Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

COG Absurdities: Men, When Your Wives Are Rebellious, Spank Them!


Back in the 50s, husbands did a lot of things for which they would be arrested today. In my working-class neighborhood, it was common for a guy to get drunk after work and then beat his wife after he got home.   

I remember hearing an old sermon tape where Rod Meredith related that some WCG ministers actually spanked their wives! (RCM received the nickname“Spanky” because of his obsession with spankings.).

I don't remember Rod naming those ministers who spanked their wives. Does anyone in Banned know which of these WCG leaders practiced corporal punishment on their wives?
Wes White


  1. If more men in the church kept their wives in line and under submission the church would have fewer problems.

    Proverbs 21:9 — Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.

    Proverbs 21:19 — Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and nagging wife.

  2. Well, if you are going that route…if more men in the church acted like masculine men instead of the weak emasculated ones we see today maybe us women would be more understanding. I’ll just leave it at that.

  3. Hey, if the old man comes home drunk, or fooling around, or blew the grocery money on gambling, would it be OK if the wife spanked the husband?

    Inquiring minds need to know!

  4. Using the fucking bible to justify violence against the weaker sex is fucked up as are the armstrongist who expound this point of view. Spanky did say he spanked his daughter and wife as I recall.

  5. What if you like being spanked?

  6. 12.06, hey troll guy, it's you who needs to be spanked.

  7. Our whole family was in WW back in the 60s. My grandmother had told me that my grandfather spanked her.

  8. Hey 12.06..... Proverbs quoted does not say to keep "their wives in line and under submission". Bend over.

  9. I have never been in any Armstrong group, thank God, so I cannot speak to men, so called, spanking women.

    However. Anon @ 12:06, you are a nasty piece of work and I pity your wife (assuming you could even attract a woman given your nature). God help you repent and cherish the women in your life. You wouldn't be here sharing your "godly character" and "manhood" without one.

  10. I think one if the problems people have with Bob Thiel is that he presents as a weak man. There is not much that is truly masculine about him. He comes across with feminine characteristics at times that is a huge turnoff. I am surprised Meredith tolerated him at times.

  11. No minister in the WCG that I know ever advocated spanking your wife when I was there.

    Nevertheless, we need a new way to get women under control. Right now the matriarcy is robbing us of everything we worked our whole lives for. Until the problem is fixed, I avoid women like the plague.

  12. You old timers are fighting some old war from 50 years ago.

  13. Most likely, wife-spanking was relatively rare in the WCG. I never knew of any such instances in our region. I did know of a lot of arguments and anger. In my house, growing up, there was constant anger, mostly at us kids, but also terrible arguments between the parents.

    There is a reason why God says provoke not a child to anger. If you do, that anger becomes embedded behavior. Explosive tempers are not a joke! Unbridled, it can cause violent and criminal behavior. We are not born with explosive tempers. They are taught by example, or caused by continued injustice and overkill. Sometimes anger is copied, because the copier mistakes the anger for strength. it is not. Strength is being able to educate someone out of a mindset calmly and logically

  14. No one is going to mention the GTA sermons about spanking wives? yeah, number 2 himself recommended it, look into it. By number two, i mean shit. Grand theft asshole.

  15. Years ago I came across a sermon given by either Garner Ted or Richard Armstrong that advocated spanking your wife. I don't know if it's still out on the web somewhere or not. Maybe someone else who reads this blog would know.

  16. I have posted this WCG ministerial quote before on Banned but it is relevant to this topic and specifically to Mr. Wes White's request to name names regarding leaders practicing corporal punishment. So, I will re-post it.

    I don't know if this WCG minister himself practiced it, but he did preach using violence against a rebellious wife. In a sermon given by WCG Preaching Elder Vince Panella to the Baltimore Maryland WCG local congregation on the subject of marriage, Mr. Panella answered his own rhetorical question by stating:

    "What do you do with a rebellious wife? YOU RAPE HER!"


  17. Many women, in what appears to be perfect church marriages, are deeply unhappy. And that is a root cause of much of ACOG problems.
    Women are treated as 'Stepford wives' an illusion that fools none anymore.
    Men with unbalanced marriages, living like demigods thinking church members will not hold them accountable for anything.

  18. I don't know of any such ridiculousness.............because the Church was in line with AMERICAN CULTURE in the '50s en '60s

    Also regarding Child Rearing.
    The USA is one of the few countries to not have signed the International Charter regarding corporal punishment on Children.

    And the ridiculous racism so prevelant in the USA and fueled by British Class system when early sixties the Bricket Wood Campus opened and Church Culture changed radically from the former.........


  19. Several decades ago, there was no such thing, speaking from a legal standpoint, as spousal rape. That's the way the law was. Womens' rights are recognized and protected by law in our current times in a way that they were not back during the classic WCG era.

    Even if they were not, and even if there never were any rape or spankings in the church, any man who practices what he learned in sabbath services and the church publications about how to treat his wife will most definitely ruin their sex life, and what it could have been. There is a psychology behind sexual behavior in happy marriages, and the ACOGs never fully understood it. They just wanted to make sure that the men ruled the roost as opposed to sharing in a partnership.

    This was yet another amongst many church-caused problems in the lives of the observant ones. Most likely, the Laodiceans had much better marriages and sex lives due to their lack of diligence.

  20. I am not an expert or proven success in family relations so I hesitate to enter into the fray. But to me the idea of a man spanking his wife is odious. Spanking as a methodology has long been acceptable when used by adults to discipline children. So spanking per se cannot be indicted. But to use spanking in dealing with your wife is to not only discipline but to humiliate. It states implicitly that the wife does not have mature faculties of reason so corporeal punishment has to be used as if she is immature like a child.

    It is really odd how conservative religions resurrect sociological barbarism in the form or racism, patriarchy, hawkish military policies, isolationism and misogyny. But some people want to live in that deplorable zone. And, oddly, they want to claim that this is their NT praxis. They think of themselves as rugged individualists who stand firm for the faith but they are just sad, loveless clowns.


  21. Some years back, Leona Mc Nair told me in a telephone conversation that Roderick Meredith had a large collection of sado-masochist pornography. So, it's no wonder he was obsessed with spanking.

  22. Rod Meredith got most of his porn from Le Sexxe Shoppe in Old Town Pasadena. This porn shop was frequented by many from the college and church. It’s fine upscale today as an adult store. Before it was a seedy place with cubicles in the back room where all kinds of activities went on.

  23. End the matriarchy!

    Ministers always kiss up to the women. If feeds their hero complex.

  24. Did Meredith ever use any of those cubicles?

  25. I would never spank my wife! Instead I use my husbandly authority to commander her to spank me!

  26. I just stumbled across a YouTube video labelled "Dan Rogers - the Adventist roots of Grace Communion international." It 95% plus about HWA. At the 52 minute mark it states that Herb copied and pasted everything taught by Greenbury G, Rupert, an a 30 year minister of the Seventh Day Adventists. Nothing that Herb taught was original, yet he claimed in his autobiography that all his theology came straight from Christ Himself.
    It's worth having a look at, and the best part starts at about the 45 minute mark.
    I'm not a members of GCI, and I don't agree with what they teach.

  27. "because the church was in line with AMERICAN CULTURE in the '50s en '60s"

    If those of you who grew up in other parts of the world had seen what total pariahs and outsiders we Armstrongites actually became when we joined up, you would realize that your little bit of nonsense there is not only diametrically opposite to the truth, and absolutely ridiculous, but also very hurtful that anyone other than the most savage ACOG minister could even make such a lying statement!

    I'd say more, but don't wish to sink to a xenophobic level.

  28. August 16

    Everythig about Armatrongism was rooted in AMERICAN CULTURE

    The spanking, ALL the PT articles were in line with US Foreign Policy.
    The Thai King, The Phillipine leader, The Jordan Court ALL AMERICAN and British subjects and citizens even

    Even Haile Selassies Father had visited THE CHURCH OF GOD in the USA early 1900 hundreds

    even the word FUNDAMENTALISM is an AMERICAN word from during the 1930 time period when WCG/RCG came to rise. ALL HWA early writing were rooted in the FUNDAMENTALISM CREED that OPPOSED DARWINISM.

    European Unification.......An American FOREIGN POLICY Project also instigated by the HALF AMERICAN Winston Churhill..

    Guess what the World Tomorrow Programs advertising sponsored and payed for the CIA Radio Swan which was pivotal in the Bay of Pigs invasion Cuba..

    Guess what The World Tomorrow advertising payed for the CIA pirate ships spreading American culture through poplar music and loose morals.....prompting the British Goverment to Act n 1967

    Anders Breivik quoted GTA on Europe....

    I wish to say more but....

    Frankly August 16 YOU DO KNOW NOTHING.....


  29. nck, based on your spelling errors, grammatical faux pas, punctuation, and sentence structures, English was not your first language. I'm being kind. It is also possible that you are not blessed with even average intelligence.

    To determine who or what is winning, I deal in percentages. Those of us who grew up in Armstrongism know from attending public schools what is mainstream American culture. We were not it! We weren't the Leave it to Beaver families, or straight out of "Father Knows Best!" We
    were swimming against the mainstream. Who of our classmates had horrible black and blue welts from belts, paddles, and spatulas in the shower after Phys Ed? Who else sat in the principal's office during the Christmas pageant while even the Jewish kids attended. Who got answers marked wrong on Biology and Science tests for being witness to "the truth through our answers. Who could not be on the sports teams because the games and meets were on the sabbath? Who was forbidden to participate in American musical culture, as in rock n roll?
    Who got called "lesbian" because she couldn't wear cosmetics? Who had to make spectacles out of themselves by being forced to ask to be exempted from vaccinations? Who could not wear the latest fashions until two years after they passed, when they were finally available at thrift stores, due to parental tithing? Who was cut out from discussions about popular TV programs because HWA forbade "ready made daydreams"?

    No, I'll stick with my experiences rather than your revisionism and whitewashing. And when we teenagers got together at SEP, guess what? We compared notes and found out that everyone else was living through the same nonmainstream crap. Until we actually met some of them, some of us admired the Imperial School kids, because going to a separatist high school made all the community weirdness normal.

  30. Sounds, like American Fundamentalism to me.... A label stuck on the Taliban by Americans because they interpret the World in Their fashion........

  31. My ex mother-in-law (a long time COG member) told me that her husband did spank her. And when she complained about it to their minister he told her “she probably dissevered it”. Her son (my ex husband) told me the same thing.. and did beat me and the kids. Same with my ex brother-in-law (not a COG member). He also spanks his wife.

    Spanking is learned behaviour. And there’s always men that wil use anyting as an excuse, even their religion

  32. It's just horrible how this crazy stuff can warp people for life! To survive my WCG childhood, I had to convince myself that I enjoyed the pain, and years after leaving the church, I'd occasionally have my girlfriend spank me with my belt. She was afraid of retaliation at first, but warmed up to it when she realized that I liked it. She actually got pretty skilled at it. For all I know, she might be spanking whoever she's now with. Heh heh. Armstrongism. the gift that just keeps on giving!
