Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, June 2, 2023

UCG Has Discussion On The Most Astounding Gospel Witness Ever For A Church of God!


One would think in 2023 with all the homelessness, broken families, food disparity, and other societal issues that face the neighbors of the United Church of God and its members, that a UCG would step up to the plate and make a public proclamation that as a church they would help bring relief and kindness to people so in need of it. Sure they have Kubik's pet charity to make them look good, but as a church getting involved in their local communities should be a priority. What better way to witness for the gospel than that!

The Council of Elders met recently and they had a long discussion. Not about helping others and showing God's grace and mercy, but about whether or not they need an official church logo. WTH?

President Shabi began by giving a quick background of the logo history and issues. Sense (sic) the new logo was rescinded at the February 2023 meetings, the administration has worked together to assess the problem. He added that after much consideration he has concluded that UCGIA does not need a physical symbol to represent the Church. Moving forward the administration and staff have discussed ways in which artistic design can be utilized to bring unity to our different forms of media. He feels that those ways will actually be more effective than a logo. President Shabi then stated that this is where we are, and then opened the floor for further discussion, questions and suggestions.

Then, the next day they brought it up AGAIN!

Chairman Martin called the Council to order and then turned the floor over to Clint Porter to address the follow-up discussion concerning a Church logo.

Mr. Porter began by explaining how the Media and Communications Services department can bring unity across the UCGIA platform without the use of a logo. He then demonstrated how this can be accomplished through the use of text type, color schemes and wording. He presented the “NC State University” website as an example of how this can be achieved. After a quick demonstration, Mr. Porter opened the floor for comments, suggestions and concerns. After a further discussion addressing a few questions and concerns, Mr. Porter then turned the floor back over to Mr. Martin.



  1. They are detached from the basic needs around them in the community. They are blind to people that need help -- probably because they can't make money off them which is the demon mamon (greed) in operation. They are concerned with outward appearances. Jesus said, "By their fruit you will know them."

  2. Anonymous said...
    1 In the beginning was THE LOGO, and THE LOGO was with God, and THE LOGO was God.

    2 THE LOGO was in the beginning God.

    3 All things were plastered by it; and without THE LOGO was not anything plastered with it that was not plastered with it.

    4 In THE LOGO was strife; and the strife was the main concern of the council.

    5 And THE LOGO shineth in darkness; and no one ever heard of it nor did they comprehended it not.

    6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was Clint .

    7 The same came for a witness, to bear witness of THE LOGO, that all men through him might believe THE LOGO was THE NUMBER ONE CONCERN OF THE CHURCH.

  3. The UCG logo looks like a DEAD PLANET irradiated of all life and water! It centers on Rome as a matter of fact, which is interesting , considering the UCG is very anti catholic.

    Instead of a green, blue, beautiful planet , the UCG logo, frankly, makes the Earth look like a TURD , and having NO logo is certainly a good idea.

    It is my understanding that Lifenets is a stand alone independent agency. Kubik is no longer the head of the UCG and is retired, nor is he the President of Lifenets, but rather his wife. UCG has its own outreach org. called GOOD WORKS.

    1. Don't hold back now "Tonto".....overdosing on the pessimism, negative, negative, negative.....

    2. Clearly out of touch NO2HWA with what happened over the new UCG logo.

  4. Tonto has common sense. His comments are very relevant.

    1. Why assume Connie opps Tonto is a he ?

  5. The UCG is where unrepentant, unconverted unbelievers go to behave very badly and do evil to other people while playing church. The world does not need the UCG and its godless, wicked, and malicious people.

  6. Nobody is interested in the UCG. People in the world seem to know that the UCG will introduce them to godless weirdos, waste their time, and try to get their money. People in the world actually have better people to meet, better uses for their time, and better uses for their money. They really have no use for a godless disaster like the UCG.

  7. The UCG: A godless and boring SCAM.

    No wonder it is having trouble attracting new suckers.

  8. I see the COGWA members are out in full force. Likely the same person trying to sound different three different times.

  9. 3:42 PM,
    Bored UCGer out with no force?
