Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Sicko COG Prophet Says He Is Praying For Shooting Victim Families While His Own Followers Desecrate Dead Children's Bodies


Today, the Great Prophet of doom and gloom is bemoaning the latest shootings in Philadelphia and says the families are in his prayers. 

Would you really want the prayers of a man who has followers who dig up dead children and desecrate their bodies for witchcraft rituals?

Armstrongism gets sicker by the day and yet it complains about the world around them.

We continue to see corruption as well as shootings and other terroristic acts–and these are not just from people the government categorizes as terrorists. 
Consider also the following prophecy for the last days: 
1 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, (2 Timothy 3:1-4). 
We are in “the last days.” We are in what Jesus referred to in Matthew 24:4-8 as the “beginning of sorrows.” 
A worse time of ‘tribulation‘ is coming (Matthew 24;21-22) and is getting closer. 
But, ultimately, there will be good news. Jesus will return and the millennial Kingdom of God will be established, and violent crime will be stopped. 
Pray for that Kingdom to come (Matthew 6:10). 
The families of those affected by this shooting are also in my prayers.

But, why should the Great Bwana Mzungu Bob Thiel really care? After all, as three different people responded to the article yesterday stating that the children were already dead, so who cares. Armstrongism at its finest.


  1. None of the acog's endorse or say prayers for others outside their cult. Bob is gas-lighting here to defer the attention away from his ghoulish church onto this shooting.

  2. I covet the prayers from anyone who wants to pray for me, BUT I would NOT want this man praying for me or my family. At this point in what we know about him, he might be calling down demons with those prayers.

  3. You can't hold Bob accountable for the things his followers do, especially those thousands of miles away.

  4. Like nearly everyone else in Armstrongism, his brain has been messed with for decades so that he is absolutely incapable of breaking free from all the canned responses, shibboleths, and molds established by HWA.

    In a multitude of counsel lies safety, but these tin-horn, dime store deputies have no knowledgable advisers who could provide the optimal way of navigating through the outrageous situations they get themselves into, like witch doctors in their congregations. So, as gods unto themselves, they work with their best-guesses, and bias-confirmation prayers. Bob Thiel is in way over his head, so he deflects to an insidious national news cycle when he's got an existential threat ongoing in his own domain. Unbelievable! If he were truly a prophet, he would see what we foresee for his CCOG. And it's not as if we are prescient. His future is perfectly obvious!

  5. "You can't hold Bob accountable for the things his followers do, especially those thousands of miles away."

    This is the same kind of sick mentality that allowed Herbert Armstrong to gloss over sick abuses in the WCG. No one at the higher levels of the church ever thought they were accountable for their follower's actions.

  6. You can't hold Bob accountable for the things his followers do, especially those thousands of miles away.

    Not unless Bob has endorsed those followers. And in this case they aren't just followers, they are ministers. Bob has endorsed his ministers in Malawi, and when told of their evildoing Bob has instead attacked those who told him the truth. More than that, but Bob has not just endorsed his African ministers, he has sent money that supports their activities.

    Yes, Bob has made himself accountable through his words and actions.

  7. The future of thiel is the lake of fire.The evidence is there for his small membership to see.

    If bob had a hundred members and half of them got caught at a wife swapping party, would bob do anything?

  8. I Truly lost Respect for Bob Thiel, when he covered up for Evans Ocheing and Radson Mulozowa/ according to scriptures we are supposed to defend the innocent and protect the abused, not turn a blind eye or be willingly ignorant, he talks about following God's Government in the Church, but when the top Leader can't even make a common sense decision, and listens to One Man that has not been truthful to him on many things; that Leader is disqualified and is rejected according to God's Law/ when the Head is sick the whole Body Suffers/ The Spirit says the Great Hoax of the Open door to Africa will be brought to Nothing and the Mantle has been passed/ God's will be Done and Righteousness will Prevail. Terry Nelson

    1. No wonder they only have about 5 or 10 Americans supplying all the $$$.

      It's been said that in coming years, membership will increase if any prophetic E.U. predictions come to pass. How can Philadelphia have 5 or 10 supporting the entire final phase...

  9. He'd probably think it was a worse crisis if a group of his Caucasians got caught watching the Super Bowl!

  10. "If bob had a hundred members and half of them got caught at a wife swapping party, would bob do anything?"

    He already has followers with multiple wives.

  11. Had to Laugh, when I published Radson Mulozowa with his New Wife or One of his Mistresses, clearly showing the woman laying with her head on Radsons lap with Radson cupping her Breasts; Guess what Bob Thiel said, Oh that's nothing their just Cousins, Yeah right Bobby , Kissing Cousins; I mean who's that Blinded, but now we know the Witch Doctors are working overtime with their Mind Stupidity Curses

  12. When Eli the Priest, in OT Israel tried covering up for his lecherous sons, he was cursed and died by falling and breaking his neck.

    1. Totally incorrect "Tonto". Eli died from falling off a stool as he waited in the outside gates for the Ark of the Covenant to be brought back from a battle.
      The news that Israel army had fallen and the Ark had been taken was such a shock Eli fell off his stool and died.

  13. Dear Bob:

    Which is worse, digging up dead twins corpses for witchcraft purposes, or watching an NFL football game with your son, eating some potato chips and having some soda???

  14. Tonto asked Bwana Bob:

    Which is worse, digging up dead twins corpses for witchcraft purposes, or watching an NFL football game with your son, eating some potato chips and having some soda?

    Actions speak louder than words. None of Bob's money has ever supported the watching of NFL football or the eating of junk food. By contrast, some of Bob's money has supported grave robbing.

    Furthermore, Bob can't back down now, having defended Radson and his crew. If Bob was wrong about Radson, what else might he have been wrong about? And what kind of a prophet would Bob be if he could be so wrong?

    1. They say a junk food fanatic died at their feast in Tennessee

  15. How do we know that they were three different people or that they were Armstrongists?

  16. "How do we know that they were three different people or that they were Armstrongists?"

    What the hell are you even talking about? If you are going to respond to a comment, quote it so people know what you are referring to. Apparently, that is too much to ask.

  17. Better to do something practical than to pray (and act pious). Bob should raise the shooting victims from the dead. That's what Jesus would have done. Where is his faith?
