Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, July 25, 2023




  1. You have to joke about everything, don't you! This is serious business, your salvation is on the line because of what you post. I would repent while you still have time.

  2. I was talking with a local church elder in the WCG some years back who was a salesman. He said that there was something about being a salesman that was dark. It involved the idea of one fallible human being persuading another fallible human being to believe something and act on that belief. I also recall someone down in Big Sandy saying that they were trying to keep the errant GTA away from HWA because GTA was so persuasive and it would lead to bad outcomes. And, of course, at the center of the fall of man was the event where Adam and Eve believed a sales pitch.

    I used to speak at WCG church services and now regret it. I stood at a pulpit and tried to sell people on ideas that I now know were incorrrect. I did not know any better and believed what I was saying. My belated personal reformation doesn't change past results. Exhortation and homiletics have their place. But both are easily corruptible.

  3. REPENT!!! For the kingdom of God is STILL at hand!

  4. So which one is DOPEY -- Pack , Flurry, Thiel , Cox or Weinland??

    Maybe ALL of them!
