left in the dust again. Dave is Elijah and Beto is not. Always the bridesmaid and never the bride. Poor little guy!

  2. Anyone that has taken Freshman Bible class will know immediately that what Pack says is his own false interpretation of Scripture and has absolutely no relevance to the Scriptures whatsoever. Why do his fellow ministers continue to let him get by with this? Surely they know he is wrong, don't they?

  3. 4.59 pm, Dave ministers definitely know that his sermons are nonsense, but are terrified of being fired and having to get a real job.

  4. Oops! Someone wasn't tuned in to the discussion here about whether or not Father God has a body! How can you annoint a spirit??? Even if you could, wouldn't it be presumptuous for humans to annoint God?

  5. That is hilarious. David Pack with a book on childrens Bible lessons? I would let this charlatan teach my child the simplest of things. When your evil and a narcissist, you have no credibility.

  6. Money is the great equalizer ...

  7. "4.59 pm, Dave ministers definitely know that his sermons are nonsense, but are terrified of being fired and having to get a real job."

    Amen and Amen!

  8. I would assess him as being undiagnosed/untreated hyperactive/obsessive/compulsive with extreme narcissism.

  9. Amazing Jesus doesn't even know, but he does and won't tell.

  10. Moving a rock? Didn't someone already post a picture of Sisyphus rolling the stone up the hill and it rolling back down endlessly to eternity? Sisyphus Dave!

  11. undiagnosed/untreated hyperactive/obsessive/compulsive, with extreme narcissism

    Same for HWA.
    They now have good psych-meds that can slow down these runaway overachievers.
    With the correctly titrated head-meds he could have been nice old Dav running a health food store.

  12. I would tell his wife to dose him but he probably only drinks from unopened containers, and has her taste his food first in case someone wants to slip him something on the sly.
