Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, June 8, 2023

RCG's Open House - Soon to be THE talk of Wadsworth?


Open House Wider


The Restored Church of God is determined to make their Open House on June 25 THE talk of Wadsworth.


This is an utterly faithless act by David C. Pack and all the hirelings at Headquarters because the Kingdom of God is supposed to arrive on Tammuz 1 at sunset. That is Monday, June 19, to all the regular folks. He made that very clear during “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 446)” on June 3.


Furthering their efforts to get warm bodies on the Campus, RCG paid the Wadsworth Chamber of Commerce to email blast all their members this morning. 



We warmly invite you to our 2023 Community Open House on

June 25th from 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM


Come join us for our Wadsworth Community Open House. We want to help locals understand our mission and far-reaching global impact. Come see the diverse ways we help improve the lives of people of all ages and how we are committed to making a difference around the world, from right here in Wadsworth, OH.


We will offer visitors a first-hand look at our outreach and the opportunity to experience the natural beauty of our campus grounds—all of which exemplify our purpose and mission.


Guests can gather in our Hall of Administration to learn more about our international reach, youth programs, and video, print, and digital distributions.


Invitees are also welcome to enjoy our formal Grand Garden, planted each year in a different design, and our Terrace Lakes area—an arboretum of over 80 varieties of trees, many of them labeled for educational purposes. Additionally, our 100+ acre campus is open for a map-guided driving tour.


This is an event you do not want to miss!


Guests are welcome to arrive any time after 1:00 pm, with the event concluding at 5:00 pm.


(Note: This event is not a membership drive and requires no future obligation or commitment. It is simply a chance to open our campus and show the community what we do.)



“We will offer visitors a first-hand look at our outreach…” I cannot wait to hear what angle they try to sell with that one. Maybe that is code for offering folks a tour of the Print Shop. Mailing free outdated literature is not exactly setting the world on fire.


It would be fun to find out how many drafts this went through and how much blood, sweat, and tears Ed and Dr. Ranney spent to craft such an ambiguous text.


“far-reaching global impact” “improve the lives of people” “making a difference”


They sure sold me. I registered and got my electronic ticket.

This will probably be a repeat of last year, but it is worth a shot.



Brad is really taking the bull by the horns. He posted an update in the Wadsworth Facebook groups addressing questions the residents have had. Kinda. I would not be surprised if he wrote this himself. I can envision his smirk as I read the response.


It is also worth noting that he is answering some of the questions while dodging them at the same time. He is, after all, the original Enabler in Chief who knows how to fudge numbers.


Once you read the text carefully, you can smell Dave’s cologne all over it.




Hello again, Wadsworth neighbours!


I have seen quite the reaction since announcing our first Community Open House. Instead of individually addressing all the questions and comments across various groups, I've consolidated some into this post.


To begin, we've been amazed by the range of responses. Some are positive, some neutral, and others humorously conspiratorial or driven by misunderstandings/misinformation.


The central purpose of this event is to give you the chance to hear from us directly. I'd like you to please bear with the long post as I try to address some of the other most asked questions (apologies if I missed any).


Also, thanks to everyone who has registered. There's still space for those who would like to attend!




I look forward to seeing you on Sunday, June 25, 2023, from 1:00 -5:00 PM.




Q: "Why is this the first open house after over 20 years?"

A: This takes us a bit into our history. Our Pastor General, David Pack, has been part of the Wadsworth Community since 1990. His now-adult children graduated from Wadsworth High School, and he even delivered a commencement address there one year. Mr. Pack established The Restored Church of God in 1999 after his former organization altered their long-established teachings. We started small on the second floor of 1 Park Centre and expanded our office space as we grew, eventually running out of room in that building. In May 2013, we moved into our new offices at 1000 Ambassador Dr. We were essentially "under construction" until early 2020—then the pandemic hit.


Last year, we hosted our first Open House for scores of local vendors we have used in building the campus and the Chamber of Commerce, of which we are long-standing members. After the success of last year’s event, we were excited to invite the wider Wadsworth community.


Q: "Why aren't you open 24/7 like many local churches?" "Why do you have a gate?"

A: Our front gate has caused quite a stir in the community. The reality is far less intriguing. The best way to answer both these questions is to point to my description above about our need for "office space."


The facilities here at 1000 Ambassador Drive house our World Headquarters. You can think of this as our corporate campus like many organizations have nationwide. Our main building, the largest of the three, is our primary corporate office space (think information technology, website developers, accounts receivable, editorial department, etc.). Our Mail Building across the street from this building houses our print and mailing staff and printing equipment. We produce scores of books, booklets, magazines, etc., that we freely give to the public worldwide. Our Media Center contains a studio and a Media Production team that designs our publications and produces our videos.


We do have a congregation that meets weekly in our main building. This would be the closest thing to us being a traditional church in the local community. We also have more traditional-looking congregations in over 70 countries worldwide, with local ministers supporting them. Our corporate facilities in Wadsworth are the main support hub to facilitate, maintain, and produce materials for our members worldwide and the public.


Q: "Why are you requiring registration?" "Why are there tickets?"

A: The registration helps us anticipate attendance and communicate updates. None of the information is used for any other purposes. We adhere to a strict non-solicitation policy, following the biblical principle of "freely received, freely give."


Q: "What has your church done for the community?"

A: Once again, this is our global headquarters; however, this open house is our attempt to engage more with the local community. Our primary efforts over the last two-plus decades have been on our national and international work and presence. That said, local members live and work here, and our young people have attended Wadsworth's excellent public schools for the last two decades.


Further, we strive to improve the properties and homes we have purchased to reflect the quality we see in God. Through our efforts, property values have significantly increased, and many have remarked on how much they appreciate driving by or seeing the beautiful space when visiting neighbouring stores and residences. The transformation of the valley behind the houses along 261 was much hard work, but this hidden gem needs to be seen to be believed.


(While it is public record, it may help to know that we also pay property taxes on all our residential homes and most of our corporate campus.)


Q: "What about your teaching on…."

A: Although the Bible prohibits Christians from debating or answering accusations, our theological positions on numerous subjects (supported by Bible verses) are publicly available on our website (https://rcg.org/).


Q: "Will you be serving Kool-Aid?"

A: We'll have bottled water as it is a healthier alternative to Kool-Aid. 


Q: "Can I do photoshoots here?"

A: We've accommodated about a half dozen photoshoot requests and will continue to do so when possible.


Q: "Is the press welcome to film this open house?"

A: This event is primarily for the local community, not the press. However, media outlets are welcome to contact us through our usual channels. (It may be worth noting that we have not had any local press reach out to us in the last year.)


Q: "Where are you located?"

A: We're at 1000 Ambassador Drive in Wadsworth, just past Giant Eagle. And once again, don't forget to register at: https://2023-rcg-open-house.eventbrite.com


Thank you again, and I look forward to seeing you on June 25, 2023!



“There's still space for those who would like to attend!”


There is TONS of space left. Why else would they pay for an email blast?


“We were essentially ‘under construction’ until early 2020—then the pandemic hit.”


That is not true. There has been some form of construction on the Campus, but nothing that kept an Open House from being done. Nobody will tour the Agriculture Center or the cabins by Mirror Lake. The main part of the Campus that will be toured has been completed long before 2020.


we hosted our first Open House for scores of local vendors…and the Chamber of Commerce”


Scores? That is a Dave-word. And that is pretty vague. According to David C. Pack, "a good hundred" came out of the 1300 who were invited. It is hard to imagine anyone being excited by that kind of turnout.


“Our Media Center contains a studio”


A studio that has not been used since 2017. The video department only produces Sabbath Services. The last time public video content was created in the Media Center was in October 2022. Even David C. Pack’s messages are not edited. Someone hits Record. Someone hits Stop. Then, they post it to Member Services as is.


“Our primary efforts over the last two-plus decades

have been on our national and international work and presence.”


Brad really means, "We have a website, and it just sits there." There is no Work going on with The Restored Church of God. The work and presence is pampering David C. Pack’s ego while they all pretend the man is not mentally deteriorating as his failed prophetic teachings pile sky high. His doctrines bounce back and forth faster than a Ping-Pong match. And Brad knows all of this.



If Dawn Blue and I are not able to attend (she also got her ticket), then we will be across the street on June 25 to count how many show up for the Open House. Plus, we plan on doing live on-site updates posted to social media.


For those interested in joining us, please write exrcgwebsite@gmail.com.

Marc Cebrian

See: Open House Wider


  1. Taken at face value, it sounds like a pretty cool event. Unfortunately, I know what they teach, and how it is enforced, and that is what makes it ugly.

  2. That dude is a natural politician. He doesn't really answer the questions, but deflects and changes the subject. I'm still wondering why there is a gate.

  3. Clearly, this will be Wadsworth's ONE LAST CHANCE to enter the Kingdom of God, after it arrives at RCG HQ days earlier.

    Once those gates are shut... ooh boy...

  4. Id rather go to an "open house" at ALCATRAZ than Pack's nuthouse!

  5. Doesn't the OPULENCE of campus/housing/horse stables shout "Laodicean"??

  6. Did you see on one of bible study videos the cameras went to wide-shot and there were only like a dozen attending, all hunched up close to the DCP desk for the usual camera tight-shot!!

  7. Brad/Dave writes, "further, we strive to improve the properties and homes we have purchased to reflect the quality of God".

    That might be one if the most arrogant statements I have ever read. I know HWA was the first to pretend that it's a Biblical idea, but he lied. Again. Then Pack and Flurry parroted that same line, but I would ask them this..How on earth do you have any idea how to reflect the quality of God? What a disgusting thing to say. Disgusting. Nothing more than an excuse to buy the best whatever using other people's money.

    To equate Almighty God with the notion of having Stueben chrystal, gold flatware and perfectly manicured lawns to reflect His quality is to lower Him to our human, imperfect nature. This is sickening and proves they have absolutely no idea Who they claim to represent.

  8. I don't know, I got a bad feeling about this. He's not stable. What if he locks everybody in? I don't know.

  9. Will you be serving Kool-Aid?

    LOL!!! Not sure they got the reference to that one or not.

  10. I like what Tonto said :)

  11. Me too, Tonto. 2 prisons.
    Alcatraz you understand it is a prison. The other is a front, a false projection.
    Like Epstein Island

  12. I get it -
    Jim Jones, Jonestown,
    slowly brainwashed them to commit suicide, even practicing. Outsiders were a threat. When people wanted to leave the cult, the were trapped. People inside the cult were murdered drinking the poison. Their families
    outside the cult tried to rescue them through the government. Jim Jones had them shot. Jim Jones even had sex with the wives of the men in there. He started that before they left for Jonestown. He brainwashed his wife to approving it. He would tell her when it would happen with his wife in the house when it happened. As long as she knew, then it was okay because "he was a prophet called by God."
    During a closed church service, Jim Jones had the women stand up in church who had sex with him because in their minds they thought he was called by God

  13. I was so horrified about Jonestown, I read a very thick book about Jim Jones of his life from beginning to end. I wanted to recognize the signs and where the closed services to the public lead with the secrecy. I know what is waiting for those people at Petra who go there with cult people and leadership. You will be trapped with insane people and no escape. The children will be beat up. They tell who can have children and who can't. They will have guns to shoot you if you try to escape. They will shoot your relatives and government authorities who try to intervene. The leadership will tell them "being persecuted is proof I am right-- only we have been called by God and know the truth.". It will be another bloody clean up.

  14. Look, I don't know that you can compare an ACOG and its leaders to Jim Jones and Jonestown, or David Koresh and WACO. That seems somewhat like an apples to oranges comparison, a bit hyperbolic, and it misses the mark. However, what I have said for years is that I personally would not want to go to Petra or any other Armstrongite place of "safety", because once these leaders are off by themselves, they will govern by the only example they have ever truly followed, and that is Old Testament Law. Once they are not restrained by the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, they will most likely revive stonings and other cruel and unusual punishments for failure to kow tow to them and obey in every small detail. There will be no such thing as freedom of speech, due process, trial by a jury of one's peers, private property, your right to bear arms, freedom from illegal search and seizure, etc. Once they are no longer restricted to administering the relatively light weight form of punishment of disfellowshipment, they will pattern their absolute authority after their favorite part of the Bible!

    As strange as this might seem, those in power in an ACOG actually restrain themselves now, in their everyday behavior towards the members. Today, they simply gaslight you, and attempt to coerce you out of all but a bare subsistence portion of your net worth. They make many of your personal choices regarding types of attire, their idea of acceptable grooming, general category and color of car it is acceptable for you to drive, and with whom you may develop close personal relationships. Unrestrained, they will take these things to much more extreme, and will begin to do as they always have wished that they would be able to do.

    If there ever is a Petra, it will be bad, and nightmarish not so much in a Jonestown, Waco, or Heaven's Gate fashion. It will be hellish in pre-Constitution, pre-Magna Carta ways. And, the members will consent to this, believing that it is simply God's government on Earth. There will be those who are happy about it, and thrive under it, until the badness affects them personally. I do not believe in British Israelism, German Assyrianism, or the HWA prophecy mold. But, hypothetically, I would take my chances with the Germans rather than submit to these religious zealots and cretins.

    My wishes would be that somehow, what I have written above could be read and known to all of those who will be attending the RCG open house, so that they can realize that something that has been made to appear as if it were paradise really is not paradise. This is no Disneyland. Not even!

    1. Armstrongism would definitely promote stoning causing immediate fear & intimidation & submission.

  15. ..there were only like a dozen attending, all hunched up close to the DCP desk for the usual camera tight-shot!!

    Imagine if the WCG mother church had survived, diminished but intact (lol)
    Would they darken the back seats of HWA's ambitious Auditorium (lol)
    only allowing close-in shots of the pitiful attendance (lol)
    given that his following had been decimated by relentless criticism (lol)
    just like now at the 10,000 seat Faith Dome across town in La La Land (lol)

  16. I wrote more about Jonestown which was true edited out NOT by me.
    When sick minds coerce people that they are the only ones hearing from God, more follows sexually. Husbands handed their wives over to the leader when he lusted after them and the men stopped protecting their wives, marriages, & children. Everyone knew & understood these new rules.

  17. No one is allowed to tell me what color to dress in or not to put color on or make up or the color car to drive. As long as a woman don't wear dippy shirts, God gave women creativity and created color to enjoy.

  18. No one is telling me who to be friends with or to cut off my family. As long as they don't promote alcoholism and drugs and an alternative lifestyle, I will love and be friends with whomever I choose. Jesus trained people & then sent them out of the church to set people free who wanted to be set free trapped in addictions. Cult leaders promote the opposite of Jesus stealing their minds and resources to do that.

  19. It does not miss the mark. If you read the book about Jim Jones, it clearly shows the step by step by step mind control. Armstrongism definitely reminded me of those steps having attended there. I woke up early and exited before they could do real damage. It was because I read my Bible every day, the Holy Spirit was able to get me out. Holy Spirit's voice is stronger.

  20. Brad/Dave writes, "further, we strive to improve the properties and homes we have purchased to reflect the quality of God".

    The Pack compound is a man made manicured, over managed menagerie, as was Ambassador HQ. The quality of God is not manifested by manipulated nature by man. It is found in such pristine places as Yosemite, Yellowstone or any national park.

  21. Ambassador College actually violated the laws of nature, in that they had non-native plant species throughout the campus. The stream, though scenic and beautiful, was artificial. I personally found this artificiality to be a profound metaphor for the people and the philosophy which was taught there. I often thought of a phrase Jesus used. What was it? Uh, "whitened sepulchre"!
